The reaction to PS Plus ebbs-and-flows depending on the lineup. For example, the vast majority of subscribers were pretty happy with Deep Rock Galactic, DIRT 5, and Persona 5 Strikers last month – all decent, recommended games. The response to February 2022’s PS Plus lineup, with UFC 4 and Planet Coaster as the headliners, has been less positive. But we really need to talk about Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep.
We rarely ever comment on PS Plus because the lineups are usually subjective, and we think the service represents pretty good value for money on the whole. It’s not perfect, and can be improved – we’re hopeful the rumoured Project Spartacus will refine things and take the subscription to the next level. But we’re writing this article because we do think, on this occasion, Sony has genuinely missed the mark.
This isn’t a slight against Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, which by all accounts is a pretty good Borderlands 2 DLC, and we hope many of you will download it and enjoy it. But its inclusion represents a pretty significant value drop for Sony’s service. The standalone version of this 2013 expansion, which is what’s being offered here, retails on the PS Store for just £7.99/$9.99, so already we’re talking about a massive drop-off compared to last month’s PS4 games, which were two full-priced retail releases.
However, it’s made worse by the fact that just over two years ago, Sony gave away Borderlands: The Handsome Collection – an enormous compilation bundle which includes Borderlands 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and, you guessed it, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. Now we appreciate not all of you may have been subscribed to PS Plus in June 2019, but we’re sure you can acknowledge the gulf in value being offered here.
We’ve always recognised that PS Plus is used as a marketing tool, and that’s fine: titles like Rocket League have benefitted from the audience exposure, while it’s always been nice to get a game months before its sequel releases. But in promoting the upcoming Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, Sony is short-changing its subscribers here. It could have at the very least offered the entire Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for a second time, which can be purchased for peanuts these days anyway.
It’s not the end of the world by any stretch, but this does deserve calling out. We want PS Plus to be the best it possibly can be, and we want subscribers to get the most out of it. Sony rarely drops the ball to this extent, so hopefully we can put it down to a lapse in judgement. But it needs to be reiterated that February 2022’s PS Plus update, regardless of your own personal opinion, falls short of the service’s established high standards.
What do you make of this month’s PS Plus update, and do you think Sony’s dropped the ball? Make an assault on Dragon Keep – otherwise known as PlayStation HQ – in the comments section below.
Comments 104
Sony has a no duplicate ps+ games policy and technically tiny tina didn’t break it. Giving away the handsome collection would’ve broken it.
But TBF they also have a 75/100 minimum metacritic average score policy which has been broken countless times.
I think Godfall has started a worrying trend that Tiny Tina is continuing.
Unfortunately Sony 'dropping the ball'isnt all that rare anymore, particularly with plus. The godfall ***** edition comes to mind
@darkswabber - They already gave the Handsome Collection so technically it's a dupe.
They’ve given us standalone DLC‘s before and then never a good idea. Because they assume a skill level based on you having played the game the Game they are a DLC for. But I think this is the first time they’ve given you the game and the DLC and then in the later month just for DLC on its own.
The fact that Godfall Trial Edition went through even after all the backlash was a horrible sign. And then this? Yeah. This is really not looking good. Considering the cost of PS+, we should get some higher priced/praised games. Giving a Trial Edition, and then a cheap DLC, even if its good really isn't okay.
Cheaper games are fine to give away IF the quality is justified for it. And while Tiny Tina may be good, like mentioned, it's been part of The Handsome Edition before. But again, its a flipping DLC. Good marketing for Gearbox though with the upcoming game. But really, really poor look on Sony.
This is the standalone version, it's a different game than Borderlands 2. This is not like Left Behind or Undead Nightmare where the "standalone" version is the same version as the DLC version.
I can't wait to play it.
Very valid take from Sammy. I for one am in complete agreement. I’m becoming increasingly happy that I didn’t renew my last subscription. I don’t play online and the games they’re offering simply don’t appeal to me. Sure, I miss out on the PS5’s collection of PS4 titles, but I own most of them anyway.
if people wanted to play godfall that badly they would have gotten it by now. if you are waiting for godfall to be on ps+ you don't really want to play it that badly. that's pretty much how i see it. they pretty much gave you the best content the game offered , which is the end game stuff anyways. with out having to grind though the boring parts of the game.
As far as a DLC promotion to hype up a sequel, 2K actually gave away the DLC “Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary” for free to everyone several weeks before the release of Borderlands 3. So it seems a little lame for Sony to count this as one of their offerings on their paid service.
@darkswabber That 75/100 policy is LONG gone.
Though personally I still see value in PS+
A few good games a year, a few useful features like cloud backup but mostly for the PS+ deals which usually save me more per year than the sub.
I just want indies.
It saves me a tenner on Tiny Tina so I'm still happy enough.
Sony can't really afford for PS+ to diminish in value, particularly with the threat of one of the biggest multiplayer games on their console, Call of Duty, likely getting removed from their consoles and inevitably taking a bunch of PS+ subs with it. If Spartacus is real and it revitalizes the service, I welcome it. PS Now and PS+ are both just "good," but absolutely need to be better. There are far too many asterisks on the service.
@get2sammyb I'm honestly a little concerned with Spartacus and worry Sony is actually going to ruin a pretty good thing (PS+) by trying to compete.
I worry that they will make some of the small but useful features like cloud saves, PS+ sales and more only available under a higher tier/subscription.
I also worry they will make the better games only available under a higher tier/subscription and we will see the standard fare really start to scrape the barrel. (Like we have seen happen to Games with Gold)
I also don't think they are going to go as far as Game Pass with Day 1 releases.
Lastly I think they will continue to make monthly pricing options unfavourable to keep enticing people to annual subscriptions with a lower cost per month so you don't want to drop the sub periodically.
Ultimately i'm not sure I want TWO moderately expensive gaming subscriptions simultaneously and as I think it's unlikely they are going to properly compete, I suspect they might ruin what PS+ is right now chasing something they can't achieve.
“ stop complaining or i’m gonna complain about you complaining ! “
A re-released/re-worked, 9 year old DLC (that originated on the previous gen) that was £8, and only stand alone for 2 months until taking an entire PS4 game slot. Not to mention that its original version was already included on the service in the past. And Asia got Dragon Crown in addition to the 3 games we're offered.
Yeah I think this is a valid take.
I think we need to stop complaining about receiving all these games for what can bought as a £32 service for pretty much the entire year.
I almost don’t want Spartacus to be announced because all anyone will do is cry about it.
Just get over yourselves honestly.
Not the first time Sony has repeated games. I can't recall the names at the moment but I remember it happening a few times. One I remember is Limbo. We were given the game on PS3 and then again for PS4. Sony used a different generation platform to treat the game as it's seperate game so even though we had Limbo once, they give us the PS4 version as if it's a new game instead of a repeat.
And now they are using this standalone to be it's own thing that's seperate to what we had from the Handsome Collection.
If they are downgrading PS+, maybe it's a sign it's to make Spartacus look more attractive. Look what happened to Games with Gold, it used to look a lot better than what it is now. And now these days you see people hating on the GwG but they are happy to give it a pass because they can play something else on GamePass instead to make up for it. So what if Sony is looking to do the same thing, give us a decent month every now and again but try to downgrade it so that we want Spartacus more
@Gunnerzaurus That's more or less what I've been speculating with a friend over the last few weeks - Wind down the current structure, don't waste too much money on the deals, and focus on putting some impressive stuff on Spartacus.
Again, that's all just speculation, and a massive assumption that Spartacus is real and what we're all expecting.
As for Tiny Tina, I assume it's a scenario where they're pushing it to promote an upcoming game for one of their partners.
Shouldn't this be a soapbox rather then news?
@themightyant I don't think they'll make too many changes to the base, existing PS Plus tier. I think/hope they'll try to upsell from that.
@AdamNovice Made it a Reaction.
I gave up PS+ about 2 years ago. The instant collection was just adding games to an already growing backlog. I was also consistently finding the games didn't appeal to me (and my niche tastes) or would be games I had already purchased. Moving to purchasing games I want to play was great for my backlog and sanity.
There are a lot of subscription services a consumer has access to now. I don't think the current PS+ is worth keeping if you are on a budget.
@get2sammyb Cool, personally as someone said above, this feels like Sony might be slowing things down ahead of Spartacus.
I really really don't care about this. I have been psplus member since the first hour. (literally). And I remember it was way way worse in the beginning. Psminis? Ugh.
Some months are awesome (last month imo) and some are weaker.
There is some narrative going on that psplus abonnees are entitled... To what exactly?
You still get three games. So one is cheaper than the others who cares. Oh but it was dlc before? Who cares, it has its own Plat, it's a game.
The bitching and moaning going on is so overblown, it's all subjective anyway.
@Victor_Meldrew I don't belieeeeve it.
@get2sammyb I'm slowly losing my mind and thought this was the new AAA game launching in March. 😩 Any chance that new AAA game will be included in Gamepass, b/c that would really embarrass Sony. (MS has purchased so many companies lately it's hard to keep up 🤷)
@Teddie-bear The other recent example I thought of was when they gave out Days Gone for one of the monthly games when they had previously put in on the PS Plus Collection just a couple months prior.
To be fair, there are a few that overlap between having been a monthly giveaway and then also included in the collection (Bloodborne, Detroit, Until Dawn, and TLoU Remastered, I think) but when it happens in reverse and the game is a monthly game that you already have access to through the same service, it feels like a cheap shot.
I’m not complaining, per se, as much as highlighting the decreasing value, and like Sammy says — just calling a spade a spade here. They are double dipping the same title twice. When they used to give away like what.. 6 games per month last generation? Now we effectively get 2 per month much of the time if you take out the one they already gave you. It’s simply a decreased value over the earlier Plus days.
Do I still think it’s worth being a subscriber? Yes. For me it is. I’ll play P5 Strikers and Dirt 5 from last month. But this month is pretty much a disappointment
It's actually a pretty good game. I hope people give it a chance.
Fortunately GwG this month makes PS+ look good, though it basically all comes down to Planet Coaster being a "big" new gen release while GwG is offering only bargain-bin fare. And last month with Dirt 5 and P5S was really good (and of course they did it weeks after I bought P5S...on PS5 AND Switch....)
But yeah, there's the other side that at least GwG has been b-list games that most have never heard of and maybe some are hidden gems while PS+ has been doing some ugly manipulation of what the giveaways are. Ancient DLC that sells for almost nothing, and was already given out as part of a full bundle isn't a "free game", and what amounted to a demo of a half-dead GaaS with Godfall was also not a "free game." Square (now rectified by Square, however) releasing FF7 but a "gimped" version that can't be upgraded was also not really what the bargain is (though, again, they have thankfully remedied that since.) Though both of the most egregious abuses here both come from Gearbox. Hmm....
Oh man. I really wasn't paying attention. I thought we were getting the new game 😂
Not a 5 year old dlc for a last gen game!
I feel like this article is about a bunch of nothing. They offered Tiny Tina’s for free not long after stand alone expansion came out. Regardless of the price it’s widely regarded as good and worth playing. Doing that to market for a game based on the expansion that is about to come out makes sense. I follow video games so I knew about the expansion, and as someone who has never played borderlands, I bought it to test the waters for Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. Most people don’t know about the stand alone expansion’s release, so offering it creates the same opportunity for a much wider audience.
@rjejr I don't think Gearbox has a big track record of launching to Game Pass, so it probably won't, but it's definitely not impossible, and it would certainly be smart of MS to approach them about it for their March big game, simply because PS has been highlighting it, and Borderlands does have a Game Pass history.
But I also wouldn't doubt if PS has a clause that any game they highlight in their showcases can't launch to Game Pass.
The bigger issue to me is the fact Planet Coaster is only for PS5 which imo is the highlight of this months offerings. It’s another avoidable fumble to keep piling on the many others of recent memory.
It's not a big deal at all. They gave out the Handsome Collection almost 3 years ago. Gearbox just recently released Tiny Tina's DLC as a standalone thing.
I wouldn't be surprised if Gearbox wanted to put it out on PS Plus with Tiny Tina's game coming out in a month.
I don't get why anybody is complaining about this. It's the best DLC in Borderlands 2, and if you didn't get the collection on PS Plus 3 years ago or haven't played Borderlands 2 then you have never played it. You get the game as a standalone thing for free. That sounds like a good deal to me.
Just enjoy the good DLC and get ready to enjoy Tiny Tina's game which I hope they let you finally play as her in. Which for some reason Gearbox keeps holding back on that.
I need PS+ for GT7 in march. Free games are a nice side bonus.
In February I am judging my PS5 (and Sony) by how much fun I have playing Forbidden West and Elden Ring - not PS+ (a service I have no need for in Feb)
@Milktastrophe I already own this and it is the same as the dlc. Only difference is you get 2 skill points instead of 1 when you level up for obvious reasons. Maybe you are thinking about the new Tiny Tina game releasing soon? I have that pre ordered and can't wait for that.
@Milktastrophe No. This is literally a DLC from like 8 years ago. It's just now able to be played without owning Borderlands 2.
So I pay $60 a year for PS Plus. About the cost of a single game.
Here is what I got for my $60 in 2021:
GreedFall (January)
Maneater (January)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (January)
Concrete Genie (February)
Control: Ultimate Edition (February)
Destruction AllStars (February)
Farpoint (March)
Final Fantasy 7 Remake (March)
Maquette (March)
Remnant: From the Ashes (March)
Days Gone (April)
Oddworld: Soulstorm (April)
Zombie Army 4: Dead War (April)
Battlefield V (May)
Stranded Deep (May)
Wreckfest (May)
Operation: Tango (June)
Star Wars: Squadrons (June)
Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown (June)
A Plague Tale: Innocence (July)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (July)
WWE 2K Battlegrounds (July)
Hunter's Arena: Legends (August)
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (August)
Tennis World Tour 2 (August)
Hitman 2 (September)
Overcooked! All You Can Eat (September)
Predator: Hunting Grounds (September)
Hell Let Loose (October)
Mortal Kombat X (October)
PGA Tour 2K21 (October)
First Class Trouble (November)
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (November)
Knockout City (November)
The Persistence (November)
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners (November)
Until You Fall (November)
Godfall: Challenger Edition (December)
LEGO DC Super-Villains (December)
Mortal Shell (December)
Is every game here a slam-dunk? No. Are there gems? Many. Is $60 a fair price for these 40 games? I think so!
If you feel like PS Plus is a huge ripoff, just cancel. I'm sick of the crying
A few years ago they gave the first episode of a game, yet people didn't complain as much, I think.
@frankmcma and, if you look for a deal, you can get a yearly subscription for much less than that.
I think the reception to giving out the same game again with Borderlands: The Handsome Collection would have been even worse. That being said, I do agree that Sony is dropping the ball here.
Ehh not to peeved about it even through I've played through this dlc probably 3 or 4 times over the years already. Will be a quick easy plat to pass the time before Horizon. My expectations are so low for plus/gold nowadays anyway its hard for me to get even a little upset by it.
The PS+ games are a lottery and everyone can't be a winner every month. If the same people are complaining every month maybe it's time to cancel and use your subscription fee to pay for the games you want and see how far that fee gets you.
I will be honest, for a moment I thought that Tiny Tina game was that new one being released and I was like "Hum.. all right.." Then I googled the game by it's name.
"We rarely ever comment on PS Plus" really? Ok maybe you dont actually "comment" but you sure do like to publish articles written in such a way it stirs up a hornets nest..
we could have had knack 2 instead of this garbage trash.
I pay like £3 something a month.
Enough said.
Let Push stir outrages is fine. What next?
@naruball Indeed! If you hunt around you can usually get a year for around $40. Even Sony has PS Plus discounts on PSN throughout the year.
I've said this before but Sony's offerings no longer feel like benefits that go with your subscription. Instead they are marketing ploys that encourage you to either:
1)Try out a glorified demo.
2)Make you interested in purchasing an upcoming sequel.
3) Give you half the experience so you can be "encouraged" to pick up the rest of the content through DLC purchases.
As someone who has been a ps plus subscriber since practically the beginning I can say that I have seen a slow but steady dip in the quality of games that we've been getting. Don't be like Nintendo fans that go "Just be happy you're getting anything!" That's not a good mindset for a consumer to have. We don't owe corporations anything.
Playstation will always be my favorite console, and I have been a Plus subscriber for a long time. But unless Spartacus is really great, I think I am going to drop the service when my latest membership expires in a few months. For me:
a.It has been months since PS Plus gave me any monthly games I haven't played that I am interested in. These are absolutely highly subjective, but the value for me has been low. And I now have game pass, if I want a lot of "no additional charge games."
b.I played/owned everything I wanted in the PS Plus collection before it existed.
c.I don't play online much anymore, but I have a number of other platforms I can play online on when the urge does strike.
d.Much like the monthly games, I have not found the plus discounts at the store very compelling for a long time now.
e. Cloud storage is the feature I will probably miss the most-but there are other ways to store saves, and I am certainly not going to pay much for cloud storage (especially when other platforms offer it free).
I am not saying this to complain, as I know Plus holds a lot of value for a lot of folks. It did for me too-it just hasn't in a while.
People complaining about Sonys monthly offering clearly haven't seen the trash Microsoft are giving away this month.
Broken Sword 5, Aerial Knight’s Never Yield, Hydrophobia and Band of Bugs
I own an Xbox and wont even redeem these.
Is there a way to filter out crap like this?
We get it.
We know the quality of ps+'s free game line up has declined.
But you're just fueling what is already an angry self entitled culture with these "articles"
"Uncharted only has 1 platinum OUTRAGE"
"PS+ Cross platform bullsh*"
"Rah rah rah Tiny Tina"
And that's just from this week.
Come on PushSquare. You're better than this.
@NEStalgia I feel Sony has a clause that any 3rd party game they highlight M$ buys the company.😂 Any chance Sony beats them to the punch and PS+ gets the new AAA Tiny Tina game in March? Would go a long way toward explaining this month.
@TheCollector316 cod isn't going anywhere anytime soon. People don't seem to realise the cash cow that it is, particularly on ps! Microsoft would have to be real bitter to just throw that profit away. Shoving it on gamepass for £10.99 a month (majority don't even pay that) won't bring in the millions it's generated for Activision over the years.
People really need to stop comparing ps+ to gamepass too. It's definitely more out of spite these days. Now has been decent recently. If Spartacus works out I'm sure it'll only be better.
@rjejr LOL, maybe a .00001% chance considering Bugsnax and Destruction Allstars are the only games I can ever remember launching into the freebie pile
The only way it goes into a Sony subscription in March is if Sparticus launches in March, I think. Even Now doesn't get launch-month games!
You are right, but Microsoft clearly doesn't need the revenue from Xbox. They spent more money on the Activision-Blizzard acquisition alone than Xbox has EVER made. It's clear Windows, Office, and Microsoft's enterprise ventures are propping up Xbox. Microsoft does have fiduciary obligations, but I can see them gladly using Call of Duty to bolster Game Pass and heavily damage a competitor, even if it means leaving revenue on the table. Microsoft's long game is clearly brute-forcing an industry change that only the richest corporations can survive.
@Shepherd_Tallon Honestly this is my way of going about it.
I never had any interest in the DLC, but now that it's on Plus, I'll give it a go in between releases and see if it's worth more than a few hours of my time.
Yeah the second year of Plus on PS5 has not been off to a great start.
Oh I did not realise this wasn't the new one. Turns out I already have this then...dang.
they will be giving dying light 2 as a free download on april 1st to make up for this
@MFTWrecks @W0rl0ck this is Borderlands 2 which includes the Tiny Tina DLC: https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/1603-borderlands-2
This is the standalone Tiny Tina game we're getting, which is a separate game from Borderlands 2: https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/14586-tiny-tinas-assault-on-dragon-keep-a-wonderlands-one-shot-adventure
It's like with Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry which is a DLC for Black Flag, but also a standalone game.
@Milktastrophe Yes. That's literally what I'm saying.
You said, "...it's a different game than Borderlands 2. This is not like Left Behind or Undead Nightmare where the "standalone" version is the same version as the DLC version."
I corrected you. And now you've circled back to agree with me as though you were making my point the whole time.
It's not new. It's a standalone DLC with zero changes (outside of not needing B2 to play it) to the original DLC.
Doesn't really bother me that much mainly pay to play online, games can be a bonus but the last year its been bad with the multiplayer games and with godfall dlc now this. So I can understand why some are annoyed/angry with Sony. Sony has Not been the same since Jim Ryan took over
This month's ps plus looks good compared to games with gold. Infact every month ps plus is miles better than games with gold and its the same price, hence why I don't moan about what Sony offer up as long as on avarage I get 12-15 games a year that I haven't played and are good, which they have been providing on a yearly basis for me at least. Last month gave me three good games and this month just the one, 4 decent games in the first two months, can't complain with that
@Milktastrophe no it's not. The game is identical to the borderlands 2 dlc Tiny Tina's Assault on dragon keep. Yes it has a separate trophy list but there is 0 different content in the standalone release. I own both the dlc and the standalone
Also to complete Tiny Tina fully it takes a good 8-10 hours plus the online co op with various characters so will take completionists longer and a seperate trophy list, plus with the new game around the corner I wouldn't be surprised if gearbox pushed for this to be included
@NEStalgia Yeah I didn't think so. Would give them something positive in March after HFW has been out a few weeks. Unless they go right into announcing GoW:R in the fall in March. Then we can start the "is it GoW:R or GoWR" discussions. 😂
@MFTWrecks I was able to circle back because that was my point from the beginning. It's a separate game from Borderlands 2. It doesn't require Borderlands 2 nor does it launch the same version as Borderlands 2.
@W0rl0ck whether the gameplay is identical doesn't make it the same game. Remasters for example are different games than the original version.
And yet, you're going to continue paying Sony $5-10/month for the service, just as you do every month, because if you don't, that Handsome Collection from 2019 will still go poof, right into the ether, along with every last one of the probably hundreds of other Plus games you "own," with dozens, at least, that you still haven't gotten around to playing or finishing, to say nothing of every game save you've ever made being stored in the cloud.
PS+ (and GwG/Gamepass/whatever MS is calling it, for equal opportunity bashing) is the gift that keeps on taking.
PS Plus to me is a "yearly" service thats great. In fact I don't care about what Spartacus is at all. I just want to keep my low cost PS Plus service. I have been a member from PS3 two month after the start! People that pay by the month can even stop auto renew for any month they don't like! We know what each months games are before the next month starts.
As far a Xbox GOG or GP goes I have checked into Xbox services many times yearly. I have no problem buying one. I owned one once but did not play it enough so I sold it to use the money for a PSVR discount. I may buy another for Wolfenstine Diablo and Hellblade some time in the future when they come out. More then likely I will get game pass on my PC to play them for $10. Oh I did buy a Nintendo Switch in Jan this year I felt it was a better choice.
It was just months ago you could get the Tiny Tina game for free. Ridiculous.
@Fath I don't think that's accurate.
@brubeck I'm pretty sure they are doing that on February 31st.
Anyone else think they may be doing this on purpose? To make it so bad their upgraded service looks like a miracle??
@tselliot What part? I could respectfully agree to disagree with a difference of opinion, but I'm genuinely interested in keeping my facts, at least, straight.
@darkswabber I already have Borderlands 2 and all DLC on VR version. I didn't have PS plus in June 2019, so would have been fine with the Handsome Collection. This is a fallacy, why would you want half a thing when you can have a whole, even if it is a second time? Not only are they screwing over people who had plus back in June 2019, but also people who already have Borderlands 2and it's DLCs. It just doesn't make any sense to only be that part, other than the fact it has it's own title which will advertise Tiny Tinas next game.
Plus is still value for money so I have no issues with plus whatever games go on each month. With Sony increasing their pricing since the launch of PS5, plus feels like the only part of PlayStation still offering really good value, even if they are now adding some questionable titles.
To tell you the truth I can’t help but feel Sony is slipping this gen like I’m 38 and been a Sony pony my whole life but the way thay are right now it’s just disappointing 🙃
As I mentioned in the other article. This being a part of the Handsome Collection isn't the problem. People may have missed it, and since this is a stand alone release, it is essentially a separate game.
The issues are;
From what I see, PS+ is trending to be less and less attractive, while GamePass to be more and more.
Nevertheless, at least one useful function of PS+ remains: syncing saves with the cloud, which gives the ability to easily jump playing from one of your PS's to another.
@Deljo Sony Execs :' Say why dont we give out a game which is not a complete game, and market it as a ps monthly title, then the poor souls will have to BUY the full game to unlock it! " "YES"
(Sagat SF 2 shoulder laughing)
@Shepherd_Tallon Spartacus is real ^_^
@nicc83 are they better than this, though As Sammy has admitted, their other articles and reviews don't attract anywhere near as many views. They gotta pay the bills somehow.
If they wanted to promote a Borderlands game, they should give Borderlands 1: Game of the Year Edition, avoiding repetition with a full game that even has a playbase too. I understand it's early to give Borderlands 3, but give a DLC that we already played... I felt cheated. It's a mistake I hope Sony doesn't repeat.
@koffing There are great indies they should give, like Children of Morta, Dead Cells, Moonlighter...
@freddquadros I don’t know rates but I think handing out small indies is generally a better path than half of a AAA game with tons of microtransactions. I got the GamePass trial ($1 for 3 months) and I have been in indie heaven. It’s so nice to just try a short game and find out if I like it with no hesitations.
@koffing They gave losts of indie games, some very good, in 2015-2018. Some with lots of playtime inside. I don't know why they stopped this. Better a indie game than a Black Ops 4 that no one plays anymore.
@frankmcma You could have also added the PS Plus collection games to that list.
When we all talk about GamePass, and it is a great service, The PS collection is not mentioned and it is also a very good value and when added to the PS+ games it really starts to compete on value with Xbox. I think Spartacus is going to be an expansion of what was already started with the Plus collection. If they started rolling new games into the collection so they are there for new sign-ups they would go a long way in combatting GamePass. Add is some launch AA and Indie games and Sony can compete at offering a solid ready built catalogue of games for new comers.
Have to respect the effort Sony puts into finding these loopholes and halfasseries.
It is a bad month but I don’t know overall ps plus is great value (especially the ps plus collection). And it is probably more to do Spartacus coming later year and HFW coming out this month (and Sony wanting the attention on that?)
Overall, there are so many games on ps plus that if you have had it for a little while, it is like there will be something to play.
Also worth mentioning: if you look at where Sony make money, it’s in selling games and hardware. Ps plus and ps now come a pretty distant third. This is also why ps plus won’t always be as good as it could be: they don’t make the bulk of their cash off these type of services.
@Milktastrophe You're being so pedantic as to what constitutes a new game. What you're saying is they're separate games. Sure. You're technically correct, but you're also completely wrong. They're the same game accessed 2 different ways. No one rational calls a re-release a new game.
It's insane people complain about PS Plus. Its such a value if it was on PC i'd pay for it. Persona Strikers on sale on Steam is still $30+ and is not even a full year old, nevermind add in Deep Rock and Dirt 5. It's $4 a month, stop complaining. Compare that to the junk GWG gets each month. Each month isn't going to please everyone.
@TooBarFoo Oh yes I forgot about the collection. So many great titles in there!
Something not mentioned often is PS Plus is $5 a month and Game Pass is $15. That's triple the price (yearly $60 vs. $180) and a pretty significant jump for a service. So yes, Game Pass is going to offer more for that higher price. And yes I know they offer other tiers, but if you look at all the packages, it's set up so you are basically a fool if you choose anything other than Ultimate.
Part of me hopes Sony does not focus a lot on beating Game Pass. I think MS has a very different focus of making an all-you-can-play service, higher price with many more games. Basically copying the streaming services model.
Sony has always focused on quality over quantity, and I hope they stay on that track. I switched to PS from Xbox because they had the highest-end diverse game catalog, not because they had the most games available.
@frankmcma I'm not in agreement that you need ultimate. My older sons have PC game pass. My younger son only plays fortnight online so has has just plain gamepass both £7 per month. Only I have Ultimate and even then its only because I play on both PC and Xbox and want my progress to follow me. It's only on PS platforms that everyone see's the GP price of entry as the Ultimate. If you don't play across platforms or play online the basic package is the best way to go.
Someone at Sony is sending alot of love to gearbox. Considering it's the second time there has been a low customer value game from gearbox in the last few months.
It's either a marketing deal for the new borderlands or a new intern got done over.
I don't know if it's true or not but I have been told plus games 'succsss' is measured in games being added to a library so I have not added Godfall or Tiny Tina to my library. I'm ok with not having either of them and if it appears on some sort of metric I've done all I can.
I was just disappointed it said PS4 version Don't they want me to spend more on the PS5 version if I liked it??? Oh well.
Why does 2K/gearbox keep getting stripped down demos put on PS+?
Because let's face facts, this tiny tina dlc is nothing more than a proof of concept demo for their upcoming game.
Keeping in mind this is the same company that misappropriated SEGA's money for Aliens Colonial Marines to fund their own game, Borderlands.
Months like this are why I only buy my PS+ memberships when CDKeys is selling codes for $30/year.
I haven't paid more than $40/year for PS+ in a long time. I'm also set for years. I'll still mildly complain at times because I don't want a bed trend to continue. I'm mostly satisfied with the service.
Oftentimes I don't care about any of the games. I often own the good ones already due to PS+ discounts and sales. So it's partly my own fault for being displeased. There are very few games left I even want.
Tiny Tina definitely works more for trophy hunters than it does your average player. This stand alone added a Platinum, which will encourage a lot of hunters to at least play it for that. But I fully get why people are upset with this.
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