Disco Elysium: The Final Cut has a new update on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. It's a big one for the detective RPG, boasting a range of technical improvements and even new content. The patch is so significant that it even has its own name: the Jamais Vu Update.
Disco Elysium Update 1.0016 (PS5), 1.16 (PS4) Patch Notes
- New secret achievements – time to hunt!
- Multiple fixes for crashes
- Gigantic load time optimisations when switching scenes
- Tons of minor bug fixes all across the game
- Has Kim always been this hot?
God knows what that last bullet point is all about — but you get the idea. Have you been thinking of starting a new Disco Elysium run? Maybe you'll be playing it for the first time with this update installed? Dance your way into the comments section below.
[source discoelysium.com]
Comments 31
Hopefully they fixed the soft lock. Will give it another whirl and hopefully get passed day 4.
Just a brilliant brilliant game and the very definition of replayable. While it may not be for everyone, for those on the fence I'd say go for it and maybe try 3-6 hours a week while enjoying other totally different games concurrently.
Sounds good, got this in the backlog so pleased to know i will be playing the smoothest version when i get to it
Such a great game. Will sometime jump back in the game for a 2nd run with another play style.
It’s a great after launch support by the dev. Some patches were definitely needed because of a relatively „average“ shape of the game at launch.
But nevertheless they also improved a lot of additional stuff, too. Faster loading times are very welcome, these seemed to be way too long, especially for consoles with SSD.
Nope. Bought the Switch version and despite loving the game, these loading times really break the game for me...
Good to know. I aim to play this someday… so it’s good to know that wrinkles are still being ironed out.
@CarlosR87 This update improves the load times on Switch as well!
Kim is indeed hot. And the best bud anybody could ever ask for. Glad to see loading times improved though, think I’m ready to play it for a fourth time now.
Oh wow. So tempted to give this another playthrough. An absolute cracker of a game.
That's good, as the loading times on ps5 were the worst I've experienced so far
Brilliant game, I have only just finished it, I didn't experience any bugs or locks during my playthrough on PS5 but was going to give the hardcore mode a try anyway and now I definitely will.
@nessisonett agreed, I thought Kim was awesome.
@MatthewJP Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s are pretty rubbish. Especially how much you end up using fast-travel in that game. The worst is when it boots up, spends a good minute or two doing nothing.
Just finished it. I loved it but won't return for a while. The load times weren't game killing but definitely noticeable on the ps5, but it's the same with all Unity games.
Just finished my first playthough and I was sad to finish it as it was such a fun journey! I will definitely be going back for another in a few months after the heavy hitters for February are through
@ShogunRok I just noticed. It really did. Load times are way better now. I'm really surprised, actually, as it was starting to make me not want to play.
I really want to play this, but I'm just finishing HZD, and then it's on to HFW, Ghosts of Tsushima Director's Cut, GT7, and Lego Skywalker Saga. For a parent that's, like, a year and a half of gaming.
Gimme gimme gimme.
> God knows what that last bullet point is all about
Sounds like a creepy love note from whoever wrote the patch notes to one of their coworkers.
On my first playthrough at the moment, day 2. Not sure what to make of it at the moment. The world-building and story are fascinating, but I don't feel like I'm actually making much difference to what's going on, apart from making a few dialogue tree choices. Just feel like I'm along for the ride rather than really shaping the journey. I wish they'd stick in the odd puzzle with the items you accumulate or something.
Anyhow, I'm going to stick with it and see if it starts to gel with me more. Better loading times (I'm playing on PS4) are definitely helping!
@TJ81 I think that's good advice to play something more immediate side by side with it. Might do that, though I normally hate playing more than one game at a time as one of them always ends up falling by the wayside.
My fave character is Harry's limbic system.
Is this the best game made with Unity? Can someone name another, better Unity game?
Now this is MUCH more appropriate for the console capabilities! Load times at launch were strangely long given comparison to other games(even being third party and cross gen). Now loading a save is about 3 seconds(10 seconds on the switch now) and transitions from one area to another are approximately 1-2 seconds on PS5. Near instant for smaller areas. This is great!
@hobbes242 very impressive
Was waiting for a sale, good thing if I read these comments about loading times
@Flurpsel load times really improved, specially on the Switch.
@nessisonett It hurt in my soul when I was playing as "traditionalist" cop. Kim is too good for this game.
@jgrangervikings1 wasteland 2 & 3 and Torment: Tides of numenera are strong contenders
@CarlosR87 Same reason I stopped playing.
@AstraeaV it was indeed ridiculous, and now it's a 180° degree turn on it, seeing how quick everything loads. I'm really impressed with it.
@theheadofabroom Oof, I feel that. When I tried to ‘fit in’ with the racist truck driver, Kim’s reaction made me feel awful 😅
@nessisonett Right on, bröther
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