Like so much of PSVR2’s build-up thus far, Sony has just unceremoniously dropped images of the final product online. The headset and redesigned PSVR2 Sense controllers match the design aesthetic of the PlayStation 5, with a dual-tone white and grey finish. “You’ll notice the PSVR2 headset has a similar shape as the PSVR2 Sense controller, taking on a matching ‘orb’ look,” Hideaki Nishino explained on the PS Blog. “The circular orb shape represents the 360-degree view that players feel when they enter the virtual reality world, so this shape captures it nicely.”
Nishino added: “When our design team created the PS5 console, they also had the next generation VR headset in mind so you’ll notice some similarities in the look and feel. The PS5 console has flat edges as it is meant to be displayed on a flat surface, while there was more emphasis on adding roundness to the design of PS VR2 headset since it is meant to have constant human contact, similar to the rounded edges of the DualSense controller and Pulse 3D headset.”

Of course, the look is one thing, but the comfort is arguably even more important. “We already had a lot of positive feedback on the ergonomics of the first PSVR headset by carefully balancing the headset weight and having a simple headband that can be adjustable, so we kept the same concept for the PSVR2 headset,” Nishino continued. “Other features such as the headset’s adjustable scope that places the scope area closer or further away from the face and placement of the stereo headphone jack also remain the same, so players will be familiar with it.”
There are new features, though, such as a lens adjustment dial, which will allow you to further optimise your experience. Perhaps most importantly of all, it’s lighter and slimmer overall than the original PSVR headset, which is pretty impressive considering all of the additional tech packed into this thing. “It was quite a challenge to create a slimmer design with new features added to improve upon our first headset, but our design and engineering teams proved this could be possible when we saw the final design,” Nishino beamed.

One additional cool feature is the incorporation of a vent, which will help to avoid the lens from fogging due to condensation. “I worked on many design concepts to achieve this, and in the final design, you can see there is a little space in between the top and front surface of the scope that contains the integrated ventilation,” senior art director Yujin Morisawa explained. “I am really proud of how this turned out and the positive feedback I have gotten so far. I hope our PlayStation fans will also agree, and I can’t wait for them to try it out.”
Oh, and remember all those tiny little PlayStation symbols on the DualSense controller, which add texture to the plastic? They’re back with PSVR2, on the front and back bands. Of course, there’s still no word of a price or release date, but PSVR2 games are slowly starting to get announced now. Remember, this headset is significantly higher resolution than its predecessor, and also utilises inside-out tracking for vastly superior motion controls. You can find out more in our PSVR2 guide. Exciting times, readers!
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 105
Total buy! I play on the original not only 3D games but also 2D games and now with 4K that will be amazing. Also 3D movies of course! Hyped!
That's chef's kiss
Looks great! Obligatory extra words to post.
Where do I order 🤩
While I'm not sold on the console aesthetic, the controllers and peripherals are gorgeous.
Sure does look like a VR headset
The design language of the entire PS suite this gen is pretty dope!
Beautiful! Just beautiful
I need to buy this on Day One, now all it needs is more games and a release date for me to be completely sold on this headset
Looks lovely, ready to preorder!
Price and release date are all I need now.
@lolwhatno It's legal speak.
Love it love it love it!!!
Please be this year!!!
How much Sony?
Shame VR makes me want to bring my food up very quickly.
They're dripping bits of info quite often these days, aren't day? That surely means it's not too far off?
I can't wait. Love VR
Love it! Where to place an order?
Sony really got they’re foot on the pedal right now.
Excellent can't wait to get one, still love my PSVR1.
I hope this isn't another gadget which will be in short supply, I think I used up all my luck getting a PS5 on release day 🤞
Looks sexy. Still need to know price though.
Am I allowed to say here that I hope it is compatible with PC?!
Hopefully it won’t have the rubber padding that flakes off like my original psvr did.
Yep, Day one for me.
Still like to know if PSVR1 games are playable on it though, I've stopped buying them since this was originally announced in case there is no BC.
It’s always been very comfortable so no need to reinvent the wheel. Glad about the vents to prevent fogging though, and smaller and lighter is always nice. Would be good to get dimensions for comparison.
It's closer design wise to the first than I thought it would be. Marked myself down for "meh". Design isn't at the forefront for me though. I need this thing to be three things.
1. Significantly decrease or better... completely eliminate motion sickness.
2. Have an engaging library of games.
3. Drop to an affordable price. Got the first for $200 but if this is able to pull off the first two requests... I could go in at $300 or so.
Looks good. I won't be buying it but I'm glad the people who will be seemed stoked.
Would love to see a confirmation of backwards compatibility. Or even a commitment to port notable PSVR titles.
All and all... it's a VR headset. Nothing much game changing — yet. I don't like the fact that it's wired. But I suppose it can't be helped seeing as how it runs off a home console. At least it's only one wire (hopefully one LONG wire). We'll see how it compares to the Oculus Quest 2; I'm only buying one and I'm waiting for Sony's pitch.
I'll buy this. Bought VR1 and then resold it as I didn't get to play much. Too many cables and aligning with PS camera were kind of a chore.
This is a thing of beauty.
I want it.
Now to reveal the price point.
Doubt I will be an early adopter like I was with the original PSVR. Paying £400 day 1 for the headset and move controllers only for the headset to break (had a red line go across the screen) with minimal use and just after the warranty expired so Sony wanted to charge £200 to fix. I declined and a few weeks later walked into an Argos and got the V2 headset for £180 with Firewall, Moss and another game.
@Uncharted2007 Agreed! I pre-ordered PSVR1 after demoing it at a PlayStation event and being blown away. However on actually getting it and playing games with more movement got motion sickness pretty badly. Tried for about a week in little doses but it didn't get better so sent it back for a refund.
Ultimately there wasn't really enough of a library to justify the outlay either. But I agree if they can solve all those points I'll be willing to try again. Backwards combability would be a HUGE headstart.
But i'm really unsure on the pricing of this. Oculus Quest 2 is £300 but contains all the GPU, CPU etc to power the games, plus the two controllers. Whereas this has better screens, cameras etc. but doesn't need the CPU, GPU etc. as that comes through the PS5. Hoping around £300 but fear it may be £350-£450. Can't see it being more than the PS5 if they want it to succeed.
It looks lovely but what I really need to know is what it's like for motion sickness. If it makes me feel ill like the first headset then it's a no no unfortunately.
The design is definitely on par with the PS5.
Still really like the controller's design.
@themightyant Facebook almost certainly sell the Quest at a loss. It’s incredible value when comparing it with competing headsets. I imagine PSVR2 will be more expensive, I’d guess £400 min.
There should be a NSFW tag on this. Filthy.
@Marios-love-child Obviously it's going to come down to the individual, but the higher resolution lenses, better quality screens, and built-in rumble should all help to reduce motion sickness.
It's also, of course, down to the software as well.
I'll wait for reviews and hopefully a black version.
@themightyant I personally disagree, PSVR had a surprisingly excellent library, I think Sony did a great job. (Especially when we expected the worst following PS Vita.)
@Enigk does the colour really matter seeing as you'll actually be wearing it?
Stunning design and fits perfectly with the ps5 aesthetic. Cannot wait for this …HYPE
Looks nice, but do we know yet if it can play PSVR 1 games?
We have to be pretty close to some kind of psvr2 event with games and price, right?
@Bingoboyop Hopefully!
Gunna sell like crazy.
@get2sammyb Not doubting you, but if so I missed it. Outside the obvious ones like Astro Bot, Beatsaber and Moss how many brilliant titles were there really? What I mostly saw was average stuff like Iron Man VR, Deracine OR VR versions of non-VR games like Hitman, Skyrim. Were there really many titles that really sold the system that I missed?
Looking good 😃
looks expensive
Cant wait! PSVR 1 on a technical perspective obviously has fallen way behind. But it is still the most comfortable headset to date and it's not even close. Excited that they have even improved on that aspect of the hardware (on top of all the technical aspects that make the digital foundry guys drool)
I like everything except the cord
I gotta say this is the best looking VR headset I've seen so far. Judging by the first headset this one will be comfy to wear. Specs are great too.
Now all that remains to be seen is if Sony can get the games that can take VR beyond the niche audience we've seen so far. I hope they will.
@Col_McCafferty I am going to wear mine in public as a fashion statement. That statement being that I am a pillock! The white doesn't match any of my other consoles apart from my PS1, Dreamcast and SNES and they aren't in heavy rotation. I like uniformity. Waiting for the black plates to be in stock online for my PS5 at the minute.
Looks great. 👍👍🏿👍🏻
But ‘The PS5 console has flat edges ‘?
I like the PS5 curves. Haha
About time! Looks OK but I must admit I'm tired of the slow drip of information.
When do we get to know if there's any backward compatibility, how much is it going to be and when are the first hands-on reviews coming out? They're the questions I want answered.
@Uncharted2007 probably won't be cheap at launch. Pretty high-end stuff in the headset so it'll likely be $400 or more...
I really wish there is VR Compatible option to play PS5 games so I can play the games with normal PS5 controller.
VR itself is really expensive and not to mention the health risk by using VR for too long.
I'll miss the blue tracking lights aesthetic, but even in a few hours the new look is starting to grow on me.
Playing Batman Arkham VR, BEING the Batman was an incredible experience. PSVR was a worthy purchase even with it's questionable image quality. If they add backwards compatibility then PSVR2 is a day one purchase for me again.
@themightyant there were definitely plenty. I could find a decent top20 if you're interested. There are some incredible ones that never got much attention, but every time I asked a friend to give them a try, they were blown away (Pistol Whip comes to mind by the makers of Beat Saber).
Its gorgeous. But its the pack in controllers that are the real game changer. Allowing devs to design their games around uniform input technology is going to change how we experience VR on Playstation. I'm very excited
I hope PS4VR games work on it with no issues.
PSVR2 is looking stunning and the new controllers look amazing so much better than the old ping pong ball controllers.
Not interested for myself as I suffer from bad motion sickness with anything like this (even from first person games) but I'm hoping to grab at least two so I can scalp a couple of people for them
Adjustable lenses is a good add, and means dual screens too.
Not too sure about the ergonomics of the controllers though, would like a strap to lock it to the hand but can fashion that. Would also have though that the cable being directly on the top, or at least straight out the back would have been preferable. But these are all slight niggles. The specs are awesome and the inside out tracking a game changer, and that’s what’s important. For what it’s worth, the aesthetic is pleasing too.
@MarkMarky Same here for me with first person games, but with most PSVR games I tried, I had no issue. It really depends on the game. Beat saber I felt nothing, racing games almost made me throw up, while Skyrim made me dizzy. Have you tried any on your own?
I definitely want one. All I need first is a PS5.
SMH, doesn't look like a microwave.
Looks beautiful, I can't wait for it to come out.
Wow, looks beautiful. Day one for me. Nice to see Sony pushing gaming forwards.
Please can we be told if GT7 is coming to PSVR2? I don’t want to finish with the game only to learn later I should have waited and played a superior VR version…
hopefully it won't be as hard to get one like it is a ps5 , but since you need a ps5 that would help the stock , and not every one that owns a ps5 is going to get a headset.
Just hope they havent made the inside of the set smaller. (Length and height)
Inwas fine using the PSVR with glasses but with the quest 2 I have to use a different pair (as my regular pair dont fit in properly)
@naruball I had a quick look at a few Top 20+ lists but they mostly contained the games I mentioned and a lot of games in the 65% - 75% range.
The "Best PSVR" list on this site has over 10 games in that range.
I'm not saying there are no good games on PSVR just that it seems like there are few bangers or system sellers. More like lots of niche titles that you might gel with. Not necessarily bad games but not enough to sell an expensive add on to the masses.
Hadn't heard of Pistol Whip, Would love to hear of any sleeper hits.
Never picked up the PSVR #toomanycables
This one looks fantastic though, 4K HDR too!
@Omnistalgic I know. I'm patient and it'll take time for Sony to prove the library part of my post regardless.
This reveal was quite unexpected.
I was hoping for a revolution, but in the end it is "just" an evolution. So, from the comfort point of view it is a refined version of PSVR1, it fixes all of the short comings of its predecessor (tracking, resolution, setup), and adds HDR and eye-tracking. Hopefully the lenses are of similar quality as those of PSVR1. It ticks all boxes. But for me the controller are presumably the most exciting part. Anyway I am just waiting for the pre-order button to stealth drop.
Oh btw, here's our awesome new vr headset reveal, shadowdropped as a blogpost... and deathloop got it's own state of play... Sony being Sony
I'm hyped for the psvr 2 but the fact remains that you still need a ps5 to use one is a downside, I guess I won't be getting psvr 2 for sometime because of this
@twitchtvpat excalty my point, this will effect the sales of the psvr 2 no doubt
Given the smaller community VR games are typically smaller and do not have the same production quality. There is no COD, FIFA, AC, GTA. There are few known IPs. But there are still quite a few excellent games. A random selection:
Flat adaptations which are fantastic/better in VR:
Day one purchase for me, if that proves to be possible.
Judging by the comments on this thread I get the feeling this thing will outsell the original within weeks, supply permitting.
I don't understand those controllers at all. With Beat Saber being the top-selling PSVR game every month, you'd have thought that more attention would be paid to the needs of that game when it comes to controller design. These look cumbersome and awkward to play with (for instance, I wouldn't be able to cross my hands over one another without smashing those controllers' orbs together, possibly breaking one or both of them).
Maybe Beat Games has a custom controller up its sleeve. If not, I'll wait to see what the Beat Saber community makes of these controllers before buying PSVR 2, and consider abandoning ship to Oculus Quest or something.
WOW... Sold!
I guess my gaming budget is out the window again. PS5, 3080, PSVR2, SteamDeck.
Not had this many back to back hardware upgrades on my list in ages. They just keep coming
I wish they could get rid of that cord. I love PSVR but the Quest 2 is a game changer. I’ll never go back to PSVR for anything like Beat Saber where I’m going to get tangled up in cords. Hopefully PSVR2 has lots of bigger games and exclusives to make the difference noticeable.
@Slippship Wipeout is the game you need. I usually hate racers, but that thing in VR is awesome.
Looks great! I'm worried about how pricy this thing is going to end up being though. From everything Sony's said it sounds like this is a huge leap over the original PS VR.
@gaston Appreciate the list. Hopefully PSVR2 is backwards compatible and we can check some of these out.
"The PS5 console has flat edges as it is meant to be displayed on a flat surface..."
The sheer audacity to not only claim, but actually brag about this, lol. The only way the PS5 could have less flat edges or be less suitable for putting on a flat surface is if it were actually BB-8.
...That said, I wish the PSVR2 all the best; the technology has such cool potential. Still a crying shame that they couldn't have managed to ditch that cord (and I don't know if I'd reeeally be hyping up a "360 degree view" with it as such, for liability reasons alone), but tech's gonna tech.
@mikeym Nope. I also hope that it work with PC. PCVR is in a terrible state right now, and could us some fresh competition.
Give me a price and a date (and backwards compatibility) and I'll be there.
Ooohh babyyy I'm so ready!
Can I just buy the controller's for my current psvr headset can't afford a ps5 let alone how ever much this is going to cost
This is my you keep the base plates standard white
I had hoped that you could use these controllers as a replacement of a Dualsense, but it doesn't look like it from the looks of these images, as they don't seem to have a d-pad (up-down-left-right direction buttons) unless I'm just not seeing them.
@themightyant The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, Zenith: The Last City (a full VR MMO), Tokyo Chronos (a full visual novel built aprons being in VR and takes excellent advantage of it), Pistol Whip (the John Wick version of Beatsaber by the same dev) are some. Ghost Giant is another I need to play.
I also wouldn’t downplay Hitman VR, it transforms the experience and is a different game at that point. Hitman VR is must-have VR experience.
Absolutely loving it and I am very pleased to see that Sony are still taking the VR thing serious. Even Valve abandoned the index, now the only one whos doing this apart from Sony is Meta and their crazy idea of living in an NFTworld.
It looks great & it looks expensive. Not sure if I’ll be there day one like I was with PSVR(1) as Sony started making some really great bundles for a fraction of the price 3-4 years later.
It looks cool from the side view It just looks plain in the front but not sure how they could change that. Hopefully the VR2 games can be played on a normal TV to because I doubt I can wear VR really because I get bad headaches sometimes just playing games normally(well motion sickness sometimes) And hopefully VR3 will be wireless to
I cannot wait for this to release. I love my original PSVR.
For those wanting a wireless unit, I think there would surely be some latency/power issues given that headset uses the PS5 hardware. The Quest has its own standalone chipset.
Will it be backwards compatible to play PS4 VR games? Im in either way. Cant wait to have both the system and PSVR2.
@Jaz007 appreciate the list. As I said above hopefully PSVR2 is backwards compatible and we can play these.
I've skipped the first PSVR, but will buy PSVR2, this will be my first ever VR to try. Although, I hope for it to be backwards compatible with existing games.
Have the 1st PSVR still and the library is fantastic. Still getting titles too despite it being a 1st gen VR headset. The PSVR2 will be a premuim headset with all the high tech additions.. hopefully it won't cost an arm an a leg. Even though it has lower resolution, the Vive Pro Eye kit costs over $1800 here in Canada - and it is a bit of a mess of wires to set up like the PSVR1.
The price for this won't be close to that so I'm looking forward to having this technology in a consumer friendly price!
Looks like Astrobot, which is kind of cool
Headset looks great, I just hope it doesn't cost as much as the PS5 does!
Also still desire a truly wireless PSVR unit.
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