The announcement that Grand Theft Auto 6 development is underway is perhaps the bigger headline, but after rumours of a potential delay, Rockstar’s commitment to a 15th March release date for the next-gen version of Grand Theft Auto 5 is worth mentioning. Remember, this port was due out last year, but was ultimately delayed for extra polish. Considering the state the GTA Trilogy launched in, we can’t say that was a bad idea.
If you’re out of the loop, then the PS5 version of GTA 5 will feature “new graphics modes with up to 4K resolution, up to 60 frames per second, texture and draw distance upgrades, HDR options and raytracing, as well as offering the technical advancements of the latest console generation with faster loading times, immersive 3D audio, platform-specific features like advanced haptic feedback, and much more”.
When you consider that GTA 5 hasn’t been touched from a technological perspective since 2014, these are going to be significant upgrades. Even when you play on a PS5, the current version of the game is capped at 30 frames-per-second and 1080p, so it’s really beginning to show its age these days. You’ll be able to transfer both your story mode progress and your GTA Online characters, with a one-time migration option available at launch.
Are you excited to revisit Los Santos? Remember, if you’re not planning to pod out for the full PS5 re-release, then you’ll be able to download GTA Online for free within the first three months of its release.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 60
I’m interested but sounds like it won’t be free so we’ll have to see on pricing or if it will even be a new listing entirely.
@awp69 Definitely not a free upgrade.
And that without a trailer showcasing the game. Seems trustworthy after GTA Trilogy /s
I can't imagine too many people investing in this tbh, unless they have really gone to town on the upgrades. They should have made a story dlc pack as an incentive.
I’m ashamed to say I’ll probably pick this up.
Sounds better then what they originally shown, ray-tracing sounds nice as does 60fps.
Never played it, not sure I ever will. That’s a strong “maybe” from me
If its a cheap price and they've done a good job I might jump in, I never finished the game first time round .
If they expect to charge full price then no chance! xD
Transfering my gta online character will be a blessing. Not getting level 100 again. Haven't played since Matt Smith was the Doctor. I know this as my character looks like him XD it started with a quest for a fez
Wouldnt transfer single player story progress tho. Never see the point. If im rebuying the game its to play the story from scratch
You have to give this game credit. It came out on the PS3, and here we are on a PS5 still getting updates (all free so far). So if they want a $10-$20 upgrade to PS5, I'm totally cool with that. Y'all can't be asking for AAA games but only want bargain bin prices.
@ShaneReactions If you bought on PS3 it was a full price upgrade to PS4 and this is likely to be the same. They have released no updated stuff, free or not. The game is the exact content they released day one. They maintain GTA-online but shark cards are far from being free.
Looking forward to this being in the UK charts for another 7 years
GTA V PS5 trailer got roasted beyond belief by big GTA V YouTubers lol
@TooBarFoo That's pretty much what I meant. While story mode has been stagnant, the online portion receives constant updates. Other than Shark cards, there's no additional add-ons or micro-transactions. There aren't many 8 year old games still getting updates, free or not. My point being, I don't mind paying for quality games. I just get tired of people complaining about a $10 upgrade for other games. Would you work for free?
It’ll be a shame if it’s not a free upgrade, when the likes of The Witcher 3 will be.
For everyone complaining about the price of games, they were more expensive in the 80's, technically. If you account for inflation, we're still paying less than we did then. An NES at release ($180) was almost $450 in today's value.
A story dlc would be cool also for gta 5.something rockstar should have done years ago.word up son
It should really have the pc realism mod imo
@ShaneReactions I remember some N64 games being $90-$100 at launch. Crazy.
@AdamCorela Me too.. Street Fighter 2..Super Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2: turbo edition.
All full price. No whining... Though it was pre Internet days. We wore onions on our belts, it was the fashion in those days.
Remember how the definitive trilogy was a mess?
Remember the last trailer they have shown?
If you pre-order this, you are part of the problem.
Considering this will most assuredly be a paid upgrade, and likely not cheap, I'll pass.
Rockstar got enough money out of me when I repurchased GTA5 for PS4. I don't care how significant the upgrades will be.
Hate the way Trevor looks in the header image. Console generation jumps haven't been kind to him.
It will be one of the best selling PS5 games of the year sadly.
I'll be buying it again... For the 4th time.
PS3 PS4 and PC so far.
For all the moaning about shark cards if you grind it a bit (and are half way competent at racing I've found) you can earn enough money to get everything, near enough with ease.
I have roughly 30m in the bank and 4 garages filled with more or less all the best cars per class in game.
The constant free updates to online have made it worthwhile for a night every few weeks/months to jump back in.
I'm guessing it'll be around £20 for the GTAOnline standalone.. those upgrades should be worth it tbf.
I don't like the sound of "up to 4K resolution, up to 60 frames per second". Suggests it could be one or the other, not both?
Balls to this..i bought it for the ps3 and the ps4...then i bought the pc version which is by far the better one to play..i'll wait for gta 6...
I'd just like a PS4 pro patch to increase the frame rate 🤷♂️
“new graphics modes with up to 4K resolution, up to 60 frames per second”
So no 4K/60fps clearly, one or the other. Shouldn’t a game this old be able to do both?
I finished it on Xbox 360 & PS4, then started playing it on PC with all the mods.
After the trilogy remaster debacle & footage I’ve seen of the PS5 version already, I don’t think it comes anywhere near the state or quality of what the modern have done with Ray Tracing, real world models, lighting & textures
So if you can transfer story and mp progress across that means autopopping trophies. I'm assuming it'll have a separate trophy list.
I still haven't played it yet. If this is a free upgrade I'll definitely play it, but that doesn't seem to be the case unfortunately.
Overall i have almost no interest anymore in GTA5. Too many hours of play since release September 2013 on PS3 & 4. 60 fps, 4K, more grass, ect is not enough. It is still the same old map and same old story. I will wait fot GTA6 and something new.
Trevor's expression sums up my entire feeling on the whole matter.
There better be an upgrade path available, even if it's not free.
I'd happily pay $10 to $20 to upgrade my PS4 disc.
After buying this on ps3, ps4 and pc I feel like a utter fool, and Rockstar should feel ashamed for not offering this to me free of charge. Regardless, I'll never spend another minute with this game.
I think I played like 30% of the story mode in PS4 back when it launched, I liked it but for some reason I left it. I think I could start again with this one.
@Danloaded you sure he’s still there? They’ve twice deleted my inactive character.
Whilst it may have a tad more attention to it versus the poor farming off the GTA Trilogy to Grove Street Games...this still smacks of "Malibu Stacey with a new hat dlc!".🙄 Heaven forbid the abandoned single player dlc (that seemingly was repurposed into GTAO ),couldn't have been resurrected into the story mode,but why go to the effort when you can sell it at full price like the GTA Trilogy & still be successful.😕
I'd happily pay £20 for their effort, assuming they put in effort rather than a port with a "plastic cover over it" to hide any bad patches my analogy Isnf brilliant but it's early lol.
I would def buy la noire update for ps5, in terms gta v just hire modder they make a great mod for gtav and give photo realistic feelings
Will xbox and ps have crossplay with pc support so i can play with my friends if not. I dont care about the console ports as im a pc user... Its just a neche dx12 ultimate upgrade for us with enhanced rdr2 dx12 nothing interesting. Otherwise the neglected crossplay. Me and my mates are bored being separated. After i chose to upgrade from ps4 pro to pc and he chose to upgrade to ps5...
If Rockstar implements ray traced global illumination, it could have the potential to completely change the look of the graphics in GTA 5 and make it look "next gen" without making any changes to the geometrical or texture detail to the objects in world.
Does anybody else remember playing GTA V on their PS3?
So just how old is this game?
If it's a £10 update then maybe. Game was good but it's been a few years and with Elden Ring, Forbidden West, Ghostwire ,SIFU ,GT7... I am in no rush for GTA 5 on PS5 if it's £40 plus.
@Humaniac same. Purchased on both PS3 and 4... We should get it for free or at the most £10
@ShaneReactions yes but you got the final product with each purchase. No DLC or stuff left out and added later....no ***** updates due to poor optimization etc etc...
Anyone who says “you are part of the problem” when referring to purchasing a video game really needs a reality check. In terms of problems in society….. this isn’t a problem.
Let’s not overblow that people like GTA and want to play a better version. Even if we don’t feel the same. There should be more choices so that we don’t have to worry
Just ridiculous to be honest, first released on ps3 and xbox360, upgraded version on PS4 and Xbox one, okay it was reased right at the end of the ps3's life but now another one is just a joke. Don't care how much better this will look (probably not worth the price to upgrade) I'm not buying it purely out of protest gamers don't want this crap happening, we want new games not rehashed old ones!
@Humaniac I did the same, couldn't careless what they've don't to it, im done with the game
Go on then, I’ll quad dip. Haha.
@Northern_munkey Are you the guy that isn’t a fan of Rich being called Richmond?
@SoulChimera eh?
@Northern_munkey Haha, never mind. I was listening to a video game podcast and someone with your name had tweeted about the name Rich/Richmond. Wondered if it was you.
Nah not me..i dont use any form of social media as its just a horrible medium...only this site and i sometimes wonder about this too..
This is just too much from Rockstar, GTA V is almost 10 years old game, just give us GTA VI or don't push the clickbait anymore. I have no intention of buying GTA V again for the third time (unless if the update is free) because I bought it first for PS3, then for PS4, then at some discount for PC... It would be a little too much for this GTA V version of the game for the PS5 to charge more than $10 to existing game owners on the same ecosystem and same account!!!
expecting this port to be broken. take out the popcorn.
I would pick up a physical copy for $40... sold my PS4 copy and my PC and PS3 copies are digital.
People throw around the word Raytracing too much these days and should remember Raytracing is not just one single thing but a group of things, games can choose just to use one part and "very rarely" use all as even this gen can't handle it all. GTA V will definitely not support it fully. Some notable usage is Gran Turismo 7 (Ray Traced Reflections) , Dying Light (Ray Traced Shadows) , Metro (Ray traced lighting, global illumination ) This gen still isn't up to par when it comes to RT, until they make it easier, which is were new engines like Unreal 5 comes into play but this gen will still struggle..
@Northern_munkey I appreciate your comments here I normally agree with your opinions. 👍
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