With Horizon Forbidden West two weeks away from launch, you may be beginning to think about pre-ordering the title. If that’s the case, then here’s a swift reminder to buy the game on the PlayStation 4 and not on the PS5. That’s because, after some backtracking, Sony announced that it will honour the release’s free PS4 to PS5 upgrade, which can save you a few bucks.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re buying physically or digitally. Currently, on the PS Store, Aloy’s sophomore adventure costs £59.99/$59.99 to pre-order on the PS4 and £69.99/$69.99 to pre-order on the PS5. But if you buy the PS4 version, which is £10/$10 less, you’ll still be able to download the PS5 edition for free. There’s no catch here – you’ll get the full next-gen release at a lower price.
If you are looking to buy digitally, remember to do so with your Internet browser and not your console, as it’s been pointed out that the PS4 version of Horizon Forbidden West may not show in search results on your PS5 console. Again, you’ll still get access to the full next-gen version at a discount, despite Sony’s attempts to charge you extra.
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The same is true if you prefer physical, by the way. Amazon is flogging the PS5 version for £69.99/$69.99, but if you grab a PS4 copy for £59.99/$59.99, you’ll still be able to download the next-gen experience for free. Keep in mind that you will need to have your PS4 disc in your PS5 in order to play the game, but that’s par for the course with physical games, isn’t it?
Sony is being a teensy bit sneaky here, to be honest. Despite offering a free upgrade, it’s perhaps banking on people being unaware of that, and buying the more expensive PS5 version anyway. Don’t fall for it, folks – buy this game on the PS4 and you’ll still be able to enjoy the next-gen version in its entirety, without any cutbacks or compromises.
Comments 222
Dang. I want the physical copy on PS5. Oh well, guess I’ll just wait for a slight price drop.
These 70$ games make Xbox look more and more attractive.
@Stragen8 Can't you just buy the physical PS4 copy? The box art is the same, and there's no special edition (that I know of)!
Understand what you're saying about Xbox (and I agree, to an extent) but you can't play Forbidden West on it so it's not worth even thinking about.
@PenguinL I thought they'd fixed this? They definitely have with some games, as when I put in my Uncharted disc recently I had to manually copy the PS4 version.
Has this been happening recently?
Sneakiest bit about Sony is that you can't buy the PS4 version from the Store on a PS5, you can only get it from the web/mobile store, or from a PS4. It was available before they announced the free upgrade, but then "magically disappeared"
Disappointed in Sony for this, it's very clearly banking on those less informed individuals to squeeze some extra cash out after being forced to climb down on the free upgrade in the first place. It's pretty sleazy and doesn't help the narrative of Sony bring anti consumer
What I don’t understand, is why the price of new PS4 releases went up. £50 for a new release is one thing, but £60?
Trash take support the development of a great game if you can and buy the $70 version if you're on PS5. Playstation gives us amazing game so spending the extra $10 shouldn't be that crazy of a idea
@DrClayman I wasn't aware of that, I'll add that to the article. Thanks!
@Stragen8 switch then
@DrClayman yeah, that is sneaky. I used my mobile app to buy it, but from the actual ps5 console, you can't get the ps4 version. Very sneaky from Sony, and to be honest, it's probably the last Sony game I buy on day 1.
@get2sammyb There is a special edition with a steel case. Also comes in PS4 and PS5 variations with the PS4 one being cheaper.
The collector's editions always come with both versions (digital) so there's no way to save there.
@PenguinL This is something that was an issue since day 1 on PS5 and was supposed to be fixed a long time ago (was in patch notes and all). Weirdly, it seems to vary between games. It wasn't happening with Doom Eternal for me.
@get2sammyb I thought the change was putting a "PS4" or "PS5" logo in the bottom of the icon so you know what version you're playing without going into the menu. I still get the wrong version downloaded — annoying.
@get2sammyb There is the usual "Standard, Special and Collector's Editions".
Even cheaper in Turkey 👀
@PenguinL I get this with Valhalla a lot. I have the PS4 version, it’s downloads the ps5 version, but the ps5 downloads them both & also both updates. Been doing my head in, so for that reason, even though the ps5 forbidden west is more expensive then the PS4 version- I’ll always ends up getting the ps5 version.
This is absolutely nuts. Saying that, I've got the special edition pre-ordered anyway, so perhaps I'm part of the problem
I'm aware of this and yet I still will buy a PS5 copy.
Really they should offer something extra to the PS5 version, like a special skin or weapon or something that PS4 players wouldn't be so upset about.
At the end of the day though I'll be paying more for a frigging box!
Purchased Horizon day 1 on PS Store when they hadn’t adjusted the PS4 version yet to be a free upgrade path, so yep I got screwed on that one. Thanks Sony! You guys screwed me with Death Stranding’s upgrade and I’m sure you’re looking to screw me again. Lol. At least I know there’s a fair chance Horizon will be worth $70 regardless though…
@akaprepare You're more than welcome to pay extra for an identical product if you prefer. I'm sure other readers appreciate the heads-up, though!
@PenguinL Hmm, sounds like this will require more patching then. I'll admit I didn't have my PS4 disc in for long so there's a good chance it may have tried to install it at some point.
That's very annoying and really should be fixed by now.
And have that horrible blue square on the box? No thanks, I want the superior white box 😂
@Voltan Thanks for the correction, fair enough! I'd still recommend getting the PS4 version for the savings, but obviously up to the individual how they choose to buy the game!
Haha, cool, I’ll definitely be taking whatever advantage I can of Sony’s baffling cross-gen delivery strategy.
Yeah I preordered the PS4 copy cause 10€ are 10€
@PapaGlitch You said it!
Also, if you’re thinking about going digital only this gen… don’t.
PS4 digital copy on PSN = £59.99 (£69.99 PS5).
PS4 physical copy at Base.com (if you’re against buying from Amazon because they dodge paying tax in the UK) = £51.85 (£60.85 PS5).
Morale of the story… digital only gaming is a rip off.
@munstre no, people want a Live Service future where nothing is complete at launch and no game ever dies!
You may be able to shop around and get a discount on the ps5 version, I've managed to pick it up for £55 which is still more, but I only paid £5 more.
£51.85 and £60.85 at Base. Com
@akaprepare "Trash take support the development of a great game if you can"
Well this post is if you can't or just want to save a few bucks 😐 Also I'll assume you paid full release day price for every single PlayStation first party game you own, you not paying full price for even one would make you a hypocrite.
@BritneyfR_ee beat me to it
The OCD in me needs that white stripe on the case. Ps5 version for me.
PS4 version is currently going for £52 on Amazon UK, Simply Games and The Game Collection.
If it didn't have a special edition (the one with a disc, not one of the two without the disc which is dumb) on order then I think I might have gone for the PS4 version then got the free upgrade.
Then, I am someone that has bought Death Stranding and Uncharted again physical on PS5 (Would like GoT, FFVIIR as well) along with forgetting I've got Guardians of the Galaxy as I have the PS4 physical not PS5. Think I would need that white box lol
I wonder if further down the road HFW will be enhanced on PS5 in some capacity but only to people that purchased a PS5 copy.
Not going to take the risk, physical PS5 copy it is!
@PenguinL I used to do that for me, but I have UC4 and FF7, they both show the PS4 version pop up, but it doesn't copy. So must be fixed.
Or.. unless there is a setting for autocopy, which now comes to think of it, I'm sure there is.. I switched something off when I first got it as there was a bug back then.
@BritneyfR_ee Do you know you can buy PSN credit at 14% off basically anytime, from third party sellers like Shopto. If you are willing to buy from other people on sites like G2A you can regularly get 20% off if you wait, I got £100 voucher at 25% & 27% off earlier this year.
Digital pre-order at £60 with 20% discounted credit is £48, and you end up with a superior product(IMO), and the developers still receive more money this way than buying physical where only around £30 makes it back.
They should just make one box design for the ps4 and ps5 compatible games instead of two separate choices
I actually pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe PS5 version this morning, didn't think to get the PS4 version instead but oh well that extra tenner was redeemed from Game reward points so it doesn't matter anyway.
I'll get the PS5 disc version in 6 months or so for about £38 . Am always behind with games since having kids and thats great .
This week I picked up a used copy of Deathloop for £21 and Resident Evil Village brand new for £23 , still yet to play Last of Us 2 , Days Gone and countless countless others !
Having an absolute blast with Battlefield 2042 at the moment , hard to find time for other games,
@get2sammyb I'm just saying if the extra $10 isn't a struggle you know
@akaprepare Yep, fair enough!
@Juanalf You are correct if I want to play something I buy it. I like to play games when they released rather than wait for a sale when I'll probably be playing something else or have lost interest
@Col_McCafferty I doubt it, the PS5 version is already better than the PS4 version at launch. It's a cross-gen game, but clearly it's been optimised as much as possible for PS5.
If you buy the PS4 version on PSN then I don't think you'll be able to preload the PS5 version as usually the upgrade option only shows up after release. I think this will likely be the same with HFW, so that's probably the only advantage you would get from ordering the PS5 version.
Pretty poor on Sonys part to even still have that as an option. Obviously people should read aand be informed to prevent mistakes but it's a bad look imo
@get2sammyb If you buy the PS4 copy, won’t you need to then keep a large download (upgrade) file on your PS5 as well?
With the limited storage I’d rather not download an upgrade file every time I go back to revisit the game.
I know I’m in the minority on that but it’s still a thought haha.
And yeah, can’t play Horizon on Xbox but when the reality of spending 70$ on a new game hits (last full price game I got was RE8, so it’s not often for me these days) it makes you do a double take and reconsider financial choices lol.
@Stragen8 I may be completely wrong, but it's my understanding it won't make a blind bit of difference to the size on the harddrive, since physical games are just installed on the harddrive nowadays anyway
Bought the PS5 physical as I wanted more ‘white’ PS5 tabs amongst my games collection.
Still does it with lost judgment.
No, I will not opt for the PS4 version. With full knowledge I pre-ordered the ps5 version and I'm only annoyed there doesn't seem to be an upgrade to special edition option.
This is nice to put out this reminder to try to get people to save $10, but I'm sticking with my PS5 pre-order. My internet is mediocre, so I consider the $10 more than worthwhile for me to be able to install the game in an hour tops as opposed to basically a full day's time.
@Stragen8 I know it's all down to personal preferences but Xbox don't produce big AAA SP games that aren't full of MTXs.
Even the much hyped Halo has a really sort campaign, with the MP providing the bulk of the content.
I'd hate for big Sony games to follow the same suit
In reality, you get what you pay for and the £70/$70/€70 for this game is more than worth it imo.
At one point MS will increase the price of GP, above the rate of inflation. Maybe it won't appear to be the 'bargain' that it currently does
@Stragen8 plus, technically you would need to download the whole game, as where with the disk it's mostly installed from that. For some who don't have decent internet that could pose an issue.
@PapaGlitch That’s a good point too. More games need options to install 4k textures etc. I’d rather have reduced file size then top notch graphics that my terribles eyes barely notice anyways haha
@Stragen8 if you want physical on ps5 I presume you'd want physical on xbox ,which are more or less the same price if you shop around ,im struggling to see the issue.
@Col_McCafferty 100%. It’ll be like Netflix etc once it reaches market dominance. Prices will rise, content will continue to be ‘meh’ quality and some form of ‘canceling after season 2’ once the hype dies will occur like it does with Netflix.
I absolutely hate the concept of Gamepass and what it’ll probably do to the industry, but when looking at my wallet, it’s very enticing right now haha.
Overall I’d much rather pay 60/70$ for a high quality game. Sometimes I just have to skip out on some releases or wait for sales depending on how many things launch at the same time. This is a hard month with all the good games coming out.
I refuse to go digital as long as physical exists. Paid for the physical PS5 copy for £64.85 At simplygames.
The price went up at the start of the gen and I was sore about it. But given the way things are going I'll pay the price to support the developers and show single player games are still worth making. Hopefully the game does well, I know people don't like the steep price increase and I don't blame them.
@vapidwolf1 Yes I prefer physical if it’s a 1:1 in price.
But if it’s 70$ vs included in my 15$ a month sub…..I’ll play it on the sun and when it drops in price buy the physical if I like the game.
I’m also the type of person that will still buy CDs if I like the album (I primarily use a streaming service), so I understand that I’m in a massive minority here with this lol
2 versions of the game for less than 1 version. Seems a simple decision to me and if you still have a PS4 and PS5 someone else can be playing on the PS4 while you play on the PS5. I assume unless there is something new stopping you doing that?
EDIT: This would only be for digital of course.
@get2sammyb actually it's not identical, the PS4 version is much more valuable! You get a PS4 copy for your PS4 and a PS5 copy for your PS5. (Yes you'd have to move the disc if you go physical). If you buy just the PS5 version it won't run on a PS4...
@Barryburton97 That's true, if you're a big fan of Trophies you can get them all twice!
Got the PS5 disc edition for £59.85 delivered from Simply Games
@Enigk Well you'd need to have the disc in your console to play the PS4 version or PS5 version so you couldn't play them both simultaneously.
But I think that's fair enough.
I bought the collector's edition, so I'll be spending more than double 🤑😬😲
@get2sammyb I pressed Reply too quickly and forgot to add that it would only apply to the digital version.
The PS4 version would look better next to the original on a shelf for the physical copy though.
I bought the ps4 version and cancelled because the ps5 still said not purchased. I bought the ps5 knowing it was an extra $10 already. I love Horizon Zero Dawn and this is the only time this will happen so I'm not that bothered I give a little extra support. We want more SP games more than MP, right? Riiiight?
I'm going to complaint if I don't get the ps4 version. Idc if I won't use it. Sold my pro already, but it's about principle. I'll let you guys know.
@munstre Thank brother for your wise words. Keep traditional gaming alive.
I’m totally fine not buying either version. I was underwhelmed with the first 15 hours of HZD (mainly due to my high expectations) and gave up on it. I still haven’t been back to it yet so maybe I’ll try replaying it again and see if I can finish it and if I enjoy it along the way. By that time, maybe I’ll save more than $10 finding it on discount
Daily reminder that there is zero reason to buy games from Amazon (in the UK at least). PS4 version is 51 quid at Base.com and PS5 version is 61
@PenguinL It's weird because Ghost of Tsushima didn't do this with the PS5 upgrade, neither did Spider-Man: Miles Morales, nor Final Fantasy VII Remake; but Death Stranding still tries to install the PS4 version despite me having the PS5 version installed when I insert the PS4 disc.
From a storage space standpoint, it's not a big deal - PS4 games automatically install to an external HDD - it's just annoying to look at and shouldn't happen in the first place.
I really hate the way Sony has handled cross-gen. I appreciate the seamlessness of the Xbox when it comes to Smart Delivery.
@WizzNL I told them to fix it already. Maybe it shows that you can download it after it releases.
I'll contact them and complain.
My brother bought a $12 game on xbox and refund it with a press of a button. On Playstation I have to get in line, wait, then talk to somebody and explain the situation. Will complain about that. The thing is it really doesn't bother me, but I'm still complaining. Makes no sense when you pay more.
To be fair, you'll actually have the PS5 data on disc if you buy that version. If you get the PS4 version and in the future PSN isn't around, PS5 games are no longer on PSN, your internet is down, Sony's servers are down, then you're stuck with playing the PS4 version. For roughly the price of two pints, I feel more future proofed with the PS5 version.
Microsoft will pay you for your loyalty (gamepass)
SONY will charge you for your loyalty (upcharges).
Just the facts for this gen.
Nice tip. I bought what I wanted and I'm happy to pay for it, but for those who need to save a tenner, its a good deal.
I should point out that its precisely because people do this that they have made upgrades such a pain trying to stop this, but they should have had much clearer ideas on such things anyway, so only themselves to blame.
I thought HZD was one of the very best games of last gen, and certainly in my top 5, so a chance to return to this world is not to be missed imo!
@DrJames Eh.
You think MS won't make excessive grindy games, full of high priced mtx, with cut content like Halo Infinite? It's only skins and $15 a month... for now.
@get2sammyb Can you answer the below question regarding playing on both PS4 and PS5 w/ a digital edition? US has 3 versions on the website, I was going to buy the $79 Deluxe b/c I thought that meant I would be able to play both at the same time. Well me 1 and my kid the other. Can I really just buy the PS4 version for $60, download it to my PS4, then turn on my PS5 and download that version it to that, so it's still playable on both consoles on different accounts, mine and my kids?
Maybe you can link to a step-by-step tutorial somewhere if there are any steps we need to take? I'm sure you know I %$#%$^& my PS+ account b/c after 6+ years of having it on my account on the PS5 it got added to my kids account. Don't need any more aggravation if I can avoid it.🤬
@Enigk "playing on the PS4 while you play on the PS5"
I'm very curious about this myself. I have a PS5 and 4k tv, put the PS4 in my kids room w/ the 1080p tv. If I get the PS4 digital version will we both be able to play, or will Sony disable the PS4 version once download it onto the PS5?
If it makes you feel any better @Stragen8 in a couple of years if you need the money the PS5 disc will probably be worth more than the PS4 disc at trade in or to sell to a friend. Well probably.
I have a PS4, not a PS5, so of course I bought the PS4 version 😋
Why should I? With the PS4 version, the PS5 is digital and has to be completely downloaded everytime, I always want the native PS5 disc. And this is just the day one price.
So in conclusion, buy ALL versions and also a digital deluxe copy, just to be safe.
@Stragen8 To add to your point, my concern is that Gamepass and the PS Now successor will become more like Spotify where only a handful of artists make decent money, and the prevalence of the platform has impacted the way music is created and released. Outside of the free to play model, the industry hasn’t really seen design based on maximizing earning potential since the arcade days, but if your main revenue source shifts from units sold to whatever agreement you have with a streaming service, I expect development will shift accordingly.
Physical Special Edition didn't seem worth it, you are just paying extra for a metal case and a book.
@Amnesiac You know what I thought about. What if Spartacus lets you select 10 games per year and only those 10 studios get as much money they would get if they sold their game? It would be cheaper (lets say a $100 yearly for 10 games) and sony would earn money if it gets too many subs. This way, it will continue to push competition. It will also push casuals to try more games to get the 10 game selected.
I don't know. I think Spartacus could be different and actually not affect development costs that much.
Plus throw bc and all the ps3 streaming from ps now.
@munstre absolutely nailed it. If you don't pay the full price and support these guys we'll end up with a chance of not getting a sequel just like "Days Gone". 🤬
Bought the PS5 box, and don't really care. Won't play it on PS4 anyway.
No way! So many here claimed they felt fine about paying £70 for games…they surely won’t pay for the PS4 version to save money now…surely not!
I’m so torn on what I want…on the one hand I want Sony dropping the £70rrp as that benefits me…and they only way they’ll do that is if the sales of the ps5 version are lower than expected…so by all means buy the cheaper PS4 version.
On the other hand…I don’t want Sony going into next year releasing all their games crossgen still…I want them taking full advantage of the ps5 as that’s what benefits me. So suck it up and put your money where your mouth is and pay the £70rrp!
What a predicament.
If I can't preload the PS5 upgrade before release day, I'm still buying the PS5 digital version. Don't really want to lose time waiting until release day to start downloading the PS5 version.
My OCD monster demands that I have a white stripe on the box & not blue so it’s the PS5 version for me.
No thanks I’m getting the ps5 physical copy. Don’t mind paying an extra $10. Most people spend that on a daily on their lunch break
@get2sammyb @Barryburton97 The app lists that the PS5 versions get the PS4 version also.
The PS4 doesn't mention about getting both versions.
So yeah, both standard versions are the exact same product, just £10 difference.
@get2sammyb Way ahead of you and since this is the last game that they will sell with a free upgrade I'm not buying any of their games until a discount from 70$ happens. It's literally nothing but pure greed and to squeeze money out of people for ultra settings on a PC.
Only £51 at Amazon at the moment...
I'd rather spend an extra couple quid on the PS5 version just to save having two versions come up when I pop the game in. And the fact I'm now going all physical on games for PS5. But if anybody isn't bothered about that and wants to save money go for it and knock off a couple quid.
@Amnesiac That a really good point I hadn’t thought about.
The F2P model we see on phones is annoying enough. Through a subscription service if $ is based on overall playtime and MTX, it’s gonna be awful with bloated games etc
It's only £50 right now on Amazon UK. Can't argue with that, I was going to skip this game over the £70 price tag and wait for a sale but £50 is a more than fair price I think
I wanted the PS5 version in a steelbook case on the disc.
Im willing to spend the extra money. It saves me a ton of bandwidth.
@munstre I want to support AAA games but I think prices are not exactly fair for the customers. You can almost buy a cheap android phone with that much money. I will wait for a discount
Has anyone bought the ps4 version recently and can you confirm if the PS5 version is still available to buy or not on the PSN store? Thanks
I pre ordered the special edition from Best Buy comes with a cool steel book the PS5 version. Even though am aware of the free upgrade and all but I just want to build my PS5 collection. I don’t mind spending the extra $10 it’s worth supporting the studio and I can afford it.
I say make all physical copies the higher price and discount all digital. Game retailers are the ones that made a stink about having digital cheaper years ago, but what has Game Stop done for me lately. Bottom line, if we cannot afford 10 more bucks for a game maybe we are in the wrong hobby.
Now I've seen everything. At first, it was funny when people would argue over plastic boxes, xb or ps. Then it got weird, when people started arguing over, semantics, "you're ps? Disc or disc less?" Now people are arguing others for deciding to save money?
Depends where you I'm gold membership with shop to so it's only costing like a fiver more so I don't mind getting ps5 version. As constantly games keep downloading ps4 version when I'm playing ps5 e.g ff14
@EquiinoxGII I scoured the settings for some kind of auto-copy but haven't found anything. I think if you're getting the pop up but it's not installing that's because the ps4 version is already installed along with the ps5 version.
That or this getting fixed depends on each game's developer turning off their own auto install.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I got some white stripes for sale, I’ll let you have ‘’em for $9 each. How many you want?
All fair and well but some sneaky ***** game stores haved upped the price of the PS4 version...and also for me personally I would rather have the disc edition as I dislike digital games unless I have no choice.
On the ps store the ps4 version is advertised as just ps4 while the ps5 says ps5 and ps4 where is it confirmed that digital ps4 version can be upgraded?
@get2sammyb There's two small benefits to getting a PS5 physical copy over PS4
1) You won't have to download ALL 90+GB and the Day 1 patch. If you have a slow internet connection that 90+GB could be the difference between playing today or tomorrow
2) If you're someone who resells games then typically PS5 games hold their value for a little longer so you have a better chance of recouping some of that extra £10.
For a few these might be enough reason to go for the PS5 version
@themightyant That's fair!
@Jacko11 God I love the Turkish store. Both Saved and cost me a fortune.
@PenguinL Upgrade your firmware, PS4 disks haven't done that on my PS5 for ages. They will SHOW the PS4 version of the game on the menu, but they won't try to install that version when the PS5 version is installed unless you select it.
Slow down with your button mashing, pick the PS5 edition before you hit X, and you should be fine.
I paid the £5 White Box tax. Damn my OCD.
Sammy: "Use this tip to save money"
You lot: "no."
Thank you so much for this one. 10$ upgrades should be as illegal as loot boxes.
@themightyant These aren't really small benefits imo. They are usually downplayed or forgotten in the push to a digital focus that ultimately takes the control away from players, puts it in the hand of the corporation. So if it's a choice of saving some cash versus having control of what I've spent that money on, it'll be the latter.
@Oscarjpc . I wish Sony would just make all games that are cross-gen the new higher price. Then maybe we could all just have a cry about the price increase and then move on. I think think that being able to upgrade your game for a measly $10 is way better than them double-dipping like all the previous generations. Money doesn't care about your feelings. I agree with you on loot boxes though.
@get2sammyb only downside is you can’t pre install the PS5 version if you order the PS4 digitally
@grapetrap money doesn't care about feelings, that's why you should always vote with your wallet and be mindful of how you spend your hard earned cash. Specially when dealing with billion dollar corporations that tend to be way anticonsumer. I subscribed to PSNOW for a salee price of 45$ a year and I have over 800 games to choose from, contrast that with paying 10$ dollars for better graphics on a game you already own and I believe it is a rip off. Compare that to PC or Xbox. I love my PS5 but they're crazy if they think I'll pay 10$ for the same game I already have.
Kudos for the public awareness message.
If games kept up with inflation over the last 30 years you'd be paying 110 dollars for a game.
Games have been stuck at 60 bucks for like 15 years. It's astonishing that prices haven't really budged in all that time.
Not only that but a game from 30 years ago was vastly smaller in terms of content and length compared to today.
If you love a game, support the workers and pay full price if you can. If you can't, wait for a sale. But if you are able to pay full price and yet you still purposefully circumvent the system to save 10 dollars just so you can still play day 1 then I don't know what to tell you.
Trust me, I don't like getting ripped off, but going from 60 to 70 dollars after all these years is not unreasonable.
@Oscarjpc I'm sure I can agree with you about corporations wanting to take all our money, they do. but that's not the point I'm trying to make. We now have an upgrade path, unlike anything we have ever had on Playstation or any other console (excluding xbox as I agree that what they are doing is fantastic). Even the fact that the PS5 is backward compatible with most of the PS4 catalogue is incredible. Sure, Sony isn't perfect and could improve, but to call this $10 upgrade charge anticonsumer is disingenuous.
@get2sammyb I just installed Death Stranding and it keeps trying to install the PS4 version. Sony is approaching Nintendo levels of technological incompetence.
@Stragen8 if $10 is make or break maybe you should look into a cheaper hobby. (Kanye shrug)
Thanks for the tip @get2sammyb. The rest of you talk too much.
@GreatAuk i disagree with your argument. the reason games were so expensive during the cartridge era (nes/snes/genesis, n64 etc) was in part because of the chips and various hardware components that were required for the cartridges. that was quite cutting edge tech for the time so the prices reflected that. once the success of playstation was clear and the industry moved to cd's and dvd's, the prices came down to more reasonable levels. n64 games had a $20-30 premium over ps1 games simply because carts cost more to produce and it burned nintendo in more ways than one.
at any rate, playstation games have climbed by about 75% since 2000. that is a lot when you consider the fact that mtx and various monetization schemes have been added to the mix. not only are people paying absurd prices for (base) games on release day, but they are also expected to buy the dlc and various add-ons which inflate the prices even more. If games were "complete" out of the box, then the current price point would be easier to swallow, but unfortunately that is not the case. there is no reason to empathize with publishers — they are making a ton of money and they are doing just fine exploiting us gamers.
Well the point for me was to not have to download it at all other than for updates. So i'll suck up and drop money for the PS5 physical outright.
@Porco we can just use the PS1 games as an example then since they were on disc. In 1995 a PS1 game was about 50 dollars. That's about 92 dollars today. Paying 70 just sounds like a lot because we've gotten used to paying 60 for over 15 years.
And today's games come with much more "game" than games then.
In PS1 times there was no multiplayer, you have to consider that an added value to the game as well. And if a publisher chooses to lock essential items for finishing a game behind a paywall, then they deserve not to get the full asking price. Do any games have that problem though? I've never bought anything extra ever and I've been able to finish every game I buy.
I don't consider a DLC an essential item btw, you don't need them to finish a game. I have bought a few of those as I enjoyed the game they are associated with, such as Frozen Wilds or the DLC for Little Nightmares.
The one game I own that was playable but didn't deliver what was promised was No Man's Sky and they proceeded to make several years' worth of free major updates to make it right.
No publisher exploits anyone btw. Exploitation requires a person not having any choice but to succumb to said exploitation to fulfill a need that must be met.
Gaming isn't housing or food. If a publisher does greedy things you are under no obligation to buy and play their games. Vote with your wallet.
I do not recommend doing it this way as some PS5s don’t work correctly with upgrades. Mine being one of them.
@Culjoseth I don't even know how something like that is possible but you should definitely send it to Sony if that's the case. I would not let something like that go.
@-Sigma- spent hours on the phone with them. They had me troubleshoot everything they could think of. Even went so far as to erase it completely and start over. It’s only certain games but a major headache.
@Marquez @BuGGy2DaB @MattyP @Nintendo4Sonic @LightningLeader @colonelkilgore @masofdas @Kidfunkadelic83 @AFCC Same here, my OCD requires that I own the white PS5 case.
Not to mention it saves some bandwidth and I don't have to wait for the upgrade option to go live.
@akaprepare Jim Ryan is it you?
Thanks Sammy. I consider doing this. Hope there is no downside to it.
I'm lazy and wasteful. Getting the PS5 version straight up like Paula Abdul.
@akaprepare What if I spend the $70 and end up not liking it? That would just be a waste. $50 from Walmart sounds like a way better deal.
Games are great value for money the amount of time you spend on them for what you pay , I got the last of us part 2 and have spent 120 hours on it getting all the stupid trophies and doing it on grounded plus all for like 45 quid and still play it now , I never got into playing horizon I got off eBay for cheap and I am going to try and get into it because i think forbidden west looks amazing and if it cost 70 quid on the ps5 and you play it for nearly 100 hours you can’t complain really
I have pre ordered this and I do own the first horizon but never played it....don't know whether to play it before the new one.....I want too but also I don't want to be burnt out onit by the time the new ones out lol
@stylesT i think you will be glad you played it
@HashtagTrowel i was exactly the same with Horizon. Ive owned it since launch and started it over 4 times, hardly evet past about 4 hours due to it not clicking. Started it again last week as i really wanted to expierience the story instead of jumping in to the new one and completed it last night. Really enjoyed it. Strange how it took me so long.
@DualWielding The web store lists both as giving both versions, but the app doesn't list that on the cheaper version. The app does however include this message on the more expensive one (as does the web store)
> If you already own the PS4 version of this game, you can get the PS5 digital version at no extra cost and you do not need to purchase this product.
Apropos of nothing, my local grocery store regularly sells reasonably-sized packs of ground beef for a dollar per pound more than their giant "value packs" (which, when the latter are on sale for a fantastic $3/lb as they were today, is a significant markup)... unless you buy it from their actual butcher's counter, in which case they'll happily go to the extra trouble of wrapping up a single pound for you at the bulk-pack pricing. It makes no sense whatsoever .
Capitalism is weird, yo!
60 is still too much. Not really a fan of the game.
My OCD will be triggered having a PS4 gamecase between my PS5 gamecases. And I don't like the idea of owning the PS5 version digital, while still needing to insert the PS4 disc. So I'll spend a few more bucks.
Also, a lot of troubles redeeming PS5 upgrades for popular games during launch week.
So be warned!
Note: If your planning on going digital, than the PS4 version is a no-brainer.
Or, I buy the physical PS5 version for $49. That's why you never go digital.
Thanks for the tip!
However, I'll still buy the 70$ Digital Deluxe Edition on PS5.
Why? Very simple.
Playstation's exclusive franchises are among my top favorites, and the sole reason I own the latest 3 gens of Sony's consoles and none of Microsoft's.
I trust each new release in those franchises enough to always preorder the digital deluxe editions at full price. I've been doing it for many years and never been disappointed so far.
So I want to do my part to support the devs - they fully deserve it!
This is exactly why they don't want to do free upgrades because PS5 owners will by the previous gen version to save an extra 10. Be interesting to see PS5 sales compared to PS4 for this game.
@RevGaming traditional gaming huh ? 😂 the first game ever made was multiplayer 😂
I pre-ordered a deluxe edition on my PS4 a week or so ago, guess I'll be getting everything anyway then?
It's still weird that PlayStation is pulling something like this.
Should just sell it as one item 🤷♂️
@Fath that's not capitalism, that's just the store manager being an idiot.
OT but more people were lifted out of poverty under capitalism than at any other time in the history of humanity. I know it's en vogue at the moment to rail against capitalism but that's a misguided viewpoint with no historical context.
No system is perfect. But there has never been a system that has helped so many people lift out of poverty than ever before.
Regulated capitalism is the best system there will ever be, unless you believe in some Utopia where 100% of all goods and services can be produced by a worldwide army of robots and people will be free to do nothing and get everything.
@nomither6 did it had microtransactions? I Blame Todd Howard for this and that darn horse armor skin.
I agree with most of that. I remember paying MORE for N64 games back in the late 90s. Rogue Squadron was about the same price as a PS5 game. And that was in 1999 dollars.
And I vividly remember Chrono Trigger on SNES retailing for 99.99. Which is why I couldn’t get it. Game was to long to rent and beat over a weekend (I had a crap ton of chores when I was a kid; my granddad kept both of us busy on his days off) and the price was just out of reach.
I didn’t get to play it until the PlayStation version released years later.
I’m really shocked myself that games stuck at 60 dollars for so long. I remember everyone panicking (just like today) when Oblivion released on 360 at 59.99. That was one of the first price jump games I remember vividly. But we all got over it.
I personally only buy games I’m really hyped for at full price. 90% of games I wait for sales; I’ve got enough backlog to tide me over in between those hyped games. The only three games I will be buying at release this year are Horizon Forbidden West, Breath of the Wild 2 (I will admit that I just pay the Nintendo tax; their games don’t go on sale till they are four years old), and Advance Wars Remake. Everything else will be bought on sales, including God of War 2.
@Stragen8 Game pass is leasing the game. You don't own movies streaming on Netflix. Same applies and they can remove it at any time. No game pass no games. If you live off in an area where internet is bad. Online service doesn't work. It's better to own the game out right to play offline.
We have to remember that they didn't even want to offer the free upgrade in the first place so it's no surprise they're being ambiguous like this.
@TheRedComet What's funny people buy unlocked iphones and Samsung Galaxy phones for the price of a laptop yearly but complain about the price of a game. The games that take several years to develop in coding with groups of different teams who must be paid for their work. The level of ignorance, ingratitude and entitlement is sick. I won't complain about it. Don't go to Starbucks daily, of spend money cigarettes, etc. We spend hundreds on things year round but give a middle finger to developers crying saying you want the game basically for almost free. To hell with the level of sweatshop hours they have to put in for deadlines to give us these games. Please stop the hypocrisy. The crying about game price is tired and dumb. Either ask for everything to be free on earth or just don't play. They provide a product that has to be paid for.
@HashtagTrowel You sir get it. The adult logic is refreshing.
Even with the threat of one of the world's largest corporations strong-arming developers into selling off their autonomy I think Sony will be just fine. I know it must be hard for the Playstation brand to compete with a company that has an endless revenue stream. Microsoft and their game pass are for people that want everything all of the time. I will pay a premium to game with a company that still seems to care about games.
AHHH crap! Have I drank Jim Ryan's coolaid.
I feel kinda fanboy-ish.
Yeah, they made a public announcement about the free upgrade, so of course, they're... trying to be sneaky about it.
Nah, I will be buying the PS5 version. Physically.
I sincerely hope it bothers most of you.
@WizzNL are we guaranteed to get the free upgrade on the 18th?
@GreatAuk Go live on an island. This is the most ignorant entitled spoiled brat mentality. Nothing in life is for free. How about your employer tells you they aren't paying you for your services. You would be upset. I went to school for IT and I get upset hearing from hypocritical people like you demanding that what I create for you must be giving to you for free or almost free. Just like you buy coffee, junk food, cigarettes and other things you can do without that cost way more than a $60 game you choose to buy it. They bust their a$$ for years creating a game being away from family putting all of their hard work to entertain you and you tell them screw you. Hypocritical. Go live on an island. Nothing is free in life. You guys complaining if your employer says we want you to work for free you would be upset. Japan that happens over there a lot which is why suicide is high. It's honorable to be paid cheap work to death and not complain. So, tell that to all companies that same thing you want it for almost free. Laziness, entitlement has to stop. Think about others besides yourself. It's entertaining but again someone has to create these games for you. That building they are in cost for electricity, insurance and a ton of other cost for a company. It is magic and a game just shows up on the shelves. Ungrateful. My father taught me be careful about complaining in life because you could have nothing or be born in a 3rd world country. I will gladly support a business because that's how the economy works. If everything is free you have Communism. North Korea would love to have you. I got off topic. If you don't want to pay for the game then get just don't play video games. I am not going to create something for you and you tell me screw you I don't want to pay that much.
@Gunnerzaurus They appreciate you. I know I feel good when my clients tell me they appreciate my hard work. I can take care of my family not some people telling me thanks for the product now piss off I want it for free.
Eh, I take a measured view on it.
I work a lot. About 55 hours per week on average. Not a lot of free time for video games, not like I used to. Plus a ton of bills.
So I tend to try and be as efficient as possible with my spending. I eat ham sandwiches at work to avoid going to pay a bunch of money for lunch every day. I keep my phones for three to four years.
The only money waste I have currently is that I am a long term smoker; I’ve smoked for ten years. I’m trying to quit; I’ve managed to cut back significantly with the help of an electronic cig. Before I was smoking a pack and a half per day. Now I’m smoking less than half a pack. And I’m working towards my goal of quitting completely.
Now as for video games, I buy based on my personal desire and what I think is a price I would pay for the game’s content. When I’m hyped for a release, I tend to buy at or near launch at full price. When it’s a game I’m interested in, but not hyped for, I go for sales. I try to buy new games when possible, since the developer and publisher still get a cut of the sale. On used sales, they get nothing. Those secondary games are what I call “back-log” titles. I don’t play them at the time of purchase. I save them for the droughts between my hype releases.
@Stragen8 I’m not sure what the price of a PS5 game makes Xbox more attractive. Both charge the same price. Both have a Netflix platform for games. PS Now actually has more then twice as many games when compared to GP.
As for HFW, you can get a physical copy for the ps5. Just get the standard game or the steel box edition. Both come with a physical copy. The bigger editions with the statues don’t.
@Don_Corleone exactly. Plus, PS Now is the same service. Has way more games for the same price. GP is good for the small 20 hour games. That is it really. Games come and go to quick to play and invest time into much larger games. Plus, dlc isn’t included either. Gears 5, you had to pay full price(no gp), half price(gp reg), and even with ultimate GP you still had to pay for dlc.
That was God of War for me.
I bought it near launch. This is my fourth attempt to play through it. And I’m hooked this time. Whereas before I’d get about 5 hours in and get burned out on it.
Sometimes a game just doesn’t click with you when you first get it. I think certain games are meant for a certain time or mood.
With some personal things happening in my life, God of War is actually resonating with me in a way it didn’t when I first got it.
@TheRedComet I applaud you for the mature response. I hope you quit smoking cigarettes. I lost my uncle to lung cancer. Life is short and precious. A hamburger is safer than a cigarette and less expensive but I digress. I bought the $80 physical deluxe version of hfw. I like steel books to collect. I do understand the pS4 version upgrade is a good deal but I wanted the deluxe version. I manage my money by eating healthy and spending wisely. I was merely saying please understand that they the developers work also. That's all. They deserve to be paid. I used to work very long hours but I deal with a government contract and my hours are great. I play games when I have some downtime but not all the time so it's a special treat. I have a friend who spends thousands on strip clubs and gambling but complains about the price of a shirt, or a phone. Makes no sense. Just like people complaining about price of games. If you start juicing greens you will start to have less cravings to smoke trust me. Your body when healing itself will start to reject that smoke and you will have migraines and feel sick. My friend also stopped and is dieting. Just advice. Peace!
This article is quality content
Too late, Sammy.
Already have the Special Edition (PS5 version) on pre-order.
I know I could probably by two different games for the price of this one - but I am sure it will still be worth it.
@Porco look cartridges for Nintendo weren’t considered cutting edge in 1996. Many questioned why Nintendo went this route and because of piracy was one of them. Also n64 games weren’t all $80. I don’t know why people keep saying this. Super Mario 64, Goldeneye 64, Turok 1&2, and Star Fox 64 were $80. But Ocarina of Time was $60. But most games didn’t cost $80.
Saying that people are paying absurd prices for a base game is absurd. You can still pay $60 for just about any new release right now. You only have to pay the extra $10 if you want the next generation version. But some games get a free upgrade. Yet somehow these are absurd prices. But the real price should be over $100 for the base game. There was an article that broke down what games would cost by each year based on inflation. 2010 was the year $60 games should have ended. I mean movies and music have easily increased their prices in various ways. But nope.
Yes companies make money off mtx and dlc. But neither are forced on you. They aren’t needed to finish games. Most mtx are skins, colors, and etc. DLCs have become separate stories that do connect to the main game. But again they aren’t needed. Yes publishers like EA have made mtx for straight up greed. Others have to but they get busted.
You say tech as the reason for n64 but fail to see that is the same reason for prices today. The price to make games like HZD, HFW, Spider-man, GoW, and etc cost anywhere from 75 mil to 150 mil. That was the ps4 era. The new consoles, PS5 and X1X, are gonna double that. That is just the price for making the games. Doesn’t include marketing. Games are way more expensive to make and are constantly using cutting edge tech. Games today cost way more then the n64 era to make.
@Don_Corleone I think you jumped the gun. He wasn’t asking for anything free. He was literally saying how great capitalism is and how it gets people out of poverty. Saying there is no perfect system. Unless you believe in a Utopia. He wasn’t asking or demanding for anything free. I mean his post before he even says buy the game at full price to support the dev if you can. Maybe there was another post I missed. But not sure why you ranted on him.
@PenguinL the issue there is the ps4 disc just has the ps4 version. The upgrade comes once it’s verified you have the ps4 game.
@Face76 I see why they are about to change psnow. No there's other post of people also saying make developers pay with their wallets and games are too expensive. It was also a response to all of those as well. Comet I get his point now but others are like hurt the developers by not paying. Psnow I feel is a garbage service because streaming games is not fully there yet with zero lag or games freezing or crashing. I personally wanted Sony just to make PS4 and ps5 backwards compatible. I love playing my physical games offline and without issues. I maybe went a little on the deep end 😂 Which is why I spoke to red comet and gain understanding. We all work hard. You love games, I love games and we all love games. We all have budgets. I get it. I think the cost of games since the 80s is correct and actually good for the time. I remember paying $40 as a kid for super Mario 3. That was expensive then. I saved up my allowance and summer job for it. Games at $70 almost 40 years for a $30 increase is low comparing how cell phones and other electronics have gotten crazy expensive. I hear you about capitalism. The owners at the top of most companies make the big bucks compared to the workers. DLC is a gray area. I will pay for dlc but how dlc should be price should maybe have a system. Example I am typing this and I bought ghost n goblins resurrection on ps5. $30 is not bad because it's a very hard game though it's short. Certain games that take 2 hours to 7 hours to beat maybe over $30 is too much but take in consideration how tough the game is. Ghost n goblins resurrection is hard. I have died a lot. I am winning though. Cuphead not expensive but dam near impossible to beat for me. I get your point.
@Don_Corleone did you mix me up with someone else?
I'm the person who is saying this "trick" to save 10 bucks when game prices haven't risen in over 15 years is pretty shameful and the developers should be paid fully for their work.
No disregard it. I saw it. It's cool.
@GreatAuk re: your paean to capitalism, allow me to point out that it's a logical fallacy to credit it for as much as you do when it's been basically the only economic system in use for nearly all of the last 500 years (which, due to the exponential nature of population growth, has likely seen more people live and die than any other time in history, period). To put it scientifically, you can't draw conclusions from an experiment with no control case. To put it nonscientifically, more people have also been thrust into poverty under capitalism than at any other time in human history .
There's a lot more in your post I could unpack if I really wanted to (how your 'utopia' strawman reveals an odd conflation between capitalism and work itself, how the devil's in the detail of regulation, and how a storefront setting different prices for the same good totally is a valid critique of capitalism by showing that reality is much more aberrant than the ideal behaviors that economic models of it blindly assume), but I really didn't intend for my post to be some high-minded critique of our society's socioeconomic underpinnings. It was just an occasion to share one occasion of silly self-defeating pricing with another, coupled with a laughing exclamation remarking on how strange things can sometimes get in our world where an object's natural value is abstracted away into a universal, but completely alienated, artificial token with which to quantify it by.
So, enjoy your capitalism, and please also join me in laughing at its occasional silliness. This is neither the time nor the place (well, ok, maybe it is the time, but it's certainly not the place) for heated economic arguments. Have a good day, friend!
Or better yet rent it from Gamefly, if it takes you up to 2 or 3 months to complete the game you've spent less than $50. I understand fans wanting to collect their favorite franchises physically or digitally, I'm just suggesting another way to save money. Oh and another thing Gamefly will sell you the game at a discounted price after having it for a couple of months. They will even ship you the case and any other content that may be included in the case.
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok Does the base PS4 version have the option of Dynamic Resolution like Zero Dawn had or is it exclusive to the Pro/PS5 models this time around? 🤔
@Akurusu Well this is part 2 so you should kind of have a idea if you like it or not if you played the first one
Bottom line, it's ridiculous to pay the extra ten dollars for a ps4 game. Until Sony and Co start actually fully dedicating to ps5 alone its absurd to pay ps5 game prices for what has amounted to mainly a suite of ps4 games with slightly improved resolutions and frame rate.
Being able to display that you have the ps5 version in your nerd room is cute but it's also meaningless.
@JAMes-BroWWWn nah I’m black
@PenguinL I picked up the physical PS4 version of Death Stranding, it offered the upgrade for $10 so I got it... The PS5 version won't work unless the PS4 version is ALSO installed. If I delete the PS4 version it also deletes the PS5 version and I have to redownload it (but in order to do that it tells me to put in the disc - which then copies to the console). It's annoying.
this is why i advocate that bundled games that have ps4 & ps5 versions are expensive, i don't need the ps5 version as i don't have a ps5 but i still have to pay the ps5 tax anyways, this has to stop!
@Stragen8 well said and at £50 a game, I’d still think it fair. As they’re getting revenue from two generations of machines, making them £70 is too much.
Don’t be silly.
Buy the PS5 disc if you have the PS5 and like to have a physical copy you can give to a friend, resell or trade in or keep forever and don’t even need the internet to install and play.
Stop the brain washing.
@Rural-Bandit the entire PSN is on amazons network, you're already in cohoots with them.
@GreatAuk Are you in some alternative world were developers don't get paid a wage for years making a game?
"Can I upgrade my Horizon Forbidden West PS4 version to the PS5 version?
To access both the PS4 and PS5 versions of Horizon Forbidden West, you need to purchase the Digital Deluxe, Collector’s, or Regalla Editions. Dual entitlement does not apply to the Standard and Special Editions."
What does this mean then? From the official faq on Playstation blog
That’s for buying both versions. If you only want the PS5 version, don’t buy the deluxe edition. Buy the PS4 version on a web browser and you’ll receive a free upgrade to the PS5 version for £10 less
@KundaliniRising333 I'm guessing you don't have a PS5 yet? 🤣
@Matthewnh Same here pal 👍 Can't wait to get my hands on it!
@Zemo55 I'm not sure you read and understood @KundaliniRising333's post. Or you just misunderstood the fact that if you buy the PS4 version you get the PS5 version free. He's saying that if the only practical difference is the logo on the box, you may as well save £10.
Others have pointed out that it means there's less to download it you have a slow or limited internet connection, but that's a different argument.
@Zemo55 Actually I do, I was lucky enough to nab one at launch.
However I'm not so blindly allegiant to a brand as to ignore valid critiques of their actions and empty promises.
I feel like if Sony is going to continue this business model, even for a little bit, they need some kind of bonus for those with the PS5 physical edition. As has been said before, it’s strange for Sony to offer the same product for a higher price. However, this could be easily remedied by just adding an extra bit of content that people would like and would be worth the 10 extra. However, as it stands, Sony’s just screwing themselves over if they plan all next-gen games to be 70$ but also cost 60$ for the same product.
@theheadofabroom would you have to download the ps4 version and then upgrade in the game?
@BordorFox no my friend I don't think that, but the studio makes more money if you pay 70 instead of 60, for the same reason a studio would definitely prefer someone buying it at launch and at full price instead of 6 months later on sale.
I like Geurrilla Games and they wowed me with Horizon Zero Dawn, so since I have the PS5 I'm more than happy to pay the 70 (especially since I can easily afford it) to support them. If I can buy a 500 dollar luxury item I would hope I can pay an extra 10 bucks for a game that will probably provide me with over 100 hours of entertainment!
I am especially wanting to support them because they are providing me a high quality single player game, which is pretty much all I play. The only online or multiplayer play I have ever done is Mario Maker 2 (and the experience was awful since it's laggy as hell.)
I want more games like Uncharted, Resident Evil, Last of Us, Horizon, etc. So I will gladly pay full price for such games so I can do my part in supporting them. My worst nightmare is one day every game being a battle royale lol.
It’s almost like that smart delivery thing everyone made fun of is kind of convenient huh?
Done and done. Thank you for the info
@AdamCorela thats cool, xboxs games blow. They dont even compare to horizon zero dawn. Lmfaooooooo
@BritneyfR_ee actually i went all digital with the ps3 after the disc drive broke, that is usually one of the 1st components to go. I havent looked back, i would have over 300 disc cases cluttering up my house lol. Physical is very overrated, plus your playstation runs cooler without spinning the disc the whole time.
@oYOUSERo 🤷 I'll be buying the deluxe edition, just as soon as the review embargo lifts. To be clear, I'll definitely be buying this game, but I don't pre-order until reviews are out, as a policy. It's the only signal I can send to studios to say that they can't just get away with releasing crap
@GreatAuk I don't think you understand how this game works, pardon the pun. Do you honestly think developers get the proceeds of game sales? Your "extra" 10 dollars doesn't touch the lips of any developers in Guerilla games. lets put it this way, it takes 5 years to make horizon zero dawn 2, costs 50 million over them 5 years, it makes 500 million in first month of sales, how much of that 450 million profit goes into the "developers" hands? nada.
Basically £10 extra for an inlay sleeve. yikes
@PenguinL Just Alan Wake as far as I've seen
I'd rather have the PS5 version from the get go, no weird install, just easier, and it's like 10 bucks, are we really strapped for cash it we own a PS5?
@get2sammyb 10 dollars really breaking the bank, I was buying 59.99$ games 15 years ago while make 10 bucks a hour and my parents paying 80-90 for some snes games in the 90s. That’s some petty *****, acting like Sony owes you something. Go over to Gamepass, I think you’d do better with their cheap games and smug fanbase. People like you are so shortsighted and can’t see the forest for the trees.
@HEVIHITR no crap right? These people should take themselves over to gamepass, socialistic gaming at its best. Won’t miss their whinny bull crap.
@Quadalog Let me get this correct: you think a Microsoft product is Socialist?
@theheadofabroom they are taking the choice out of gaming from people for one easy monthly payment of $14.99, instead of letting me choose what I want to use my money on. It’s the same as our great socialized healthcare, where everyone is expected to chip in and get the same product, instead of choosing their own plan. So yeah it’s exactly like socialism. Sorry to burst you bubble. Btw I wonder how people will react when they try to recoup some of this money and gamepass is 30 bucks a month, oh I know that most people have a few years already payed for but MS is going to want to make that up too eventually.
@Stragen8 if you're thinking spending $70 in the first place especially considering you don't do it often. it's probably because it's worth it. I mean if you want quality you have to pay for it.
@Don_Corleone facts I even do that with games on playstation. I buy physical because once the internet goes out...you can't access it.
@Quadalog that's the funniest thing anyone's said to me all year.
If you're not trolling, please feel free to do some reading, find out what socialism actually means, and while you're at it read up on the economic theory behind subscriptions and other rent-collection business models
Meh, I'll save even more when it's 50% off in May. Sony's delays reminded me that I can wait. Plenty of games in my back catalogue plus the gamepass onslaught.
On the store, ps5 version says it includes both version now, but the ps4 version still says ps4 only.
Glad I have both versions, but is ps4 still getting the ps5 version? Why didn't they update it
There should be only one version of the game and that runs on a PS4 and a PS5. But if they're too incompetent to do that, they could at least have just set the game as the same price rather than a cash grab against the uninformed. It transitioned from Nintendo-like technological illiteracy to sleazy profiteering the moment they set two different prices on the same product depending on what interface you buy it from.
@Toypop shady practice /face palm/
I just can't figure out why people need to pre-order the DIGITAL VERSION, to begin with. I mean is there a finite number of copies on the servers that we need to make sure we get one.
@NEStalgia I agree. Make all games the higher price and your problem is solved.
@RevGaming PS4 version now showing ‘free digital PS5 upgrade’
@oYOUSERo Oh ok. Good!
What's with the hostility here?
On topic I bought the Digital Deluxe Edition which gives you both the PS4 and PS5 version.
@akaprepare Just because the first game was good doesn’t always mean the second one will be
@akaprepare I saw it and it looks amazing! But seeing it and playing it are two different things. Remember how great everyone thought Sonic 06 looked and it turned out to be a bomb? Or Cyberpunk, there are so many examples
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