Ubisoft has a new Assassin's Creed game in development, according to a fresh report from Bloomberg's ever-reliable Jason Schreier. Sources say that this title — codenamed Rift — will abandon the open world structure of the most recent Assassin's Creed games, and will focus on stealth-based gameplay. It sounds like Ubisoft may be taking to the series back to its roots — at least for a time.
Interestingly, the report states that Basim — one of Assassin's Creed Valhalla's key characters — will be Rift's lead. What's more, it's said that this game started life as an expansion for Valhalla — but was branched out into its own thing to help fill Ubisoft's relatively thin release schedule. Sounds plausible.
And to be clear, this isn't the long rumoured Assassin's Creed Infinity. Rift will supposedly launch before the supposed live service title, at some point in either late 2022, or 2023.
The report also mentions ongoing struggles within Ubisoft itself. Apparently, the company still hasn't dealt with many of its workplace woes, which has impacted the development of projects like Rift.
Eurogamer has backed all of this up, too, adding that the publication has "heard" of Rift. It was previously told that the game could feature the city of Baghdad as a setting — but things may have changed since then.
What do you make of this? Some fans have been asking for a return to traditional Assassin's Creed for years, but is that what you want? Shake the rust from your hidden blades in the comments section below.
[source bloomberg.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 58
If true, it's the best AC news in years for me. After AC Valhalla, I considered giving up on the series, as much as I enjoyed it, there was so much bloat. I paid for the season pass as well and didn't have any energy to dive back in.
Definitely up for a more streamlined experience, I loved it when you'd get one every year, spend 20 hours to finish it, another 5-10 to platinum it, and then move on with your life.
so this will be like the dawn of ragnarok "expansion" that turned into it's own game.
sounds realy good. i don't care for the ragnarok thing but a expansion that focuses on the old school AC formula? sign me up.
"The report also mentions ongoing struggles within Ubisoft itself. Apparently, the company still hasn't dealt with many of its workplace woes, which has impacted the development of projects like Rift.:
MICROSOFT COMING IN 3... 2... 1...
I can't wait until Ubisoft is making traditional AC games again, and people start saying "AC feels so tired, it needs to change". Then it's back to open world, and the cycle repeats!
Well that could be very cool. Disappointed that they haven’t stamped out the workplace issues though, you’d think the reaction to ActiBlizz would make them sit up and take notice.
I have the ezio collection, AC 3,4, Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla in my backlog. Should I play all of them one after the other or do you guys think I'll literally die of boredom?
I was thinking of putting them at the end of the backlog because they're so many and the last 3 are suuuuuuper long.
@RevGaming I played every single AC game starting August 2020 and I’m only just almost finished Valhalla. It’s a crazy time investment.
I'm down with a return to the original stealth gameplay, but only if they can fix they clunky control scheme.
Rift? Call it Grift and sell NFTs with it.
@RevGaming forget about 3 altogether- dull as dishwater
@NoFaceBigFoot having a character that handles like a drunken toddler is the defining characteristic of an Assassin's Creed game, though.
@nessisonett Yeah. I was thinking of putting them right at the end because I feel like I'm better off playing a better variety of franchises.
@KingPev Well I bought it so...
The formula isn't the problem. The garbage games are.
They could have an amazing openworld game where they actually implement stealth properly. Instead having huge worlds filled with a bunch of nothing, they could make it a smaller openworld with lots of areas where you can play like an actual freaking... assassin... Wow.
Ubisoft is so garbage that they can't even take the criticism properly. Either way, this news sounds at least better than the textbook anime filler episodes they've been releasing aka every AC after AC2
Yes! I hope this is true.
I'm currently playing Origins for the first time–the first AC I've played that uses the newer RPG/massive world map formula. And while I am really enjoying it, I definitely miss the older dense city formula. I hope it combines the best of both. I would like to see a refocus on parkour. An improved version of Unity's parkour system, perhaps.
@BoldAndBrash Well that's one way of looking at it.
Origins and its follow-ups just didn't do it for me. If they make a good stealth game, even if it is just a spinoff, that could be fun and seems like a good fit for AC.
As others have said, this would be a nice return to playing as an Assassin. I enjoyed my time with Valhalla, but only because I enjoyed it as a game about Vikings and not as part of AC. Same with Odyssey, once I let go of the idea it was an AC game, and treated as its own period piece, it was fun. I haven't really felt like a true Assassin in the series since the MP and gameplay of Brotherhood.
@RevGaming It depends on your tastes. I personally would burn out playing the same franchise or even genre back to back. That's why I always alternate genres when I move from game to game (open world/3rd person, linear fps, 2D sidescroller, open world fps, etc.). Also consider your tolerance for older games (and I don't mean retro games, but aging 3D games). Some find it very frustrating to play older games after being used to more modern, optimized game design and features. Myself, I can usually go back to older games and enjoy them, but it can sometimes take a bit of time to adjust. And there are even rare times when I realize that I'm just not having fun, so I decide it isn't worth it.
If you do have high tolerance, I would recommend starting from the original AC. It did certain things better than its sequels, though it is still inferior IMO. But only if you can play it on PC or XBOX. The PS3 version would probably be painful to play today. (On XB1 and up it's enhanced).
And you're correct about the newer ACs being suuuper long. I'm about 2-thirds through Origins and I've been playing for nearly 2 months at this point. About an hour a night on average.
I'd be hyped to the moon if this turns out true! Even though I'm enjoying Valhalla much more than the other two modern AC titles I would still love to see the series get back to the roots. Add back in AC multiplayer and I'll be ecstatic!
I'm intrigued. The open world in AC games got way to big and too time consuming for its own good. I haven't even bothered getting Valhalla because of the excessive duration.
Might actually be a good assassins creed game, then?
@RevGaming just play 1-3
Best ***** sentence I heard in years !!!!!!!
Not really happy with this, but I guess it's good news for the ones that didn't like the new trilogy.
Syndicate it's still one of my favorites so if it's kinda like that one it'll be okay for me. Would love to see more giant open-world RPGs games tho.
I prefer the original formula... First - Syndicate. I'll keep my eye on this one.
A big city classic assassins creed instead of the open world nonsense?
Sign me up!
@ShogunRok They should just give the series a rest. 1 smaller AC game every 3-4 years prevents franchise fatigue and gives the developers enough time to try out new ideas, without the need to change the formula because people get “tired” of it.
I doubt this has anything to do with the new rpg open world getting old, sales of previous 3 say otherwise.
I'm thinking they are putting everything into Infinity, let some smaller team work on a linear old formula Assassins creed.
@Mr_B021 That's what happened with Assassin's Creed Origins. Wasn't quite 3-4 years, but the devs got a good two-year gap to get it right, and it immediately turned the franchise around because it was something new.
Sadly, it sounds like Ubisoft's internal issues are forcing the company to go ahead with whatever they can in order to fill the release schedule. I'm sure if Ubisoft could get a yearly dev cycle going on AC again, it would.
@Uromastryx Totally agree, that's what it sounds like 100%.
That’s cool, I like both types tbh.
I’m so excited to hear that there’s a new old school AC coming soon.
@RevGaming if u don’t wanna die of boredom , i recommend
2>Brotherhood>AC4 …and yeah , that’s about it , haha
@nomither6 I will play the ones I own. I'm just saying if it's a good idea to do them all of them back 2 back or split them between my backlog.
@KingPev AC3 had an amazing engine and the best combat and brutality , but yeah , the story ruins it
@RevGaming oh , definitely split them . the franchise is lengthy and it seems more right to take frequent breaks from the games . you will get bloated fast , if you play them back to back for sure
@nomither6 Ok. I'll split Ezio, then AC3 with 4 and the last 3 are in the last bunch. I was initially doing that but I was thinking of changing it. I just thought if I would get fatigue and not enjoy them as much if I play through all of them back 2 back.
I can handle 3 (did with Uncharted and like-loved all of them), but maybe 8 games is too much.
This is good news. I buy every one but the last one I beat was Unity. They are so bloated. I got over 40 hours on Valhalla & haven’t beaten it.
Good, there is no need for so much bloat.
I really hope this is true. Valhalla was the first AC game I never finished, because it's not an AC game. It's a good open world Viking game. But how can it be an AC game when the Creed is literally a tiny little side quest?
This is truly simply because it's a $30 expansion that they'll now be charging $70 for and expect people to be glad it's smaller
100 hours in Origins, 200+ in Odyssey, but haven't finished Valhalla yet because I'm not a fan of the new "stealth" mechanic. Glad for fans of the older style games, and I appreciate you all putting up with the open world ones that I love. I'll dive back into Origins again when we get the 60fps update.
I'm definitely interested, but won't be buying day one!
Like all other AC/Ubisoft games, this will be $20 or cheaper a year after release.
Stealth focused? Hopefully it won't have insta fail stealth. I despise those sections
Cool. Because the Ubisoft formula has been stale for about 5 years now
@BoldAndBrash Finally someone has the guts to say it. Its like working a job its busywork these games would be way better if they are more compact.
Kick out all the filler and add the expansions and you have a full game. Sometimes i believe they add all that crappy filler just to pad the so they can sell you the DLC.
I rather have a smaller games thats more streamlined then run from A to B, do this thing 10 times its one of the games where im happy i finished it instead of feeling dissapointed its over.
@Subsided Why does everyone think that time equals quality. These games are huge timesinks and not for the right reasons.
@Flaming_Kaiser It depends on the person. Some people truly enjoy super long games, I guess.
@naruball @Flaming_Kaiser
I love me some long games, but not games that are padded with filler. There are literally microtransactions in the game to speed up the leveling process... If that doesn't tell you something I don't know what will.
These games are designed to be time sinks. The problem is that the gameplay just doesn't support it.
If the world was actually immersive with interactive NPC's, alive villages, various things to do, good horse gameplay that doesn't feel onrails, an actually interesting story and combat that feels brutal where you can feel the impact like in the Batman games instead of slashing and dashing away as if it's a MOBA.
I could play the rhythmic Batman combat for days (and did so for the platinums), but I'm done with AC after the first clunky fight
@BoldAndBrash that's definitely your experience, but perhaps others feel differently? For example, I heard the worst comments about the game Conan on ps3, mostly for being too easy and dumb, yet I had a blast playing it. Perhaps enough people feel the same about Assassin's Creed for it to keep selling as well as it does. As in, they enjoy some dumb fun instead of an overall more meaningful experience.
Sure I can pick up, turn my brain off and enjoy games as well.
But with the potential that AC has, I don't think it's too much to ask for better combat, better world interaction/ immersion, better game design, etc.
It would benefit literally everyone and they'll sell more as their games would become a must buy.
Their games are always not-there-yet and going the extra mile could make them amazing. They've got 3 different teams working on 3 different AC games (I think) so why not? The wait wouldn't be that painful. Instead I'm just not even bothering anymore, which is a shame
@naruball One of my all time favorite games Heavenly Sword. 🤪
@naruball I dont mind long games but long because i want to play for a long time without any other reason isnt really my thing. A long isnt a selling point a fun game is but again thats me.
@BoldAndBrash I want a fun game with a older age i just want to make the most out of my time i want to be entertaint i want to have fun or feel engaged by the cool story or characters. I rather have 5 hours of entertainment then 100 hours of being busy if you know what i mean.
@ShogunRok no... no more open world, please... that move killed Assassin's Creed since AC III. And from Origins it went into hell.
@Flaming_Kaiser same here. Heavenly Sword will always have a special place in my heart.
@Flaming_Kaiser sad but true...
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