Well, this is quite the turnaround, isn’t it? Perhaps under the cloud of regulatory investigations, Microsoft has effectively committed to multiplatform releases of Activision Blizzard games, like Call of Duty and others. This news broke as part of a dour statement earlier in the week, but as is always the case there was some wiggle room in the language that made fans sceptical.
However, in an interview with CNBC, president Brad Smith makes things crystal clear: Xbox will not stop releasing Activision Blizzard franchises, including Call of Duty, on Sony systems. He actually talks about adding more consoles to the publisher’s output – Nintendo is cited, for example – and compares the acquisition to Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang, which has ensured Minecraft remains everywhere.
“One of the things we’re being very clear about as we move forward with the regulatory review is that great titles like Call of Duty will continue to be available on the Sony PlayStation,” Smith said. “We’d like to bring the other popular Activision Blizzard titles to Nintendo devices, and ensure that they continue to be available on PlayStation.”
He added: “One of the first acquisitions that [Microsoft CEO] Satya Nadella made was Minecraft back in September 2014, and what we’ve done with that acquisition is a clear indicator of what we hope to do if we acquire Activision Blizzard.” As mentioned above, Minecraft has continued to be available on PlayStation consoles, and has even received bespoke updates, like PSVR support.
So what, you may be wondering, is in all this for Microsoft? Well, it owns the franchises so will obviously profit from them moving forwards, and also it’ll have dibs on how they’re marketed and distributed. Presumably, including Call of Duty in Game Pass when its full-price elsewhere will still be considered a win for the Team in Green, but at least we now have confirmation that PlayStation will continue to be supported.
[source cnbc.com]
Comments 126
Thank you Microsoft.
The way I am reading that is they wont remove current games. Does not specify if future games will appear on other consoles.
It looks like you have changed the article from removing to releasing now.
But natively? Or will they require streaming via a Gamepass subscription (allowing them to ratchet up the pressure on Sony to allow this on PlayStation, which would be their ultimate aim).
@bindiana But he compares it to Minecraft, and new games like Minecraft Dungeons have launched everywhere at the same time.
Also, in the interview he's asked explicitly if Activision Blizzard games will be "made" exclusive to Xbox, and this is his response.
Definitely a ploy to avoid the wrath of the FTC. Micro$oft deserves zero praise for this.
What is this? Communism?
I'm glad they are but they should do like Sony do with games , have em on Xbox for 12 months before putting them on ps , what's good for the goose right ?
It seems that Microsoft is preparing really hard for this deal to go through, so FTC would have nothing to complain about.
So I expect that Call of Duty, Overwatch and Diablo will be on every platform as usual, but I honestly don't expect new IP's like that Blizzard survival game to be outside of Xbox ecosystem.
But still. Having Diablo IV, Overwatch 2 and COD 2023 Day One in Game Pass in addition to plenty of other games will be huge draw no matter what.
Its still not a definitive answer its still up for interpretation. I don't think they can give a definitive answer until the deal has been completed.
@Kooky_Daisuke Yes, we certainly wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of the world’s largest software company by calling them a monopoly.
Clearly need to do this to allow the sale to go through. Literally the reason they are doing this - but they will benefit from the sales and MTX they can sell on other platforms of course.
Fact is, Microsoft didnt buy Activision to sell Xbox's. They did it to drive subscribers to Gamepass. Being able to drop all of Activision's legacy and future titles to Game Pass on day 1 is a massive win
Hopefully Microsoft have to do this for any other major publisher they choose to buy
It would be funny if Sony gets Square or Capcom and FTC doesn't give a two cents about it. "Oh it's only $10B, no worries, it's less than Zynga".
@get2sammyb what if they're timed?
I think they're kinda forced to do this (because of the regulations and stuff) but that doesn't make it a bad thing
then i guess i’ll keep the PS5 until M$ does their usual dirtiness and make DLCs and extras timed or permanent exclusives
This is cool but it does beg the question. Why not Starfield? Or any other ActiBlizKing game?
@Rob_230 Oh for sure. This means Microsoft is done buying publishers. The playing too nice says it would be hard to do it again.
T2 and EA will beat each other for the biggest Publisher now.
@nomither6 like sony has with cod ?
well duh.. maybe if Xbox massively outsells PS next generation (or before then) they might reconsider, but things being the way they are, that's a whole chunk of players whose money MS aren't going to turn up.
Bethesda games, while also huge are at least a bit more niche (more so than CoD) and are primarily played by PC players rather than the console crowd - so while MS making them Xbox/PC inclusive might ruffle a few feathers, it's not like throwing CoD money away
@Martsmall Xbox was the one who started it on the 360.
Dare I say it... HL3 confirmed..?!
@Royalblues Sony: Looks at Street Fighter 6 permanent exclusivity o.O
This isn't because they want to, it's more likely because they have to.
As I said weeks ago, this was a protectionist move. By being responsible for key gaming franchises like Call of Duty it puts Microsoft in a position of caretaker.
More importantly it keeps them out of the hands of Google, Amazon or some Chinese or Saudi conglomerate wanting to buy in to the industry.
Microsoft want to maintain the status quo because it benefits them. I imagine if someone was insane enough to make an offer for a company like Nintendo Microsoft would outbid them just to scare them off.
Blah blah blah
M$ is evil and Sony is god!
Blah blah blah
Activision Blizzard felt like it was in trouble and wished to sell.
Activision Blizzard accepted Microsoft's offer.
Microsoft will continue Activision Blizzard's multi-platform support and will rake in the dough.
Nintendo Switch might actually get a Call of Duty title thanks to Microsoft's ownership.
PlayStation 5 will be fine.
Can we move on, now?
@Martsmall oh , you have a point , but M$ is still dirtier .
Removed - trolling/baiting
@GamingFan4Lyf whew , thats all we needed was a time-travelers confirmation , thanks !
@bindiana I understand the scepticism, I do — but I think this is about a definitive answer as you're going to get. It seems pretty clear to me, I'd be shocked if they went back on it or wiggled out of it.
@GamingFan4Lyf So tired of the lame Xbone narrative that every stolen publisher and dev they got was on life support. It’s just sad to hear this repeatedly.
No question they did not want to commit to this. But the word is that the Activision deal is attracting a great deal of scrutiny from anti-trust and monopolies government agencies and they are on a serious 'charm offensive' to try and ensure the deal goes through.
Also see their commitments to run their MS store very differently to Apple and Google which have also just been made, no doubt to try and satisfy these agencies.
Still, it shows that these laws have an impact, as now consumers will be better served. But dont think this is a 'goodwill to all man gesture', as they would lock these IPs in a heartbeat if they thought they could...
Thank you for allowing me to continue to exercise my right not to buy call of duty.
Sony did exactly the same with Spiderman yet ppl applauded it
I still think having exclusives is best. Each system will be unique and games will be better optimized.
@Royalblues Well. Microsoft is doing this because of the FTC.
Watch Hoeg's law channel. He's a lawyer and clearly explains MS is not the good guy. Neither are.
Sony will make more and more timed exclusives as we go. The bungie thing only happened because Sony severely needed FPS and GaaS expertise. Still, watch their next game be Timed or have exclusive benefits on PS.
These corporations say things to make you think they're saying something but they're not. Look at "organic" growth and "We believe in generations", or Phil Spencer saying they don't like to gatekeep games but Bethesda is still exclusive.
Nintendo? Well. They give great offers when it comes to Gamecube ports. For the low low of $59.
@dasd2 No thanks to Microsoft, they aren't doing anything out of the kindness of their own hearts.
I think it would be a better business model for them to just continue to release all their games full price on PlayStation whilst they come day and date to game pass. Isn't that the best way to demonstrate the value proposition and make a tonne of money from PlayStation players?
@AstraeaV each system is already unique in their own right . exclusives are terrible and outdated . It’s good for PC players to be able to play GoW on better hardware with a preferred Xbox controller don’t you think ? It’s like poetry of inclusiveness. 3 platform assets in one, making a great comfortable experience for players 👍
They won’t be taken from PlayStation because Game Pass will be on PS5.
Its a matter of when not if.
@get2sammyb It's weird to mention Minecraft because they didn't apply the same logic to the Zenimax acquisition.
@Royalblues Sony owns Spider-man movie rights and made a deal with Disney because both want to make money. Simple as that.
Sunset Overdrive and an engine compared to many ratchets, spyros, resistance and spider-man made with them. Nah. Insomniac is the thing that is now because of Sony.
So about all those doom and gloom articles y'all wrote... we gonna get formal retractions?
@MatthewJP Hahahahahahahha
@Jacko11 that would be amazing . if M$ puts gamepass on playstation , i’ll never use the “$” when i mention them again .
@AstraeaV and put pressure on Sony to not depend on call of duty for their multiplayer offerings.
Good to see so many experts on American anti trust laws and the FTC here. Amazing what you can find in PlayStation comment sections.
Why can Brad Smith be crystal clear, but Phil Spencer talks out both sides of his mouth all the time? I had immense respect for Phil Spencer that just greatly plummeted when he started speaking gobbly-gook about Bethesda and then Activision-Blizzard.
@Texan_Survivor If you only play call of duty on game pass, it would be cheaper to just buy the game on Playstation 5 for 70 big ones, especially when the monthly price goes up.
@MFTWrecks I'll have what you have been drinking plz lol , articles saying how Microsoft are bad get the clicks unfortunately and soooooo many haters like with everything now ,the world is a negative place
These comments make it crystal clear yet there are still xbox fanboys in denial twisting his words.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the FTC regulators conditions for the takeover to go through as this didn't happen with Bethesda games.
And let's not forget this guy is higher in position than bullcrap Phil so I'd take these guys words over phils before he starts damage control over backlash from xbox fans over this news.
But yeah, I'm happy playstation will still get future call of duty (for numbers) and crash, spyro and diablo games. And the main one for me is that il deffo be playing overwatch 2 on playstation
@danlk1ng Xbox can never outsell PS because their games are shared on multiple platforms on day 1
There is 'bringing' games to the platform and 'releasing' games to the platform.
If Sony and Nintendo both allow MS to have a 'Game Pass' Subscription App (like Netflix and Disney+ have been allowed), then MS can bring ALL their games, inc Halo, Forza etc, to those platforms.
Developing, porting, optimising and releasing a specific Playstation/Switch version of any game made with at least the Series X/PC as the lead is a LOT of time, effort and money when they can just put the 'Series X' version in their 'Cloud' servers and Stream to ANY device. You can already do this on ANY other platforms - from iOS/Android Phones/tablets, last gen Xbox consoles, non-gaming PC/Laptops etc and you can use your DS5/Nintendo Pro Controllers too.
I'm sure Sony's Spartacus and Nintendo's own Streaming platform would come to all platforms too down the line as it makes the MOST sense for Companies and still keeps their OWN platforms Unique Selling Point - which is the ability to play first Party games LOCALLY on the Hardware for the 'Best' experience but don't have to buy other Hardware or 'miss out'
@Fenbops Well I did watch a lawyer explained this (Hoeg Law) and it was clear Phil was playing nice, but go ahead and keep being brainwashed by thinking Phil is better than anyone else while insulting people here
Removed - offensive remarks
For real? I wouldn't thank Microsoft for trying to take games away from fans (again - remember Bethesda?) just because they decided not to (yet) in the face of regulatory scrutiny.
@Royalblues Because 360 "won" that generation compared to sony and that's why they got timed exclusives in the next generation like dead rising, tomb raider, titanfall and sunset overdrive.
@RevGaming where did I say anything about Phil? He’s obviously in your head not mine. You watched one guy on YouTube. Well done, I’ll give you a ring when I have a run in with the FTC next time x
@DefiledViper still paid to keep it away from Xbox like Xbox did with Bethesda there is no difference but of course there is to you cause it shines the same light on Sony that you are trying to shine on Microsoft
In fact Sony did it worse,at least with the Bethesda games anyone with a android/pc/Xbox can play they don't force ppl to buy Thier console
Hopefully this will be the future. Like with Bungie, platform holders might buy up publishers/devs, but keep things multiplatform. From a Sony perspective, it might be the only way to stop Gamepass burying them in fact. Buy up a load of devs and block games being put on Gamepass day 1.
@Fenbops He's a lawyer... Hello?
Phil, Satya Nadella, who cares.
@DefiledViper Pretty sure Disney cares about Spider-Man - seeing as how Spider-Man was almost pulled away from the MCU.
The Spider-Man thing goes WAY deeper than a few video games.
It's crazy that the owner of Marvel has to go to Sony for a Marvel property that isn't fully a Marvel property anymore.
Honestly, I barely understand it; but the only reason that Sony and Disney have even come to an agreement is because it's a freaking cash cow that Sony gets to reap.
I am sure that one day Disney will shell out a ton of dough to get total control of Spider-Man back - and Sony will grin at that amount and take it.
At the end of the day, it's all about money - doesn't matter the company.
@Rural-Bandit How do you know that? MS has added nothing positive to the industry and has single-handedly steered it away from ownership while removing content from established platforms like PlayStation. Just because Tencent is Chinese, what proof is there that them owning major ddvs of publishers wouldn’t be better than MS? Honest question, but they may be better than Xbox.
@Martsmall Will people please stop on who's worst with exclusives?
Sony and Microsoft are using you to promote how better is one over the other.
Nintendo had exclusives, Sega had exclusives, Microsoft paid for cod dlcs to be first one xbox, mass effect, bioshock, titanfall, dead rising, tomb raider, Sony did it with ff7, sf5 (although they funded those), ghostwire, deathloop, starfield, cod, destiny. It's just business
Everyone does it. Nobody is better or worst. The thing now is that MS took it to the publisher level and that's it. Sony would have made Bethesda exclusive if they bought them.
Lets not pretend Microsoft are doing this out if the goodness of their hearts, if they were then it would be the same situation with Zenimax games.
They're doing this because they were legally forced to by the FTC, I have no doubt in my mind about that.
@RevGaming yes they do and that Was the point I was making not just Microsoft that take games away from other companies
But as with most ppl it's good for one company to do it but not for others
I think there are two layers here.
1 - the threat of investigation for a monopoly. To be honest, I don't think they would be prevented from making this buy anyway - but with this committment that becomes less of likely.
2 - With Sony's purchase of Bungie and their uncharacteristically blunt and transparent intentions from the beginning to continue to release Bungie games on all plats - this coy game Xbox keeps playing of non-committal answers, keeps looking worse and worse for them. Image isn't everything, but it does count for something. And dangling non-Xbox users on a hook is just... unprofessional.
@Martsmall Exactly. I wanted MS to do it because Sony will keep doing it and I was happy Sony was finally going to get pressured.
I know most people here don't want multiplayer games, but Sony, as a platform holder should be providing both Sp and Mp experiences. Call of Duty would have pushed them. Maybe it's still is because they still have the fear of losing cod's revenue and people jumping to xbox for Gamepass (which I doubt a casual buys a whole system and its services for game he can play on PS).
@Martsmall I don't think anything Sony did compares to buying the whole of Zenimax. Spiderman on playstation is basically separate from Spiderman games that happened before and has reached insane heights under Sony's guidance much like GOW, Ghost of Tsushima, etc. That been said, the timed exclusives approach by Sony for FFVIIR was rude. MS has taken exclusivity to a whole new level by buying Zenimax. Imsoniac, like many Sony First Party devs, are what they are thanks to Sony's tremendous skill as a publisher of games. There is a reason they have so many strong first party games. MS is buying up game devs and publishers that established themselves thanks to multiplatform support.
That been said, I dont see Sony as my friend. They just have less money than MS and would so the same if they could given their timed exclusives nonsense
@CynicalGamer Common dude. Sony was rumored wanting to buy Bethesda. They would have made them exclusives. If Sony bought Capcom or Square, they would make all of their games exclusives.
@RevGaming Yep that's why I said they are not my friend. But MS has set a new standard Sony will try to follow
@CynicalGamer yeh they would do the same like any company that wants to make money , every one does it , it's all the same buy stuff so they other companies can't use it
@Martsmall yeah sorry for tagging you earlier. I don't know why I chose you in particular. I'll keep it there as my shame of unnecessary aggression.
@CynicalGamer Yup. I still believe Sony will get Capcom if MS ever wants to add conditions to keep them multiplatform.
Thats cool.so crash bandicoot and spyro the dragon is staying on PlayStation and so is all the others actividion games.word up son
@CynicalGamer honestly no worries
@Royalblues I think a lot of them are still hurt about Bethesda, despite saying they never liked Bethesda games anyway. Now that I think about it, I remember back in the PS3 era there was a sentiment of playing where the games are. I wonder what happened to that
I absolutely guarantee they wanted to make things exclusive at first.
But then they probably realized the FTC was going to give them way more ***** about the acquisition than they anticipated.
They're committing to multiplatform so that the acquisition can still go through.
One of the things you have to do when you make a M&A is explain why your merger makes things better for the consumer. While exclusives have been approved in the past despite being bad for the consumer, no M&A has been of this scale before.
Keep in mind, this acquisition is still very, very bad for the industry, just like the acquisitions of Zynda, Bethesda, Bungie, and everything Tencent and Embracer acquired. Media consolidation seems inevitable, but it still sucks.
@RevGaming How are you confusing two entirely different companies wealth and then equalising potentially 10b(your value) and 68bn?
@RevGaming Like they are doing with Bungie?
@CynicalGamer Sony seems to meet the Devs halfway when creating great content and then acquiring them. Microsoft just seen success at already made IPs over time and just buys it. In other words, Sony are partaking In the experience and challenge of making games.
They're on a full PR tour right now. FTC must have them shook lol
@RevGaming You do realize that if Phil were playing a game of chess with an opponent he would like to have 3 moves per turn.
Blah blah blah
Push doom and gloom was wrong? What a surprise.
I said at the time COD would die a slow death on PC if there wasn’t PlayStation and they know it.
@KayOL77 I was just saying, FTC might look at the richest company buying a publisher worth more than Nintendo as a bigger problem than Sony buying Capcom even if Sony has the lead.
Idk. I don't work for the FTC, I just it said it would be funny how clueless FTC would be if they did let that happen.
With Bungie what?
"Sony always wins baby. You can't beat Sony" - Chad Warden.
It's not always about Money. What if one of the GaaS Sony is making for PC and PS5 is the next Fortnite or Xbox makes the next Fortnite. Anything can happen
@Royalblues Sunset overdrive was an exclusive and was not reciprocated with any kind of good sales. One exclusive on Xbox that does pretty much nothing and suddenly Microsoft have a perfect 50% reputational share in insomniac? That's insane. Insomniac have made about 15 games playstation exclusive with a good amount of success. I bet ps players contributed a LOT more financial success proportionally to Bethesda and acti/blizz than Microsoft (and it's fans) did to insomniac.
@RevGaming you said if Sony bought Bethesda they'd completely make it exclusive. The biggest precedent so far is Sony buying bungie and those titles are going everywhere.
@RevGaming Sony always wins? Like 40 odd on the richest companies in the world Vs number 2?
@RevGaming What if the FTC takes into account parent company worth, universal mark share of target publisher(including with rival platforms) and monopolistic intentions?
That's cool since everybody wins, playstation owners can still buy & play cod games, pc gamers will still get cod games (hopefully on steam), nintendo owners hopefully get cod games, while xbox owners can either buy cod games normally or get it from gamepass
@RevGaming I don't understand the paranoia FOR Microsoft from a subdivision of Sony I really don't. Next there will be justification as to why the apparent impending Great Reset that will make the whole world poorer will be a great environment for Gamepass.
@KayOL77 Because Bungie was doing fine and Bethesda wasn't. What else could Bethesda said? Lets just close half of our studios instead?
@KayOL77 That's what I said. They may look at the parent company over who has more revenue in the gaming space.
Would make gamers mad though.
Did anyone seriously believe CoD was going mono-platform anyway?
No matter if you're a fan of the series or not, that ***** sells like hotcakes, the backlash they'd receive would be incredible
Also note is the indie scenes REAL concern with this acquisition. The move to psychologically remove reciprocational intent from the user base to actually pay for what they want to play(ie fund the guys making your games and desiring more) will affect indies hard. It looks like Microsoft are wanting to 'buy' everybody else's poorer state.
@RevGaming Bethesda were sitting on a much bigger treasure trove of IP than bungie could ever dream of and proceed to neglect most of the IP and release completely unfinished service games(which to their credit they have pulled back even before MS bought them)
@KayOL77 what if Bungie's next game is the next Fortnite? Would that be bigger than Bethesda?
@KayOL77 The anti-MS paranoia is remarkably off-base. Like I said above, the real market concern isn't that MS is trying to shoebox Sony. It's that MS and Sony are very probably colluding together to preserve the status quo duopoly (which is illegal but common in big industry because it's virtually impossible to prove even when it's obvious.)
In this particular industry I'm glad they are, because I personally dislike the alternative of new companies entering and splitting up the industry the way subscription TV has gone, which is disastrous for consumers (but better for the "market"), but the MS-Sony duopoly collusion is the real "business/regulation" part of the story that technically should be decried if you're all in favor of FTC regs and the "market", even if it's self-destructive for what we want as customers. There's no monopoly by Microsoft here, and Microsoft's "control" over the industry doesn't even come close to approaching what Nintendo had in the 80s, albeit the industry itself was significantly smaller at the time, they had near-total control of all of it.
I guess those almost 10 FPS games that Sony is working on for PlayStation will not have a easy life.
That seems so weird.
I was sure it would wind up being, of course you can have CoD etc, but only if you put Gamepass on the Playstation.
@vict0RGM there are not 10 FPS.... where the hell did you get that BS?.... probably from the internet
Sony, Square, or Capcom are Japanese companies so why would FTC care about it if Sony acquires them?? American laws do not apply to what they do in Japan. Microsoft and Activision are both American companies so they need to comply with American laws.
Just believe it man. They have made it clear or FTC will block their acquisition. They cannot back down on their statement later either because then FTC will get involved again.
I still expect the games to be offered only through GsmePass in the future to strong arm Sony into putting the service on their consoles.
This way, Microsoft technically didn’t lie. They can say, we offered.
I also believe that subscription services are the end goal. No options to buy physical OR EVEN DIGITAL. You want to play these games? You must subscribe.
@OneWingedAngel Even if it affects the USA market? Isn't Playstation HQ in California, USA?
@OneWingedAngel What if MS is still top 3 in revenue after a few years with AB putting games on all platforms and convince the FTC to make them exclusive?
I mean he didn't say they will ALWAYS put their games on PS or didn't say how (implying through Gamepass only in the future).
Yes. Sony is still a Japanese company. It originated in Japan and is registered in Japan. Just the location of HQ does not change their nationality. Besides they moved only Playstation HQ to USA and not the parent company Sony's HQ. Its only purpose is that they want to stay closer to their primary gaming market. SE and Capcom are Japanese companies too so FTC has got nothing to do with them. FTC would have gotten involved IF Sony were buying Activision though because that is an American company.
Secondly, you cannot "convince" FTC to let them cripple the competitors. FTC wants a fair playing market for all businesses so that customers have options to switch to. If they make CoD exclusive to Xbox then customers lose that option and are forced to buy Xbox for the game that they have been playing elsewhere.
The bigger the revenue and size of a company the more scrutiny you invite from FTC. The purpose of FTC is to protect customers because monopolies, duopolies, and oligopolies lead to a decrease in the market competition which in turn leads to overpricing of products, exploitative business practices, and inferior products/services. All this just because people have no other option left to switch to.
You know FTC can even split and break up companies when they get too big. So no company is safe even after an acquisition is finalized. Microsoft was already investigated and fined by FTC back in late 1990s. FTC and Justice Department are already looking to rewrite guidelines and regulations for mergers and acquisitions to prevent such huge acquisitions in the future in the technology industry. So no FTC or Justice Department will not let it go if Microsoft turns back on their word and promise later.
@NEStalgia I mean as opposed to Sony paranoia.
You mean convince the FTC after the deal goes through, because right now they're pretty hard on convincing them this is small by the way they have reported how they will manage AB. They're trying to make Apple and Google look as the bad closed platforms but Xbox isn't in there because it's small. They also talk about the metaverse which has nothing to do with the deal but they still mention it to derail focus. Microsoft just wants Gamepass on every platform with 100% cut (that's why they defended Epic) even though they don't do that for Xbox and their third party publishers because it's "smaller" than phones. They're trying to get FTC to focus on metaverse and Apple/Google and appeal as the White Knight to distract the fact about Gamepass. They just want Gamepass to be Windows essentially. It's everywhere.
Yes, I know why the FTC is there and I know they're revising their guidelines. I'm just saying that it would be weird if FTC let Sony go through exclusivity (lets say Sony bought AB in this case) only because they're a smaller company even though they have a bigger market share. For us, it may not make sense but for them it could be another story.
Anyways I think it will go through, but I would've honestly thought they didn't even have to mention they're supporting playstation when they're third in revenue.
Similar to the Mojang acquisition. You don't let some of the yearly top selling games become isolated on Xbox. Included with Game Pass here, $70 there. Cash in on both sides while also pushing the benefits of Game Pass. Not shocking news
@RevGaming Actually deals like Sunset Overdrive was due Sony wanted to own the IP. Insomniac wanted to keep it. Microsoft let them keep.
Dead Rising was exclusive most due to Microsoft Actually owning a majority stake in the development studio.
The titanfall deal was mostly just due to the success of the 360.
Maybe eventually xbox gonna be similar to sega, console company that turns into software developer for existing console
I’m super relieved to hear this news. Assuming everything goes forward as Microsoft says they want it to, it sure sounds to me like Microsoft will indeed keep many Activision games multi-platform. I’m not really into Call of Duty, but some of Activision’s other franchises (namely Spyro and Crash Bandicoot) were a huge part of my childhood and I do feel that they should at the very least be available on PlayStation — even though it’s been over 20 years since they were exclusive to PlayStation. I do have that nostalgia for those games. So, hopefully this will be the case — which sure sounds like it right now. I own an Xbox Series S and a Nintendo Switch alongside my PS5, so I wouldn’t really be missing out if such games were kept exclusive to Microsoft, but it just feels like some of Activision’s franchises have a strong history with PlayStation. Regardless of how long it’s been, there is an important history there nonetheless. It also sounds like Sony intends to keep Bungie games multi-platform, and that also feels right to me because of Bungie’s important history with Microsoft. Just like Spyro and Crash have a history with PlayStation, so too does Bungie’s roots with Microsoft. It wouldn’t be the end of the game industry if things weren’t like this, of course. Even if all these acquisitions ended up being exclusives, I personally feel like things would still be okay. However, hearing these words from Microsoft are just comforting in a way. Not because of fanboyism or anything like that (I own consoles from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft, after all), but rather because it just honors the history of things and keeps my inner child alive in a way too.
Good news for gamers, but make no mistake, Microsoft would never have risked the blindingly obvious PR blowback of not making this crystal clear from day 1 if they hadn't been trying to get away with much worse intentions before the backlash got too hot to handle.
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
Awesome news if they don't break that promise...
@Kingdom_Hearts95 @playstation1995 @UltimateOtaku91 Also relieved, love Spyro and Crash!
Oh i was so worried 😁 😆
@nomither6 So, when Microsoft do what Sony already do with these and more IP's with out even owneing It, right?
PS: And talking of the dirtier company do u remember the company that paid devs (Skip Sega consoles) and stores (hideo the consoles in the end of the stores) to harm Sega?
@claytortot213 It really isn't. They wouldn't have announced the acquisition or plans to if there was even a doubt the FTC wouldn't approve.
@claytortot213 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
single player game like starfield make sense to be exclusive , or maybe even timed exclusive with a surprise announcement , but it makes more sense having a series like cod not be exclusive because they are heavily mp based games , and need players to stay around.
Yeah, yeah, yeah of course they will...NOT Microsoft are only saying this to get the deal through easily. I don't get why anyone believes Microsoft for!?!? Oh well.
@Legacy2K Phil used intentionally vague statements after the deal was announced, much like they did with the ZeniMax buy. The FTC then announces they are investigating the Activision deal and Microsoft comes out to clear the air. It's not hard to follow.
@Robert01 lmaoooooooooooo
This is great news for everyone. But anyone notice that this came After Jim Ryan and Phil spoke together and Jim saying that Bungie games will be coming to both systems as well. Phil and Jim guaranteed have some big Partner plans for both companies!! Just wait and see!
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