There will be no E3 2022 at all. The show’s organisers, the ESA, had already ruled out a physical event, but was floating the idea of a digital broadcast similar to last year. However, according to IGN – who corroborated a tweet sent out by Razer’s PR lead Will Powers – the plug has been pulled on that as well. It means there will be no E3 in 2022 at all. The writing is surely on the wall?
It’s believed that the ESA is making preparations for a full-blown comeback in 2023, although whether that will ever materialise seems questionable. According to chatty industry observer Jeff Grubb, part of the ESA’s decision to scrap plans for the aforementioned digital event can be attributed to publishers preferring to partner with Geoff Keighley’s Summer Game Fest instead.
With the E3 news breaking, Keighley was eager to point out that his show will go ahead in June as planned, with a “spectacular live kickoff show”. Sony, meanwhile, will probably choose to host its own independent showcase at a later date, as it did last year. It’ll be interesting to see if E3 ever returns, or if this really is the end. In the case of 2022 at least, there’ll be no E3 at all.
[source ign.com, via twitter.com, twitter.com]
Comments 77
About as surprising as the sun rising this morning. E3 had a great run but it's just not relevant in today's world imo. Some great memories watching the conferences though, will definitely miss it somewhat.
No surprise. E3 has been less relevant every year. I used to dream of getting the chance to go. End of an era.
Genuinely sad to see given how important it was throughout my childhood. Guess that’s the way the industry’s gone.
And nothing of value was lost. I always found it ridiculous that there was an expectation for games companies to be at E3 every year because reasons.
Rockstar learned this over 10 years ago, then once Sony left the writing was on the wall.
No point without Sony tbh.
The acquisition news today is that Sony has bought E3. They will re-launch it in 2023 and charge every publisher and consumer a premium entry ticket to get in.
Unfortunately a sign of the times with most games being revealed whenever they want now and E3 has been spoiled by leaks for years. I cant see the comeback happening
I also grew up in the era of E3 being the most important date in the calendar. Before I even properly got regular access to the Internet I would wait with bated breath for the issues of ONM and OPM with all the E3 reports in them.
The reality is that publishers don't need this anymore. It's expensive, outdated, and they all have the means to reach their fans whenever they need to.
The concept is simply done. Add in the fact that the ESA seems pretty incompetent, and this was sadly inevitable.
Like others have said, E3 could exist without Sony, but the moment they pulled out the writing was on the wall. That was a seismic blow to the whole thing. Coronavirus finished it off.
While this might mean the end of the "OMG/Mic Drop" moment (Keanu coming out for Cyberpunk, e.g), a (gameplay) trailer with an (accurate) release date is all I need.
E3 was great until it wasn't. I'm not goin to miss it and I'm sure Summer Game Fest will grow and grow and be awesome.
Wow and folks thought Sony was crazy for not doing this years ago. Guess they saw they foresaw the direction the social market etc was headed.
Well with the way media was matured to be in someones hand or pocket 24/7. There is really no need for these conventions anymore tbh. Back in the 90s you needed these conventions and magazine articles to really know what was happening as gaming was still “a kids toy”. Now its a normal media force, why spend money on conventions when you have these reporting website for news daily and sites like vgleaks for speculative daily news.
This doesn't surprise me, last years E3 was a joke and probably the worst I've watched since it began.
Next week's headline: Microsoft buys E3
Xbox fanboys can’t say wait until e3 anymore damn. a end of a era for gaming. I hope both Sony and Microsoft have they’re own game showcase this summer to replace e3.
When it became the biggest show, was great memories. When it became what felt like to me, that it thought it was bigger than gaming, that was the down fall. I would say some where after the ps4 announcement year... and once Sony pulled out I lost all interest When you couple in the leaks...
I don't know if I'll miss it, but I'm not feeling like that currently.
But everyone's been saying they're going to show starfield gameplay at e3..
The next generation kids will be like "E3?? What's that? EEE?"
Meanwhile we old folks will remember the time when instantaneous news was not the norm and you had to wait for events to happen.
Now if you will excuse me, I will take my carved-in-stone ID and buy a beer for the freed time on my calendar.
The end of an era for me. Year after year I would get as excited for this as I do for Christmas...guess that's over
It is pretty sad to see. During the PS3 era in particular E3 was must watch TV for me back in the day. And I will always remember the way God of War 2018 was announced was friggin amazing with the live orchestra and whatnot.
The last thing at E3 that legitimately made me yell with excitement was the Devil May Cry 5 reveal trailer. I remember my brother and I lost our minds with that trailer!
Last year though was pretty bad across the board so it's not surprising but it is sad regardless.
So no pressure on Bethesda not showing starfield at E3, because it's been delayed....
It’s a shame these boring in house showcases that Ms Sony and Ninty do are over hyped nonsense on their own terms. All the industry coming together and easing their game to be the best was brilliant for us all.
Like everything else consumer ends up being the loser and so many lap it up. Ha.
This probably has more of an effect on games journalists, than the general public. Like comic con, these trade shows/expos/conventions have gone more corporate and have made it harder for the average fan to go.
@BritneyfR_ee that’s funny 😂
@redd214 Those conferences will still stand since those are independent from the Expo itself
@4kgk2 Xbox fanboys can still say wait till "E3" as Microsoft alone have enough studios, publishers, 3rd party content, and money to hold their own E3 every year.
@Arkantos2990 Aware, won't be the same though, not that I'm upset by that.
Well, this hurt... E3 was my Christmas every year since the moment I was able to hold a controller. It was one thing my parents fully supported me in enjoying and allow me to stay home from school and order pizza during the week it took place, so that I could watch all the news and gameplay stuff. Even now I schedule vacation time off from work for it and watch it with friends on discord. RIP E3
But I was waiting for e3 to see the final Xbox dev kits. What about them now?
@Floki but still no good lineup of games on their platform.
@BartoxTharglod All true, but this was the reason Sony left in the first place. Shawn Layden spoke at length about this: the ESA lost sight of whether it was a trade show or a public convention, which contributed to Sony's decision to leave.
In the more recent years, E3 was fulfilling neither category effectively, as the ESA had started to sell tickets to non-industry professionals, but was also trying to conduct it as a trade show at the same time.
I miss E3 and I want it to come back. It was fun to get together with a few buds, get drunk and watch all the press conferences.
Pretty depressing. There's nothing really like it, and honestly I think this drops from having a concentrated block of big gaming news to look forward to and build hype, to basically not caring about the gaming news cycle much anymore. Between the price increases, and the lack of a big event for news, I feel like I've gone back to 15 years or so ago that I'll find out about a game when it's 5 years old, buy it on sale, and it's new to me. And more complete than it was at launch, anyway. Even coming here to the Push family of sites daily, the random, occasional big/interesting news, minus the live extended coverage of a title, just isn't particularly engaging like the E3 setup was.
That makes me a sad panda, though. I'll be spending a lot less on games going forward, simply because I won't be as exposed to them or enticed by things I otherwise wouldn't have paid attention to from just seeing a thumbnail and a news article. Ironically it actually will turn me more into the dreaded "they don't buy games and only play things on Game Pass/
NowPlus" people, because I won't be hyped for anything in particular other than the big exclusives from the big 3, and will end up just poking at what's available.@Reeneman Idk... I'm super excited for Avowed, Hellblade 2, FM8, the outer worlds 2, Everwild, and Fable. That more than what I'm interested in from Sony. As the only thing I care about from them is the Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine unless they announce a new Gravity Rush, Freedom Wars, or Ratchet and Clank
I miss the days of older E3. My wife and I have watched everyone since the early 2000s and I watched them earlier than that on my own. The last one I really enjoyed was when Uncharted 4 was revealed. Coming from the PS3 to the PS4 was mind blowing.
E3 has kinda been dead for a while, and most solo showings have been underwhelming for a few years now. I guess it’s all over.
Never cared for it that much in the later years tbh but still this is sad news regardless.
Well thats 3 cancelations in a row. Seems safe to assume the last memory of E3 was them doxxing thousands of journalists and content creators.
@Floki so far we know nearly nothing about these games.
Hellblade 2 looks treating this first teaser but we don’t know anything about this game.
Fable… is there even a release date?
It always sounds nice on paper with the Xbox and all of their plans but so far it’s just disappoint since the Xbox One. There wasn’t one really great exclusive game by the MS studios since years.
hopefully they'll reboot e3 and change it up. sadly there really isn't a need for this type of event any more , or maybe just one in a smaller sized event , but with big announcements. but its much easier to do something online and then just release a demo for every one to try out at home instead of in person.
It's hard for me to understand the reason why some here seem to be celebrating this. For me, it is a sign that the video game industry is becoming less vibrant then it once was. Major players should be mindful of this and act to reverse this trend.
What a bummer. Love it or hate it, E3 was a celebration of gaming. From the cringe presentations to the awesome announcements (that didn't get spoiled) what do we have left? The game awards? Sony and Nintendo 's carefully curated and robotic, corporate feeling, directs and state of plays? Again...what a bummer.
@Reeneman We know very little about Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine. That doesn't stop mine or other people excitement about them. As long as they exist that enough for me.
Sad. I understand the hate for the ESA but always a little surprised at the cheering for E3's fall. It was a mid-year Christmas for all of us, one week of just all out gaming stuff.
I still stand by what I've always said, the PS4 isn't the global juggernaut that it became without the legendary E3 2013 press conference. Haymakers after haymakers and it was only possible because it was all LIVE. I'll miss E3
@redd214 what was your best E3?
What is your best memory from E3?
I get it honestly but I can't say I'm not upset that the big stage shows are going away personally I don't care for the digital direct format the was something special about the big shows y'know. Like when they premiered God Of War IV with that beautiful, amazing orchestra and hearing the crowd roar when Kratos stepped out of the shadows. I'm gonna miss all that these digital shows just don't feel the same
@Floki different story. We know the most recent games by Insomniac and how they deliver.
A lot of reasons to be excited.
@Reeneman We also know the most recent games of studios behind the named games... That literally no
EDIT: Avowed is being made by Obsidian Entertainment creator of Pillars of Eternity and arguably the best Fallout game. It is probably just gonna be Elder Scrolls in Pillars of Eternity universe, so it gonna be good. They are also made the The Outer Worlds which was fantastic, and the outer worlds 2 will probably be the goofy younger brother of Starfield. Fable is being handled by Playground, so which have generally never released a bad game. FM8 is gonna be more Forza which is never bad. The only questionable game I named is Everwild which is being handled by Rare, but I have enjoyed every Rare game.
@Dr-M All of playstation 2015, BOTW Full Reveal, Xbox announcing and outlining Game Pass
E3 was legendary back in the days.now we wont have one this year.time has changed.its crazy.hopefully one day it can get back to its glory days.always enjoy sony e3.but now sony is like black moon and they got the props.word up son
@Floki I absolutely like Ninja Theory (Enslaved!!) but tell only one Blockbuster Game from them from the past years?
All big announcements from MS so far we’re disappointing. Halo infinite? Funny.
Flight sim was cool, but is there really a majority of Xbox gamers still playing this game so heavily?
@Reeneman They just release Hellblade 1 to massive praise. If they can just deliver the same game with a bigger budget. Cool! There is a lot of things to not get excited about. Even if it still just more of the same, it still a quality game.
While Halo Infinite has problems. There is still a good game under all the problem. That like completely writing off GT7 cause of the recent issues. 343 just needs to get their heads out of their butt.
Flight Sim was never for Xbox gamers anyway, it for PC-Xbox gamers, and plenty are enjoying it especially if you have a VR setup.
More of a symbolic loss than an actual one.
Not surprised with the cancellation. Guess we look forward to whenever a State of Play shows up.
@Floki GT7 has been a fantastic game from the beginning. There are issues with the Microtransactions and the situation heated up further because of the server issues for far more than 24… all true, all legit to criticise it.
Halo infinite was and is an average shooter game with weak story and standard open world. Announced as a high potential exclusive for Xbox (and Pc) and ended up as a huge disappointment, gameplay wise and technically.
Sad, 20 years ago it was amazing 😥
So many negative tweets. What E3 gave us was a definitive few days on the calendar when we knew for definite something exciting would be announced.
As it currently stands a Nintendo Direct etc can pop up with only a days notice. I liked having that week in May/June with all the press conferences.
@Reeneman What? That not even close, and really just sounds like the opinion of someone who hasn't played the game or knows very little, or only know Halo based off the games. While it is unfortunately missing features like co-op and Forge, and a few game modes. It is tightest feeling Halo game to date, ruin by Microtransactions same as GT7.
If the 343 had released the game with enough game modes, and without the large amount of Microtransactions. It could have easily gone down as the Best Halo game.
@Yaycandy still loved to read those magazines its just different then the internet more quality somehow. Just like a newspaper and reading everything on in the internet its just different. But its impossible now 1 month i ages now for gaming.
@Floki But in the end GT7 is still a great base game with some stupid ideas implemented.
The big three and other developers have done an amazing job with announcements after Nintendo set a standard with their “Nintendo Direct” presentations. In this digital day, I only see them all improving these methods going forward.
@Floki hellblade is just around 80+ average score, its not some critically acclaim game and not even a blockbuster one
last game nt made was bleeding edge lol
as for obsidian their games are just patterned to bethesda the lowest scored modern sp fallout game and fallout ripoff in slace and the other one is a bioware sequel, they havent made a 90 something game and their og game poe are flops
@Flaming_Kaiser Okay? And? I never said GT7 wasn't a great game. It a great game ruined by stupid business decisions. Same as Halo Infinite, great game ruined by stupid business decisions.
@arra1213 Ah yes, cause scores and sales numbers determined whether or not a game is good.
Even tho Hellblade won how many awards for audio design, best performance, and artist awards?
Again with the review score, public opinion easily would put New Vegas above any of the other games.
Also guess what? Neither of the Spider-Man games have score 90+ but those have all out beats any of Sony's 90+ games. Insomniac also haven't had a 90+ games since Up your Arsenal. So I guess I shouldn't be excited for Spider-Man 2 cause the original one didn't get a 90. Even tho I enjoyed and platinum both games.
EDIT: That mentality is exactly why Sony closed Japan Studio. Games can't just be enjoyable or just good anymore. They have to get 90s or sale billion copies.
@Floki just stating facts here, a game wont become critical or commercial success just because some random dude told someone it is a critical/commercial success
@arra1213 What? Nobody said that those games were going to be critical or commercial successful. XD
Really sad day. E3 is always a big deal to me and I sometimes take work off for it. Feels weird that it’s fragmented. I don’t own a ps5 or Pc but still liked following along seeing if it’s something I would want. It was nice having a standard yearly showcase for developers and publishers to show their work and talk about their work. I still believe these conventions are big for industries. Great way to network peer to peer and to reach a greater audience.
E3 should have died off a long time ago, won't miss it.
Thankfully we have Summer Games Fest and IGN's Summer of Gaming to replace it.
Also the individual showcases for PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox, and the multiple publishers/developers out there.
@Floki halo infinite is a complete turd of a game when you consider that it's Microsoft's flagship IP & had a huge budget splitgates multiplayer is much much better & that was made on a very small budget
@Grimwood Oh will game fest be in a huge building this year with exhibiters' and press and some general public where game demo's are presented. I don't think so.
I'll miss E3. At one time is was one of my favourite times of the year. Lat nights to watch the show cases. Talk and excitement around new releases the next day at work, rinse and repeat for 4 days.
The last few years though, everything was leaked and without the surprise and excitement it became rather meaningless.
Even Comdex failed 1979-2006, they come they go. I'm getting comfortable with The Game Awards show being the big Gaming News bringer for now.
@Tielo when they started to not let regular gamers participate and it became "industry only" (just in the last few years it was run, they would let some non industry people in) it was too late by then.. Yeah Sony was the glue, you cant run a expo without one of the biggest selling companies on the planet involved....
I genuinely will miss E3, though I get why it's not really needed anymore and devs prefer reveals that won't be overshadowed by 1000000 other releases and trailers. E3's always the weekend before or after my birthday though so it always felt like a special present just for me, lots of shiny trailers and gameplay showcases. The odd state of play presentation, while actually a better deal, doesn't really have the same sense of excitement and anticipation as the annual showcase did. Ah well.
I'm sad it won't be on this year but look forward to its return in 2023, i don't really understand the desperation of sites like this to see E3 go the way of the dodo but i don't think that's going to happen, even the worst E3 has been better than Sony's dreadfully dull State Of Play 'showcases'.
@nessisonett my thoughts exactly I grew up always looking forward to e3 each year as a kid sad to see but I guess it's just how things have gone
@redd214 but it's something that us gamers have been used to for years like gamesmaster as a kid, it's sad to see it go especially after such a long time
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