Update: Gran Turismo 7 has achieved the unfortunate accolade of having the lowest Metacritic user score in Sony exclusive history. The score of 2.2 – which is still falling – puts it below the likes of Cool Boarders 2001 on PS1. It’s a sharp message from fans (and, presumably, some trolls) that Polyphony Digital has work to do.
Original Story: The reception to Gran Turismo 7 was overwhelmingly positive up until this week, but a series of unforced errors have prompted the reputation of the simulation racer to plummet. Following a patch – which adjusted the release’s in-game currency payouts, and then ultimately broke the game – fans have been taking to sites like Metacritic to review bomb the title.
At the time of writing, it commands 2.5/10 User Score, with many of the harsher appraisals arriving in the past few days. “If you are a casual player like me, you are f****d,” one person wrote. “Microtransactions are present and some cars are impossible to buy without real money or insane grind. You cannot play the game without an Internet connection!”
Another said: “So the cars you cannot afford in real life are not affordable in this s**t game as well! Don't buy any more Gran Turismo 7 and let them know what they will lose!” This is a reference to series creator Kazunori Yamauchi’s recent statement, in which he said that he wants the price of in-game cars to reflect their “value and rarity” in real-life.
In a controversial statement, Yamauchi explained: “In Gran Turismo 7 I would like to have users enjoy lots of cars and races even without microtransactions. At the same time the pricing of cars is an important element that conveys their value and rarity, so I do think it’s important for it to be linked with the real world prices. I want to make Gran Turismo 7 a game in which you can enjoy a variety of cars lots of different ways, and if possible would like to try to avoid a situation where a player must mechanically keep replaying certain events over and over again.”
A patch this week reduced the pay-out of popular “farming” spots by as much as half, potentially pushing players towards controversial microtransactions to top up their currency. Gran Turismo 7 allows you to pay real-money for denominations of Credits, which you can then use to purchase virtual vehicles.
It sounds like Polyphony Digital has plans to rebalance the game’s economy as it adds additional events and content, but obviously it can’t outline its entire roadmap right now: “We will in time let you know the update plans for additional content, additional race events, and additional features that will constructively resolve this. It pains me that I can’t explain the details regarding this at this moment, but we plan on continuing to revise Gran Turismo 7 so that as many players as possible can enjoy the game. We would really appreciate it if everyone could watch over the growth of Gran Turismo 7 from a somewhat longer term point of view.”
Of course the situation hasn’t been helped by the fact that the patch released to revise the title’s economy ended up breaking the entire game, taking the servers offline for over 24 hours. Polyphony Digital then did a poor job of communicating what was happening, and as the title requires an Internet connection even for single player content, it rendered the £70/$70 racer largely unplayable.
It’s now up to the Tokyo-based developer to restore goodwill. It feels like a long time ago now, but Gran Turismo 7 was well received when it released around two weeks ago, and the feedback has been unanimously positive since. We do think Polyphony Digital’s going to come good in the end, but this week has proven a harsh lesson for the legendary team.
[source metacritic.com]
Comments 215
I wouldn't call it review bombing, simply just reviewing.
Review bombing is done by petty fans on exclusive games and for a multitude of daft reasons.
The game being offline 24+hours for single player and the adjustment of the mtx's is definitely a good enough reason for the game to get it's fair share of negativity.
@pip_muzz Fair!
Honestly they deserve it.
Good. They need to fix it.
I wouldn't behave like this personally but honestly this game deserves it. They need to seriously reconsider the always online requirement after what happened to it. Who's to say it won't happen again?
I don’t exactly see the point in this stuff (plus it only serves to show how useless Metacritic is) but this case does feel a bit like an actual protest against the way the game’s going rather than a petty pile-on.
Glad I never like ultra realistic racing games with 100GB to install and Online only to play.
I keep stick on cartoonish racing games on PS4 with smaller GB size, cheaper price, items to smack onto opponents, colorful cartoonish graphic and offline play.
I dont know if this you guys would do this, but I wish Metacritic allowed sites to review their reviews as issues like this, and changes to microtransactions on day-one patches, really should had been reflected in reviews, but cant realistically be by launch date.
“In Gran Turismo 7 I would like to have users enjoy lots of cars and races even without microtransactions.“ Why EVEN?
Tbf requiring an online connection even for singleplayer, having microtransactions in a 70$/80€ game, releasing a new patch that makes it harder to earn currency so people will be more willing to spent real money, and the servers being down for such a long time really deserves that critizism
If that game were published by EA, Ubisoft etc instead of Sony people would be hating that game into the ground
Lots of games get poor reviews for repetitive grinding. Increasing the grind means a lot of people will consider it more boring. Hopefully this affects Sony's approach to their additonal upcoming live service games. Also imagine playing another single player game and suddenly the xp grind to get premium skills, weapons, etc goes much higher after already buying the game...
Gran Turismo 7 is the best racing sim out now but I agree I hope polyphony add a updates to help casual players earn cars little faster. personally I don’t have any problem grinding for cars that have GT always been and Micro transactions don’t bothered me at all. I mean most Microsoft games have Micro transactions including Forza and nobody says a word.
After SO many online only games having server outages in the past you'd think developers would wise up and stay away from it in single player... I remember being angry at Diablo 3 being offline for hours when I bought it and that was what, a decade ago?
I actually briefly considered going out and buying GT7 this weekend, but now I’m definitely not. What an unfortunate turn of events.
It's hard to take any of these negative "reviews" seriously when they rate a game 0/10. Most people haven't even played a game that is a 4/10 let alone anything worse. Gran Turismo, despite it's shortcomings is not a bad game. If you put a fair score on it with some criticism THEN I can take you seriously.
If games got bad reviews for having micro transactions then half the games today would be 0/10, even some of the most popular and best pc and mobile games are online only and go down for maintenance yet no one bashes them. So yeah in my opinion this is still salty rival fans review bombing the game but using the 24 maintenence as an excuse to make it look genuine.
Infact it's pretty obvious it's salty fanboys as no game at all deserves a 0/10 just becuase you couldn't play it for 24 hours.
Yeah Metacritic that site that is totally useless. I can understand that people are mad but yeah this wont change anything. People bought the game and they saw its always online and get mad about it. Dont you people read the box or descriptions when you buy it? I knew already and i wont buy a always online or liveservice game so i think this one is on yourselfs.
Not being able to play the game due to errors on the developer’s end warrants sharp criticism and some form of offline mode needs to be patched in. Yes, that sentence is a tad ironic. At the very least, buy my good will back with some credits. I paid for a driving simulator, not a network connection test simulator.
The micro transaction thing still doesn’t bother me. They could leave the car prices as is, drop the MTX and I’d be fine. This isn’t Pokemon and I don’t feel the need to catch ‘em all. I would like that Amuse tuned S2000 though…
@mariomaster96 Ah Mario i dont want to be rude but if Sony releases a bad game they always get the full wrath i dont know what world you live in? They got reviewbombed for two girls kissing. Every small detail get 1 point deducted by a lot of reviewers so you better get out of your dream world fast mate.
@Th3solution Same, I really was looking forward to it until the stories came out about all this.
Think of all the games he couldnt play due to "real world" influences. I'm sure he couldnt play ANY sports games, cause he isn't athletic; nor any fps cause he probably isn't in shape enough to run with a full pack and shoot accurately; any rpg cause I'm sure he wouldnt be able to heft a buster sword, etc.
Games are escapism, leave it at that.
There’s so many dumb reasons for review bombing, yet this is completely justified. This cannot become the standard
@lolwhatno I’ve done around 23 menus or so and I’ve been getting cars consistently without using credits. The last vehicle I purchased was a Toyota Tundra, which I had to buy because it’s a race entry requirement. Not that there’s anything wrong with pickup trucks. Yee-haw and all that.
My impression is there are people who want a garage full of million credit super cars, and that’s just never been how things work in GT. I still remember rubber banding my controller on an oval race in one of the older games just to save up enough to buy a single super car. So far GT7 seems more forgiving than that.
I set myself a rule of not pre-ordering games after how bad WRC 10 was on the PS5. I broke it for GT 7 and was burned yet again. Now got another rule, never buy a digital game when physical copies are available. If I hadn't of bought GT 7 as a digital game it would be sitting in CEX now. This game deserves all the bad reviews.
@lolwhatno No it's not really THAT bad. It's people whining about the cost of the few rarest, most expensive cars in the game because they want them right away. One route someone did the math for said it would take about 13 hours if you just wanted to straight up grind for one of these cars. Is that too much? Probably, but the game just came out and these things are going to be adjusted over time. At least you can buy these cars with in game currency without having to pay an extra cent if you just play the game.
I’m gonna add to the negative reviews :3
I think its not review bombing - its just that most early reviews were of a 'different' game - hence the 'MTX', the 'Grind' and only online Single Player parts were not really mentioned.
To me, its a more accurate review as it reflects the current 'released' game, the game the public experience and not the version that was sent for 'review' without the MTX patch.
It seems like a deliberate 'ploy' to get a good review and a lot of day 1 sales, but then added in things they knew could 'hurt' their 'metacritic' scores!!
Polyphony rendered the game possible due to their greed, so why shouldn't the game be reviewed bombed?
@BAMozzy They adjusted a handful of race payouts for the fastest races in the game once they noticed people were just grinding them over and over. Also what no one else seem to mention is that they actually buffed a number of the payouts for races too. The game didn't change THAT much from two races having their payouts nerfed by 50%.
@mucc The point is that its gone from 208 races around the most 'optimum' track over and over again to earn enough to buy the 'best' car in the game to be 'competitive' to know 333 races.
Which you could do in about 17hrs now to 'earn' enough, but that's if you use the 'best' strategy to maximise your 'hourly' earning potential. But if you just play the game, it could take a LOT longer. Also, by comparison, the MTX 'cost' to get credits to buy the best car cost about $5 on GTSport, now it costs $40 - its a massive jump up in costs, and also one of the lowest GT games in terms of acquiring credits - making it the most 'grindy' games in the history of GT games!
For people wanting to be 'competitive' with others, they need those cars. If you don't, you'll lose to those with them - hence pay to win comments - yes you can 'grind' which means racing around the 'best' track that gives the highest credits per hour to get the car in the 'quickest' time. Doing anything else will increase the time it takes to get the car they are 'racing' for in the first place.
The fact that people were 'grinding' race after race just to earn the credits to buy it shows that the prices are ridiculous. Its pushed people to 'grind' like that instead of playing through it in a more 'natural' way. Making it 'worse' is pushing people to 'buy' shortcuts on top of already having to spend £70 on the game...
@RubyCarbuncle - As long as the FIA are partnered with Polyphony it will never have a proper offline mode. Their involvement in the series is why it's always online.
Polyphony Digital is definitely Sony's scummiest team, like their own little version of EA. I'm assuming it was their decision to have always online to possibly siphon money out of dumb unsuspecting people otherwise we would see it in Sony's other great first party games.
Oh and it isn't review bombing if is for legitimately reasons, this isn't just review bombing because you hated a character or how the story went in said game.
Wow how ridiculous. The downtime was frustrating yeah but seriously get a grip people. Sh*t happens. It’s not the end of the world. The people moaning about microtransactions clearly haven’t played the game themselves because it doesn’t impact the game at all (if you don’t want it to). Baffles me how people can say the gaming community has matured when crap like this still happens. Feel like some people just have it in for this game for some reason.
You are pretty clueless in your comments. I spent 20+ hours playing GT7 and complained about microtransactions.
@BAMozzy So how long should it take to get the rarest, most expensive cars? There are games where it takes longer than 17 hours to get a lousy weapon skin. If you want to spend money and rush everything then the opportunity is there, otherwise you don't have to spend an extra dime. It's like the people who complain about Assassin's Creed and their MT's. I've played every single game since they've added them and never spent any money on them because I played the game like normal and didn't need to. Same thing can be said here. At least you can buy every car with in game currency instead of them being locked behind DLC.
The idiotic thing is people are review bombing the game without even having played it or knowing what the changes are.
Can someone explain to me why a bait and switch like this wouldn't prompt Push Square to revise their glowing pre-release Metacritic review of GT7? I mean, only if you want professional critic reviews to be taken seriously.
I've read reviews about the game being offline for 3 days and that you have to pay for the cars, not to race..There is an ongoing agenda to harm first party sony titles..same happened with HFW that was called out to oblivion for minor bugs.No game is perfect and none will be.
Good really hope they'll get the message that we don't want to have to be online to play single player
@mariomaster96 I’d argue it’s the opposite - people already expect this stuff to be in EA and Ubi games while they still expect better from Sony.
@Ggroot Because it's not a bait and switch. You clearly don't know what's going on here.
@RubyCarbuncle theyve already patched in world circuits to work in offline mode. All they did with the payouts is balance them out so you're not spamming one race over and over. If mtx weren't there, nobody would be complaining at the grind/reward ratio. Its all just hyperbole now.
@UltimateOtaku91 I can see people being mad enough to give it a 0/10 if they weren't aware of the online requirement & they bought it waited for it to install & then when they tried to play it were told they couldn't after forking over £70
@Flaming_Kaiser I knew because they already suckered me with GT sport I'm sure there are a fair few that won't though
@mucc explain how kneecapping the reward system 2 weeks after launch not a bait and switch?
Deserve it stupid real life car prices , reducing credit drops and the he has the balls too say people don't need too grind same tracks over and over for cars and the stupid always online even for single player which if they do maintenance or servers down really can't do alot in game!
Sold my copy today and luckily managed to get near enough what I paid for it , will pick it up again down the line when they remove always online
With great games like horizon forbidden west and elden ring don't have time for this nickel and dimeing
@TheCollector316 I haven't played it but I rate it 0/10 since I refuse to buy a paid game that uses microtransactions. Those alone killed the whole mood for me.
@Ggroot Do you even know what you're talking about? They changed the rewards on handful of races, some they even INCREASED the rewards for. Unless you were someone that just endlessly grinded the two races that they nerfed around 50% then this barely affected you. Either way that's hardly kneecapping.
No problems with MT no one's forcing you to buy them , it's always online , stupid real world car prices and reducing credit drops and then having the balls to say people don't need to grind!
Too those defending they should be called out if people don't they will just keep seeing how far they can go.
Wow this might be the first game to get protested against lol
I always feel lucky about not enjoying these types of games nor sports ones. Their fans sure have to put up with a lot of BS just to have some fun.
@mucc twice you've told me I don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry I don't have the expertise to share my personal opinions.
LOL. Well deserved, indeed.
@Loftimus I don't think people criticising not being able to play a mostly Single Player game they paid for is Hyperbole at all, it's completely justified plus the entire Single Player Campaign should be playable offline not just a few Circuits.
If you haven't played it and don't intend to, don't rate it at all.
I understand people are upset and rightly so but there has to be a better way to handle this than just review bombing.
Won't accomplish anything, and Sony and Polyphony already got consumers' $ but the game does deserve all the backlash it gets from here on out.
Game was great but I did all of the cafe menus and the licenses and thought that's all I bought this game for so I sold it before the new patch came in, tbh glad I did even though I thought it was a good game sadly is lacking elsewhere and now it shows I made the right decision in trading it in.
99% of the time I'm against review bombing. But this time Polyphony did this to themselves. They have a GEM of a game, and greed did this...30 hours offline and stupid microtransactions...they deserve the backlash and maybe they will wake up.
I get this is bad...
But 0?
This is why people I don't take user review seriously. They're worthless.
Defending scummy decisions by billion $ corporations doesn't make you mature.
I'm not usually in favor of review bombing games but in this case, I just hope this will make Polyphony Digital acknowledge of how terrible the situation is.
Yup. Something I've never understood. PlayStation is where I game the most but when Sony or one of its devs makes dumb decisions I think it should be called out.
@RubyCarbuncle nothing you say will change my mind as i have actually played the game and im not just here to jump in. The days maintainance was a pain but certainly not enough to go online and review bomb. Like i said hyperbole by over reactive individuals.
Now one of the best racers ever made sits at 2.5 because of one days outage? Pathetic!
@RubyCarbuncle plus, world circuits is where every racetrack lives. They're all open offline. Not sure about payouts for offline though.
It's without a doubt the best GT game in its history and the best console racing game by a mile. But, never should DRM inflict a single player game....I have heard the excuses from PD and it's *****. I paid £60 for the disc and I expect the full single player component to be forever accessable on my disc, regardless of no internet or maintenance.
This should be criminal in a full priced video game and it shows what will happen when say GT servers stop...
I don't blame Sony or PD though. I feel it's more about car licences, names, brands etc...all these things have a life span via an agreement. It runs far deeper than the production of the video game...but even still. If you pay for a physical game on disc you expect it to work at all times....it tarnishes a stunning video game and incredible racer which has choice for all kinds of racing fans...
@TheCollector316 "15TheCollector3165:04pm
It's hard to take any of these negative "reviews" seriously when they rate a game 0/10. Most people haven't even played a game that is a 4/10 let alone anything worse. Gran Turismo, despite it's shortcomings is not a bad game. If you put a fair score on it with some criticism THEN I can take you seriously.'
My thoughts exactly. But like I said many times, most gamers have two scores in mind 10 and 0. Nothing in between. Even if the criticism is legitimate, it doesn't justify a 0 score. So it most certainly is review bombing.
@Loftimus well said.
@RevGaming user ratings are an emotion scale. If your game merely sucks, people aren't pissed, gets a 6. If your game is great, but you don't respect the players, zero.
I’m sure it’ll be sorted over time. Which is why I don’t buy games day 1. I was very tempted to do so here, as this is one of the few devs who seem to have a love and passion for their series, and usually wait until a game is finished even if it means multiple delays, but their deciding to go and do “games as a service” crap has seemingly thrown them off.
When the new events they allude to are added with frequency I’m sure things will be better, but reducing the benefits from grinding before adding those events was a big misstep
Why are people on here defending: "We noticed you were playing our game wrong, so we're changing some things." Think about that. Can you imagine eating your pizza with a fork and the cook comes out to tell you you're doing it wrong. Then has the balls to take the pizza back and bring you a salad.
For anyone questioning whether or not they can take 0/10 scores seriously, remember this, if a professional reviewer's review and scoring system is "just a personal opinion" then so is a 0/10 from a nobody on metacritic.
And honestly, a game being completely and truly unplayable, and the in game progression system being totally unforgiving towards a player's time and money, when it launches, seems like a good enough reason for 0/10 if you ask me.
@IAM1982 nothing as of yet just get credit for future purchases I got around 55 for it.
I’m glad I decided to wait on it.
I’ll keep tabs on how the game’s economy evolves for the next few months. If it gets to the point where the grind isn’t excessive, I’ll buy in at that point.
@BAMozzy amen to everything you said. also imagine seeing players grind for credits only to reduce the payouts. Yeah that's so gonna address grinding. People will definitely stop now.
@TheRedComet a case for "meaningless" zeros on Metacritic. Wise choice.
@Nexozi utter garbage bro
Sorry pushsquare but I’m done with your community of ‘man-Childs’.. best of luck
I had a bad feeling before this game came and the false scarcity of the special edition meant I did purchase day one. I’ve owned every other GT game day one.
A few of the statement in the lead up had me worried. I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I just knew something was off. I was proved right.
They have forgotten/not realised why people loved this game series. His statements contradict themselves. We don’t want people to grind the same races to have to buy cars so we’ve made cars more expensive and payouts less. Surely that does the opposite?
Like so many companies in gaming in the last few years they’ve lost their way and become greedy money over everything else.
I won’t have people defend this. It’s greed simple.
Also I can still play my copy of Gran Turismo. All these years later and enjoy it….. which is really nice.
When this game turns off the servers it’s gone forever
@Max_the_German Great observation. The key word there being "even" — as if to say he'd PREFER the game be played with you gamers purchasing microtransactions, but sure, okay, it's fine if you want to play the game even without purchasing them.
@lolwhatno Yeah, except the game is unplayable whenever Sony/PD has to perform "server maintenance". A week ago, it was down for 2 hours, after a long day of work, exercise, family, I just wanted to come home and play the game that I paid $90 for. Nope, you can only play the game when Sony/PD allows you to.
@Loftimus Nothing you say will change my mind. A Single Player game shouldn't require the Internet PERIOD. Ignored and blocked. I refuse to engage with people who can't be engaged with and defend scummy practices such as this.
@Mikey856 Boye-boye!👋
Some people have way too much time in their hands
Such a shame about the game, I'm still very much enjoying it. But I'm just taking it for what it is, racing. Collecting cars will just have me grinding which I am not interested in. So racing and picking up cars along the way is good enough for me.
Shame. I expect this from MS, but PS games are held to a higher standard.
Microtransactions are for Free to Play games, not fully priced ones.
Part of the reason I love racing games is I get to drive cars I’ll never be able to afford in real life. Locking these cars behind ridiculous levels of grinding or a paywall is the antithesis of this. MTX ruin the structure of a game, whether you use them or not. For this reason alone, I’m out.
Their always online requirement for a single player game, also rules me out, especially as I usually game when my internet goes down.
Hopefully these things change further down the track, and then maybe I’ll pick GT7 up, but until then I’ll get my racing kicks elsewhere
Not my favorite genre but I enjoy racers sometimes. However, I'll never by this one because of two major flaws which are the obligation to be online and this microtransaction stuff. This is a shame since I enjoyed other GT games in the past. Sony should really hear the fans in this case, and quick.
Why oh why do developer insist on single player aspects of games rely on online connection. I know its for game save purposes but it's just silly really. Online services going down shouldn't impact single player
@BritneyfR_ee I totally agree with you, there's bigger problems in the world than having a game having server problems, gamers these days think devs owe them every thing and that every game has to be perfect. Those giving this game a 0/10 are just spoilt brats throwing a tantrum, surely they had other games to play and things to do whilst polyphonic sorted out their servers. Also did these same people rate halo infinite 0/10 because it had a battle pass and slow progression and missing content. And microtransactions have no impact as its all optional and to save people time, if anything its just like paying to cheat.
Glad I didn't buy it yet. I may pass on it completely at this rate.
I'm not questioning if I can take a 0/10 review seriously - I already know I can't because it's impossible. People are entitled to their opinions, but that does not mean their opinions are infallible. 0/10 is objectively absurd for a game of Gran Turismo's quality and the overwhelming majority of other games, frankly.
A think a lot of gamers want a break from the real world
When have micro transactions ever received a warm welcome? I honestly can’t think of one time
"I'm going to lower the review score on this one site...but I'm not going to stop playing the game."
Why does Sony's only Japanese developer left also have to be its most out of touch?
@Mikey856 I agree the game totally is, I know this has put friends off buying. So hope a lot of people don't buy it and then Sony will get the message.
@TheCollector316 If a 10/10 is possible, then a 0/10 must also be possible. Especially for a game that doesn't play.
And how does a rating system that is based on subjective, personal opinions have an "objectively absurd" rating?. There's no standardise way of rating a game. Not in professional reviews and certainly not in user reviews. They could use a 0/10 for any game that they feel deserves it, and by virtue of the subjective personal nature of reviews, they are in the right to do so.
This is why I've been critical of all score based review systems. They are a mess.
Do you get this dismissive about the flawless 10/10 reviews as well, or is this just because the 0/10s disagree with you?.
They made some really bad choices on this game. Non-cosmetic microtransactions, forcing players to pay or do endless grinding, and this terrible always-online requirement (did everyone forget about Xbox One launch?). Surely they noticed their game is structured like a freemium mobile game.
Usually 10/10 reviews justify themselves. If I see a well thought-out, substantive review arguing GT7 is a 0/10, I'd read it, but I don't expect any compelling substance in something as knee-jerk and emotional as that. The game is definitely not a 0/10. You can like the game or not, which is why there are plenty of other numbers besides 0 and 10, but it is OBJECTIVELY not the worst game ever made. Full stop.
@Medic_Alert Well said.
It’s almost like games should get 2 reviews now; one for launch day and one, following launch after patches - the way GT7 has been handled is dishonest and disrespectful to fans. Not like they were up front with this, literally imagine this was on the back of the box or in the state of play - but they just slip it in on the sly. I was so close to picking it up as it looks awesome but I’m thankful I didn’t and I’m voting with my wallet to try and end this shameful practice.
When I saw you need to be online for the single player game, I pretty much decided not to buy it... even when I find a PS5. The car prices thing, even more so to be honest.
@TheCollector316 "If I see a well thought-out, substantive review arguing GT7 is a 0/10, I'd read it"
"I'm not questioning if I can take a 0/10 review seriously - I already know I can't because it's impossible"
Both these things can not be true.
@UltimateOtaku91 yeah, it’s really quite silly. People complaining about grinding in a racing game… what do these people think they’re going to be doing if not completing races over and over again? That’s the whole point isn’t it? Either you like racing games or you don’t 🤷 So what’s the real problem? That you can’t get ALL the best cars from day one without… I don’t know, playing the game? Tough! Just play (and enjoy) the game and earn the credits like everyone else. It’s only a grind if you want all 400+ cars. And if you want all 400+ cars surely you’re going to do a few races with each one or what’s the point in collecting them all? Madness! If you only want the best cars… save your credits.
I could understand the outrage if microtransactions were poorly implemented or unfair, but they really aren’t - even with the nerfed prizes. Always online is a bigger (and more valid) issue imo but it’s not a dealbreaker for me. If you don’t like always online, vote with your wallets and don’t buy it. But you’ll be missing out on the best racing games ever made. No need to review bomb. That’s just incredibly childish and entitled.
I’m largely OKAY with everything. The general consensus is that nobody is MAKING you succumb to micro transactions. It’s extremely unfortunate that they’re in there but its on you if you “bite,” even if it is tempting.
What I do have a problem with — and always have — is the online requirement for single player. You should be able to start it in OFFLINE mode just like you can with Souls games. Want to go online? Go back to the main menu and sign in online to continue online.
I think the right way to have gone about this whole thing would be to have a single player side and an online side but they’re completely disconnected from each other. Maybe even each on their own disc. This way, you can’t cheat in single player and bring those earnings/benefits over to online mode and corrupt the community.
It’s just stupid and I wont be buying the game because of it. (For the record, I bought the game and returned it because I got a real sour taste in my mouth with the whole PS5 download/install and then additional download that was taking upwards of 3 hours. I really questioned and second-guessed this purchase.)
Know what I did instead? I bought myself a nice copy of WRC 10 and I absolutely love it (so far.)
I prefer technical rally over technical road racing anyway.
Why is there so much hate for mtx? Why can't people just ignore them?
*****. I just bought it today.
It's my first Gran Turismo purchase ever.
Can I really not play it without MTX???
@Shepherd_Tallon “Pay no mind to the negative kind, cause it's just no way to be.” - Christina Aguilera 🙌
If always online is an issue for you, return it. MTX don’t impact the game at all, unless your character traits closely resemble those of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 👀
Bit silly all of this. When FIFA is basically a baby lottery machine and every fighting game asks for additional money for fighters.
GT7 is innocent. Im Not happy that it asks you to boost your in game money and I don't think it should be in a £70 game at all. But it's honestly not worth getting fired up about. The games fun and enjoyable. Ive Got 80+ cars in my garage and have played for maybe 30 hours.
I can't believe how scummy PD is, now I'm 100% sure when single player game needs always online connection, it's always for microtransactions.
@stefan771 Because mtx broke the game design (for players), developers will design the game not for players to have fun, but for how to make players spend money.
@Shepherd_Tallon yes mate, you can. Just play the game. You will never be prompted hard in your face to spend a penny. Only time you will see it it when you click on you wallet on the top of the screen, on the main map page. There is a tab to buy credits. I literally dont even notice it as there is no reason to click on your wallet. Just play the menus, licences and other modes and you will start unlocking credits, cars etc just fine. Should they be in the game at all? No.
Do i support MTS? No.
Are they forced in your face and do you need to buy them? Definately not.
Just use the cars that you win and if you want to buy something just be sure you want it as credits come reasonably slowly to start with but thats always been GT. Its an amazing game. Enjoy.
I currently put the brakes on GT7,I am not playing a game that doesn’t give you squat, I grinder a lot of hours in and didn’t gain to many credits,also I was playing missions I bumped a vehicle in one mission and then a car ran into the ack of me and I failed both… What is Polyphony doing???? Get in gear this game is a waste of time and money as of the new update!!!!microtransactions are a joke
Apparently to Sony I've completed the game in 81 hours, 28 minutes and got the Platinum trophy without even buying it.. OK.
@TheCollector316 I review bombed the game but I love it. I bought the 25th Anniversary of the game but the online only feature is my breaking point. I traded in my disk because it is worthless. I don't care about the microtransactions because I got a million credits with the game. Take in mind I haven't played a Gran Turismo game since GT2 and wasn't expecting this. I thought the DRM was a check in not a you can't play the game I spent $80.80 on. I used a $15 coupon from Gamestop otherwise I would have paid over $95 for it. I am very upset. I always ignore microtransactions but the online only is a deal killer. I have 3 kids and work a stressful job. I don't need this crap.
lol i was gona buy this at announcement. i played the 1st one on the original playstation loved it. but omg you have forgotten.... for the players indeed
@Shepherd_Tallon Just expect to do a ton of grinding for credits. That's not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is whenever they perform "server maintenance" (so far, once per week), you can't play the game that you just paid 60-90$£€ for.
@lolwhatno Not arguing with you, we are in agreement. Just pointing out (to everyone), that technically, the game is unplayable whenever Sony/PD decides it is.
Modern_Vintage_Gamer on YouTube just did a GT7 video in which he alludes to the always-online nature of the game possibly being related to car manufacturer licenses expiring after so many years (see MS delisting Forza Motorsport 7 last year, and only being available to purchase via disc version). Possibly, DRM may be the way things will be going forward. Once those contracts expire, I'd imagine Sony/PD, for example, turning off those servers, and this game won't be playable at all (other than music rally🙄). The days of buying a game and being able to play it wherever & whenever you want may eventually be a thing of the past, unless people push back against it.
@lolwhatno in the last world championship there are 5 races at 60,000cr a race. If you drive cleanly, you get an extra 50%cr per race. Thats 90,000cr for one race. The championship takes around an hour and a half and can earn you over 500,000cr.
Again, there is nothing to see here.
Exactly. Let's address the elephant in the room here... They're doing this to push gamers into microtranactions.
@UltimateOtaku91 these "spoilt brats" are customers. So that comment is ridiculous
@eagletrippin @Kidfunkadelic83 Ah okay okay. Thanks for the replies 🙏
That's put my mind at ease regarding mtx at least.
for me it was a solid 9 out of ten, but after the microtransaction/prize monies debacle its dropped to a 7.5 still solid enjoyable gameplay but you want the best cars you either have no life apart gt7 or pay. im not going to push to get all the cars just use the ones i earn with in game credits as never brought a microtransaction and never will. all the people moaning that have brought microtransactions on any game its your fault no need to moan when they see how far they can push it just dont give them any extra money than for the game
@Shepherd_Tallon as @stafford1970 stated tho, its not ideal as you do have to put in the work to be able to buy that expensive car you have your eye on. For me tho, im not a massive car nut so it doesnt bother me so much. Im just enjoying doing the challenges, licence tests and menu books really. The money does come in but its not thick and fast. Hes got the right idea really. Just use and mod the cars given as prizes.
@Kidfunkadelic83 This is genuinely how I was planning on playing it. I was just expecting to unlock cars as I progress, tune them, fall in love with them, and spend half the night taking pics of them.
I want this game as a relaxing distraction when I come up against controller twisting obstacles in Elden Ring.
I think with that in mind I'll get on fine with GT7.
Thanks again for the replies!
I’m a gran turismo fan boy who was massively dissatisfied wit gt6 and shrewdly held myself back from getting gt7…. I’m still whole heartedly disgusted with what they’ve done to the core of the game.
What makes gran turismo great is the single player offline campaign where you feel yourself get gud and are rewarded with incremental improvements to your rides and upgrades. This online only, online multiplayer focus, micro transaction trash is NOT gran turismo.
I’m not sure I’ll ever get gt7
A heartbroken GT FAN
I only have one rule for single player games and that is, I only buy single player games that can be played off line.
This single player experience stuff which can only be played online is 100%bull and I will never support it.
I really think it's time for massive changes at Polyphony. Since GT5 (some would argue that's since GT4) the company has gone downhill.
As much as the core/gameplay of the games are good, this is not enough to have a good game these days. Polyphony took 5 years to make GT7 and the game still came out with little content when compared to PS1 and PS2 games. It's time for Sony to bring someone who wants to make a game, not just random software that has cars.
@Would_you_kindly My question is the people who play can use a console, computer, mobile phone and we can read so why cant we figure that Out? Just do a little research are people really that stupid nowadays? Look i have no stocks in Sony and i have no love for this game but come on lets try. I dont buy games that are always online a optional online great the mord choice the better.
@mctaboo I’ve just received an email saying I’ve got the platinum in 8 hours and 39 minutes! That’s some good going seeing as it’s still in the shops, unless Ive now gone back in time and don’t even realise what I’ve done 😂😂😂🤣 perhaps we are all time travellers 🤪
@Philbear82 🤣 I'm better than you though 😎 28 minutes
Micro transactions are also in Gran Turismo sport but no one is saying anything about that. The always online can't be helped unfortunately due to the world motorsport governing body the FIA.
Plus do people seriously believe they can play GT 7 for a couple of hours and be driving the greatest cars known to mankind, the top tier cars in the game. That was never the way in any GT game. You have to work for them baby's.
Did you play Gran Turismo sport?
Not sure what's going on at Sony but its sent me an email welcoming me to GT (I haven't bought it) and another congratulating me for getting the platinum trophy. I did just plat Elden Ring but its a bit odd
Isn't there a pricing firm they hired who states the value on these microtransactions?
@tinCAT-zero yes, and it’s just another disservice to a once great franchise. It suck’s really loving a franchise that decides to do a different path than you want it to.
What can you do 🤷🏻♂️
There IS a difference between "review bombing" and accurately describing the game.
@get2sammyb I’ve had an email saying I’ve got the plat from this - I haven’t. I’ve seen a few others reporting the same. 😂 might be worth a look. I did it in ten hours apparently haha. My PSN name. Official email from Sony. If you wanna do a article on it I’ll happy forward email.
It still is a great franchise. I've them all and GT 7 is the best I've ever seen. I always have internet in my house so it shouldn't ever affect me.
No one says a word? You’re joking, right? The most recent Gears and Halo games are absolutely getting slammed for their micro transactions, Halo so badly in particular that 343 had to lower the prices. What you want to compare Turismo to is Forza, and Forza is much better than Turismo about progression and being able to purchase cars.
And since yesterday it's already on a 15% discount at local store near my place..
Oh well... they lost me at "campaign mode requires constant online connection".
Polyphony has been playing at their own tune for many years now as GT loses popularity. The wake up call is warranted.
I can see what he is trying to say, grinding the same race again and again isnt fun and something should be done. But instead of cutting payouts for the mist rewarding races, how about offering alternatives which payout good money and make you play the game as intended. Like, say, upping the payout for regular races, being able to sell duplicate cars, and most important adjust the payout of online races.
Some of the critic on the game are totally appropriate but the game is simply too good for this low score.
Metacritic is like Twitter these days, only a plattform where internet people leave all their bs, but it has nothing to do with reality.
Amazing reviews, I love the game. I don't get the fuss. Wasn't working for one day, boo Hoo. Over reaction of people is mad.
This micro transaction thing just doesn't affect me, I get free cars when I win races. Over next few years I'll unlock the better ones as I improve. I'd hate to have all cars within a week or so.
I thought it was even called a CarPG.
All this 'ooh I'm so offended' about everything is ridiculous.
@tinCAT-zero Well said.
The insane is they barely even touched the game and its getting all this backlash. A few of the fastest races got their credit rewards reduced and some of the longer races got theirs increased yet this is somehow the end of the world? If you play the game normally you won't have any problems with credits. It's the same thing as the Assassin's Creed games that offer microtransactions for the people that just want to bull rush the game, but if you play the game normally and do the sidequests there is absolutely no need to spend your money. You're not meant to unlock the rarest cars in the first hours of playing the game, if you want to be an idiot and spend real money to rush it that's on you. I'm not a fan of always online, but let's be real every device you own is online all the time already. This is so overblown.
😂😂😂 Gotta love them overreactions.
It's just people's way of expressing frustration over something they love even if I find it questionable myself. I would personally address any issue I have with the game to the Developers themselves rather than do this.
I've just received an email from Sony congratulating me for getting the gran turismo 7 platinum apparently done in 3 hours but i don't even own the game lol anyone else had this.
Oh my, and it rumbles on. It's funny, really. If, from day one, we had the same rewards for winning races as now, no MTX and no marketplace there'd be none of this silliness. Well, apart form the moaning about having to be online.
You don' t have to buy the game. If you do buy it you don't have to spend another penny on the game to thoroughly enjoy it. I know because I'm actually playing it. You can ignore the marketplace. Yes you have to grind if you want everything but for heavens sake that's hardly a new concept!
I just don't get the huge amount of fuss over it and the childish rating of it out of spite.
"At least Cool Boarders didn't have MTX. 0/10"
@Amnesiac Thank you for saying this truth. I got ripped apart as an apologist for saying simiar in another thread and agreeing that mtx is a problem everywhere.
Game is still fantastic though...
Damn, y’all realize TLOU2 exists, right?
@SJBUK Thank you for another considered view on the issue, i completely agree the response is over blown.
I wish games were not offering mtx, but neither sony or this game are the worst culprits.
However, the response IS loud and clear, and I do hope the result is that Sony become very mindful about introducing mtx in full price titles for the future.
Microtransactions are evil. It’s the virus killing video games. It makes legit platforms like ps or Xbox look like iphones. This has to stop.
I have so mixed feelings after reading almost all 170 comments below this article… I am very confused about people telling, that they do not like to grind racing game, as they would like to get the best cars of the game… Have you guys ever played Forza? No matter which one, it’s always been the same. Within 1-2 days of gameplay you can allow to purchase almost any car available there, doesn’t that spoil the interest for the game? With Forza it takes around a week to become bored with the game, here you have a goal, get the credits for the car, one exact you like and would like to make it the main gameplay car for yourself. Also, completing menus opens so many cars for you for free, without spending any credit, but everyone is quite about that.. I do not remember such thing in similar games.
Same with tuning, with such approach you do not max out your car, you become more picky with the parts you would like to install, in my point of view, this also makes game a bit more interesting, rather than maxing out the car, because you are rich.
Yes, I’ve been a bit worried with lottery tickets always getting the lowest value prices, but still this is what lottery has to be about, if you win something good, you get really happy about, but not just being okay when you will be winning cars etc. there.
Is always online really an issue in 2022? And all this outrage regarding being offline for 30 hours.. as I remember they released the update on the night of earthquake, so some patience would have been appreciated here and your inability to play for 1 day is your first world problem, despite game price of 70€.
And of course MTXs. How much of fear this put in the head of the customers who would like to purchase the game, but after playing the game I do not understand why. It is never put in your face to get more credits, you have the option to use it, but it is solely your decision. Don’t like it, don’t use it. I’ve used it once, because were testing drift cars and run out of money, because tuned 3 cars in a row for drift, but still it was my decision and I was ready to spent 2€ to complete these 3 cars, but I was never forced to do that, I could have spent 30 min racing and winning some money.
All these reviews are extremely unfair and do not show complete picture. The game is extremely good: physics, looks, gameplay (challenges, licenses, menus).
And of course the last thing - people saying, that it is pay2win game.. absolute *****. This game is so related on your skills and ability to control high performance cars (acceleration and braking), that having the best and most expensive cars will do nothing (and per my experience they are awful, they are good looking, good sounding etc. but not the best for racing).
@Titntin I've no problem with MTX in principal, it's all about the balance. I agree that you shouldn't have to pay for MTX in a £70 game to get £70 worth of value out of it. I think I'm going to easily get £70 out of GT7 without spending a penny more. So I'm OK with it. Otherwise I'd just not buy it.
With additional content coming for over time, I get the choice of grinding for it or paying for it with MTX. My choice. With the traditional paid-for DLC route I don't have that choice. I either pay for the DLC or I don't get it.
At the end of the day if they get the balance wrong people will
stop paying for MTX and then will stop buying their games. I think we need to give it a chance to see how it works.
Although I disagree with DRM. I should be able to play all the single player content from disc regardless of internet connection.
I feel it's more about car brand licenses and brands for mechanical parts...to protect the licence and length of licence contract.
I understand that Sport Mode and online events may use DRM but not single player. If those servers vanish I can't even play solo...or it's incredibly restricted.
Such a shame as it's a phenomenal racing game. It's head and shoulders above any console racer but this matter needs to be brought to attention...but maybe not by folk who don't own the game??
@Ams_terran0 I agree but you miss the point. DRM is the issue. I am a gamer for over 40 years with limited game time these days. I wanted to play my disc copy that day when the servers were offline and I could not...I paid £60 for the disc on launch day and I should be able to play all the single player content from my disc ...this is not right....no matter how people look at it...
The game is phenomenal. It's head and shoulders the best racer on console and the best GT so far.
@Mezzer How much of a real problem is it going to be, though? Are they going to pull the plug after a few years? Doubt it. Five? Will you still be playing it in a few years anyway? It's quite possible that the last patch for the game will do away with the need for the servers. If not, well I'd imagine we'd have done all the single-player content to death by that time and moved on the GT8 or something else. Certainly would have got £70 worth of play out of it.
Things change. In 10 years time it'll probably be all online anyway.
Edit: I take your point about not being able to access the game if the server goes down. I'm a 'veteran' as well, back to loading games off tape. It seems this is not just an issue with games these days, though, we're ever more reliant on an internet connection for everything. Hopefully that very reliance will mean server and internet connectivity issues become less of an issue over time (as they'll have to be more resilient).
Just goes to show that live service is a curse that can ruin even the most prestigious of gaming IPs. Gaming companies should stop trying to create the next big live service cash cow. So many games have been sacrificed for that ambition.
@4kgk2 Hähh? Sorry but GT7 is for sure NOT a Sim... just a race game. period
@tinCAT-zero "shouldn't ever affect me." Server was down for 30 hours.
@SJBUK keep in mind though that you do have people arguing it should rightfully take a person years to get all the cars so...
Kinda feels like these two things are working against one another... low payouts so it takes potentially years and online requirement that by definition shortens the lifespan of the game.
@Ams_terran0 if you truly like racing why do you need a track grind ahead of you to incentivize more, well, racing? Like i don't mind a little work myself but also I want certain cars because i want to race with them. What i don't want is to be so sick of racing after grinding Blue Moon Bay with my F40 10 times a day for a month that i don't even care to race with the new car i finally have credits for.
I think the question that I keep coming back to with any full price game with pay to win mechanics is would the grind be as extensive if the MTX weren't there? If their sole revenue stream was game sales, and therefore the only thing that mattered was how fun is the game, would the progression be the same? Probably not. I know you can just "ignore the MTX" and play the game but that question will pull me out of it every single time. It makes me feel like I'm playing an imperfect product, one that was altered from its most fun state in order to encourage the viability of this second revenue stream. Grind can be OK, but excessive grind, as a nudge towards MTX, is not. IMHO.
Apologists be strong round here fam.
If a game is set up not to respect a gamers time. Actively seeks to milk its players and changes stuff AFTER reviews….
Firstly it knows what’s it’s doing and it’s not made a “mistake” it knew it was grubby so didn’t want it reviewed.
Secondly it isn’t defendable - if you like to grind and farm and MTX. Nice for you. But in a game like this the grind shouldn’t feel like a grind.
Thirdly - this nonsense about reflecting rarity and all that. This is a game. Real life rarity of these cars are for practical reason. Age of car or cost to make car. Digital versions aren’t restricted the same way. It’s escapism.
This was always a car collecting game.
It’s another case of arrogant devs not understanding why people like their games and putting low hanging MTX first.
The low scores are justified. They sabotaged their own game AFTER initial reviews intentionally
@ChromaticDracula The issue with micro transactions here is not that they are expensive or that anyone feels the need to bite. It ruins enjoyment of the best progression aspects of the game: racing and tuning the best machines and collecting a huge variety of cool cars (which the campaign sets you up to believe you will be doing). Why? Because after the the campaign there's only two ways to keep the good feeling going without dropping cash: grind for endless hours against AI that's boring as hell on limited events or wait around in lobbies for multiplayer races that don't pay squat. The game isn't fun after the first two weeks. Nobody is wrong about their own feelings.
Really looking forward to the war of PlayStation gamers who value exclusive, offline, no service or microtransaction games vs Jim Ryan, Hermen Hulst and their "bold" live service vision.
All I know is that we went from a pretty good ride on PS4 to what seems to be getting progressively more bumpy on PS5.
If the big exclusives like Demon's Souls, Rift Apart, Forbidden West, etc ever stop getting released, I think those two will find out very quickly "brand loyalty" doesn't go very far here. Xbox learned the hard way and no matter what Twitter tells you, they still haven't recovered 10+ years later. Don't fix what ain't broke.
@pip_muzz So the game is a worth a 0 total bull.
@Mezzer Well next time you know dont buy it unless offline is a option i see online and i see a game that is is useless in a few years.
@Flaming_Kaiser with Sony being known for its great single player games I think most people would assume that they could play this games single player content entirely offline I think there should be clearer messaging on games that require a constant internet connection & not just a small sentence that most people won't read
If only it were possible to leave ratings on the psn store. Review bombings work for steam because you can see the user score prominently displayed right on the shop screen. If you see something with a negative score you're more inclined to scroll down and look at the reviews to see what went wrong. There isn't really any way to do that on PlayStation and people don't tend to go out of their way to look a score up on Metacritic. Sony needs to provide us with more avenues within the console ecosystem to voice our displeasure.
The solutions are obvious: make it playable offline, give out better rewards for races and make the IAP less obvious.
Was it not always a PlayStation exclusive?
@pip_muzz This is disproportional though. A bad review is because the game is just bad, a bad review because the game was down for one day is not useful information if this never happens again.
@PhhhCough Games don't have to be escapism. There are a tonne of sims that are basically the opposite, unless you consider immersion in another world escapism from your usual life.
Great example of why review scores are not dependable. And why Metacritic is irrelevant. I agree that the dev needs to be called out for the issues here. No question in my mind. But a 0, 1, or 2 for GT7? That is just not legitimate at all. Review bombing is not going to fix the problem.
That is not the case at all. People are overreacting like mad, what else is new. Most of these people 'reviewing' the game likely did not even play it, Metacritic is just a big cesspit that people shouldn't even pay attention to really.
If you play the campaign and challenges etc. normally You'll be just fine getting all the cars you want, without ever buying any credits, you get more than enough from just playing.
The only legitimate critisism is that the single player mode, or at least most of it, is not playable when the GT servers are offline. That should not be a thing and i sincerely hope they will patch that to be different.
Deserved. As soon as the servers are offline, the game is useless. What rating should it get other than 0/10? This is why I hate online requirements for games that have a good single player component and GT 7 is great in that area, unfortunately Sony and Polyphony have sullied the game's reputation due to complete stupidity.
After reading a bunch, most are correct. I paid 80 or 90$ for the 25th anniversary. I think i paid enough for the game let alone pay more for credits. I dont mind buying content.
@WizzNL I never played the game, I just got an email from Playstation congratulating me for getting the Platinum trophy in 81hrs 28mins.
Balancing the economy long-term as more content releases makes sense. But why would they think lowering payouts now, before that content is released to balance things, would be a remotely good idea? Just keep the payouts as is for now, and when new content comes out to fill the gap, THEN lower the payouts of these "grind" spots.
And why THE **** would they create a videogame that reflected price and rarity of real world vehicles?! The ENTIRE point of playing a videogame version is to escape and enjoy the fantasy of being able to own such vehicles because they're so out of reach for so many people. Why would anyone EVER want that to transfer into what is essentially a fantasy setting????
Make it make sense.
These protest reviews only come off as whiny to me.
The game itself in a vacuum is a masterpiece.
The server downtime was unfortunate, and the need for "always online" definitely hurt the game's overall score. And microtransactions don't help either. But the overall modification of the credit layout was just meant to stop people from farming one map over and over again.
I get it, makes the game grind feel like an eternity, but I'm not gonna see another numbered Gran Turismo game in probably a decade, I have time.
Anything between 5-7/10 is reasonable. Anything below and people forget what a 4 out of 10 game really feels like. I remember and I still cringe at the thought.
I've never been a fan of the series but it makes me sad for fans to get something perceived as this substandard. Reading a lot of the criticism it seems like it's from genuine players.
@NomNom "I get it, makes the game grind feel like an eternity, but I'm not gonna see another numbered Gran Turismo game in probably a decade, I have time."
So much sense in that paragraph claps. People are just so in a hurry to get everything in a game.
@TheArt Well, people do have lives outside of video games. Not everyone wants to spend the next 10 years grinding in a single video game. Which is why the game has such heavy MTX. They're pushing majority of the player base who doesn't want to treat this as a second job in to buying MTX.
@Floki People have lives so? Are there deadlines in beating games...do they have guns to their heads to obtain every car in the game...why don't they just stop and move on to the next game or go back to their extremely busy lives.
@pip_muzz Makes sense to me.
@TheArt That suggestion would be great if this wasn't online only game which requires a consistent player base. You definitely don't want people dropping the game and moving on to other games. That is the exact opposite of what you want happening. If this was an offline game, then that would be fine.
This game survival will depend on keeping players happy, and awarding them.
@savarunl "If you play the campaign and challenges etc. normally You'll be just fine getting all the cars you want." That's minimum 250 hours of game play if you did nothing but grind the highest payout. How is that normal?
It was inconvenient for it to be offline for a day, but it's back and it seems to be working ok. We haven't had a chance to see if 2 player local games settings are fixed yet though. I didn't notice the payout change because I never paid attention to how much was being paid for events.
We like the game and play it daily.
You'd have thought they'd all be playing Tunic....
Deservedly so, it may well be a great game in reality but for it to be unplayable at any time is simply unacceptable
If and only if you want every single car in the game, maybe yeah, then you're gonna have to put some work in.
I don't think 250 hours is that far off from the original GT games if you wanted every single car. But back then we had gamers who just did it instead of entilted crybabies.
This is why I like the user reviews on Steam better, at least they have to play the game to review it there.
That's not a defense of GT7 mtx, just a general observation.
I don't pay attention to user scores because of things like this. It's just loud minorities that either boost or crash the score. Yeah, PG/Sony have made some mis-steps with the online and microtransactions, but there's no way anyone can honestly say GT7 is a bad game.
@suikoden they're balancing the game towards purchases. MTX are the biggest problem.
@TheCollector316 I haven't but I don't see any reason why I can't rate it and rate it 0/10 for the egregious MTX in a £70 game.
Whether I've played it or not if a buddy asked me if they should buy it I'd tell them I wouldn't if I were them 🤷♂️
If you played the game, you'd know it isn't a 0/10, even if it has mechanics you disagree with, which is part of why it's ridiculous to rate things you have no experience with. Rating something 0/10 is not the same as just not rating it at all; the latter being the correct course of action for someone who didn't do their homework and thus is incapable of being fair.
Whoa hold on, there was a bad cool boarders game?
OMG, Haze is no longer the standard bearer?!
@TheCollector316 I'm afraid you're wrong. The MTX and nickle 'n' dime can be witnessed without having to have bought the game and are enough to rate it 0/10 because it could be the world's best driving sim and still be completely ruined by the egregious monetisation.
If you've bought it and you're happy, you don't need to care if someone else thinks it's worth nothing.
@MattBoothDev you can't 0/10 review a game simply because you dislike mtx and online service set up.
Graphics, game play mechanics, story mode, car modification, track feel, controller haptics.
At worst, even with the online component and the microtransactions in the game, giving the game less than a 7 is not an honest review. It is one made out of disdain for personal beliefs that you push on to the game, studio and the publisher. And to me, this devalues the review and reviewer.
@NomNom who says I can't?!
Basically unless it gets a 7 or better you don't accept it? That's just, like, your opinion, bro. Just like it's mine that those is vastly overpriced for a £70 game with egregious MTX and balancing towards purchases, not player experience.
Calling it 7/10 means "it's not bad but could've been better". £70+ for a first party title with MTX and a blatant rebalancing (after players found a way to avoid buying currency) is bad. The game being down for 24 hours because they screwed up an update and forced always online to prevent people avoiding purchases is bad.
As it stands it's a bad game. I'm glad you enjoy it but you don't need to take it as a personal attack because someone else disagrees.
If not for gaming media reporting on this, I would never know it is happening.
I did moan about this before but after seeing how many Xbox games need to be online all the time I take everything back And on some Xbox games(like Flight Simulator) you can only get some stuff only by buying them with money!?!? Hmm, us PlayStation Fans are LUCKY I think(as long as SONY doesn't copy Microsoft) :-/ And(again) 'the Internet' just seems to ignore it when Microsoft does it. Strange that??? Hmm.
@savarunl Not really i have the same issues some games are really hard to finish and take all my time. So they have to be great as a older guy without even kids i notice that time is a precious thing and some people believe they should be catered too all the time and a game should be made for them alone. I play DS2 its a timesink but a fun timesink people should except that not everything will be for them thats why i stay miles away from any AC game time heavy but not a big payoff.
@MattBoothDev What you just described is more a personal opinion then a fact that its a bad game.
So the game runs terrible, looks terrible, plays terrible, has no content, terrible controls? No you dont use any of those because they dont have those issues. If your a fan of racing you will probably love it.
The issues a bad way of implementing MT's and the always online which should be done in a different way that would make it lose points for sure but not make it a bad game.
I dont play always online games but i also dont like GTA or RDR that my personal opinion it does not make them bad games though.
The same goes for a movie Shawshank Redemption some people say its a bad movie because its done before but the story and actors (even the support characters) all are fantastic. So on that note the only thing you could say you dont like it but if you call it a terrible movie then you are kidding yourself.
I don't play 24 /7 and I didn't notice. Did it effect you?
"The issue with micro transactions here is not that they are expensive or that anyone feels the need to bite. It ruins enjoyment of the best progression aspects of the game"
You haven't played GT7 coming out with a statement like that. Because that is absolute nonsense.
@Flaming_Kaiser GTA Online is a bad game as well.
The MTX completely spoil it for me. It makes it a bad game in my opinion and I rate it 0/10. 0/5. No gold stars.
This is how opinions work! My 0/10 is no less valid than someone else's 10/10. Imho, so long as this isn't a political mire and/or is something that actually exists/happens, then it's legitimate discourse.
It's down to 1.5 on user score now. lol
People there are saying you need to spend almost $40 on real world money to get ingame cars?? Whaaaattt???
GT Sport's cars were about 2-3 bux from what I remember, or you could keep getting credits to buy them, but at least if you wanted to fast track it wouldn't cost you much (even tho it shouldn't be an option - you should only be able to earn them IMHO).
Also .. GT sport tells me I need to be online or I can only go to my garage and take pictures, so the always online in GT7 seems about on par with Sport.
@Party_Cannon Do you need to spend €40 to buy the most expensive cars or to do drive them straight away? I always thought that playing the game to earn the best cars is part of the fun? I guess playing a game isnt fun anymore?
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