With the release of GTA 5 and, by extension, GTA Online on the PlayStation 5 this week, players are in a particularly irritable mood. While we found the community had mellowed a lot over the last few years on the PS4, we’re getting blown to pieces within seconds while minding our own business in Los Santos right now. We wouldn’t recommend trying to sell cargo for a couple of weeks.
Rockstar is on the case, however. A pointed remark at the bottom of the developer’s latest blog post notes that it will be “making further adjustments across all versions of the game, in addition to rebalancing other areas — such as vehicles commonly used in PvP combat”. Some of the more popular vehicles in the game include the Oppressor Mk 2, which has unbeatable mobility and some pretty potent lock-on rockets.
The studio has been working to lessen the superiority of some of the game’s vehicles, with the addition of upgrades exclusive to the Agency that allowed you to effectively jam lock-on radars and reduce the fortunes of griefers. It sounds like it may be prepared to just outright alter the effectiveness of these pimped out troll mobiles moving forwards, however, and we’re fascinated to see its approach.
If you’re just picking up GTA Online and aren’t sure where to start, we recommend you have a gander at our GTA Online guide through the link. You may want to think twice before picking up some of the Best Cars and Vehicles to Buy, though – it sounds like Rockstar could pump the brakes on their effectiveness any time soon.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 37
lol the devs must have let out a long sigh and groan upon hearing that a fresh wave of players would be joining in and said "Ugh, I guess we FINALLY have to fix all these broken vehicles and weapons."
They only care now because they want the experience as clean as possible for new players so they can milk them for that sweet sweet microtransaction money.
Figures they'd nerf it after I finally bought one 🙄
Took far too long to nerf it imo
I got tired of those flying trolls. GTA should be about cars, not flying crap bikes. Since they've introduced that flying ***** bike to the game it become so annoying to drive normal cars. So I just quit in 2019. Got fed up.
It's not like I can't revenge those griefers and make them leave the lobby. It takes too much time and no time left to enjoy driving.
Lol, even yesterday when I've started PS5 version for the first time - in three minutes I had a persistent griefer on MK2. He didn't kill me though as I jumped out of the car. Then he had to die about 5-6 times to get lost.
Invite only lobby is the way to make your dollars peacefully. Grind alone for that brand new 2.5 million dollar car then take it online to show it off and get it blown to smithereens within 30 seconds. Welcome to GTA Online.
@xyopic this is why I don't play online with other random people because of these exact reasons, I know that is the point of the game being GTA but sometimes you just cant do anything and it does get frustrating.
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Radar Jammers was a good start. It's funny seeing a guy on an oppressor try to kill you after going over half the map, when they can't manually hit you. 😂
@xyopic Wasn't aware you could do that. May give GTO another go. Hated the grieving that's why I stopped. Wouldn't mind trying the heists and other GTO only missions.
Do you know if they are achievable solo?
@xyopic Aren’t there certain activities you can’t do in invite only lobbies, like selling your cargo?
There are crews out there who focus on creating a pleasant environment in GTA Online.
One such team is https://www.reddit.com/r/MCCEO/
Their entire focus is a lobby of friends all with similar goals. Not to blow the ***** out of each other, just have a good time and work together to complete sales and make money. Not only about the money but also to focus on the fun you can have together in the game instead of wasting time being blown to smithereens.
If Rockstar really cares about this, what they would do is introduce proper functionality for private/friendly lobbies. They don't have to nerf existing features. Let people shoot the heck out of each other in public lobbies if that's how they want to have fun. Give people a private/safe space if they want to do otherwise.
Some might say doing, say, a Bunker sale without the risk of some griefer coming along and blowing everything up removes some of the challenge. They'd be right. But Rockstar could make those sale missions in these private lobbies challenging in other ways such as more resistance from Merryweather, Army or police.
There are teams like MCCEO already doing this kind of thing so why not just embrace it for everyone and make it a feature?
@GoshSoWitty Thanks. I’m gonna check that out. Sounds like my kind of thing.
Thanks @xyopic
I did cayo perico solo and my video is up on YouTube. Admittedly I did a cowardly escape that took time but still finished and got paid. Same account name on YouTube.
@ATaco I think it's this + they clearly want this to be a long term game. Broken balance will let it die quicker than if it was somewhat balanced.
@xyopic it’s funny you say “Wild West “, since their western themed game , Red Dead Online, has so little griefers it’s always a pleasure to play. You can PVP on different events and series by going directly to them. But when you’re in free mode trying to do your businesses and minding your business almost no one messes with you. Albeit, defensive mode in RDO can definitely use a big buff, it deters people even more. Some of its problems are dynamite arrows.
A lot of people in most video games are AHs and take advantage of any exploits and opportunities to be toxic that they possibly can. R* needs to disincentive griefing by doing things like increasing clean player bonus streak, attacker gets 60-75% of their normal health, etc. Obviously, there are many players that want to engage in player battles and there should be modes for that. There should be an option to ask and accept duels for even fights.
I’m sure many of you have even better ideas and maybe someone can get those to R*.
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Can they legally do that tho if people have paid real money for these vehicles? Honest question
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@xyopic I don't know what game you've been playing but you're wrong on all counts. You can't source or sell any type of cargo in invite lobbies. The blue dots for exotic exports do appear and you can deliver them and you can do business battles and freemode challenges and events. Also, there's no way in hell you can do the Cayo heist in 15 minutes. Get your facts straight before posting.
This article is shamefully misleading. Nowhere in the newswire article is there any mention of "nerfing" anything. Rebalancing can mean several things. You can speculate but don't make assertions you can't back up with facts.
@Sheppard That's correct, you cannot sell cargo in an invite only lobby.
@ApostateMage You can't do any business in an invite only lobby.
@nomither6 It doesn't sound like he's upset or entitled at all. He's just mocking you, and rightfully so!
@mojambo True but you can do the Perico heist, the car tune-up deliveries, the Dre missions and the phone contracts for Franklin, all of which make very decent money.
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I think this comment section alone is such a great indication of why I don't play multiplayer games
@nomither6 You should have ignored him from the start then? You're giving off some "Why are you so mad? I'm just making you mad." vibes. Always weird to me when people act like well, dunces...and then get upset at the people who are upset at them for being bad sports. There's a reason Rockstar just eventually dumps you all into a lobby together.
@ATaco he should have ignored me from the start , it started when they decided to reply to my comment , that wasn’t directed at anyone personally by the way . i commented expressing my own thoughts , which is what comment sections are for , anyone who goes out of their own way to respond is entirely on them ; but way to make it seem like i’m the bad guy just because i play a way that you don’t like . i didn’t exploit the game , i didn’t hack the game , i didn’t personally harass players - i literally played the game within its boundaries of what it allows players to do . so it’s not me , it’s you guys .
and i’m tired of the passive-aggressive ad-hominems you people keep insinuating with your responses , but again , i’m the bad guy ? all over the way i play a game . it never has to get to personal attacks especially over a VIDEO GAME . have some self-awareness and understand that nobody owes anyone anything . i’m done with this thread.
@nomither6 "Played the game within its boundaries" yet was placed in a bad sport lobby with a dunce cap, a lobby made specifically for those who harass other players. Can you spot the contradiction? You derive pleasure from ruining other people's fun and you wonder with pride how many players quit the game because of you. Then you're surprised you're labelled the "bad guy." Perhaps you're the one in need of some self-awareness.
@nomither6 The game literally gives you a dunce cap and puts you in a lobby filled with bad sports. They can't straight up ban you for your behavior but this is as close to a "hey, you're being really annoying to other players, so stop it." That you can get. Though the fact that you consider it a "badge of honor" says everything one needs to know about how effective of a deterrent it is.
Look, you can play however you want, that's not the point here. I'm just confused why you don't anticipate this sort of reaction when you brag about how you grief people in a game.
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@nomither6 The sheer volume of your verbiage on this forum alone is a pretty good indication of how seriously you take video games yourself. So who's really being delusional here?
The "familiar play style" of a bad sport lobby is harassing other players. It's not just "another room." It's meant to segregate those who are rejected from the general community for their anti-social behavior.
it's only been out for like 3-4 years lmfao
@nxck I know but I could never save enough money up to get one lol
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