Sony has revealed its new revamped PS Plus subscription service, which is set to launch in June. While the company is still keeping many of the specifics close to its chest, it has confirmed several of the games that will be available at launch: Death Stranding, God of War, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Mortal Kombat 11, and Returnal.
These will be available to those who subscribe to the PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium tiers. If you subscribe to PS Plus Premium then you’ll also be able to stream these games, but both tiers will include the option to download them as well. “With these tiers, our key focus is to ensure that the hundreds of games we offer will include the best quality content that sets us apart,” PlayStation bigwig Jim Ryan said.
In total, 400 games will be available to download with PS Plus Extra, while a whopping 740 games will be available to download and stream with PS Plus Premium. Sony’s still keeping the exact lineup close to its chest, but we’ll keep you updated as and when new titles are revealed, and you can find out more information about the subscription through here.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 37
Returnal is a nice get but none of these are considered “recent hits” as was rumored. I thought at least some recent third party games might be announced to add to the hype. Though maybe with it not coming until June, we’ll here more.
Definitely most interested in PS Plus Extra as it's basically Game Pass Ultimate. Even the monthly pricing is on par. This is what I've been wanting to see on PlayStation, different options to experiencing games. Returnal e.g. looks interesting to me but it's not worth paying €70 since I don't know if I'll like it or even finish it. But at least through PS Plus Extra I get to try it out for only €14.
Good job Sony!
SOCOM please Sony, PLEASE!
Aren't going to provide Spider-Man Remaster? I don't want to do ps4 Spider-Man on ps5.
I bet for Games that have a PS4 Version they will only add this one. And no Upgrade obviously
God of War is available on the Plus collection on PS5.
Also, who hasn't played Spider-Man yet?
I was hoping they would introduce at least 1 triple A release from 2022 in this...
Been wanting to play Returnal but not to sure if I'd like it , to risk paying full price. So this new service will be perfect 👌.
@AFCC My first reaction to the game list was "They are making people pay extra for all the games they already gave away with every PS5 purchase?" I know Returnal is new but I just saw it on the shelf in my library so I'm good.
So basically, same price as Gamepass with all the games you already played last year but none of the new ones that Gamepass gets.
Interesting how Sony waited until June so when Gamepass gets MLB The Show included Day 1 next week that glaring deficiency isn't so glaring.😉
@rjejr yap, Sony is shooting their foot again imo! I HOPE there are a ton PS1/PS2 games to save the service at least...
@IonMagi Yeah, and Death Stranding is listed as just that, not Death Stranding Directors Cut. That'd be seriously disappointing if it is the case.
Actually surprised that Miles Morales is going to be included since it’s the one Sony first party game that consistently keeps popping up in the best sellers lists.
Will the games stay on the service though, or will it be like Now where they disappear after a few months?
If they'd said we're adding all first party games over 12/18 months old permanently then it would have been a much bigger deal - guess we'll see once it launches...
The problem with all of these game services, for me, is I can't rely solely on them to provide the games I want which means subscribing and buying my own games, and these then sometimes end up filtering onto the service I'm paying for, thus decreasing its value. Then there's all the filler I'll absolutely never play that I'm also paying for with the sub.
@Widey85 they said "with a library that will be regularly refreshed", which means they'll definitely remove games at some point.
@Milktastrophe Yeah I was kinda hoping that only meant 3rd party stuff leaving and newer titles (both 1st and 3rd) regularly added.
As if first party cycles out it really reduces the value as have to rush to complete them before they leave, which means a few good months with a number of games I like I'd likely not get to play them all before they left...
@AFCC Sony will be fine. I've been a PS+ subscriber mst years since the first, and all they've done is make the service worse and worse - 1st it was optional but included themes and avatars, PS4 made it mandatory for online, then they took games away, then they raised the price - but people keep subscribing and saving. B/c they have to to play online. And I think since people are forced to pay for the online play some of those will pay the extra for more games. How many more has yet to be seen.
Sure, I think this looks bad, and it may look even worse next week when MLB The Show releases on GP but no Sony service, but 10's of millions of people will subscribe and Sony will make $.
It is impossible to know the value of those tiers yet, but those game are not very fresh and new. MK 11, Spider-Man, GOW and DS is old... and if they highlight those, how old are then the other games? But this will be clear after some months or so! A step in the right direction but hardly Game Pass.
@LtSarge it's an improvement, of sorts, but it's not really GP Ultimate. Ultimate means gaming from PC or console and also includes EA Play. This is more like Game Pass for console but more expensive. Unless I'm missing something.
Until we know the games and how long they stay it’s hard to get excited. Ps2 was the generation of the licensed game. 1000s of licensed tie in games. I’d bet none are included.
Excellent! Looking forward to playing the Spider-man games for sure.
@AFCC I haven't. Plus many others. If there is one thing I've learned is to never assume about others.
@Widey85 That’s my biggest concern really - that we won’t get to keep the monthly games ‘forever’ like we do now. But instead, they add new games every month and they only stay on for a few months before being removed (like PS Now). That wouldn’t be good.
@BritneyfR_ee if by the monthly games, you mean the basic tier ones, they should still be permanent.
@BritneyfR_ee I'd hope the monthly ones don't change, but it's the headline games for the other tiers that are more a worry.
Most big games added to Now - particularly first party ones - often only stay for like 3 months, which means Returnal, Miles Morales and the others could join in June and be gone by September which doesn't give much time to play them...
GoW will be the ps4 pro version, running a BC upgrade, right? Will the others be ps5 versions or..
@PhhhCough That's another big question - if they don't make it the PS5 version for PS5 owners (and for those using streaming) then it's another kick in the teeth for "next gen" owners.
Fingers crossed they've finally realised they need to reward those who've spent the money on their new console, not force them to buy it to get the best version...
@Widey85 my exact same concerns... I've always wondered (and searching online got mixed messages) even if one downloads a game from PS Now, once it is removed from the PS Now library one can no longer play it on one's console?
@Wartortle Correct, once it goes from Now you lose the "licence" that gives you access.
Think like Plus games check for a current subscription before you can play them, Now checks before you start the game too
@Widey85 Thank you for confirming!
Yeh, that could be an issue... No way I can finish all those "launch titles" in 3 months lol!
Hopefully Sony will provide clarity regarding this topic.
@naruball You're one of the biggest fanboys here (I say that politely!) and you haven't played the Spider-man games 🧐
Not saying there's anything wrong with that is just I assumed you would prioritize exclusives over multiplats, but I would wait and see if they offer a path to the much improved remaster of Spider-man.
Hmmm, well they’re certainly solid enough titles but I’ve completed and Platinumed all of them so I’ll be wanting a lot more, please …
I think that's a pretty good lineup in all fairness, never connected with Returnal myself, but I know some people love it. Miles Morales will probably end up being one of my games of the generation, so perhaps the people who were on the fence about it and didn't want to drop the dough originally, will now get to experience how great it is.
Hoping it's the ps5 version of death stranding and Spiderman. Wanted to try out death stranding and nice to get an instant platinum when I load the ps5 version of Spiderman.
@rjejr sure they will. I am subscribed since year 1 too, but if you spit on your costumer's face like this year after year, they will spit back at you sometime!
I was never expecting any 2022 releases, so not disappointed.
@BritneyfR_ee I'd say the basic tier will let you keep the games as normal. The bigger worry would be, what quality of game are you now going to get on that tier? Most of the big hitters will be put on the more expensive tiers I would think.
@AFCC Sony don't care if we spit at them, they'll just get some unpaid interns to wipe it up. 😂
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