An intriguing note stuck to the end of today's PS Plus update on the PlayStation Blog: superb PS4 RPG Persona 5 will be removed from the PlayStation Plus Collection on the 11th May 2022. No reason for its removal has been given, but this means that if you haven't already claimed it, you've got about a month and ten days to sort yourself out.
If it's in your library, you'll still be able to play Persona 5 as long as you have an active PS Plus subscription.
It's perhaps worth mentioning that Persona 5 is not Persona 5 Royal. The latter is an enhanced and expanded version of the game that, to be frank, renders the original release pretty much redundant. Still, if you want to experience Persona 5 in any capacity and you're subscribed to PS Plus, we'd still heartily recommend the base game.
The PS Plus Collection isn't going anywhere once the new PS Plus tiers roll out in June, by the way, which makes Persona 5's sudden removal even weirder. Perhaps it's just a contractual thing — or maybe Atlus has plans for the highly rated title. We wouldn't want to read too much into it at this point, but it is interesting.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 39
Maybe they'll replace it with Royal
Maybe they’re swapping it for Royal? Probably wishful thinking, but you never know.
@Bentleyma @Keyblade-Dan Nah, they're adding Persona 5 as a PS Plus game for June just to piss everyone off.
Maybe it was to be transitioned to the new ps plus tier along with the rest of the collection, but this required a new licensing contract, and Sega either didn’t want to give it or wanted to change it to the Royal version.
Really hope this somehow makes its way to whatever tier in June.
Everyone should download it while they have the chance though. Amazing game, definitely in my top 5.
Damn, I've been meaning to give this a go at some point. I generally give anything anime wide berth but I've heard it's good. Can't imagine I'll touch it within the next month though.
This will help fuel the flames of certain sections of the fan base who believe MS are buying Sega, despite the fact that Fallout 4 is still on there!
Maybe they are just delisting it from the PS Store, there's no reason anyone should buy the base game now that Royal exist
Persona 6 trailer incoming at next Sony State of Play and yes Persona 5 Royal coming to the second tier of the new service
Either swapping it for royal or they had a deal which has expired as its not a first party exclusive like most other games in the collection
I have a standing policy against double-dipping on games - I either buy it on PC or PlayStation, but Persona 5 is one of the very few games I have made an exception for. I loved the first game so much, I bought the Royal version. I know they are TECHNICALLY different SKUs, but it's mostly the same game.
@Bentleyma I don't think we can download it if we don't have a PS5. It really appeals to me apart from the turn-based combat and the fact that it's a huge game. So I'm fine without it.
Confirmed! Coming to Switch!!
I'll see myself out ☹
@eltomo If we can get SMT 4 &5 in return I am fine with that.
Probably just whatever deal Sega and Sony had is finished is all.
Last year i was struggling to get a ps5 , i got one now but i feel bad for those who don't and want to experience this masterpiece .
Atlus does things in mysterious ways, I wouldn't doubt it if they had a hand in this.
@Apfelschteiner Technically you need a PS5 to add it to your library but afterwards you’re free to download it on any console.
Native full-price PS5 version of Royal incoming ?!
@Voltan I think you can claim it on the ps app, and them download it when you have the console. I did this with the monthly ps plus games until last week, when i finally bought my ps5. But maybe Im wrong, because this is the ps plus collection, not the same.
I assume a deal ended with SEGA or they're going to add Royal for some reason? Idk or people will say this means Persona 5 is coming to Switch
Also woah that's my birthday the game is being removed
"PS Plus Collection isn't going anywhere"
one day later
"Persona 5 from the Plus Collection is going elsewhere"
@Gbarsotini You can do that with the monthly PS5 games but the PS Plus Collection cannot be accessed on the app - only on a PS5.
Would be cool if they change them sometimes. More games in the library 👍🏻
Do we know if we get to keep our claimed games after the new service launches?
@JJ2 Yeah, it would be great to have this as a rotating collection, but I’m not sure what Sony gains by having that in addition to the big catalog with PS+ Extra. Maybe they will rotate games out of Extra and into The Collection from time to time. It seems a weird system though.
Be awesome if they do replace with Royal. This is one game I waited ages to play, used to constantly check the sales for, yet soon as it’s given to me free I still haven’t gotten round to playing it. Funny how that happens.
Maybe Microsoft is buying Sega ? 😭😂😭
No I think it would make sense that after a while a few major games have become classics and could be added in the collection.
It would feel weirder to me if the collection is just frozen without evolution.
On PS3 you monthly got 6 games. In addition to that you got 10 or 12, I'm not sure exactly how many, game each year. After a year those games where changed into new games. I was expecting that would happen again but PlayStation is incredibly vague about this collection. I hope we see them all changed into new games as the current once will be playable if you added them to your collection.
Its being replaced with Knack.
I’m slowly going through all the Persona 5 games in each region to Platinum all of them because they’re so relaxing. I can put on an English let’s play at the same time so I’m still getting the full effect. It’s great to play when I just want to wind down or stressful things are going on IRL. I hope they’re not getting delisted (the original one). Thankfully I bought all 4 P5 vanilla versions!
@Bentleyma True, but that may not be an option for some. At least not in time to actually finish it. Multiple big and long games came out a month or so ago, and this is an incredibly long game too. So, some may not get to it in time to actually finish it, and then they would have to pay for it to keep going. Not that the game isn't frequently on sale, but still, this is unexpected and a shame unless they are replacing it with Royal at some point.
@KilloWertz you just need to claim it then can download and play any time, even after it's removed from the PS+ collection. There's no reason not to claim PS+ games, you never know if you may want to play them in the future.
Finally getting a port to other systems maybe.
Meh it's the older/base Persona 5 so whatever.
@Milktastrophe Oops. I wasn't thinking of the games in the PS+ Plus Collection the same as the money PS Plus games. More along the lines of games on Game Pass, but my bad I guess.
Is there any chance we'll get a native PS5 version of Persona 5 Royal. I'd like to think that's why it's being removed but I'm guessing, as others have said, it's simply a licensing thing or something similar.
I thought games in the PS Plus Collection were just there and you did not have to "claim" them like the monthly titles. I now realize that is not the case, I just went in to all the games in there and "Added to Library" and they now show up in my PS Plus games. Good to know!
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