Following on from yesterday's teaser, Until Dawn developer Supermassive Games has fully unveiled The Quarry, its new IP that this time will be published by 2K Games. Announced for PlayStation 5 and PS4 with a release date of 10th June 2022, check out the full announcement trailer above.
The game is available for pre-order on the PS Store now, and the PS5 version costs £64.99/$69.99. The PS4 version comes in at £59.99/$59.99, but there's no free PS4 to PS5 upgrade. You'd need to buy the £74.99/$79.99 Deluxe Edition to get both versions. The pricing is quite a surprise after entries in The Dark Pictures Anthology had a starting price of £24.99/$29.99.

Back to the game itself, and Supermassive Games sets the scene: "It’s late summer in the remote forests of upstate New York, and the teen counselors of Hackett’s Quarry have the camp to themselves for one final night. That means no kids, no adults, and no rules. In this thrilling cinematic tale, you control the fates of all nine camp counselors as their party plans unravel into an unpredictable night of horror. With life-or-death decisions around every turn, the choices you make will determine how the story unfolds."
You can play the whole game by yourself, but there's also the option of playing with up to seven friends online. It sounds like you can all group up together, with everyone taking control of their own character. This can be done either online or locally. "Adjustable difficulty lets players of any skill level enjoy the horror, while Movie Mode lets you enjoy The Quarry as a binge-worthy cinematic thriller."
The cast includes David Arquette (Scream) as Chris, Justice Smith (Jurassic World) as Ryan, and Lin Shayne (A Nightmare on Elm Street, Ouija, The Grudge) plays Constance. Are you still interested in the game at that price? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 85
I want to play this but i just cant bring myself to splash the best part of 70 quid on a game.
I’m sorry, Supermassive’s titles are alright but they’re not £70 level. I mean, nothing really is but especially not something like this.
@Weebleman Same, thats to much for a game that ms build on QTEs.
This actually looks like a big step up from the recent Dark Pictures games. Really interesting trailer. Pricey, though...
The graphics are really good! if you showed me that still of Justice Smith’s character, I would’ve thought it was a picture of him.
Looks awesome.
I love how they are incorporating more star power into their games.
The price is absurd but the game looks awesome. Until Dawn 2 at last!
Polite pass. Not a fan of horror anymore and there are very few games in willing to spend $70 on. I think Uncharted and Mass Effect are basically it for me buying day one at $70.
Eventually you guys are gonna have to stop using $70 price tags to farm hate clicks. It's just gonna be the norm.
I'm too scared to play horror games anyway, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't pay £65 to play one. Maybe when it's in a sale for less than a tenner if I'm courageous enough!
I'll wait for a price drop (as I always do), so the price isn't an issue. The game seems like a proper successor of Until Dawn.
Am I interested,yes,especially if it matched Until Dawn! That said,sadly no surprise that another Take-two owned studio is resorting to "deluxe edition" pricey bundles to get both the ps4/5 editions after they'd locked out ps4 owners from buying GTA V Story mode via the psn Web store!
Considering virtually all games are cheaper after a few months I'll likely buy this around Halloween which will be a good time to play it anyway 😁
@lolwhatno In previous Super Massive games, you get several characters that the player is in control of in turns, but in Co-op you can assign a character to a different PS Account, and the story would show a message on-screen to say whose turn was next. It's kinda cool, and I am hoping this game helps bring the feature to the forefront
This looks great, and i love the setting this time around. Definitely getting until dawn vibes again I'll gladly pick this up (during black friday) for sure!
I'll probably get this. Hopefully it's closer in tone to Until Dawn than Dark Pictures.
I don't have a problem with the price since I'm on PS4. With that said I've never bought any of their games at full price and won't be doing so here either. But if it's a longer experience, like Until Dawn, I don't have an issue - Dark Pictures titles were a lot smaller in scope, at least the two I've played so far.
I kind of hope basic player movement is better. Their games are always really sluggish, and it doesn't quiiite feel like it's by design.
I'll probably look for it on sale this Halloween.
Well, given I’d never pay £60, it rising to £70 is irrelevant to me. I have so much in my backlog that, by the time I get around to this, it’ll likely be on heavy sale anyway.
People on here are so tight. Until Dawn was worthy of having the same value as lots of other games. Whenever I see a multiplayer only game, I question the value proposition.
I almost never pay full price for games unless they really excite me, so with this one I'll pick it up in the sale, but it's not due to the type of game.
70 quid? Nah hard pass on this from me.. Enjoyed Until Dawn a lot, the other 3 games were terrible.
Supermassive price.
@sajoey Well it's £65.99 in the UK, which is $86! Obviously there are differences in the way tax, etc, is handled between the UK and US, but the sticker shock is real over here!
I don't see any of us getting used to it for a LONG time.
I hope you can get all of them killed. For a trophy of course.
I might re-sub to GameFly so I can rent it. Not paying 70$.
@get2sammyb so you do what the smart people do, get yourself a Turkish PSN account and pay £37 for '£70' games, and still play them from your UK account. There's a very simple guide on HotUKDeals on how to do it.
Makes even the smug disc lovers with their 'never go digital, never go digital' whines look like mugs.
So, it’s Werewolves, right? Looks really good. Can’t wait to play this.
But also, I can wait to play this - when it’s half price.
Looks good but itl play like all Supermassives games. Also the article doesnt point out Lance Henriksen is in this. For shame lol
Looks good so far. I do like their games, but the price they're asking here is way too much. I'll pick it up when it's heavily discounted.
No No noN No No No No!
Looks good. I think the pricing thing is quite a significant issue though. Until dawn comes in at an 8-10 hour game & dark pictures anthology titles average at 4-6.
I've bought enjoyed them all but I can't see what this will do differently to the devil in me which will cost over half the price.
I can't play these games, I've tried until dawn a couple of times but I keep falling asleep.
I just don't find them scary and I don't find the gameplay engaging enough to stop me getting the zzz zzz.
this game looks great , i'm really interested in it. hmmm
I'll buy it eventually no doubt, just not at a $70 price tag, game may be fun but there's not enough depth or length to these games to justify a full price, and Until Dawn didn't have the kinda replayability to make up for those flaws, it was neat going to a different segment/ending but still wound up in a similar situation no matter what
We’ve got to stop pre-ordering games, it’s the only way we can show our disgust at these ridiculous prices. Take the new Horizon for example, they’re still fixing the game two weeks after release. Nowadays to get a proper full game you have to wait at least 6/12 months.
I'm a big fan of their games so I'll get it when it's at minimum half of $70 or lower, I have most of PS5's big releases and I have not paid $70 to this day for any of them and I never will.
Well, I know what I’m doing in June. House of Ashes was a massive step up from the first two in the DP anthology, and I’m glad they’re doing another standalone without Bandai Namco.
@GeneticMutation change " we " , to " you". stop worrying about what other people do.
Interested but not dropping $70 on this especially with how much there is to play
Next gen graphics with last gen's animations.
Looks awesome but not really willing to spend $90 Canadian on it.
Sounds like a used game pick up.
No game from Supermassive is worth $70.
Not saying the game will turn out the same but remember when people thought no Housemarque game should be $70 as well?
@twitchtvpat fair enough
@Weebleman To be fair, I've seen a lot of people asking for SMG to do a larger game more like Until Dawn. Isn't this that? I'm pretty sure Until Dawn was full price. It's not their fault that 'full price' is £20 more now than it was 10 years ago.
@GeneticMutation I agree on the preordering thing. No one should ever do it. I'm a bit annoyed at this game being ragged on for being full price, when other games get a pass. I'm pretty sure Until Dawn was full price.
@Victor_Meldrew considering that the price of pretty much everything has risen over the decades, the fact that people like you expect games to cost the same as they did back in the 80s and 90s is beyond me.
@Octane "Next gen graphics with last gen's animations"
So ps6 gen graphics and ps4 gen's animations?
@sajoey It's so cringey people act like an extra $10 is some exorbitant price difference. We were paying $50-$70+ during the SNES-N64 gens on games that were not even 2 hours long, now we have games that we play for dozens if not hundreds of hours and $70 is too much. It's just whining. Inflation is a thing.
If the game is as good as Until Dawn, sign me up.
Why this headline!? Do they want to give the game a bad rep? Game is priced as anything else new and will go down in price shortly after, like everything else (Nintendo 1st party not included). How can anybody judge if it's "worth" the price tag at this point?
I have no problem with $70 games if they are of very high quality and plenty of content. I've bought at least a few Sony exclusives on release day for $70 as I felt they were well worth it. 2K is obviously to blame here.
This does look pretty good, but since no Supermassive game has been close to $70, I'll just wait. I do hope we get closer to Until Dawn quality than Dark Pictures Anthology (ok, but not the same level of quality). I'll still wait regardless, but at least I'll keep an eye out for it during sales if it ends up being good.
@Uncharted2007 LMFAO
It's the same pricing for Xbox as well
Removed - unconstructive feedback
I loved Until Dawn but didn’t like the dark picture games, hope this price is because it’s in until dawn level, don’t care about famous actors, hope this is not the reason about the price
@Fyz306903 I never said it was their fault. Full price on ps4 is still the same as until dawn was. The only thing that changed is sony slapped another price on next gen versions.
@sajoey this is a pro gamepass site,
its like gematsu where western games always gets a negative remarks from the readers
Looking forward to playing this but no game is worth 70 dollars. Waiting for it to go to 20 like i did with until dawn.
if this is an indie game that has a 5% budget of a $100 million aaa games but sold for $30-40 it wont be getting this negative atittude to whoever wrote this article 😅
@BartoxTharglod That's fair!
@arra1213 I'd love to know how we've got the reputation of a pro-Game Pass website! I don't even have Game Pass!
@get2sammyb for a playstation site with free weekly/monthly marketing that said
"its available day 1 on gamepass"
@arra1213 I can't speak for everyone on the team but I don't think I've ever written that, unless it was to make a point on a Sony developed game like MLB The Show.
@get2sammyb i never said u said that,
just pointing out that at least once a week/month
i always read free advertisement of gamepass here
and always pointin out that $70 price tag (other stuff increase price every year)
and the bad thing about it as if the ps5 version is the only one that got the price increased
I devour horror content, so this is easily day one for me. They’re catering to people like me bringing in horror veterans like Arquette and Shaye and I doubt they’re getting paid dollar store prices that so many gamers seem to expect in their insatiable need to play every single game out there for bargain bin price tags.
People have the right to pay the price they feel comfortable paying, but this fight about $70 games is getting old. I frequently paid $70-$80 for N64 games in the mid to late 90s as a 12-15 year old with a paper route. That’s the equivalent of $120-$140 today, so I can’t really relate to the constant moaning of a $10 increase for some games so far. Is the gaming industry supposed to be immune to ever more costly development and inflation?
Again, there’s so many games out there, I wait to get that super discount as well (which also occur WAY more quickly and frequently than games of the past). But when it’s something I want right away, $70 is nothing and is usually quite fair. Factor in all the DLC if you want and gaming is still more affordable with more choices than ever.
@tameshiyaku exactly!
No game is worth £70 to me - even £50 is about the most I'll pay - anything more than that IS GREED!! Either Publisher or Developer GREED!! Hence they'll drop the price pretty quickly when sales aren't great.
I can see why companies charge this much. Staff wages, land rent, electricity/gas/water usually a few overpaid managers, insurances etc. I'm surprised most games aren't more expensive. Ironically a guaranteed hit like the last horizon game could easily afford to come in at half its retail price and still make huge profits whereas a smaller studio can easily justify the higher price.
What no company appears to take into consideration is that games are a luxury item and certainly not a necessity to anyone. Those "anyone's" are you and I working long hours for barely passably pay in many cases ( certainly not all). Plus we likely have lives outside of gaming. So yeah. Games are too expensive.
So is food, gas/electric/water, petrol , car tax, income tax, Insurances etc etc. I wonder if the game companies consider that when they're high pricing games for their customers ?
This looks good, but I’m going to wait and see how the game is a little more before I make a choice on it. I was pretty excited about the Dark Pictures Anthology at first too, and that didn’t pan out how I wanted it to. I loved Until Dawn though. If it’s a true successor to that game, I’m down for it, but if it’s in the same vein as DPA, I’m good to wait for a steep discount.
Sees Take2 as the publisher Not surprised at the price.
Is this the same as the Returnal hate train are you going to bury this game with negative press for the extra clicks.
Awesome! Me & the ol' lady played "Until Dawn" on our first date years ago. Couldn't get into the "Dark Pictures" games but I'll definitely buy this. 80$ or not. Very excited 😄
Loved Until Dawn, but I'll wait for a sale.
Blame 2k for the price. Bandai Namco didn't do that with the dark anthology.
@Robocod There not Take2 owned, Take2 is the publisher.Supermassive games is a stand alone studio. That said. No problem to pay €70 for a game. I earn more than enough. But i always wait for games (except Sony games) to go in sale. But then again my salary is fine and my wife earns the same. But if you live alone it is a bit harder i quess. Dont know the average salary in the uk tough. But i remember Until Dawn was €59 in 2015. So does everyone game on this site gets a price tag in the title now?
Just ignore and buy and enjoy the game, thats what i Will do haha
@nessisonett tbf it will depend on pretty much anybody if something is worth 70 bucks or not
@arra1213 Glad im not the only one Who reads it like that. Since gp arrived everyone cries about game prices. You should see my ticket when i fill up my car with gasoline. I could but 2,5 games for 1 fill. Thats way more painfull than buying a Playstation game. I think a lot of visitors of this site including the staff weren,t born in the 80,'s. (S)nes games and n64 games were always that expensive. Switch games are also €60. And you never hear anyone complain. Weird.
@TommyNL Whilst I realise my OP didn't specifically separate them,I was aware Supermassive is independent...but likewise 2k is owned by Take-two & are well established like other Take-two subsidiaries for their pricing tactics.
As for the a comparison point fairly positive I picked up Until Dawn for $69 or slightly under...the ps4 version of The Quarry is $99 RRP, PS5 $110,the crossbuy deluxe version $130 Down Under.
I suspect based on early listing's of $89,the best bricks & mortar will be $80-90 range & the crossbuy deluxe one even if available will unlikely dip below $130.
Sure,there might well be a psn sale sometime on psn 6-8mths later, but ps5 titles haven't had massive discounts beyond $80+ thus far in the ps5's lifespan. When you have smaller studios/devs offering free crossbuy upgrade options its just typical Take-two tactics, esp. with no other upgrade route for ps4 owners. (Like making GTA V's discount unavailable on the web store). Good for you if you can afford it, but that doesn't mean they're immune to comparisons or criticism when there is one.
@TommyNL And they call Dutch cheap. 🤪
Reveal trailer had me hooked, but will need to see some gameplay before I can be convinced.
This is disappointing. I usually buy their games days one. I usually don’t purchase games full price. But now they are doing this? They want to charge an extra $10 bucks on ps5? Now they will loose 40 from me, cause I will wait till it goes on sale for under 20 bucks. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
is there any paid upgrade path from ps4 to ps5 ?
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