Elden Ring has been out for around two months now, and everyone knows that it's a rather difficult game. The action RPG is generally considered to be more "approachable" than its Souls-like predecessors thanks to its open world design — but as bedraggled editor Sammy Barker will tell you, From Software's latest does not shy away from kicking your arse.
It comes as a bit of a shock, then, to learn that 7.9 percent of Elden Ring players have unlocked the game's Platinum Trophy. At first glance, you might think that 7.9% doesn't seem all that impressive — but it's actually a really high percentage as far as Platinum Trophies go in blockbuster games.
For the sake of comparison, here are some Platinum Trophy stats for other, somewhat similar action titles, in descending order:
- Ghost of Tsushima - 13.6%
- Elden Ring - 7.9%
- Bloodborne - 6.5%
- Dark Souls III - 5.3%
- God of War (2018) - 4.7%
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 2.4%
Considering the size of Elden Ring — and the aforementioned difficulty — it's crazy to think that its Platinum Trophy percentage is higher than something like God of War. Granted, the latter has been available for a lot longer — but the difference is still surprising. Perhaps the Platinum rate has something to do with the fact that most of Elden Ring's Trophies are based on beating specific bosses rather than hunting down countless collectibles? It makes for an interesting study.
Dare we ask if you have the Platinum Trophy in Elden Ring? Rise to the challenge in the comments section below.
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Comments 81
I think the main thing is the list isn't asking for everything to be done, whereas with Dark Souls 3 you had to follow every quest and get every sorcery/ring/etc. to get the platinum.
Yap I'm really close to it! Only need 1 legendary weapon and some bosses...obviously the three endings too but you can do it in one save so it's super easy
Not surprised that God of War is so low. I got it, but hated traveling from one area to another to find some stupid bird to kill.
This is by far the easiest Fromsoft plat out there. You basically have to beat every major boss and follow a guide for legendary items. As far as I know there’s one boss and item that are even missable.
In a game where you have spirit ashes and people constantly available to summon in… this isn’t really a tough one after you get used to the gameplay.
Elden Ring is a casual, watered down Souls-like baby game CONFIRMED
Yeah, getting the plat for this game was super easy... Barely an inconvenience 😜😜😂😂
Well, for me is actually shocking to see that they are such few people to get platinum in games.
I'm not surprised at all. Elden Ring allows you to obtain the plat without doing absolutely everything in the game. It definitely borrows that from Ubisoft platinums.
Plus, compared to something like God of War, it allows you to completely over-level yourself and make even the toughest challenges shockingly easy. Compare that to GoW where certain encounters TRULY came down to skill and finesse... plus an annoying amount of collectibles that felt like busy work (whereas many of ER's can be obtained just be exploring and playing very naturally)... it's not really surprising at all.
Compared to previous souls game this is easy platinum.
I'm surprised valhalla is do low, most likely from people getting bored than difficulty
I saw several people on forums that had blitzed through this game in a matter of weeks with friends so I'd imagine it was a lot easier playing coop. Most of the other games are single player so you are on your own 😅
@clianvXAi you'd be surprised how many people actually finish games that they buy.
"Oh wow this is fun! I love it! Game of the year!"
6 hours later it's on the shelf collecting dust.
Cite your source and consider the variables. First of all most people who buy this kind of game are going to be hardcore, so it's not a surprise that the platinum percentage is quite high. Secondly, how is the information being collected? When I got my PS5 somehow my permissions changed and I was no longer sharing my trophy information. If it is default to not share the data, then only people who care are likely to enable that.
I’m always shocked at how high many platinums are. Even 5% seems high for a lot of games that require you to do more then just beat the story.
Almost everyone I know don’t bother going for platinums.
@AFCC I got pretty close to the platinum for Sekiro just by playing it through to the end and by doing the save trick, but I put about 70 hours into the game and I would have to do another playthrough to get the platinum, so I stopped playing it. I might play it again one day in the future, and at that time I can maybe go for the platinum.
@Stragen8 I love going for platinums in the games I really love, but it's definitely a trade-off as it means I have less time to play a wider variety. I am planning to platinum Astro Bot, Kena, Nioh 2, and Ghost of Tsushima, which are my first PS5 games, but after that I might not go for that many platinums.
But boy could I have not done it without a walkthrough!
As someone who is a dedicated platinum hunter and has completed all the Soulsborne games to 100% , I actually don’t think I’m going to be playing Elden Ring, at least not any time soon. I’ve gotten to a point with my gaming where I just don’t enjoy the frustration and cursing that crushing difficulty comes with. And it’s too bad as I have thoroughly enjoyed all those games but again, I’m just at a different point in my life now.
Quite shocking but not too shocking because these From games have some level of addictive gameplay when you get stronger you just wanna beat every boss in the game and see everything through. Has to be said a lot of people are using guides too though. I only used guides for my Bloodborne Plat after 2 playthroughs when I realized there were missable trophies. I didn't use guides to find the best weapons and items, just used what I found naturally. That said I'm not in a hurry to get the Plat for ER.
And yeah GoW is low because Queen Valkyrie is annoying!
It is a easy Plat to be honest. 78 hours it took me. (some guides for items were used)
And the game itself is not difficult, it's just cheap and unbalanced at times. Especially end game.
lol everyone being like yeah it was so easy, I just used a guide and save scummed three endings! Easiest FromSoftware game evar!!!! hahah.
I'm surprised God of war and AC are so low as I found them among the easier games to platinum, time consuming maybe but certainly easier than any of the From games imo
Definitely worth it, didn’t take that long considering and helps you see basically everything important. Only had to use a guide for the one weapon I was missing although had to go into NG+ for that.
Souls Games are played mostly by hardcore gamers. And also Platinum in From Software games is usually rather easy. You don't have to do much more than simply finish the game
Got the platinum and it was indeed easier than other souls games, mostly because you can more easily over level yourself, and you don't need additional playthroughs as long as you save scum.
Aside from trying to beat Melania as a distance loving sorcerer, the hardest part of the game was genuinely the platforming for the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending for me!
However, anyone saying that it is an "easy game" in the comments is just engaging in full scale douchebaggery. Relative to almost all other video games, it is a tough game, especially consindering we know a lot of people are new to the genre.
Quite possibly just a triumph of open world design that people are more keen to explore as much as they can and get the trophies.
Great game.
@CKFilms totally true- of collectibles, there's about 30 to get altogether- across spells, items and weapons. They're mostly tied in to side quests, and thus, the bosses for the other trophies.
A greater question to pose, would be how many people have got the platinum, without using a guide of sorts. I know I'm guilty of dabbling, otherwise I would have missed out on so much hidden content!
It's the easiest one yet. I've got the whole platinum set from Demon Souls, DS Trilogy, Bloodborne and this.
Elden Ring feels more casual than past entries, whether that's because it got a wider audience or why it got a wider audience is unknown.
A friend of mine constantly complains how bad the aiming and control system is which are the same as they always have been and he's never played a souls/borne game ever. He says "it's too hard" and "it's cheap game design." For me, it was right back in the saddle.
Then he tries telling me "but, but, veteran players are also complaining" to which I simply said "git gud".
I think a lot of people bought this on hype not knowing what they were getting into. PC players have even supposedly made an 'easy mode' mod. 🤦♂️
@ShogunRok All jokes aside, it kinda is. With the amount of op cheese builds you can have and some very powerful summon ashes, you can pretty much breeze through the game. People no longer can complain about the game being too difficult when there are so many options out there to make it easier for yourself and souls vets can limit theirselves to using only melee/sl1 runs etc. Best of both worlds.
They really need to improve rune farming in this game. It's really frustrating.
@pumpkin_head Haha! Your quote..
"Aside from trying to beat Melania as a distance loving sorcerer, the hardest part of the game was genuinely the platforming for the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending for me!"
This is so right, can't believe there are so many people out there losing their minds over Melania... but hardly anyone is making reference to the platforming for the FF ending! What a nightmare, honestly it was probably the most frustrating difficulty curve I had with this game.
Don't get me wrong, I loved my time with Elden Ring... but that platforming section was quite literally the death of me (x30-40 times due to impatience lol)
85 hours in and nowhere near the end—taking my sweet time with this one!
I got all Achievements in a single playthrough as well. Most of the stuff I found on my own. Other things I followed a guide.
Basically, I would heavily explore the game and do Legacy Dungeons, talk to NPCs, and such; but would avoid bosses until I felt I did everything I could possible think to do and then consulted a walkthrough to see if there was something I missed before doing something that potentially messed up a questline or something.
Most times, I got everything; other times I missed some small detail, hidden path, or NPC. I never felt like I cheated myself out of anything because I legitimately explored everything that logically made sense to me so I would have consulted help regardless.
Great game. Amazing world. Very attainable "Platinum"
I’m so glad these games are resonating with more and more people and congrats to the platinum hunters. Not yet near the platinum myself but that’s what I get for playing blindly. Probably won’t have it for a few years what with the multiple play throughs and all.
It is a reasonably accessible game with all the options you're given to lower the hurdles, and it's also a fun trophy list to do. Other From games don't give you quite as many solid options AND often involve some crappy grinding on the side for completion.
And have you seen Niflheim in God of War? Of course the completion rate is lower, that part is complete tedious ass just to give you an example.
@hugoadan Oh Really?! LOL!
Most people won't get that reference, but getting a platinum in a Souls game IS TIGHT!!
Not sure I can do platinum in Elden Ring, but nice to know its seems fairly achievable!
Ive never completed a souls game before, but using a cheesy astrollogers build and over levelling has allowed me to get somewhere in this one, and im delighted to be able to experience it. I know people summon other players to help them through tougher bits, but ive stayed resolutely offline and just use spirit ashes. It also makes the game look much nicer, all them messages and blood stains on the floor look messy!
I hadnt figured GOW would have such a low plat rate, must be tougher trophies than I remember...
My Name Is Tarnished, easy plat
@IslandLogic I see you're a man of culture as well👌👌🤣🤣
I could probably get it but I’m not interested doing things I don’t enjoy just for trophy.
I get some people like them though. My daughter likes them 🤷🏼♂️
Same I always play offline. 👍🏻
Single player experience is great and immersive. Npc ingame summons are great too.
There is a correlation for sure between the number of people who, at this point, buy souls games and know they will complete them. Whereas I'm sure GOW has had at least 10x as many players, many of whom have no interest in difficult optional fights or collecting every tedious raven for a platinum trophy. In short, souls fans know what they're in for.
It's called Stockholm Syndrome. Sure, you've finished the game, you're free. But where else are you going to go?
East game rot & summons is all you need. I can't even get past the first section on demon souls though
I do, and it was the easiest From Software Platinum to date by far.
Only From game I actually pursued (and unlocked) the Platinum trophy. Spent around 115 hours taking my time in this absolutely lovely experience.
Not going for the trophies, mapping is more my thing, and if I can get to the final map piece I'll be happy. Took me 180 hours to get the piece for Deeproot undergound - thank you FromSoft for putting it in that gazebo in the middle of town, most obvious thing game has done. Still need all the map pieces after the capital, if I can get thru, which I highly doubt. 😝
Do you need to find every site of rune for the plat? It's amazing how many I find on my 4th or 5th trip by. Most are well located, but a couple have been behind rocks and stuff. And of course all of the ones in caves, tunnels, crypts etc. I've run past a couple of those as well.
I did finally use a guide today after Gideon in roundtabel hold asked me for the potion meant for Nephili. W/ 3 people I could give it to I was kind of at a loss, usually the answer is just yes and that's that. So I gave it to him, which I'm guessing is why he sent his bodyguard to kill me, and I looked up where Nephili was, had missed that town.
Oh man, I wish I could forget 2018 gow and replay it. What a game. Best game in decade
I haven't played it in about a month, I wasn't even stuck I just didn't have the time for 2 weeks because of work and now I've kinda lost motivation to play
@slips666 in addition, God of War has been free on both PS+ and Now, so has likely had tons of people with just a passing interest try it out and quit.
@CKFilms Yep and the +2 +3 etc. rings all needed to be found in NG+ and beyond. So it was impossible to complete all in one playthrough. With save scumming you can get the plat in Elden Ring, if you didn't miss too much side stuff. That's what I did anyway
@Kairu It really is easy. The two endings are easy to cheese if you don't want to do a second playthrough for them. And the only other thing to worry about is the spells/weapons/talismans.
I feel the platinum rate for Elden Ring and Bloodborne are so high because the people who play these games are intending to go for the platinum from the start, plus they've not really got trophies that are easily missable
I got the 100 hour mark and I’m level 101 as of yesterday evening. I have yet to reveal the entire map and I’ve only downed 3 shard bearers. The game is MASSIVE and a real joy to explore. It’s the first game where I actually want to explore every square inch because I know there are things tucked away in every corner. It’s the best $70 I’ve spent in a lot time in terms of ROI.
Its all about quantity. Many more people have played God of war over the years and it has been in the bargain bin, so there are a lot more casual players that may have tried it but not finished it. I always find it interesting to go through a games chapter trophies to see how the percentage drops after each chapter in the game.
@GADG3Tx87 that's some impressive Plats there ! 👏
I can't remember the number, but bloodborne was a lot higher than it's current % in its early days too, I remember it seeming quite odd to me, given the difficulty fame of these games.
I put it down to mostly the hardcore fans buying it at the start, the number probably coming down as the price gets cheaper or appearing on ps+ etc.
Also I assume that there aren't any 'grind' or multiplayer trophies, usually the main cause of low plat %.
I haven't even bought the game yet dude. Platinum trophy? Give me a minute, come on!
Currently 60hrs in Lvl 120 & I’ve only earned 12 trophies so far. I’m working to get the platinum on my first play through
Yeah man I thought it was a bit of a joke and so out of place. Like suddenly putting a top down shoot em up in the middle of Gran Turismo or something, why is it even there? And why would a catacomb be designed that way?
I found it rage inducing and like you say, just kept rushing it and failing. I regret leaving it till the end (even left it last out of the three endings) as it was such an anti-climax and took the shine off the game a bit.
I'd say 30 - 40 attempts for me too. And then when you do it... WHY WOULD THE FLOOR NOT JUST BREAK FROM A GREATER HEIGHT ANYWAY!?!?
@hugoadan oh, really!? LOL
@IslandLogic iconic!!! Uau, uau... Uau, uau, uau. LOL
Thanks! I'm currently on 109 Platinums. The one I'm most proud of is MGS4..
I personally do not see the appeal of trophies. I outgrew "well done" stickers and gold stars in primary school. My son has probably spent more time on his trophy hunt that I spent getting my doctorate.
@TooBarFoo trophies are a part of the game. Some people like to fully complete the games they play, which includes earning all the trophies. It's no different than getting a 100% save file, except that you can view the trophies outside of the game.
@Apfelschteiner nice, I want to try Sekiro again next! Elden Ring is the first Souls game I will finish and with plat it's super impressive for me lol
@AFCC I haven't got round to Elden Ring yet. As far as Sekiro goes, I found getting to the end was a challenge in of itself, but I'm not far off the platinum. I know I could do it. I really think almost anyone can complete these games, you just have to have the attitude of always giving it one more try. It's refreshingly old-fashioned, rather than feeling like you are basically on rails at a theme park in most games.
Wowzers... People been gitting gud!
@Milktastrophe For me, 100% save files are not as satisfying as a plat, but it can be an extra step for a game I just can't get enough of. Sleeping Dogs was a game that even after getting the platinum and 100% I was still enjoying. Most games push you past the limit of still enjoying the game to complete them fully.
@TooBarFoo You don't seem to have outgrown videogames. Fair enough if you don't want to trophy hunt, but it's the same concept of rolling credits on a game, just taken to the extreme.
Hmmm... Platinum..
Hollow Knight is the most difficult one I've encountered. Impossible for normal human beings.
I really want FFVII platinum, but peeress of pullups...
It's definitely the easiest of the Souls platinums. DS3 is pretty easy too but you have to farm a ton of covenant items and that takes forever.
Trophies are simply a way a player can extend their time with a game and find more challenges for games they love and have pretty much exhausted.
Categorizing them as 'gold stickers for children' and suggesting real adults should have outgrown them says a lot more about the state of your head than anyone else's. Or are we supposed to be so suitably impressed by your doctorate that we simply stay put in our place?
Your choice to not to engage is fine of course. Your choice to belittle people who do, is somewhat baffling though.
It’s pretty easy to platinum. I thought it would take me 6 months, not three weeks. Dark Souls 3 is much harder to platinum due to the covenant requirements, i still haven’t got that one. They should’ve gone harder on the trophies I think.
@TooBarFoo good for you. The fact you mentioned your doctorate as a brag and sneer about outgrowing things, you seem like a right plank. Yet here you are, on a gaming website like a teen. You contradiction.
It's always going to be high because the Souls community will play it to death, so the number will be higher than expected. That said, I've got the platinum for this, and it's probably the easiest FromSoft platinum quite easily. Maybe hard for no Souls players, but for veterans, there's not much to fear in this one. Great game, just a lot easier than previous titles. Heck, they even keep buffing the weapons to make it easier.
I used to be a platinum trophy fanatic back when Sony offered $10 gift cards for 10 platinums. I’ve only gotten a few since they discontinued that practice.
It wasn’t too arduous, and I did 3 full playthroughs for the 3 endings. First playthrough 100 hours, second 10 hours, third about 2! It’s funny seeing how little you see of the game if you just go the very direct path.
I agree it wasn’t very difficult compared to other Souls games. You can overlevel easily, abuse summons and builds etc. Most bosses can be beat by just sending in your summon to pull aggro and then just wailing on them.
It was easy compared to something like Genichiro/Owl from Sekeiro where there is absolutely nowhere to hide.
I have Platinum in Ghost, God, and Assassins
Ghost was super easy, God was simple, and Assassins was tedious. Neither were hard.
I have yet to play Elden Ring. I plan on getting it when there are a couple of price drops.
Elden Ring is the easiest Souls game I played with the easiest trophy list.
Bloodborne I found the hardest
Dark Souls 3 is incredibly grindy for some trophies so this doesn’t surprise me at all.
@Uromastryx I've tried to get into Valhalla so many times. I've platinumed Odyssey and I plan to Platinum Origins once the 60fps mode is out. But for Valhalla- I get bored. The game never got better than Norway to me.
@Apfelschteiner I firmly believe anyone can do it. Maybe some people take 40 hours, I took 80 hours to plat and I'm happy with it!
The plat is pretty easy to obtain, some items you just gotta run through mobs and pick up from the floor..
I bought the PS5 for Elden Ring... ahem, the kids, our first console since the Sega Dreamcast. We had firmly moved over to the PCMR camp.
I accidently discovered platinum and had to have it. First game, first platinum.
Now I'm stuck getting platinum on Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and haven't touched the system in months!
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