Blimey, Guerrilla Games is really powering through these patch numbers. Just a few days after deploying the last update for Horizon Forbidden West, the Dutch studio has issued another one, bringing the game up to version 1.11. Weighing in at 1.133GB, it's explained this patch is actually versions 1.10 and 1.11 both at once. As such, the download is quite a bit bigger than previous updates. Set aside five or so minutes to get this one onto your PlayStation 5, PS4 systems.
The patch notes cover a ton of balance changes and fixes for both main and side quests, as well as fixing an issue with Legendary Weapons. There are now even subtitles for the title song In The Flood — "Time for a karaoke session," the patch notes recommend.
As always, Guerrilla Games also highlights some further issues it's aware of. This includes a problem with Atekka not using the ballista in Blood Choke, the Upgraded Every Pouch Type Trophy still not unlocking, and new items not showing up with the correct icon. For a full rundown of known issues, click the link.
Horizon Forbidden West Update 1.11 Patch Notes
Main Quests
- Fixed an issue in Main Quest “The Broken Sky” where sometimes players were not able to interact with or follow Kotallo after fast traveling away and progressing through other side content.
- Fixed an issue in Main Quest “The Wings Of The Ten” where in rare occasions the objective would not update upon returning to the Base, blocking progression.
Side Quests
- Fixed multiple conditional progression issues in Side Quest “Thirst For The Hunt”.
- Fixed an issue in Side Quest “Boom Or Bust” where overriding any of the machines during the “Kill the Machines” objective would not progress the quest.
- Fixed multiple instances of machines that would get outside of the player’s reach during Side Quest objectives, thus conditionally blocking progression.
World Activities
- Fixed an issue in Rebel Camp Devil’s Grasp where sometimes the “Search the Command Center” objective could not be completed.
- Fixed an issue in Rebel Camp First Forge where the player can miss obtaining the Sun Scourge bow by reloading a save after looting Asera. NOTE: This will not affect save games of people who "lost" the bow due to reloading the save after picking up the bow but before talking to Erend. These players can revisit Asera’s corpse. Asera's corpse will always respawn until players have looted the bow from her. Please, take the bow so she can stop haunting the West.
- Fixed an issue with Keruf’s “Missing Gear” salvage contract where the contract could not be completed if the player acquired multiples of the required items.
- Fixed an issue in the Plainsong Hunting Grounds where trials could sometimes not be started or completed.
- Fixed an issue with Melee Pits progression.
- Fixed an issue where player level instead of kill count could influence whether Apex or Evolved machines would spawn in the open world instead of standard variants.
- Fixed an issue with the Bristleback where the Apex version would never spawn in the open world.
- Fixed an issue with the Plowhorn where the Apex Plowhorn would not contain the Apex Plowhorn Heart.
- Fixed an issue with the Rockbreaker where “Mining Claws” could not be collected from an Apex Rockbreaker after detaching them.
- Fixed an issue with the Slaughterspine where looting the Plasma Earthblaster from the Apex Slaughterspine would contain one metal shard, instead of Volatile Sludge and Crystal Braiding.
- Tweaked drop rates for the Snapmaw’s “Dispersal Tanks” loot.
- Fixed an issue with the Skydrifter where the Skydrifter would stand in the air.
- Fixed an issue with the Thunderjaw where the regular (non-Apex) version would never spawn in the open world.
- Disciplined a Tideripper caught showing off by slip and sliding across their designated habitat.
- Fixed an issue with the Widemaw where its throat keeps spinning after it has been killed.
- Fixed an issue with humanoid enemies where applying the killing blow with a Spike Thrower could cause the enemies to freeze in place instead of dying and falling to the ground.
- Rebalanced the unintentional change on Legendary weapons.
- Fixed an issue with the upgrade path for Death-Seeker’s Shadow: Increased Impact Damage for Advance Hunter Arrows with the first upgrade.
- Fixed an issue with Death-Seeker’s Shadow and Lightning Hunter Bow where crafting Advanced Shock Hunter arrows would draw resources from the stash.
- Fixed an issue with Shredders where sometimes the reload and toss animation did not play.
- Fixed an issue with Shredders where Advanced Shredders would use the same icon as normal Shredders.
- Fixed an issue with the Shredder Satchel where the Workbench menu states that the maximum number of Advanced Shredders is increased to 12, but the actual maximum number in-game was 11.
- Fixed an incorrect statement in the tutorial text for the Purgewater tutorial. The text used to state 'Once in this state, their elemental attacks are disabled and they become more vulnerable to Frost and Shock attacks.' This has been changed to ‘Once in this state, their elemental attacks are disabled and their resistance to all elemental damage and states is reduced.’
- Fixed an issue with Coils and Weaves where mods that are meant to increase impact damage instead increase all damage.
- Fixed an issue with Coils and Weaves where weaves that grant multiple defense increases show the Plasma Weave icon.
- Fixed an edge case where pressing the “throw” action for Rocks would perform a Heavy Melee instead. Stealth players, don’t celebrate too loud, the machines will hear you!
- Fixed an issue with Hunter Bows where the reload animation plays incorrectly when using Advanced Elemental or Targeting arrows. Players should now be able to fire arrows more rapidly.
- Fixed an issue with the Carja Wanderer, Nora Sentinel and Nora Tracker armor where resistances would decrease when upgrading them.
- Activating a new quest prompt when it shows up in the HUD will now correctly highlight that quest in the Quests tab in the journal.
- Fixed an issue where trying to access a workbench after selling all weapons would result in an infinite black screen.
- Action prompts and quest markers can now be hidden in the custom HUD settings.
- Improved visibility in the underwater section of the San Francisco Challenge Ruin Hobart Office.
- Changed the sort order on some vegetation assets to improve rendering time.
- Made adjustments to the dynamic resolution system to scale better.
Performance and Stability
- Multiple crash fixes.
- Multiple streaming fixes in game and in cinematics.
- Added subtitles for the lyrics of the title song, “In The Flood”. Time for a karaoke session!
- Added a “Toggle” option in the Settings menu for loot actions.
- Fixed multiple control remapping conflicts.
- Fixed a default control conflict between Mount Light Attack and Select/Deselect Track while in Focus mode.
- Fixed an issue where Aloy could become locked in an animation if a Valor Surge was activated while using a zipline.
- Fixed an issue where killing a hovering Stormbird could sometimes result in its corpse being stuck in a floating position.
- Fixed an issue where difficulty-related settings could be enabled in difficulty modes that did not allow them.
- Fixed multiple instances where Aloy could get stuck in geometry.
- Multiple fixes to Aloy’s animations.
- Multiple audio fixes and improvements.
- Multiple lighting fixes and improvements in cinematics.
- Multiple fixes and improvements to body and facial animations in cinematics.
- Multiple fixes and improvements to NPC animations and to NPC props in settlements.
- Multiple localization fixes and improvements.
- Multiple other bug fixes.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 28
Hope with this patch my Death-Seeker’s Shadow would start landing critical hits as intended... Never seen a single crit from it.
@Tomato_Goose Neither have I. I thought I was doing something wrong the entire time.
@LN78 just beat the game and completed the entire map and activities on the ps4, only had a few times where there were any type of bugs or glitches but that’s about it!
@LN78 The only issues I ever had in 50 hours of playtime was the 14 crashes of the game. I fixed that with turning of the HCDP setting off and clearing my cache. Otherwise I've had a smooth experience and bug free. I do wish they'd tame Aloy's hair as it comes off very sentient during cutscenes.
@RBMango I did a brief research and found several complaints about the issue on reddit. It's a shame that legendary weapon is much weaker because of this.
@LN78 somewhere in between.
Release version 1.04 wasn’t that great but also no complete mess.
You see this amount of patches in nearly every open world game these days.
@weR1youR2Podcast I have the feeling that her hair movement highly decreased with patch 1.09.
@LN78 i had some pop in on day 1, and 1 cutscene where Aloy's hair went all Medussa-esque. Otherwise, i think game has run fairly flawlessly. There have been some really good Quality of Life features added to the settings since launch too
It wasn’t bad. I finished the story on patch 1.08. Played it since release.
The launch code was a little questionable at times; I didn’t run into anything game breaking but it had a bunch of small jank. The first two patches rectified most of that.
My PS5 downloaded 1.10 earlier today which was around 1GB and the a few hours later it downloaded 1.11 which was around 300MB.
@LN78 Very little problems in my 140 hours, the thing that got me irked was the Tremortusks tusk's clipping into the ground when I needed to shoot them off but aside from that I had a blast.
still waits for New Game+
Hopefully the shimmering issues and better res-scaling is improved alot. Will give it another try and hope I can enjoy the game without the gfx issues.
I'm sad that the problem with new item indicators in the inventory remains a known issue rather than fixed. But they're motoring through these patches so I expect they'll get to it soon
Thirst For The Hunt is fixed? so I can finally platinum it and move on, thank you!
Unfortunately, this didn't fix a quest breaking bug for me on Shining Example. The completionist in me is dying a slow death...
@PenguinL Catching up to God of War. It had a patch-a-day it's first 2 weeks, ending around 13, 14 or 15, I forget exactly.
I think we will get content expansions once they’re finished with the post release bug fixing.
Played for 90 hours.
There was one bug where it was snowing indoors, which broke immersion, and another bug near the end where an A.I. companion ragdolled and I had to reload a save which cost ~3-4 minutes of play time.
Aside from that, flawless experience.
I've played the game day one for a couple of hours and had to drop it because of lack of time. Hopefully will play it once it's patched "a lot" 🤣
@LN78 I would stay it still is. In the past few days I had to reload a save due to Aloy getting stuck in a wall - not for the first time. Just yesterday I had to reload due to an enemy ending up under the ground where I couldn't kill it to progress the quest. I'm enjoying the game, but there's definitely a lot more jank than I remember from the first game. Granted, I did play that one more than a year after it came out...
By the time I get around to this, it'll be in the shape it should have been at launch!
I have already pIayed through the game, beat it, and got to level 50. Working on platinum now.
I am going to reveal what I think about Sylens and Gaia. I think Sylens is a descendant of who Gaia was modeled after, their eyes are strikingly similar. I think Elisabet Sobek looked up to, or loved, the person she modeled Gaia after.
This would also explain some of Sylens knowledge. After all, he was on quests for knowledge well before Aloy was even born....Something had to lead him, or provoke him to learn of the old ones.
@LN78 Not really, apart from two hard crashes (couldn’t wake up the console from rest mode when I left HFW open, had to pull the plug essentially). Completed most of them game on the Day One patch.
Glad I didn’t wait. My top concern was the shimmering issues in performance mode. They still haven’t fixed that, just blurred the picture to make it less visible.
I mean it's great they're fixing everything so quickly but jeez the list of issues fixed in this patch alone is just ridiculous tbh.
@LN78 Yeah, I think I'd say my gameplay had way too many bugs and glitches.
The entire game has crashed or hung and needed to be restarted 2-4 times, and there are a lot of glitches. There's a place where I hunt Stalkers where two trees pop into existence after being in the area (and shooting arrows through where the trees will appear) for 2-5 minutes - I've been stuck inside one of them when it spawned around Aloy twice.
There are plenty of bugs and glitches. Yet, despite being annoyed by them, I've loved the game. I don't have the platinum yet, but finished the story and all story-based side quests have improved a ton of weapons and armor. So it hasn't prevented me from playing and enjoying the game, and it's been getting better over time. I don't really regret playing it in the state it was in, but there have been several times I've been frustrated by it, too.
Once they add New Game + (please, Guerilla, add New Game +) I'll play the whole thing again with 60fps instead of the high-quality 30fps on my PS5.
I'm playing on the PS5, and I've seen none so far. However, my brother is playing on PS4 and he says he has lots of issues, and lots of slowdown making simple actions game breaking.
Thats great im glad they fixed all that stuff but honestly everyone who bought the game has beaten the game one or more times already they need to add new game plus. I dont know what they are waiting for its really annoying it still is t out. Please add ngp already. I love horizon but it takes a long time and alot of hours to get the legendary weapons and armor and even longer to upgrade them no one wants to have to start from scratch to earn it all back not to mention you cant get and upgrade the stuff until the game is at the very end. Just add new game plus alreay please.
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