Are you currently a PS Plus and PS Now member? Have you stacked PS Plus for several years? Well, you’re about to receive the deal of a lifetime. As we know, subscribers to PS Now will automatically be upgraded to PS Plus Premium when it releases in the coming weeks. However, if you have multiple years of PS Plus paid up as well, you’ll be able to enjoy PS Plus Premium for the entire duration of your longest subscription.
Confused? Okay, let’s get the official language from Sony out of the way first: “If you are subscribed to both services when the new PS Plus launches, you will be migrated into the PS Plus Premium membership plan and you will have a new single payment date based on the longer of your two subscriptions. You will be notified via email of your new payment date and subscription fee.”
So, let’s do a quick example. Let’s say, you’ve got an active PS Now membership until 1st September, 2022 and an active PS Plus membership until 1st September, 2025. Well, you’re in luck, because that means you’ll automatically be upgraded to PS Plus Premium until 1st September, 2025, representing an absolute enormous increase in value.
Remember, a year of PS Plus Premium is worth £99.99/$119.99, so this is a potentially great deal. If you’re stacked up on PS Plus but don’t currently have PS Now, you can still try to find a subscription before PS Plus Premium launches in order to take advantage of this loophole, but they’ve mostly been removed from the market now.
[source playstation.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 75
Good luck finding PS Now at this point. It's not in the PSN store anymore and the cards aren't activating at stores anymore, so you probably need to get lucky with Sony support taking pity on your purchase after they've discontinued selling it.
Incredible, honestly. Already utilized one loophole, why not another? Now to see what the service will offer because I’m still baffled as to what I’m getting a deal on.
They’re doing everything to make this transition informative and open except for actually telling us what games the service will contain
@Deoxyr1bose Haha, true.
One article hinting how awful it will be and another telling everyone to stack up sub for something that looks like it's going to be a dumpster fire from the other articles you post.
So, I have around a year of both subs going on.... You're saying I should extend my PS Plus sub? 👀
I have to wonder that if sony were fully confident with this new service then they would be proudly showing off what games will be included.
I've got more than a year of Plus right now.
So, if I sign up for one month of PS Now in late May or early June, I should have a year of Premium...? Hmmm...sounds like a plan to me.
I grabbed a year of Now with the last loophole and was already stacked with Plus until 2026 from sales last year.
Thought I was getting a year of Premium to try it out...turns out I get it for a few more years
I tried to be even more greedy and extend for another couple years but it seems that Sony have disabled Plus purchases from the store on the web and app - comes up 'Can't add to cart - you've already purchased this item'!
Sorry I've I've read this wrong but having 19 months of plus left do I get a discount too go for the highest tier or
@QualityGeezer If you have a Now sub running you'll get it free - if not, then you'll have to pay the difference if you want it.
@Scob I get that mate what I mean is because I'm in credit do I just pay the extra 3 quid a month or do they want me to if I want the higher tier have to pay 13 strait off the bat
@Scob Was wandering similar to QualityGeezer but in Australia we don't get PS Now just regular plus, but mine doesn't expire for till next year so if I extend it further before the new tiers kick in would it be cheaper to then go Premium with paying the difference?
Theyve got this all wrong. For people who buy games and aren't interested in ps+ extra, but want the classics on premium, they have no choice but to pay for ps +extra in order to get access to the classic line up. For that reason alone this service can ram it!
I'm still confused about whether I just owe Sony the top up a month or if they expect me to pay 13 quid a month
Nice one I’m subbed to ps plus till 2027 and I’ve just bought 3 months of ps now from eneba for £17
wait...so I can just grab a couple of months of PS Now to take me up to the Uk launch of the new system in June and I'll have Premium for another 2 years since my + is up in Apr 2024?
Right, I'm off to CD Keys. They sell 12 months of Plus for £43.99 for the UK, so for over £87 I can get 2 more years of Premium alongside my near 12 month Plus sub already for less then it would cost in getting just one year of premium.
Nevermind, just payed for 2 years of Plus but the PS store won't accept the codes. Bad form Sony.
@PaperAlien Yep, if you can find a valid PS Now code and manage to redeem it then that is the case, but I'd be fast - in the last couple of hours Sony have disabled Plus purchases from the store, and codes aren't always working either when people try to redeem them
Now this is better. Just picked up 3 months of now for £24 on ebay so sorted till 2025. There's not many left on ebay for anyone thats interested...
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk were you able to activate it?
So I currently have both services. If I add five years of PS Plus now, I’ll get Premium for those additional five years? If truer, that’s a big loophole to keep open before it switches over in June.
Yay. I have 10 months of Now left and stacked 4 years of Plus last week. Jackpot!!
There was links to working browser pages when I did it last week. Panicked at first as I couldn't do it on my PS5 console or PC initially. Had to use PC and specific links that take you to the working redeem page.
@fluggy Couldn't link to them couldn't mate?
anyone know where you can still pick up PSNOW sub?
So I’m on plus for a year…do I just pay the difference of premium for one month and get that year converted like with gold and gamepass ultimate? Or pay the difference of a years sub? Or is this just for it I have an active ps now sub?…so I could get a months worth of ps now and have it upgrade my years plus subscription?
@get2sammyb so in my Scenario, my psplus runs out at the end of May but my Psnow goes through next March. Will I need to get a couple months of psplus or just having Now get me premium?
@Bleachedsmiles Once it launches, if you only have Plus you'd have to pay the difference between the tier pricing to get upgraded (no real saving).
But if you can find and redeem a working PS Now code that covers the launch date then it will upgrade your years plus to premium.
@Elodin can jump in here and confirm that your Now sub will convert to Premium so you're covered - don't buy any more Plus!
@Scob Thank you for confirmation, much appreciated!
I'm pretty much convinced it's going to be terrible and I haven't lost out on much by not ever subscribing to Now or renewing the one year PlayStation plus sub when I got my PS5.
I don't even think the people who've stacked on either service will probably get much great for the first 12 months either.
It just sounds like a con, like most things these days. 😞
@feral1975 the first month is already confirmed to be great. Death Stranding, Returnal, Spider Man, and Miles Morales. Probably longer as most people probably can't play through all those in a month. Whether it keeps that momentum is yet to be seen.
I'm getting an error even trying to sign up for a month of PS Now. Unlucky
Wow… a consumer friendly solution from Sony? I am stunned, shame this wasn’t communicated sooner so speculation stacked up!
@incometax yeah I’ve just activated it this morning I’m subbed on ps now till the 27th of July. Fingers crossed it works
Still not doing it until we know what we’re actually getting
So if you just own Now you are far better off?? I think this is a bit of a con and everyone is giving them a pass….
If you own Now to 2025 and nothing else you get the top tier of the new service until 2025…..
If you own now to 25 and plus to 2024 you get top tier of new service until 2025….
Also if you own now until later in 2022 and plus until. 2025 you get the new service 2025….
Those of us that have given most money to Sony seem to lose out again…..
I think more should be calling this out….
Clever move. It will lock people into their ecosystem for a while.
I lost out a little here as I stacked several years of PS Now, at the reduced rate, even though I had several years on my PS+. Not bothered though, you win some, you lose some, and it was a sensible investment at the time. Nothing to pay till 2026.
My PS Now sub ends the sometime in June with Plus ending sometime in August, so I guess I will have Premium until August. Can't see myself using it for any of the retro games though, but the demos might be useful I suppose.
I understand Push keeps saying Sony doesn’t explain very well but the articles make things sound more confusing whereas the texts are in plain English 😅
I wish Push stopped pushing people to buy subscriptions sounding like advert for rental services. Then they will complain it’s no as good as they thought.
I find it a bit crazy people stacking up on subs just to get a good deal without knowing what games are going to be part of the service. Surely it won't be a good deal if you end not liking it and not using the service? 🤣
Seems like the 1 year subs for PSnow are not available anywhere.
I snoozed and i lost.
While I in no way feel I should be entitled, I can only think it’s bad PR for Sony to offer free upgrades to Now owners, and this for plus and now owners, but no free upgrade for plus owners only. It’s perfectly understandable because now owners paid for streaming of older ps games and the catalogue so need to be given the service that includes that, but a bit of investment in goodwill from Sony wouldn’t have gone amiss.
I just hope it’s all worth it. It worries me that we’ve yet to see the actual lineup of games, both current games and old classics.
Isn’t that a massive selling point? Not sure why they’re keeping it a secret until last minute.
So if I read this correctly, if I buy loads of PS Plus now, then my PS Now subscription which ends in July this year, will continue through to whenever my extended Plus does, as part of the Premium package?
@fluggy Do you have the link to redeem? I've got two PS Plus 12 months subs I need to claim but it won't let me. Thanks!
@tomassi That is correct, I have Now until next Spring but Plus until Spring 2026 so I'm in that lucky group. See if you can find working PS+ codes - it seems Sony is blocking a lot of them even if they're 'valid' when bought. And can't extend via the store anymore either.
@Scob I literally just purchased a 12 month Plus sub from Shopto and the code doesn't work
Sony are quick!
So i’ll be Premium till 03/01/2024 🙌🏻
@tomassi I’ve got two as well can’t redeem at moment. I doubt it’s Sony blocking it as they are still selling them on the store themselves. Think just server overload as everyone is trying do same. Try again bit later or in couple days.
@Lfc1105 Sony aren't selling them anymore though. Or you certainly can't extend it on the console. Or I can't anyway. I suspect shopto will be offering refunds rather than new codes, personally.
@tomassi Yea I did just notice that when I went through the store as if to buy one. I’ve emailed Sony support about it. Hopefully they honour them both. Frustrating as the PS Now code I got last night worked fine. Just the plus ones that didn’t.
@tomassi Just been off the phone to ShopTo just there, they're having problems with activating the codes and they're saying they're hoping to get them all sorted by the end of today, but it might be tomorrow.
They said to me to open a support ticket so they can get my codes sorted, you'll likely need to do the same tbh! When I was talking to Sony about it though they confirmed the codes are valid, just not activated.
Have just come off the phone to Playstation Support as i had 2 years of PS Plus that are valid codes but would not redeem last night or today. Have been told Sony are not redeeming ps plus membership codes until further notice due to new ps plus migration. Have been advised to contact retailer to seek refund for codes. Simply unbelievable !
@SM1FFY01 like my post above everyone will turn a blind eye to this and give Sony a pass.
This whole launch is a disaster.
I’m more than annoyed that having given Sony money in advance to be Both a plus and NOW customer that knows treated them same as someone who has bought plus and stacked and then now for a month of the new service. They get same as me but I’ve spent hundreds more. Doesn’t seem right
@SM1FFY01 I feared this would be the case.
You know exactly when they'll reactivate them? The day after the launch of the new service, at which point they will add as Plus Essential.
I suppose you can see why they're doing it, and there will be plenty of winners as well as losers in this scenario (those of us who for whatever reason already had plenty of plus stacked) but sucks for those trying to add what they assumed were valid codes.
@Scob They just said "until further notice" which probably means when theyve sussed how to stop people stacking codes lol. I took the chance last night, i got a 3month now sub through ok it was just the plus that wouldnt extend. So ill at least have premium till march next year when my current plus expires. Not sure ill get refund on codes since technically they are valid. I really cant understand why Sony cant let people take advantage of stacking this offer. Its getting really difficult to try and find good things to say about the increasingly anti consumer practices of late from them.
So I had a look via the App on my phone.. 3 and 12 month appears but says you have already purchased it, when attempting to push thru.. So think those buying cards to redeem may wanna be wary.. As this is clearly PlayStation wide..
@DrFluffyNips yeah I did upload a support ticket to shopto. Hopefully it can be resolved one way or another. Ideally another year which would take me to April 2024. If not, I'll have until April 2023 which will be more than enough time to decide if its a service worth continuing with!
@tomassi Good luck with it, I'll update here if anything changes! Yeah a full year should be plenty of time and you're still getting a decent deal that way.
I was actually about to ditch PS Plus completely (actually runs out after today) but if I'm able to grab this deal, I'm happy to commit to a few years instead. Otherwise, I'm out 🤷♂️
I did see a story online about it, saying people were also having issues redeeming PS Now yesterday and that's since been fixed. That, and the fact that PS Plus codes are still being sold in Game and Amazon, makes me think it really is just the servers being overwhelmed, instead of Sony taking yet another inevitable PR hit by blocking them.
@DrFluffyNips really hope so as going to be a right palava getting a refund I bet. Also here’s a point what about anyone whose ps plus runs out between now and the change in June? You can’t buy one on store and you can’t redeem a code currently so what? You have to go from now till June 22nd with no ps plus. Surely not? I hope it will be corrected in the coming days!
@Lfc1105 That's a really good point actually, that would be a genuinely insane decision! I actually did try to extend my PS Plus through the PS5's own UI without redeeming a code and that gave an error as well, there's no way they're just going to block that for months on end.
Plus, if they genuinely were blocking them, I'm sure the support staff would have been told about it and would have been given specific answers when people inevitably start asking about it, but when I was talking to their support he didn't mention anything like that at all!
@get2sammyb I think this issue people are having with not being able to redeem Plus codes needs it's own article. Either Sony are having server problems or there deliberately blocking people from buying into the service.
Well ... it is a "subscription" service and is also required for online play. I dont know anyone that subscribes/unsubscribes to PS Plus on a monthly basis depending on what games are there for each individual month. Paying £50 a year instead of £100, knowing you'll be getting free monthly games AND a healthy library of games (incl PS5 games) AND the online service (which you'll be paying for anyway) is a no-brainer.
so wait.. if I sub to PS Now 1 month just before the new PS+ services start up in june.. and I have 2 years PS Plus already... My account will update to PS+ Premium for 2 years?
@ChronosChris Yes, with a valid PS Now code that will be the case.
Can you still get 1 month subs for PS Now on the PS Store? It's giving me an error right but perhaps just problem with the ps store servers.
If only I had known this before wasting money on those $60 PS Now subs...oh well XD.
@Scob I have PS+ till 2028 but don't have PS NOW. But i do have a 1 month membership code on had i never used. Can i do this May 15th? And get upgraded till 2028?
Well that's a bit better than expected. I was able to grab PSNow at the $60 price point before Sony blocked it. My PS Plus is good until December 2025.
I still expect the service to be as exciting as PS Plus is currently...in other words, lame, but I guess we'll see soon enough.
I saw discussions on Twitter yesterday. Apparently even if you somehow found a physical card, retailers can't activate them.
Apparently Sony has disabled that until the merger in June. Retailers are getting error codes when trying to activate the physical cards for people. 😑
Pretty annoying, i actually wanted to renew my subscription for a month to finish a couple games in the backlog that will be deleted mid May and it keeps coming up with errors...wonder if there related?
UPDATE: yep, thats confirmed it. Thats extremly irratating considering i wasnt planning on stacking, just renewing for a month so i can beat some of the titles leaving mid May.
Is you only get the deal if you had ps plus AND ps now? Bit unfair if you have had ps plus for years like I have
Yeah it’s a kick in the teeth for subscribers of both that subscribed equal time.
For me I am subbed to both ps plus and ps now to 2025. So I don’t gain anything.
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