Update #2: A further round of PS1 titles have been found on Sony's servers: Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party. That takes the total up to five leaked games thus far, but only PS1 and PSP are represented right now.
Update #1: Assets for PS1 title Mr. Driller have now been discovered as well. That means we've got three Namco titles on our hands here, which probably isn't a coincidence. Can we have Tekken 3 next, please?
We'll continue to update this article as more games are leaked, which seems an inevitability at this point.
Original Story: With the upcoming PlayStation Plus Premium, subscribers will get access to a large catalogue of PS1, PS2, PSP, and PS3 games, all of which will be playable on PS5 and PS4. The only problem is that, at the time of writing, we don't actually know which games will be included. Sony has said that the selection will be made up of "classics", but outside of that, your guess is as good as ours.
Here's the thing, though: it looks like PS Plus Premium games are starting to leak through the PS Store. As pointed out on Reddit, assets for two games have popped up on Sony's storefront: Tekken 2 (PS1) and Ridge Racer 2 (PSP). Wow, two whole games out of a promised 340 — but you've got to imagine that this is just the start.
We could be on course for a major leak here, which would highlight just how slow Sony has been in announcing its plans for the overhauled subscription service, which is set to launch in just under a couple of months.
What PS1, PS2, PSP, and PS3 games do you want to see on Premium? Feel free to make a massive list in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 161
Just let me play Radiata Stories. That's all I ask.
I can post this list over and over and over...
Just give me one or two of these and I'll be happy.
They're off to a good start here to be honest.
@Shepherd_Tallon I absolutely loved the legend of dragoon!
So, hopefully this means we’ll get Tekken 3 and Ridge Racer Type 4 too! Now just add trophies please.
@Pinkman You know, I didn't play it until the PS3 days. My brother found a battered second hand copy for me for my birthday one year. Such a gem.
I could go for the Crash Bandicoot games.
A surprise localized version of Valkyria Chronicles 3. A surprise localized version of Yakuza for PSP. And then Crisis Core FF7.
I know I dream too big but those three are really at the top of my list.
@Shepherd_Tallon having the entire Tenchu series available would get me to sub instantly.
Am I the only one who doesn't care about the old games?
I loved them back in the days, but seeing them now I have 0 interest playing them again.
For example old Tomb Raider games, why would I if i can play the new ones. Crash B. same thing as can play the remake etc
@misak192 You're not the only one, but plenty of people like to revisit classics, for a variety of different reasons.
That said, this service probably isn't for you.
Wow. So exciting. Very.
Dragon Quest 7 and 8
Grandia 1,2 and 3
Star Ocean 2 in the west finally
Legend of Dragoon
Radiata Stories
@Shepherd_Tallon Did you hear GrimGrimoire remastered is releasing in Japan? Hopefully it comes out elsewhere eventually.
2 games announced and i dont want to play either of them. Please unleash the PS2 Jrpgs
Bust A Move (my mom would be ecstatic!)
Return Fire
Wipeout XL
@misak192 nope, same here.
Any time I have gone back to an old game, not a remake, I never feel like the hold up.
Not interest in the top tier service at all personally, but my kid wants its.
Trying to put the stoppers on that, just bought him a second hand PS2, he already has a PS3 and he like to collect retro consoles, so hopefully this will work out cheaper as we can just pick up the games we want and not be forking out for a service that will probably be full of filler.
I Hope the 1% of the ps5 owners enjoy this.
@misak192 but, overall, the old Tomb Raider games are still better than the new ones 😂
All I really hope for is to have a save anywhere feature for all games.
Unironically, the fact that they have Tekken 2 is hype. Namco has rarely rereleased old Tekken games, and on the rare chances they do it’s always 99% of the time 3. This is showing me that they’re taking the effort to release old games that have rarely been rereleased before (or they might just be licensing cheap, lower quality titles in beloved series but let me be optimistic here).
But most gamers are not interested in classical games
Now is the time to reveal game so people can decide if higher tiers are for them.
@misak192 You're not the only one. 99% of the ps playerbase won't bother with this.
As long as I can play Ratchet & Clank 1 to 3 (bonus point for any of the other titles) I'm good.
Soul reaver/legacy of kain games and youve got me
Breath of Fire IV pretty pleeeease.
I'll totally play Warhawk!! Warhawk and Twisted Metal are originally what got me interested in PlayStation.
Let's us all pray for Trophies 🙏
And Ape Escape 3, of course
SSX Tricky please! However I fear licence restrictions would not allow us the full product.
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster!
@JB_Whiting YES! I was waiting for someone to say BoFIV. I'll join you in the begging.
Gib Ridge Racer Type-4 Jim
@torne If they could pull that off it would be something special. Would love to see it.
T2 over T3? Strange choice.
Teambuddies and Tobal No. 1
Oh a Devil Dice. Maybe some G Police too.
@misak192 Some people don't like old movies, TV shows, music, books and some do. Doesn't mean that we should stop access to them for the people that do. I personally don't tend to revisit things but wouldn't mind dabbling in some games I missed at the time.
@DeepSpace5D I did. If it doesn't get a release outside of Japan I'd nearly consider just getting the Japanese version.
Such a lovely little game.
Give me Wipeout & Wipeout 2097. Also Ridge Racer type 4.
Blood Lines.
Extra pointless words so I can post.
GrimGrimoire is getting a Remaster this year so doubtful
Suikoden 1-5 Would be nice Along With Parasite Eve Jade Cocoon And Koudelka.
@Shepherd_Tallon tenchu and nightmare creatures! Yesss
Wipeout 2097? Tomb Raider (all of them)? Champions of Norrath and RTA? Gauntlet Dark Legacy?
Resident Evil 1 - 3.
Bust a Groove
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Crisis Core
Not gonna lie, I can barely remember what I was playing last week, much less 20 years ago. I might upgrade since it's just paying the difference to bump it up, but I'm not "excited" for any old game off the top of my head
Just to counter the negativity from some of the guys here: I have a PS5 and I've been spending my evenings lately playing the likes of Fighting Force and Fear Effect on my Vita. To me, today's games are mostly bloated money-making machines with little to no soul. Sony finally acknowledging the legacy games is great stuff.
I never emulate PlayStation games because I have spent literally thousands on ps1 ps2 ps3 psp/vita games and therefore own every single game I care about. But locking classics behind the most expensive paywall AND planning to close the ps3/vita store AND not even trying to implement an official ps3 emulator makes me think that PC is the way to go for retro gaming. Hell an xbox-s/x with dev mode/retroarch is doing PS back compat better than Sony! What a Joke...
@gollumb82 maybe you're feeling nostalgic and have played too many video games and you're figuring out it's mostly more of the same. Idk what less soul mean. Could be anything.
Sorry if saying 1% is cruel to some, but idk. I only want a few ps3 remasters that are left to be added and I really don't need to play these.
There are tons and tons of “old games” I’d like to revisit from 1,2,3 - mainly 2 and 3 - I’ll make a bold prediction that pretty much none of them will end up on this service. They either have license issues or will be caught up in IP ownership tangles. More the later tbh.
So Xbox announced their showcase. Where the hell is Sony? They're quiet. Even with this service.
il get this of they do it right. playability of some games is arkward from back then. even though i love old games trying to play some is like fumbling lol
I'm not even going to think about getting the premium tier if they don't add trophies to all the old games. I'll just stick to my regular PS+ sub.
Just give me the getaway and black Monday and I'll be happy lol 😂
If they are leaking on the store I wonder if there is any hope that some might be available to buy and not just behind a subscription wall. I have like zero hope this will be the case but it's not absolute zero yet.
Suspect all the ones that make the list will be the games that were on the PS Classic
@MattBoothDev Well Ridge Racer 2 was never re-released since it came out on PSP. And the PS Mini didnt have Tekken 2
Nostalgia hits me more with classic Nintendo games, so this sub is not really for me. However, it would be tempting if they included Harry Potter and Looney Tunes games.
@RenanKJ Everything with a Licence is 100% not getting re-released
id love for the og gta games to be added
Some legacy titles I think would be worthwhile;
Suikoden 1 & 2
Tekken 2 (maybe 3 too)
Blood Omen Legacy of Kain
Adventures of Lomax
Discworld 1 & 2 & Noir
Twisted Metal World Tour
Rayman 1
Broken Sword 1 & 2
Colony Wars or Wing Commander 3 & 4
RE 1-3
Maximo 1 & 2
SSX Tricky (SSX/SSX3 possibly too), & NFS Underground 1 & 2,but music licensing makes them unlikely.
Ultimate Ghosts'n'Goblins
Ratchet & Clank 1-3
Jak & Daxter series
Sly Raccoon series
GTA VCS/LCS (Though like the gutted definitive trilogy,I doubt Rockstar would pay the music licensing).
R-TYPE Final
And there's sure to be a few PS1 RPG's I left out that never got EU/AU releases back in the day I've missed & a few others generally. Difficult to add ps3 titles when they're streaming only,& not available in regions like my neck of the woods,so rather see the other downloadable games get preference!
Tekken 3 is the best Tekken
I have no interest in this service if its focussed on the old legacy games, however the last two games I bought (and at full price I may add) were Turok 2 and Shadowman. And I still love them now!
When my wife came in while I was playing Shadowman she asked if I had made the game!
I think these will only work for people who loved the games the first time.
I want:
The Simpsons Hit & Run
The Simpsons Road Rage
Vigilante 8: Second Offence
Crash n Burn
NHL Hitz
SSX Tricky
Burnout Takedown
NFS Hot Pursuit 2
Tony Hawk's Underground
Smackdown vs Raw (any year)
Just getting at least a few of those would make me happy.
I never thought I would be this excited to dive back into some PlayStation classic games but here we are! This service is going to be perfect to play while waiting on Sony first party high quality exclusives!
Syphon filter is here so thats a amazing starta.now give me parasite eves.pac man world.maximo.cold fear.black.etc.word up son
@NathanCox we already got story ocean 2 in the west for ps1 as well as the enchanced psp port.
Future Cop LAPD, G-Police, Loaded, Rival Schools, G-Darius, Destruction Derby 2, All three (PS1) Wipeouts, Ridge Racer Revolution.
Gimme those with some QoL features and I'm waving my wife and kids gubyeee!
I would like to quote a comment I read here a few weeks ago in response to your comment. It said basically something like, Old games are something that people love the IDEA of playing but not actually playing them.
Most of the people clamoring for old games love the idea of playing their childhood games from the good old days but rarely will they actually play them and finish them if they get the chance today. As soon as they start playing them for the first time after a decade, they are like "hmmm, this doest play or look as good as I remembered... yeah, it was great to visit the good old days for an hour or two. Oh well, let's back to my staple live service game or the new game that I bought recently."
I had BC on PS2 and PS3 for years and rarely did I ever play a game from the previous generations. The few times that I tried playing them, I couldn't keep playing for more than a few hours. Not to mention, my little brother used to complain that why did we get dad to buy a new console if all we were going to do was still play the same old games. lol I guess he had a point.
@IonMagi that isnt 100% going to be the case. Look at the BC stuff on Xbox. Quite a few license games on their. Even on the ps5 via ps4 BC we have games like “the warriors” (a ps2 title) and old now non cannon Star Wars games - bounty Hunter for example. It will be where the game was published by a different company that owns the license where we will have issues, sports games and driving games with real life cars but even they are not impossible it certainly complicates things I’ll give you that.
I’m not sure if the Harry Potter games were made my WB studios? It is unlikely they’ll feature but we could see some licensed games
@Korgon let me dream on with you a bit and add Yakuza kenzan & ishin (probably will get proper ports though) as well as snatcher and policenauts.
I wonder if we'll be able to use the second analogue stick for PSP games like we could on Vita ? I'm hoping it'll also be possible to play all these games via remote play as they're being released on PS4 as well as 5, if nothing is done to make the games look better they're going to look rough blown up on tv but would look better on a PS Vita.
@Porco It's not on my PS Store, is it due to me being in the UK?
While Tekken 3 is a much superior game to Tekken 2 it does have one flaw, no Kazuya in that purple pimp suit.
Tekken 1-3 would be great. Obviously the first two are a bit rough but it's nice for people to be able to see the history. I'd get a lot of nostalgia from 2 specifically.
I'm wondering if some games' controls will be updated, etc. Playing syphon filter, recently, forgot about the controls. L2/R2 is strafe, L1 is ads(sort of), R1 is lock-on, square is shoot, no jump. Left and right on the d-pad rotates character. Same with manhunt, right stick doesnt fully rotate the camera around. And with timesplitters and goldeneye(64), aiming was kind of a finicky thing, compared to modern shooters.
@Shepherd_Tallon Not sure there's much point in putting GrimGrimoire on the service with a remaster coming out soon.
But I would definitely like to see a number of the PS1's expansive library of JRPGs and survival horror games come over.
Always nice to see some love for Galerians. Love the atmospheric science-horror concept and the game's unique take on combat.
Also hoping that the two PSP siphon filter games will actually be the paw ports that we get dual stick support.
I would like to see jet Lee's rise to honor and downhill domination
You can by bust A move now for PS4 and 5. Its called it's original name puzzle bobble 2. Its really cheap. Also there's a new modern version that I'll be picking up when it's reduced.
You've made me fell very old it's my wife's favourite game 😅
Atv off road any of them
Ah yes agreed on the Yakuza spin-offs unless the ports end up happening like you said. Snatcher and Policenauts would also be quite the surprise.
Gimme Ape Escape and NBA Street!
Did push square years ago and I mean years ago post an article that Sony had patented a process to retrospectively add trophy support to old games. It seemed pretty pointless at the time. Seems really useful now.
Must have been about 2013
PS PLUS doesn't even have Dance Dance Revolution, Para Para Paradise, DrumMania, Beatmania IIDX, Pop'n Music, Keyboardmania so i will keep playing my DDR and other BEMANI games on PS2 machines with their peripheral.
@get2sammyb I'm probably more the market for these games, as I do enjoy and have collected retro games, but I'm not interested in a subscription model to play them. I really enjoy the Switch Lite as a console, but dont sub to NSO. I bought a lot of PS classics on PS3 and PS4 and I'd rather they made my digital purchases BC, or I could just buy selected games I want to play.
@gingerfrog I've literally just created an account on here to say thanks for this! Never knew this. Now purchased!
@NathanCox oh, you meant a western PSN release. your point stands then. you may need to resort to the ps1 or psp version of the game via emulation if you don't want to play on original hardware (unless sony puts it out now of course). that said there is hope that it will get a ps4 port at some point, similar to star ocean: first departure R that released a few years back (which was a semi-remaster of the psp port).
Final Lap Keep Your Cool.
I've retro gamed before and in most cases, the games are better left in memory....
But amongst many other treasures, I would love to revisit:
@Weebleman They will have my soul 😂
You're welcome. It great when things like this happen. Enjoy mate
@Rural-Bandit Yeah. pokemon especially age like fine wine
If there already on Sonys servers and the trophies haven't leaked via Exophase or PSNProfiles. That doesn't give me much hope that they will have them. Guess I'll just wait for official confirmation before I completely decide against ever upgrading.
@Rural-Bandit. Yes.parasites eves games are underated.amazing games.they could remake it and make it play like final fantasy 7 remake.the games always have that turn based and action with a slight horror vibe.word up son
@Shepherd_Tallon Vagrant story and tenchu rocked my world back then, Ive always hoped for a Vagrant remake.
@Ken_Kaniff game listings and trophy lists are separate. To this day there's a bunch of games that have trophies but those don't sync and don't show up on trophy trackers.
@Shepherd_Tallon Overboard! Ah memories
Have too agree some what for me most of the older games I won't play BUT it's a different matter for me with RPGs many from PS1 and PS2 are timeless and have never been bettered.
No worries mate. I guess I'm a bit jaded having been into gaming since 1991. What I meant is lack of creative risk that most games suffer from these days. I'm way more excited to play Dino Crisis or Parasite Eve on my Vita than, say, Ghost of Tsushima or Death Stranding. Both games have been sitting on my wishlist for what feels like ages and I don't feel like buying them even when discounted. Returnal would be a game I'd like to try but just like Bloodborne it would kill me due to frustration. Still, this is what I meant by games with a soul.
No Trophies, no play.
One day I will take Sony to court for frying my dopamine receptors.
Retro gaming personally works for games with good stories and characters (mostly RPGs, survival horror and action adventures). Rarely I'd play an old game for gameplay purposes alone since most retro gameplay just doesn't hold up to the memory. That's when I really welcome remakes that adjust gameplay to today's standards.
There are a lot of great titles to choose from across all those platforms. I also hope we get a steady stream of new ones added. I'm sure they won't give us every single release but releasing more on a regular basis would keep people interested and ensure regular articles on Push Square.
I kinda want Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories and silent hill 1
I want to buy the games separately rather than using subscriptions, I already have a lot of psone games for ps3/psvita but I'm sure sony will sells it again on ps5.
Lifeforce tenka please !
@Milktastrophe Yea, you do have a point. I just wish Sony would announce whether they'll have trophies or not. That way I can make the decision on whether I'm going to upgrade to premium or stay at the basic level.
I want the Street Fighter EX games please.
Honestly don't get the rush that we're all in to see what these titles are. Sony could be working out deals and dealing with licenses right up to the beginning of June. I'd understand if we were paying for it already but we're not. There's always gonna be excitement but I'm in no rush.
There is just one game I would subscribe to premium for...
Ooh, now we need Mister Mosquito and all will be right in the world. 😋
5 games in and 0-5 for me
Xbox having a big preview show in a few weeks & there's so many exclusives coming. What do Sony have? There's nothing out this year. Seriously thinking about trading my ps5 for the series x as I never use it! So disappointed with this generation so far
I just want Small Soldiers from PS1. I have fond memories playing it with my brothers. I bet it wouldn’t look great now but it’d be fun to revisit it
@gingerfrog That's great! Thanks!
Sorry about that. I make myself feel old all the time, too!
@daveofduncan PS+ is already launching in less than a Month in Asia Regions tho
@shonenjump86 Activision owns the IP so unless Sony made a deal with them to get it on the service before Microsoft started the acquisition there'll be no crash bandicoot
@thefourfoldroot those games are on the ps classic so I'd say they will definitely be part of it
Is Silent Hill 2 and 3 on that list by any chance(And no I don't mean the trash "HD" collection)?
@Ryany They just released two major exclusive games. Either chill out or just sell your PS5 — you'll get a good price for it.
@RenanKJ bugs & Taz timebusters was so good for local op
@misak192 I guess you have to be of a certain age to enjoy those old games. I actually enjoy the old Tomb Raider games 10 times more than the newer games. Gameplay over graphics always for me. There was something magical almost about the old TR games.
I'm still wondering if the PS1 & PS2 games will have trophies 🤔
Mortal Kombat Trilogy without the load times, I would be all over that game!
@Anti-Matter it's not going to have games that need a special peripheral is it , I'd love to be able to play DJ hero on my PS4 but they wouldn't bother adding support for the DJ deck & then there'd be the issue with aswell as Activision owning the IP & all the licenses for the music
Call me when they add that other game by them!
Crazy frog racer would be cool that was the first game I got with my PS2 😂
Just sell it then and sorry it dosent have any games? It's had more exclusives out than the xbox and a few big ones in the last few months.
Having both I hope that xbox gets some great exclusives this year but saying Sony don't have any is stupid.
At times I wonder what world gamers living in and what if Microsoft have to delay games or thier not games you like, will you then sell your series x?
Bloodborne. I don't care for that fancy modern remake.
@Ryany June 12th is about 6 and a half weeks away, more than enough time for Sony to announce an event.
@suikoden xbox even has smaller games now like somerville the sequel to the amazing inside. Not to mention many huge 1st party games coming up. What does Sony have exactly? Looking at the store not much. I'm disappointed ad I paid £650 for my ps5 & I expected more.
@Shepherd_Tallon the legend of dragoon would be amazing. Still never finished it because the 4th disc didn't work properly on the copy I had. Would love to go back and finally finish it
I also would be disappointed as well if had paid 650!
But saying that at moment looks like only new god of war and forspoken are out this year but its had more exclusives at this point than xbox but the lack is not Sony fault but knock effect from pandemic, only one I can think of coming this year for xbox is star field might be other games but they could easily be delayed as well
From what you are saying I don't think the ps5 is a good fit games wise for you, maybe sell it while you can get a good deal should easily be able to get money for a series x
Jet Moto
Road Rash
Vagrant Story
Tactics Ogre
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Breath of Fire III and IV
WCW vs the World
Suikoden II
With wheel and pedals support, if I may ask. And local PS3 emulation on PS5 while we're at it.
I know, Xbox has it (not sure about the wheel, though). But it doesn't have Gran Turismo, so...
@IonMagi what I mean is we can expect to see most of the games that were on the PS Classic ARM box they did a few years back. They may have licences to them still.
@MJF no chance of getting any wwe or wcw game or anything like that
I wouldn't expect much due to licensing issues it's same with xbox
@Cyphyxia Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories! That’s a throwback. It made no sense, but it was fun fusing like 10 cards together & see what you get.
My suggestions would Dragon Ball: Final Bout- simply because of nostalgia & of course my favourite game of all time: FF7: Crisis Core.
Crisis Core alone would get me to sub
@nicc83 I only ever played that one level on the demo disc! Would love to have it on this service to try it again. That game is timeless.
@JB_Whiting Breath of Fire 4 my favorite Breath of Fire game. But i would be better if the game would have been Remastered or Remade. But the one i need is Legend of Dragoon if its not there then i really dont care. Legend of Legia, Parasite Eve, Syphon Filter, Dino Crisis, Silent Hill those are all games i would love to see Remastered or Remade and im missing a few more but PS1 was one of my favorites
RR2 but not RR1 implies Sony have just ported over every existing PSN title that was available for those consoles. The original launch title was never made available digitally but the sequel was.
I would therefore assume that every PS1 title currently available to buy digitally for the PS3 will make it in.
Hoping for digimon world 1-3, and also trophies
As a huge Tekken fan, I am hyped for Tekken 2 as part of PS Plus Premium. That being said, it is very likely for Tekken 1 and 3 to be on PS Plus Premium. Now as for other PS1 games, gimme
Bloody Roar
Bloody Roar II
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Dead or Alive
Kensei: Sacred Fist
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Looney Tunes Racing
Motor Toon Grand Prix
Nicktoons Racing
Rival Schools: United by Fate
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
Suikoden II
Gex: Enter the Gecko
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Battle Arena Toshinden 3
Gekido: Urban Fighters
Then I'm all set
Cool leaks, but I'll just wait for the official list from Sony.
Hogs of War please!
LMAO, they cant give us ANY info can they? 'Bout to let my PSNow subscription end this week.
@WaterKirby1964 Would be nice if I could play all the PS1 Tekken games I already bought on PS3 without having to shell out more cash. Same with the buttload of other digital PS1 games I bought.
I was way too young to get into many of the PS1 classics, so the chance to play them is quite exciting since I pay for Plus and Now anyway. I'll be much more of a cork-sniffer on the PS2 side of things onwards, but my most grown-up PS1 game was either Batman & Robin (that beat-em-up one) or Action Man 😂
@Rmg0731 I'm dying to replay: Suikoden 3, Xenosaga 1,2,3, Rogue Galaxy, Persona 3,DQ8 among others.
@grdz well you know Rogue Galaxy is already available natively on PS4/5 correct. Was a part of the few ps2 games they added with trophies like Dark cloud. Think its also a part of ps now
I would love to see at least one of the LMA Manager games, and possibly GTA London
As a minimum I'd expect to see the games that were licensed for the PlayStation Classic, but I think people expecting games like Tony Hawk, sports games, movie and TV ties-ins etc are going to be sorely disappointed.
I can't see there being any cult favourites either, so no Konami RPGs, no Rival Schools, Parasite Eve etc
Just big old tentpole games and weird choices like Mr Driller and Bust-a-Move
I would really like to play the original Star Wars Battlefront 2. I had great fun with it and this game alone would make me content.
Well it's on Xbox and think the first is so they possible should be able to get it.
@Ryany but but but but but but
@MJF are you ok
@Ryany my heart if forever broken
I would like to see need for speeds underground ,underground 2 and most wanted. I would also like to see black and the original test drive. these are my favorite PS2 games and would love to see them on ps plus; preferably downloadable. PS3 games I would like to see are dead space 1+2 and need for speed undercover
I was happily surprised that I wasn't alone in the need for radiata stories to return. Please... Just please let us play this masterpiece again!
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