So... Norman Reedus, the actor who plays main character Sam in Death Stranding, might have just casually confirmed that a sequel is in development. In an interview with Leo Edit, the Walking Dead star is incredibly blunt and to the point when asked about his work on the aforementioned Hideo Kojima project. Reedus simply says: "We just started the second one." Oh, okay then!
Reedus continues: "It took me maybe two or three years to finish all the MoCap sessions and everything [for Death Stranding]. It takes a lot of work. And then the game came out, and it just won all these awards, and it was a huge thing, so we just started part two of that."
Now look, maybe this is some kind of weird mistake — maybe Reedus is getting some wires crossed. It's possible. But it's such a matter-of-fact response that we don't think it can be overlooked. The crazy part is that the interview in question is three days old (at the time of writing), and nobody picked up on it until now.
Death Stranding first released for PS4 back in 2019, and it was enhanced and re-released for PS5 in 2021. Enough time will have passed for Kojima and his team to lay the foundations for a sequel, so the timing does add up.
What do you make of this? Do you want a Death Stranding 2? Wonder what that would even be about in the comments section below.
[source leoedit.com, via neogaf.com, twitter.com]
Comments 80
The first strand type sequel!
Honestly I couldn’t be more excited about this. The first game took awhile to click for me but wow that story and world is just incredible. The very concepts and undertones of the game are just so deep. I expected no less from Kojima.
I’ll be in line for Sam’s next adventure.
Bit of a random accidental slip but I’d be up for a sequel. The first one is bizarre but weirdly captivating.
Curious on what a sequel will bring because the first is one complete story with no loose ends. I'm guessing we will see a shift in gameplay though as i can't imagine Kojima just giving us more "delivery man sim" for a sequel.
Can't wait. Really enjoyed the first Death Stranding.
What a waste.
One of the greatest games ever made getting a sequel I hear? Count me very excited! 😍
So he was telling the truth when he said he was in negotiations for Death Stranding 2 last August.
You would’ve thought Kojima would’ve asked him to shut his mouth after that.
Outing the sequel once is pretty bad, but doing it twice is ridiculous.
Norman Reedus is the new Tom Holland. Haha.
Mixed feelings since the first one was so well executed and tidied up at the end. But since I really enjoyed it and I have faith in Kojima, I would be on board for a sequel.

Woot! I actually sent this tip in and posted earlier this morning on reddit and Neogaf. Can’t wait!
EDIT: Hmm… their sources are from an hour later on Twitter after me posting this on Neogaf: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/norman-reedus-confirms-death-stranding-2.1636886/
If it had been just the first quote I was thinking he could have meant second game (not necessarily DS related) but the next quote is pretty unambiguous.
No. It's a just waste.
I can spare a few hundred hours to play a sequel. Hope they get an amazing soundtrack like the first.
Funny how many people who are so excited for Watching Paint Dry Simulator 2.
Great news, I just hope they flesh out more areas that can be explored whilst having a bigger sense of dread in doing so. That shopping mall area was what I was hoping there was more of in the first game.
@BrockSmith Yeah we first saw this on Twitter but I've added your NeoGAF post as a source all the same. Great find!
More walking and package stacks so stupidly high they touch the moon this time! Oh and more stumbling, sooo much stumbling 🤦🏻♂️ 😹
@RevGaming A waste of what?
I've long since grown tired of open world games but Death Stranding made the world interesting to navigate and I really like the story. If I have a complaint it is that BT's are pretty much in fixed positions but overall a fantastic game
A waste of talent.
@ShogunRok Thanks so much! Appreciate you!
YES more Death Stranding please, playing it a second time was weirdly more fun but I guess that had to do with me understanding a lot more than before.
I love Death Stranding. Beautiful game.
However, I'm not sure I want a sequel. Felt the same about The Last Of Us, and ultimately feel like I was right not to want a sequel. Good game but not possible to live up to the predecessor.
I'd be up for a sequel or spin-off or whatever it is that Reedus was working on.
Death Stranding was a very interesting gaming experience, elevated to almost greatness by the performances, graphics, music and a very beautiful story.
Give me more Kohima wackiness, any day of the week!
It's probably a Death Stranding remake, it's been long enough by today's standards.
If the game starts banging right out of the start like the second half of the first one (having access to all the tools from the get go would be big) and it leans even more into it's action/horror elements, this will be amazing!!
@RevGaming Your entitled to your opinion, but it's wrong 😝
If Kojima can focus his direction (or hire an editor) I'm up for a sequel.
Sounds great. I'm excited to try Death Stranding Director's cut when out on Premium.
" maybe this is some kind of weird mistake" - No, I think it's pretty clear. And not a surprise really.
Cool word up son
No it's lmao. Easily one of the most divisive games ever made, and within good reason. It's a walking sim with a wannabe movie director adding a movie to it.
but yeah. It's my opinion so end of discussion I guess.
More walking around a desolate environment?…YES PLEASE!! I never got that far on my first play through, but once the directors cut landed on PS5 I started again and loved it. It’s definitely an acquired taste, but once it clicks it clicks!
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Which is it, "we started the second one", "we just started part two" or both?
There's a possibility he means to convey starting to do the whole mocap+acting process again for Kojima, regardless of title... were those silent hill shot I saw of Kojima with the actress from the leaks in a mocap suit faked?
Walking?! Most of my play through I was either driving/riding a vehicle or zip-lining through the mountains!
Maybe it is a Zip-Line Simulator but it's the best damned Zip-Line Simulator of All Time.
@RevGaming You do know if you hold the analogue pad more in the extreme he starts running don't you? If you've been 'walking' ANYWHERE in the game that's on you 😝
But yes, that's your opinion so we'll leave it at that.
@zhoont no he was talking about the first one saying how it won awards etc and then says we just started part two of THAT referring directly to Death stranding and part 2 of that, not anything
So this week's news suggests TLoU and Death Stranding are back, between those and Elden Ring having released it seems we know what the Geoff Keighley events will be about
Haha it's fine.
Running sim then.
weeeeeell... I would use another word but ok.
That's...disappointing. I hope he meant the second one as in the second project working with Kojima Productions and not as in the 2nd Death Stranding. I somehow got through the first one but I am definitely not up for a sequel unless some serious changes come. I was sadly very disappointed with the first game.
WOOt!... wonder where it will pick up.
Regardless, love the original so a part 2 would be high on my list if true.
Great news if true. First was was brilliant.
Who said there's nothing new in the next generation?
I didn't really like the game that much, but I have to give it to Sony and Kojima to finance such a different and expensive game, in an age of only Battle Royales and safe bets.
Why is he talking about Silent Hills?
I’m lost 😅
No thanks, can barely stand to play the first, point is I'm definitely not alone and a sequel will bomb
@RevGaming Except when your driving 😋
@SoulChimera “ Outing the sequel once is pretty bad, but doing it twice is ridiculous.”
One might even say Norman Reediculous 😎
@Subsided Shame. Your missing out on a great experience.
@Korgo You were sadly disappointed with first one and finished it? If the best you can put up is intentionally finishing a disappointing 100+ hour epic then...I...I...<incoherent mumblings> 😋
@PenguinLtd Hopefully the next one is as flat as a billiard table, so you don't need to put up with strategising your navigation 😋
Prequel maybe?
Can't imagine what Kojima will do with a sequel, but that's the whole point I guess. DS is one of my favourite games ever, it finished perfectly but I have no doubt Kojima will follow it up with something amazing. The man does not miss.
@Korgon @KayOL77 I did the same, i got through the first one, barely, because the story was intriguing enough, but the gameplay was.. well, not for me..
Nothing against a sequel.. on the contrary, I wish there was more games like this in the industry, people trying something new. But they won't always be able to please everyone.
@Col_McCafferty same. Pretty sure I could zipline between every single Porter location by the end. Zipline-ing through a load of BTs was one of the best parts of the game. Byeeeee spooky lads!
Yeah I have death stranding with upgrade on ps5 ,played abit of It but not that much of it yet but it does seem weirdly compelling, I think I will give it a longer run through at some stage ,if there's a sequel then good on them,and it is ,great with gaming that some games you certainly need to play for much longer to get the addiction effect ,but feels so different to any other game I've played, typical kojima really ,and good on him and sony for taking chances with new ips ,that's what I love about the playstation
I am not really a Kojima fan at all and I thought this game looked terrible, I decided to give it a try when it came out for PS5 and I’m so glad I did. It is one of the most original games I’ve ever played. My initial reaction was completely wrong. Though, I’m not convinced it needed a sequel.
Yeah I think I'm with you. It was the world and the story that dragged me through as well. I still do respect Kojima Productions for trying something outside the norm though even if I don't think it all came together in the end.
I hope his not talking about the Directors Cut but the Sequel and what if it’s Silent Hills instead of Death Stranding 2.
I never played the first one but I'm definitely curious about it. I'm not into walking sim AT ALL, but I usually hear good things about it and I dig good sci-fi. Maybe I'll give it a shot one of these days....
Yesssss Pleaseeee!!
I'll believe it when I see an official announcement! Besides I still need to beat the first game.
Loved the first one, one of the most original games I've played in years and I'd love to see a part 2 but I can't imagine how they'd be able to continue the story. There doesn't seem to be an obvious jumping off point for a sequel, but this is kojima so I suppose you never know.
Would be interesting if he went in a completely different direction with it. Same characters, same world but a completely different set of events for the story. Would also be a very kojima thing to do.
One of my favorite PS exclusives of all time. I get that the game didn't gel with a lot of people, but it did with me. Kojima Productions is an uber talented studio, and I'm onboard for whatever they put out next.
For every hater of this game, there are a dozen people that enjoyed it. For good reason, it's a quality title, that was different in an industry full of generic filler.
What I wouldn't give to be on a project like this!.... But...I suppose work should just be work.
Bored to Death, Standing: the 2nd act
So I'm playing Death Stranding right now and I have no idea why this game gets a lot of love. I've literally walked thru drab environments designed to represent America apparently (Literally could have said it was Pandora and I'd believe you). Story seems interesting but I've run into some mountain lady who said leave and now have to walk clear back to South Lake for some reason. Music is terrible because it plays randomly and adds nothing at the points it happens. I've learned that shaking babies makes them shut up apparently and killing people is bad m'kay. I love the road system but no one is adding to it so what's the point of expanding it. Exploring is pointless as all it results in is seeing one rock here and another slightly bigger rock there. I feel like they had something with the roads and bridges systems and maybe the story but haven't finished it yet.
But seriously a sequel just seems like a waste of talent. Just create something new. Death Stranding 2 so far is definitely going to be a watch on YouTube for me so far.
Sony wouldn't greenlight a sequel to days gone because it didn't sell well enough I don't see why they'd want to fund a sequel to this when it's so niche
The first game got here a review of 10 and then even the pushsquare got bored with the ps5 version, deducting a point and citing repetitive delivery missions. And now a second game, oh boy..
I liked the first game, but maybe not quite enough to be interested in a sequel.
The first one was one of my most enjoyable gaming experience every.
I’m up for a second one if done right!
I bought the Director Cut upgrade but haven’t but haven’t gone through. Maybe it is time!
Walking simulator 2.0
I loved Death Stranding! Would love more content from Kojima, whatever he wants to make.
Really enjoyed this game and anyone who calls it a "walking simulator" has clearly never actually played the game.
This is a cunning Kojima ruse.
Misdirection. Peppering lies with hidden truths.
Now much easier for Reedus to be seen working with Kojima Productions without arousing suspicion. Kojima has already stated he wanted to make a horror game next. Timed with the leak of 3 x Silent Hill games in the works. Sony still to announce new major publisher acquisitions.
All signs point to Silent Hills.
I know this is Kojima we are talking about but not every decision the dude makes is him playing 4D chess. He previously mentioned a game he was working on like a year ago got cancelled anyway. Most likely explanation is Sony came to him and said "Hey if you make Death Stranding 2 we will give you a s--tload of money"
@PegasusActual93 Guess we'll see.
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