Final Fantasy XV has now sold over 10 million copies worldwide, Square Enix confirmed this morning. The PlayStation 4 JRPG first released in November 2016 before being repacked in a Royal Edition roughly 18 months later, with the latest sales milestone likely split across the two versions. The PS Plus Collection also offers up a completely free digital copy of Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition, but it's unclear whether downloads via the service count towards the final sales total.
In a tweet, the official Final Fantasy XV Twitter account thanked everyone for their support of the game. Via the Google translate, the post reads: "[Final Fantasy XV] has achieved cumulative worldwide sales of 10 million units! Thank you for your support! Thank you for your continued support #FF15!"
If online projections are correct, this makes Final Fantasy XV one of the best-selling entries in the series to date. PS1 classic Final Fantasy VII is said to have sold in the region of 13 million units, putting it top of the sales leaderboard, while Final Fantasy X (original game + HD remasters) and online MMO Final Fantasy XIV are both apparently around the 10 million mark also. In the case of Final Fantasy VII Remake, we know for certain it had sold over five million copies as of August 2020, making it the "highest selling digital release on the PlayStation platform in Square Enix’s history".
How do you reflect on Final Fantasy XV all these years later? Is it one of your favourite entries in the franchise or is it best left forgotten? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 53
It's crazy that FFVII on PS1 was the best-selling FF game of all time considering how much smaller the industry was back then.
This is a game I've always meant to pick up, but never had the time to. It always seemed interesting but not as urgent as other releases to me, so I feel like I've missed the train on this game, sadly.
It starts off so well. Then literally goes off the rails when the train sets off.
One of my favourite games, glad to see it sold well
It wasn't the best FF but I've been thinking about giving it another run for the fun combat. I started playing the online mode last year for the first time. It was okay as a time filler.
I was bored last night and watched the movie again actually.
I still need to read the novel too for the final true ending.
I remember Square-Enix announced it back 2016 that FFXV Needs to sell 10M copies to Break Even and now they achieved it but isn’t more than 6 years is way to long for them.
For me FFXV was way better than FF7R, I just wish they didn't cut parts of the story to sell them as DLC
XV was a game of ups and downs for me. I actually really liked the "Bro Trip" vibe a lot and also thought the camping to level up idea was really cool. Also as usual with FF the visuals and music were top notch.
The combat however was a little more questionable. It was way too difficult to actually die in combat. I didn't like how summons were just random for when they would join the battle. And it was way too cut up with dlc required to explain major plot points.
Very clear it had quite the difficult development journey but overall I still enjoyed it and to be fair I didn't play it after the many many updates to the main game so some of my criticism might be outdated at this point. Regardless congrats on the sales and bring on XVI!
Idc what anyone says, I loved this game. Even when it jumps the shark. I would love a XV - 2 where you play as Iris, Lunafreya, and Arenea during the post apocalyptic period of the story.
Why that's exactly the game I started playing today!
The first time i tried it didn't grab me. I still want to give it another try someday though, so who knows if i like it better than
@d-slice you can always play it now or later. I played God of War (ps4) a few months ago and loved every second of it.
@MisterXpoSay still, if you think about it, it's one of the few games that weren't a huge disappointment, according to SE anyway.
I don't even like FF XV in the slightest.
I felt disgusted with ultra realistic graphic and more mature themes from FF XV.
FF XIII on PS3 was my last Roman number Final Fantasy games I played until finished and it was really terrible too compared with previous Final Fantasy games.
The soundtrack and the fighting system are great. The soundtrack especially is one of the best any game has ever had. Everything else is absolutely dreadful. The story is barely cohesive, incomplete without DLCs and doesn't earn its biggest moments, the lore is not only terribly presented and explained but also cut up into different products you need to buy (such as an anime series and a movie prequel), the open world feels limited and prescribed. It's the worst FF game in recent memory and that's saying something when FF13 also exists. Hopefully FF16 marks the dawn of the return of good FF games.
@Apfelschteiner - What's really crazy is that FF7 sold 10 million on the PS1 when piracy was absolutely rampant on that system. Every person I knew that owned a PS1 had it chipped.
I got this game and played it for 35 hours or so... Barely made any progress in the story because of how much I just enjoyed the world. But my usual 'spending too much time doing pointless stuff in the open world' montra got me again and I felt the burnout on it. I've tried going back a few times but it just didn't feel as good then. Don't regret those 35 hours though!
@Constable_What Agreed. It's very flawed in parts, even more so early on before the updates, but I loved it all the same in spite of those things.
Great game hamstrung by foolish decisions over dlc and extended universe stuff.
I shouldnt have to buy a season pass, a prequel blu-ray animated movie, watch an animated prequel tv series on youtube, and read a novel for the whole story to make sense. Its such a shame because when you have the full understanding of the story and why things are happening its pretty great.
But seeing gladius just say im off and disappear for a few hours with no explanation, or prompto randomly turn up again with some bizare character development after being chucked off a train is confusing and cynical way of selling additional content.
For what its worth though - the gameplay is top tier, and the soundtrack is wonderful.
1M copies for every year the game was in development. My memory of this game is so mixed. I remember enjoying it, and hating it. One day I may replay it again with all the additions from Royal.
@mariomaster96 The base game was more than long enough. I don't see a problem with designing the main game with DLC story content in mind. The DLC came out too late for me, so I just watched it on YouTube. It's a shame because it looked fun.
@Anti-Matter safe to say you're not going to be checking out XVI then? Did you play World of FF? I thought that was a cute little game.
@naruball The development was a disaster rather than the sales performance, and that should be fixed in future. It's really difficult to create sales. I can't help thinking that developing games in California is a big problem for game budgets. The cost of living is pretty high in Tokyo, but accommodation is much more affordable.
Not sure why it had do much hate, I absolutely loved this game!
@Apfelschteiner Story-DLC is fine but it shouldn't be directly cut from the main game cause that leaves plot holes open for the main game which requires you to pay again if you want to know what happen. That's not cool
For example Gladiolus leaves and comes back later with a new scar, if you want to know what happen buy the DLC! Ignis becomes blind after the battle in Altissa, if you want to know how that happened buy the DLC! Prompto falls from the train and suddenly returns randomly in Chapter 13, if you want to know what happened buy the DLC!
That's just not cool
I truly loved XV. It’s one of my all-time favorite games, but I also played it in 2020 instead of at release. When I had bought my PS4, it came with a copy of FFXV, but I had heard so much negativity toward the game that I didn’t touch it. Besides, there were too many other games to play catch up to, at that point, as well. I played through HZD, Uncharted 4, RDR2, dozens of games, really, and that steel box FFXV just sat there. Then 2020 came and I got laid off from work like so many others and it’s not like there were jobs available to get, so I had more time for gaming. FF7R came out and relit that passion I had in the series from long ago. I absolutely enjoyed the Remake to the point that I called it 2020’s GotY, in fact. When I finished, I didn’t feel burnt out on FF though. I wanted more, so I figured, “Why not? XV’s been sitting with me for so long, I’ll give it a spin.” All the DLC was on a sharp sale too, so I just decided to purchase it and see how it was. Right from the start, I was hooked. It was Final Fantasy alright, but there was also something undeniably fresh and unique about the game. I didn’t really like the characters so much at first, but as the game progressed, I could really feel their development. Noctis went from whiny and entitled to a tragic character, a knowingly sacrificial lamb heading to the end. The game felt new, but it also reminded me of how Final Fantasy games felt before VII a little bit too in that outwardly mystic tone. I thought the way that the story was presented with DLC was a little strange, but it didn’t bother me because… well, I had the DLC when I played the game, so it felt like a unique way to tell the story. I actually liked that it was how it was presented. The game itself feels massive, and the DLC feels significant. I don’t know. I ended up liking XV as much as 7R, potentially even more so, and I was not expecting to enjoy it at all. Of all the games that I played during lockdown, FFXV is the one that sticks out to me. I may have put more hours into DQ11 and FF7R was the GotY for 2020, but XV became a retroactive GotY for 2016 for me and became the game that most deeply affected me during that long vacation of 2020. I’m glad it’s so successful. For all the vitriol the game gets, I do think it’s nice that it’s done well, despite that. There must be more people quietly enjoying it than the internet leads on.
Oh, I have World of Final Fantasy MAXIMA version on Nintendo Switch, though I still haven't finished the game yet. 😅
The game was kinda like Pokemon capturing, looked quite interesting but the dialogues from the characters kinda boring.
And I definitely will not and will never want to play FF XVI with age rating already confirmed PEGI 18.
@Apfelschteiner tbh, I don't know where SE develop all of their games, but if one thing's consistent about them is their claim that x game's sales were below expectations.
@naruball They were only complaining about the Western-produced games right? SE can7t manage their home studios properly, so it's a recipe for disaster to have studios thousands of miles away from home.
@mariomaster96 Yes, but that was always going to be played after the main game, so even if you had the season pass you would not be able to play it yet.
I absolutely loved it. The combat and free world roaming was very good (at least for me). I don't really like turn based rpgs, so I enjoyed almost every second of it till the platinum.
To use @Reveluv's words, I absolutely loved this game. It has quite a few issues but the party interaction and the villain are some of the best in a FF. Also I bawled my eyes out during the ending.
Just finished my third play through last week. I love it. I played it at launch, and it was fine, but the Royal Edition definitely helped. I do think the criticism about the story being chopped up into DLC is deserved, integrating it would have been much better - though Ignis’s alternate ending would have been weird integrated - just to keep it more cohesive. Exploring more of Gralea would have been nice as well. The additional DLC would also have been great. All that said, it’s a great game with a crazy amount of content.
I don't care what the people, that have been having a problem with FF since probably 13 or 12, think. This was a very fun game. And it still has the best summons in the entire series. But even so the problems are there (mainly the story), and that's what makes it so frustrating because the dev hell it went through is the main culprit. The characters have charm, and the premise and story beats are fantastic, the world is gorgeous, but the execution is so poor. You can see how much of the story they had to rush and cut. This absolutely hurts characters like lunafreyas brother who's entire reason for doing what he did was relegated to a quick note you find on the ground. I hope someday maybe for an anniversary they try to give the game a proper chance with a remake or something, but I'm sure square would rather just forget this mess and move on
I both love and hate this game. I bought it at launch in the Steelbook and never opened it. Then re-bought it in the royal edition digitally. Didn't play it. Finally last year I got into it. I tried to do all the side quests, so I spent literally months playing the desert areas up through Lestallum. Spent forever there just grinding hunting quests and doing random quests, plus Gladio's DLC. Ended up putting it down for a long time, but kinda liked it and something about everything in the game is memorable and haunting.
I tried to pick it up again this year, decided if I'm ever getting anywhere the grinding has to wait, so I took the boat to Altissia. It was all interesting....and trippy....and getting weird. And I mostly forget anything about the combat, which makes it hard to play, and I end up mostly trying to mash my way through. And then I put it down again.
It's one of those games I'd like to finish because I actually kinda like the game, broken though it is, but it's such a needless time suck, and splitting it up until I forget how to play makes it really hard to do that. Plus knowing it's incomplete with missing story DLC makes it less compelling.
IDK, maybe someday I'll finish it. I really enjoyed it for a while. Just a shame the story seems so incoherent even when you do put the DLCs together.
It also bugs me that the engine is a trainwreck. Even on PS5/XSX, you get your choice between "blurry mess with unstable 40-60fps" or "pretty graphics at unstable 15-26fps." I've heard PC is the only place it actually runs correctly.
Very happy to see so many positive comments about the game. For me, it was an 8/10. Great, addictive combat, decent story, but I also found many parts incredibly boring.
This game kind of felt disjointed. Like they ran out of time to tell the whole story they wanted to. If the character DLC stories had been included from the start and integrated naturally the game would have felt more complete, narrative-wise.
I got to Chapter 10 and then was going to wait until they had changed the ending or something?
I went back to it a year later with all the new dlc for it and couldn't get back into it.A real shame.
Looking forward to the new one though.
Fantastic Final Fantasy entry, especially considering how troubled the development. It's definitely in my top 5 Final Fantasy games. Screw the "ooooh, it looks like a boy band" crowd.
@ATaco The fact that the included ending is basically the "bad ending" and the "true ending" was going to be sold as a DLC trilogy, then got cut, then got released as a novel really doesn't help. That's another thing that's kept me from really finishing it. Even if I finish it, it'll be unfinished because the real ending isn't really in the game (though some prefer the one that's in there....it's kinda anti-climactic and incomplete.) The novelized one is a lot more interesting than the anticlimactic real one.
IDK how they could spend so long developing that game and still not have enough time for what seemed like a story they were drafting as they went. I think a complete developer diary would be a way more interesting story than any FF game.
They had such a cool concept, but just couldn't quite put it to paper, or pixels. It's a shame. It feels like it could have been a legendary game, but instead feels like a "Starfox 2" situation where a gme was cobbled together from pieces that were made from a cancelled game. What's there is great, but feels like snippets of the missing complete product.
Well deserved. Loved the guys. Loved the lore. Loved how crazy it was. Full of flaws and personality. Top 5 FF for sure.
It isn't the best FF, had some problems, but I had a good time with this game.
@NEStalgia I would put massive "" around correctly for the PC version. The game had massive issues, and performance still isn't great. I just recently tried playing the game on my PC, and the framerate is all over the place. I was glad when KH moved from the Luminous Engine to UE4, and I'm glad that FFXVI is using a completely different engine as well. Hopefully Forspolen finally does the Engine justice.
Great game, not the best in the franchise though. About 2/3 of the game is fantastic and the rest is clearly rushed and wasted, really a shame. The combat system is weak in my opinion, not bad, but FF type zero, is way better for instance.
@Floki LOL, that's actually really sad. That engine is just unimaginably bad, apparently, without running right on any platform! IDK what the obsession has been with FF and weird proprietary, broken janky engines. Between Luminous and Crystal Tools, they really harmed their games irreparably for so man years. And no doubt a lot of the "development hell" surrounding XV (or Versus-XIII) stemmed from that.
If Forespoken is using Luminous.....I worry about it. What we saw before hinted at a kind of vacuum of a game world that looked very bland. Hopefully that just means "development is taking longer than expected" and not "OMG we're in FFXV development hell again!"
@NEStalgia "weird proprietary, broken janky engines" you basically just call out the entirety of Japanese game development.
I feel like I’m in the minority when I say FF7: crisis core is my favourite Final Fantasy, followed by FF13 & FF15.
Congrats on the success FF15! Now bring out a remaster of FF13 Square!
@Floki 😂
Some are worse than others....
Least favorite FF game this was the start of cut up Final Fantasy games and it sells the story as DLC. Not available complete as a physical release missing parts of the story because it was a nightmare in development so i just dont like it FF13 may be a cut up but it are complete stories with every part.
Damn, I had no idea Kingdom Hearts III had sold so poorly (in comparison to other titles)...no wonder it dropped down to $10 New so fast.
@Blackmagehobbit Agree regarding type-0. It’s imho the best game to come out of the FNC saga. XV and XIII wish they were as good as type-0, from an overall story and gameplay perspective. XV may have the best characters, but the way their narratives were executed in-game was a travesty.
I bought XV on console at launch and after going through the game once, I thought that I might eventually replay it after changes were made and the PC version released. The game has too many problems in its gameplay, combat, and story that the DLC didn’t fix and I just couldn’t justify another purchase even after RE. Then again, I followed the project while it was still versus xiii so perhaps I expected a little more out of the final game, but it unfortunately didn’t do anything right and is mediocre in just about every category.
For action gameplay, KHIII on PC with mods can be considered a masterpiece by Square standards. For a nice balance of story and gameplay, type-0 hd is a solid experience and you can now mod it to play at 120 fps on PC. I’d say it’s now better optimized than XV and probably Tabata’s best game.
@Kalbri I agree. Type-0 is way too overlooked, that is a masterpiece in my opinion and it is almos unbelievable that is a PSP game. It is the best action combat gameplay in the FF franchise. My favorite non action combat system in the series, believe or not, is that of FF XII (another masterpiece).
I think these action combat systems from SE were all based in the original KH games (certainly the type-0 is in some aspects).
I've started this game 3 or 4 times and bounced off it pretty early time. Nothing about the game ever clicked with me. Such is gaming
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