Considering Sony was staunchly against cross-console play for about two weeks, it’s sure dropped its barriers ever since. Fortnite has now announced that it’s bringing its Shared Wallet system to PS5 and PS4, meaning that any V-Bucks you purchase on the PS Store can be used across multiple platforms – including Xbox, PC, Android, and cloud gaming services. All you need to do to take advantage is link your various devices to your Epic Games Account.
The only remaining holdout is the Nintendo Switch, “meaning V-Bucks purchased on other Shared Wallet platforms will not be usable on your Nintendo Switch and vice versa”. A press release adds: “As always, V-Bucks earned on any platform through the Battle Pass, Quest Packs, or Save the World are shared across all other platforms.”
Obviously, this is a complicated situation for platform holders, as they typically scrape 30 per cent off any purchases made through their storefronts, and therefore they want you spending money within their ecosystems. Presumably many businessmen smiled at each other and shook hands in order to make the Shared Wallet a reality on PlayStation platforms, but the end result is a positive for consumers.
Comments 11
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
Honestly don't understand why people willingly purchase a virtual currency with real money 🤷♂️
@lolwhatno I think it's justified if people want to, then they got a reason to do so. But some of them are just outright crazy and spent thousands upon thousands. Personally I have played since the first chapter around 4 years ago and spent about 70$, which is the price of a AAA game. I really don't get why you would spend and buy so much stuff when you'll only use them twice and thats it
meh gone the days you buy your game and thats it....
oh wait i still get games like that today!
@lolwhatno That's exactly what I meant. You might find the new cosmetic fun for a little then boom never use it again.
@lolwhatno what makes sense for you, and what makes sense for someone else isn't the same. Spending money on cosmetics is completely justified, because it's their money, and they're entitled to spend it how they like. If someone spends thousands on cosmetics, a lot of people would consider it wasteful, but it's theirs to waste.
@lolwhatno Because, ultimately those things (smoking and gambling) come with a legal age limit, and again, it's their choice. The science has proven that smoking is bad, yet people still choose to do it.
Where's the science to show that I was mistaken, or my health is compromised because I bought the Boba Fett skin on Fortnite last month?
"spending thousands of dollars to move pixels on a screen is wrong. And it shouldn't be praised or be thought of as normal." - That is what every gamer in the world is literally doing, they're spending thousands on consoles/PCs and games to move pixels on a screen.
@lolwhatno Except it's not a straw man, when you keep conflating your opinions as fact. What you suggest as "useless", and assume they're all forgetting about "really quickly", just isn't true for everyone. You're also assuming that everyone is spending thousands on skins, which again, is very unusual.
And I don't think anyone is saying to smokers/gamblers that they're wasting their life. People (who care about them) might warn them of the health implications, etc. I have a lot of friends who have a flutter at the weekend on the football, I wouldn't dream of telling them that they're wasting their life. If I spotted some signs that they were getting into money trouble because of it, I might intervene, but then again, I'd think really hard about it, because I'm not trained to do so, and wouldn't want to risk it.
@lolwhatno "As I said, to the other person, this isn't a valid argument because you get the fun out of it, same for going to a movie you are not technically gaining anything, but you're having fun." - People are getting fun out of buying skins etc for their games too. It's not up to you to decide what people think is fun or not.
I earn reward points on my Xbox to buy vbucks, I then have to spend on Xbox, to then play on PlayStation.
This makes life a lot easier
It’s a pretty consumer friendly move by Xbox and Sony and not by Nintendo wouldn’t you say? Perhaps call it that since you repeatedly call Sony out on small things exactly like this
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