PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium are less than 48 hours away from launch in select Asian territories, and even more PS1 and PSP games are beginning to hit the PS Store ahead of the rollout. We now know PSP title Ridge Racer 2 and PS1 game Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee will be included in the top tier. Both of them have been updated with "up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters".
In the case of Oddworld, pricing outside of PS Plus Premium works out at roughly $4 to buy the game standalone. Some images of the new user interface that lets you select various visual modes have also appeared online, which you can check out through here. It includes the previously announced rewind feature, some visual presets, further video options, and selectable aspect ratios. According to users, Oddworld does not have Trophies.
"This title has been converted from the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) version to the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 consoles and provides newly added features. Consequently, there may be times where the title plays differently from the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) version, or where some features may cause the title to not function properly," the Ridge Racer 2 PS Store listing reads.
The two new titles join the likes of Ape Escape, Hot Shots Golf, and Intelligent Qube in the launch lineup of classic games on PS Plus Premium. For a complete list of All PS Plus Games, click the link. We'll update this article should any other games hitting the service pop up on the PS Store. Are you happy to see these two games join the service? Let us know in the comments below.
[source store.playstation.com, via store.playstation.com, resetera.com]
Comments 39
Intelligent Qube, I only ever played it on one of the demo discs but I always wanted to give it a proper try.
This service is seriously tickling my nostalgia.
I wasn't expecting there to be an option to buy some of these games. I'm very happy with that.
Edit: Different visual modes, rewind and save states.
It all sounds great to me.
Lol. Two more games. One psp and one ps1…. Lol.
This launch is ridiculously disjointed and all a bit underwhelming. I expected more from the classic games.
I really expected more. I will learn to expect bare minimum - actually I’d argue less than bare minimum for these classics.
Two solid games! Hopefully the library isn’t quite as drip fed as Nintendo’s paltry offerings.
Sounds like they'll all be the ones on the ps classic (or from the same franchises)
I don't see Abe's Odyssey as much of a value add considering PS4 already has the remake, New N Tasty, plus New N Tasty was a PS+ game already.
IMO Sony should surprise us with GOW Ragnarok for the launch of PS Plus.
@WadeIsInsane I expect the PS4/3 offerings to be the region-specific games because that's the way it is for PS Now right now, which should be the unnaounced PS4/3 games. JP has way better games than EU and NA on Now.
Has there been any silent hill games to be confirmed that isnt the hd collection?
I never owned a PSP. How will these games be displayed? They were obviously at a lower rez (480p?) — How will they be blown up to fit HD tv screens? How good will it look?
I sure hope this wont end up being the full line up of Classics...also according to the Forum Thread the Games use the PAL Store IDs...
I'm expecting another big list of games to be announced tomorrow. It kind of makes sense to keep the hype and interest levels high up through to launch
Sounds like most of the games will be from the ps classic mini.
I hope Daxter gets added. I played it for literally a day when I borrowed a friend’s copy back in middle school.
@Stocksy have a day off
Looks like you can choose whether you want to play the games like how they originally were back in the day or enhanced.
If Sony is now able to get PSP games running on PS4/PS5, I should hope we'll also see Vita games in this service at some point - specifically Uncharted Golden Abyss and Persona 4 Golden
I was hoping that trophy support would be compulsory, so this is actually a bad news story for me.
@thefourfoldroot1 🤣
@pyrrhic_victory Little Deviants or we riot!
Yep, no trophies no play. How do they know if they have trophies if they haven't hit the server yet?
4 bucks to buy the game itself is very fair for a PS1 game, much cheaper than I was expecting.
I’m going to stay far away from this service until it’s had time to be out in the wild for like six months. I’ll just stick with the base ps plus I already have and Game Pass for now. None of this stuff they have announced sounds remotely worth what they want us to pay for it.
@Dpishere yeah not bad at all very reasonable I just hope there's lots of good ones like the tomb raiders & resident evils although I doubt it :/
This does raise 2 questions,
1 - Is it the same price to buy these same games on PS1 (Classics) or PSP from a PS3/PSP/PSV?
2 - Does the ala carte purchase go both ways? Like if you buy the PS4/PS5 version does it unlock the PS1/PSP download on legacy platforms?
@PushSquare Definitely things recommend to test
I want all the ridge racer on ps5, and it's nice it's not exclusive to the subscription and we can buy it separately 😃
@F1at8mot0 "None of this stuff they have announced sounds remotely worth what they want us to pay for it".
Absolutely ridiculous. With huge games like Spider man, Miles Morales, and Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the value they offer is insane.
Please have trophy support for Abe’s Odyssey. That would be amazing.
So far none of these have my interest. Where’s MGS, where’s SOCOM, where’s that skeleton game from PS1 (can’t remember name). They were classics.
@itsfoz Do you mean MediEvel ?
@Liverbirdsarego Yes! That’s the one! Great game.
@daveofduncan had a long weekend off been lovely actually. Sorry if I triggered your inner fanboy but for one of the main selling points being a “library” of classic games we just aren’t seeing that - I want it to be better and we all should expect more than 2 psp games and what 10 ps1. No real ps2 games except the ones that were on ps4… and even then not all of them.
If you are happy at the offering for over £10 a month that’s great good for you but some of us will say when we think both the PR and the service thus far is looking bare bones. The new stuff looks great but why put such a scant offering as the “top tier”.
@naruball I think he is talking classics only. Top tier.
@itsfoz the MediEvil remake is a part of the extra tier.
@itsfoz medievil ? That got a remake & it's been on ps now for ages I would love medievil 2 to be on it though
@would_you_kindly @milktastrophe I don’t own PS Now but according to Push Square’s list MediEvil definitely isn’t part of the range available?
@Would_you_kindly Yeah nowadays companies are more interested in remaking their games or making their own collection so series like those are up in the air in terms of whether they will be on the service. Would definitely be nice though.
@Milktastrophe Many people think New and Tasty isn't as good. I think it's good to have both remakes and original versions of games available, because they are different games at the end of the day - some more than others.
Will the very first of Ridge Racers come out?
Still waiting for them to add the Digimon World games...
So we can just buy some of the classics without a subscription? I'd like to play Wild Arms on a TV again.
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