We already knew that Sony was targeting a number of June 2022 release dates for the new PS Plus Extra and Premium tiers — but until now, these dates weren't set in stone. Fortunately, Sony's been able to stick to its schedule, with the overhauled service's re-reveal confirming that the estimated dates will hold.
So, to recap, here's when PS Plus Extra and Premium launch across various regions:
- Asia - 24th May
- Japan - 2nd June
- North and South America - 13th June
- Europe, Australia, New Zealand - 23rd June
Given that Extra and Premium arrive in Asia in just over a week, we should soon have a much better idea of what games will be included. Sony has only shared a partial list of PS5, PS4, PS3 (via streaming), PS2, PS1, and PSP titles so far, but many more have been promised. It's entirely possible (and very likely) that different regions will end up with different selections, as this is already the case with the current PS Plus model.
So yeah, not long to go. How do you feel about the new PS Plus? Give us a plus or minus in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 24
So I guess we're sure that us in Europe won't get any PS+ "free" games for June?
Can we check by country ?
Holy hell, come back home to LOADS of news. Love to see it.
All in all this is starting to shape up into a decent looking service on Day 1. Some great games, including a few top AAA ones, partnership with Ubisoft, and some useful backwards compatibility features. I'm also glad they are taking a different approach than Microsoft as it increases the viability of having both if they cover different areas.
However the important thing with a subscription service is to keep the content fresh otherwise you get to the point where you feel you've "completed" it. As I did with PS Now, there just wasn't anything I wanted to play after several months. Hopefully Sony has learned this second time round, it is one of Game Pass' strongest aspects.
Leave it to Sony to figure out how to wet gamers appetites to get them to buy/upgrade. Take my money already!
Looks like June would be a good time to have some kind of show
@PlatinumPlaystation @WizzNL You're both absolutely right, my brain has just melted for a moment. Of course it will stay the same for the basic subscription. #Faceplam
I'm still not sure about the actual sub itself since I'd rather own my games but the part about playing PS1 and PSP classics that you own without a sub has me hopeful that I'll be downloading games like suikoden, xenogears, persona 2, and dino crisis onto my ps5 soon
I was happy to see that too.
I’ve got a few PS1 games I had back on PS3 I can certainly Re download if they are on the list.
It all seems promising and I'm a little more impressed than what I was expecting. Untill it's fully reviewed by youtubers in a couple months and reading more news about it and it's all up and running everywhere to get a better idea of it all is when I'll be upgrading my essential. I've got no need to upgrade immediately after it goes live. More options, choices getting the best deals possible with these sub tiers can only be a good thing for all PS gamers going forward
@OrtadragoonX all we need now is the complete list of games. I know people are skeptical about what games will be on it, but the ps3 store had a lot of great classics on it. If they're bringing those over which it definitely sounds like they are, I dont really see a reason to be super pessimistic about the service atm
Wow, good to see us in Europe gets royally screwed over YET again.......... Considering PlayStation makes more money in Europe AND the PlayStation boss is English. Nice one Sony LOL
I wonder what will happen to my fellow South african users
Well 23rd June just happens to be my Birthday!!
Happy 48th for me, woot!!
Europe last again
Looking forward to all the PS1 classics we won't be able to play 😂
As an aside (because comments are disabled on the relevant article) I just need to say:
Insomniac are awesome. 👍
They never put a foot wrong - whether in their technical skills, their communications with their fans or, as in this case, their honest to God humanity.
if the games change monthly , does that mean regions that start in june will miss out on some of the games ?
Im always baffled why Europe is always last with these things i thought Europe was mostly Playstation territory?
I’m underwhelmed. The new stuff is solid. Not spectacular but solid and similar to GPU. The classics announced are terrible. 8 ps1 and 1 psp?!? Why bother? The PS3 stuff is a backwards or at most sidewards step from what we have on now currently.
I thought they were going to blow me away but instead they’ve done a Nintendo and done the very very very bare minimum. I’m stacked on cheap codes for three years so it eases the pain much like I only pay £3 a month for GPU so the fact 22 will have no Xbox exclusives stings a little less. But no way is this service worth a tenner a month.
Happy that they're enabling people who've purchased PS1 and PSP titles digitally to play them via the service for free. That is a huge thing, personally.
If the PS1 functionality is emulated then they could look into allowing the use of discs with the emulator.
I should have stacked up at least a year RIP.
June 13th nice, so glad to finally have a date!
@Areus Ask Sony i complain about my personal region.
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