Update: In a follow-up tweet, Sony Bend has confirmed that Syphon Filter will even have a Platinum Trophy for you to collect. That's going to be a tricky one considering how difficult the game can get, but it's awesome news for fans of retro games.
Original Story: Well would you look at that? PlayStation Studios' Sony Bend — best known these days as the developer of Days Gone — has basically just confirmed that classic games coming to PS5 and PS4 via PS Plus Premium can have Trophy support after all.
Referencing Syphon Filter — Sony Bend's breakout hit on the original PlayStation — the studio states that the PS1 stealth-'em-up will ship with Trophies when it hits Premium in the coming weeks.
This, of course, means that PS1 games can be retrofitted with Trophies — something that Sony didn't even mention in its PS Plus re-reveal earlier this month.
We would assume that this means Trophy support must be implemented by the developer, and with Sony Bend (obviously) being a first-party outfit, it makes sense for it to go the extra mile. We wouldn't be surprised if most of Premium's first-party titles come with Trophies following this realisation.
But this doesn't necessarily mean that all classic PlayStation games through Premium will be blessed with digital trinkets. Again, it seems as though it'll be up to the developer.
Still, good news for those who feel as though Trophies have become an integral part of their gaming habits. Hopefully Syphon Filter is the first of many.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 78
Interesting. Shame it's not mandatory, but understandable given the age of some of the games. I don't get why Sony hasn't mentioned this until now.
Sooo is Syphon Filter any good in 2022?
Are the other SF Games also being added? They rated like 4 of them in Korea...
Am I really going to have to get premium for a month just to platinum the bloody syphon filter series? Don't make me do it Sony, I don't want it
They did patent this a while ago so not entirely surprising. Next up, lonely robots (https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/04/random_sonys_experimenting_with_a_robot_buddy_for_lonely_gamers).
i know sony has not comunicated this service all that well,but you can't deny that they are realy doing their best with the service and not phoning it in.
YES YES YES! I hope they do have plat trophies!!!
@Muttt For whatever reason, Sony has gotten really bad at communicating the details of what it's doing. This is obviously really good news and the new Plus tiers are starting to sound potentially great, buy surely stuff like Trophies should have been mentioned as part of the full reveal.
It's this lack of communication that ultimately leads to misinformation and 'insiders' spreading nonsense on social media.
Not surprising at all.
Well that’s very cool. And of course Sony didn’t mention it! Given that RetroArch’s supported trophies for years now thanks to the efforts of the community, it’s nice to finally see in an official PS1 game.
That's pretty good, really surprised they didn't mention it.
I can’t wait to play these games again.
I've been pretty critical of the new PS Plus for various reasons, but if the list of games grows with some meaningful games I don't already own and now trophy support for some classics (if they choose to add them) could get me to change my tune.
That is a good question by @Voltan though. Is Syphon Filter still any good in 2022 or has it aged poorly? That might not be something we will know until after the new PS Plus releases or if somebody still has Syphon Filter and a console to play it on.
If they mentioned that not all titles will have trophies they would have had complaints that it isn't all games. Better not to mention it and surprise us.
Sony been knocking it out the park lately but they won’t get credit for it because it’s Sony the bad guy’s of gaming.
YES! Give me the trophies!! This is great to see! Why in the wide world of sports does Sony choose not to communicate this??
mannnn.. this is dope.. I was going to play these games for sure but now if they have trophies too!! oh man, 100% playing it man... THIS IS THE WAY
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Not being funny. This is a game changer
@KilloWertz it’s going to look horrific that’s a guarantee, unless they quadruple the resolution. I recently popped in Vagrant Story and my god it looks brutal on modern big screens. Who cares about trophies, they need to upscale these bad boys.
I’m not fussed about trophies but I understand others love them so this is great and a big deal. Should have been part of the announcement. Not sure why Sony PR have done this in such a strange fragmented way. The hype would be far greater if they’d done a big shiny showcase with full details and all the games and info. Would have sent the internet into meltdown but instead people seem confused and all a bit Meh…. When it’s shaping up to be an amazing service
Oh absolutely hell yes. Trophies on Getaway 1 and 2 please!
@Resi32 I really doubt they'll be included because they weren't mentioned in the list of games Sony shared & because they're 1st party games I would think that theyd've included them in the list
@Voltan I played the original in 2021 on the PlayStation mini and thought it held up surprisingly well. To be completely clear, I actually thought the game was just okay back when it first released, but revisiting it after all these years I was kind of surprised how much I was enjoying it. I do have a huge soft spot for the original PlayStation and those old games, so you may feel differently. That’s my take, anyway.
@nookie_egg Finishing Syphon Filter again will be a pleasure i loved those games they better have a trophy for setting enemies on fire with the taser. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser Have it on vita, it's still great (though jesus the controls). I just don't want to have to invest in premium for the sake of doing so.
Also, yes there 100% will be a taser combustion trophy.
This is how they might actually get me! Makes sense to not be mandatory actually. Will be interesting to see how the trend goes and which games do or don’t get them. FF Tactics please.
That’s awesome. As the article says, not expecting Trophies in everything, but it’s cool that at least a few will have them.
@nookie_egg To be honest im a little afraid that the controls will be worse then i remember.
Tankcontrols with the old Resident Evil games i cant deal with that anymore though. Thats why i rather see a remake or a remaster with updated controls.
Jak 2 was so horrible i could not finish it reverse controls for up and down and no way to change them.... 😭
Some games are better to remember then play again. But with turnbased RPG's that wont be a problem.
FF7R though is a dissapointment to me it takes to long there is no complete physical release and they put stuff behind a paywall a summon as a preorder bonus what a failure.
They should have updated it graphicall and called it a day i dont want to wait untill im 90 to play a complete game. But its smart no secondhand market because nothing is complete.
Square Enix is a big dissapointment anyway these days.
@Would_you_kindly maybe they are surprises? I mean at this point if Croc 1 and 2 get trophies and save states ill have to take a Valium to calm down
I don't trophy hunt in every game, but with the ones I love I always go for the Platinum.
Would love to be able to plat games like Alundra and Vagrant Story...
Another feature that you ask yourself "why didn't Sony mention this with the reveal?"
I wasn't really all too bothered about this service when it was being rumored but it's looking to be like a really good service that Sony is actually putting effort into. I expected them to do a half baked job with it. But man they need to do something about their communication it is terrible
@Sam_ATLUS Any form of communication would we be welcome now I have to agree with you on this.
@Flaming_Kaiser L1 + L3 inverts the camera for Jak 2 on PS4.
Well, this could change everything. Depends on how many games implement trophy challenges though.
@BeerIsAwesome That's my dream game to plat.
This is fantastic news, hopefully it's widespread among the classics!!
Please trophies for The Legend of Dragoon 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 ( if it gets announced)
Omg this makes me so happy. Can't wait to platinum Syphon Filter!!
Great news! Looking forward to beating the game all over again, but this time with trophies to show for it.
@Voltan if you have no emotional attachment, it's probably not going to hold up well. Espcially as the controls don't fit the now accepted norm.
It really is/was(?) a quality game though, playstation's answer to goldeneye at the time. The varied levels, decent shooting, the fabled taser.
Some games it will be very easy to add trophies to depending if the save game in question is tracking specific events in-game. But unusual trophies may be harder to do.
Tomb raider games please!!!
Also, Sony have been like this since ps5 launch. Stealth dropping features. I remember the hullabaloo regarding PS4 back-compat. Cerny said the top 100 games will all work. Turns out within like a week or two pretty much 4000+ worked. The joy at finding all this out is the other side of the coin of not communicating. 😋
All Suikoden please.
im guessing they didn't make a big deal because not every game will do this , idk maybe they'll announce more about it before the launch. but i think people are still going to find something they dislike , ( not enough trophies , too hard / too easy, ect).
No he never said that.
They said almost all ps4 games will work and they had tested top 100 games.
Media didnt listen and was running with lies for a few days.
Whoa this is big news! If I really can download most of my old ps1 classic collection, play at better frame rates & resolution with save states AND earn trophies without needing to subscribe then all is forgiven Jim Ryan!!!
Premium it is! Those PS1 classic trophies will be mine.
Ps1 best games ever in syphon filter having 🏆 trophies makes it a even better times.word up son
THAT'S SO AMAZING!! So happy here!! Individual purchases + trophy support + rewind/save states from some of the games!! The second semester will be packed!!
just watch the trophy supported ps1 games get played more than the others.
watch and learn sony
Very nice. Hopefully Sony can encourage devs to put trophies in their games. Would make revisiting these old titles more fun, getting those dopamine trophy dings.
@twitchtvpat considering that you can save state and rewind people probably will complain that getting the trophies is too easy.
I think Sony communicates in steps. They've also only announced 90 out of 400 games. And by no means all 360 retro games. So they probably still have some surprises up their sleeve. It is the press that is always moaning and destroying everything because they can't get their scoops. Patience is a virtue. But journalism does not know patience. And Sony knows that and smiles in her fist.
trophies? i never bother looking i just like to get into a game and play it , been doing that since the 80s dont fix it if it aint broke ive syphon filter in my ps1 library might play it this weekend.
This is great news. I’m a bit shocked Sony hasn’t mentioned this previously- to a large number of people (me included) this is quite a big selling point.
I’m interested to see how the rewind save state feature will combined with trophies. I’d guess there will be a number of trophies for completing without this feature.
Never understood this mentality to be honest. To me it’s like saying “I never bother looking for side quests developers put in games, those challenges don’t interest me”, trophies are developer programmed challenges they put into a game the same as any other, and by ignoring them I just feel like people are deliberately cutting part of the game out for themselves. True it doesn’t progress you towards the end credits, but that’s true of lots of stuff devs put in games to challenge and entertain us.
Anyway, I’m hoping more than first party IP owners choose to implement trophies, but I’m not optimistic, which is a shame because adding new challenges to these old games (whether via trophies or some other method) will obviously make them better, especially for those who have played them already.
Oh yeah that would be a dream come True:D
@TommyNL To be fair the launch in Asia is in 3 days, that doesn't give much time to announce everything if each region experiences a full launch. That said it is possible that the promised "700+ games" isn't fully available until late June and that for example by the America launch on June 13th there's only 500 games for example.
@Enigk I think they could have shuffled the blame to developers, especially if they committed to first party ones having trophies
@Robinsad They are already in the bad books with the demo business so putting trophies on them as well could be seen as Sony sticking the boot in with developers. They can't win either way. Sony are damned if they do and damned if they don't these days.
Not sure siphon filters story will get me through the dated gameplay, but I'm definitely on board for dark mirror and Logan's shadow.
What demo business?
I only know of trials so what have I miss?
If it is trials you mean it is not same as demo.
Apparently the process for retroactively adding trophies isn't too difficult - so I think we might end up surprised by what games have trophies
Tombi/Tomba + trophies would be fantastic. A man can dream
(I said the same about those games making in it to vita and it came true, so you never know)
@Neverwild I meant trials but I will continue to incorrectly call them demos as that is easier for my miniscule brain to comprehend. Don’t need too may words up there or it might squeeze out more useful words like banana, hedgehog or corporeal.
This is awesome news! Hopefully all Syphon Filter games get added - I think listings excluded III and Omega Strain
@thefourfoldroot1 no point in cutting out parts of the game, side missions are important for leveling your character or somtimes the stories interconnect. i try and complete all games explore every part trophies are just white noise. have a fun weekend bud 👍
I understand. I try to complete all games, explore every part, which obviously includes the trophy challenges developers create for us. I do skip trophies, or side quests, or characters, depending on the game of course. I wouldn’t decide before playing a game though, I couldn’t think of a reason to possibly do so.
Have a good one yourself 👍
If all of the PS1 Classics had decent trophy support, I will get the Premium. Atm I'm sticking with my regular Plus but if they add in trophies, I will make it my goal to 100% or Platinum every PS1 game on that list. And if Sony keep increasing the list, then I'll keep myself subbed to Premium.
The rest of the list of games appear to be a secret.
@Neverwild Ahhh ok. Thanks for that.
Not gonna lie this changes everything! well up for replaying classics with trophies Especially syphon filter and mgs.
The controls are truly awful lol, but you get used to them pretty quickly (hold select and press L1 (might be L2?) to cycle weapons), think it's R1 to move camera, no analogue movement...
Yeah it's absolutely my number 1 game series to get a proper remake, they could do so much!
I'm one of THOSE people who like to invert the Y but not X anyway so that wouldn't bother me in Jak I don't think, not that I'd play that.
Turn based is a fine style for rpgs, but personally, I absolutely loved the ff7 remake and I thought the combat was by far the best thing about it. Each to their own on that one I guess!
Although I seem to remember getting the pre-order summons at a later date anyway (Chocobuckle, Cactuar I think?)
FF7R2 is probably one of my most anticipated games to be honest, but again, each to their own.
That was quite a tangent rant you went on haha 👍🏼
@BeerIsAwesome I always just wanted to replay MGS1 on modern consoles.
@nookie_egg I dont mind the controls thats cool but i dont want to wait over a decade to play a remake of a game.
And i dont like how they handle my favorite Final Fantasy game by putting things like summons as a preorder its locking people out of content of a classic remake.
But its made by a firm that makes fun of their customers that play games to relax so thats not something that surprises me.
Plus one thing that even annoys me even more that in the future the game wont be on the stores as a complete version. Still so happy with my complete Final Fantasy PS1 games.
Digital for preservation always has something that made me laugh lately i see its more used to lock people out of content. I have to be honest ill be buying FF7R when its complete on PS6 or i wont even bother.
Well this is a nice surprise. Good on them for including them. Maybe I will resub next year if they keep up the additions 🧐
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