Excited for the launch of the revamped PS Plus next month? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, with the service already available in Asia – sans cloud streaming functionality, of course – we figured we’d put it through its paces. So, we signed up for a Hong Kong account and took a tour of all the features, from the user interface to the classic games and more.
This video should give you a better idea of what your PS Plus experience will look like when the new tiers launch in Europe and North America next month. For the time being, let us know what kind of improvements you’d like to see moving forwards, and whether you’ll be subscribing to one of the new tiers day one – or later down the line.

Remember, if you need more information, you can find a list of All PS Plus Games through the link, as well as a breakdown of All Three Tiers Explained.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 44
Can I download games to my ps5 using the mobile app? Or do I have to access this seperate ps plus section to downlaod games
Even though the emulation is bad ill probably still sub if more PS1/PSP have trophies when it launches in the U.S.
Did a tour of it last week on my own Hong Kong account and I was greatly impressed.
Similar to the feeling I had when trying GamePass, scrolling through all the games that are available to play right now is very exciting.
Can’t wait for it to launch proper for me next month.
I'll be staying on the basic Plus when it changes.
I have plenty of consoles/devices with emulators on.
Don't need to pay extra to do it
I’ll probably get extra for the catalogue of games. Might get premium for a bit if there are a load more old games added with trophies.
I'll give the top tier a go because why not, then I'll see a year down the line whether to keep it
Item No. 37 on the new PS Plus service. Gets boring.
I had a year of PS Now and five years or PS+, so got converted to five years of PS+ Premium. I'm fairly confident I'm just going to stay at that tier perpetually because the service is already very compelling and it will just be even better by the time I need to pay again.
Typically, I don't care about retro games, even modern games made in the retro style, but having all those games at my fingertips will feel so good.
@UltimateOtaku91 Yes you can:
Great. Haven't really cared about this but I'll check a summary of it.
@KnightRider1982 but can you downlaod the PlayStation plus premium tier games using the app as well, or do you have to go onto the ps plus page on the ps5/ps4 home menu to downlaod those
What is it with people that they just can't wait for something until it's just there. Why do people have to "leak", "spoil", "be the first to know" etc?
@UltimateOtaku91 yes you can use the app. When you go to game in the app there'll be two options: 1) add game to library for free, 2) pay for game. Both options add to library giving you a download button.
The real question is whether the app will have a section listing all the PS+ games, as they never had that for PS Now so it was hard to discover games in the app instead of console.
WOW!!! THAT HUGE CLASSIC LIBRARY OF 17 GAMES!!! I have no words... I'm going to dust off my PS2 console...
Wow that selection of classic games is Poopsville, USA. Really disappointing launch of a classic games service
@djlard seems pretty standard. Switch online launched with only 20. Given that more classics have received ratings there may be more available once the service hits the rest of the world.
The classic games list legit makes NSO Expansion look good, 😂
@TheCollector316 Same situation here but reversed, I have 6 months left of PS+ but have 5 years of PS Now.
It’s pretty disappointing considering the disappearing PSNow catalog is 100x bigger than this
@godofwarj5 why do you think PS Now games will be removed? Most likely the PS Now catalog will simply become parts of new PS+. Likely every PS3 game will stay, Asia doesn't have PS3 streaming. It's already been announced there will be regional differences. Premium in EU and NA is nearly double the price of Deluxe in Asia, so it would make sense for Asia to have a lot less games (the PS3 games alone doesn't justify the price difference so the PS4 games should be staying too--some of these games aren't even released in Asian regions so can't be part of their PS+).
These regions didn't have PS Now before, Japan does and it's PS Now catalog is vastly different from what's available in the west, so while Japan's eventual PS+ lineup may not indicate the rest of the world it may be an indicator whether PS Now games will be removed when it gets the new PS+. But is anybody even tracking what PS Now games Japan has?
As far as I'm aware there aren't any new PS Now games with expiration dates since the Sega exodus in mid May.
@Milktastrophe I Hope so, because there’s there are a ton of good games on ps now
@Max_the_German of an article doesn't interest you, you can always just not open it?
@theheadofabroom I hoped for some real new info, then it would be okay for me. But no, no new info, just a summary of the stuff every interested fan already knows.
Seems to me like Sony is going to be taking the Nintendo approach to releasing classic games on the service. Start with a few and have 2 or three (one on the N64's case) trickle in each month.
Honestly, just put out a huge library of games for us to purchase. Instead of having to wait for whatever games you choose for us, just let us buy what we want to play now. I wish Nintendo would do that too
They've nerfed standard ps plus & the 'premium' tier is a joke 👎🏻
I don't need a tour, it's clear from reports thus far that it's half baked and flawed. Don't waste your money. I was genuinely expecting so much more and at the very least something that could even stand next to what Microsoft is doing. This just doesn't. When you see a game like sniper elite, releasing day one on game pass, you realize Microsoft simply has the upper hand in garnering subs to its service.
Sure Sony cries about not being able to sustain the quality of their first party games if they put them day at 1 on Game Pass and honestly I agree with that I get it but that's not what Microsoft is doing alone they're taking a lot of these 3rd part games and indie titles not many people would purchase but are curious or don't even know about , and putting them on a service for a small fee and releasing in there for free day one, alongside a multitude of other titles. As well as doing the most that Sony is doing which is simply rotating a suite of older releases into and out of availability, for an extra fee lol.
Sony will see the hard way that even a lifelong fan like me will not buy into their shift to nickel and diming everything, along with live service, and terrible consumer relations.
These ps plus tiers were nothing more than a shameless attempt to garner higher sub fees by delivering pretty much everything that was already available but charging more for it, alongside grossly overstating the classics and quality coming on that front.
Sony will learn that attempts to increase revenue without increasing quality or offering something new of quality will actually greatly decrease their revenue, market share, and reduce the loyalty of dedicated fans since ps1 such as myself.
@Would_you_kindly standard PS+ is exactly the same as it was before.
Anyone know if it’s possible to upgrade tier for a single month? I will always get the PS Plus basic so I can play online. It’s be nice to occasionally upgrade tier to play the odd game.
I don't agree for me the diference between PS plus Extra vs Premium is worth it. PS Now + Ps 2 an 1 games even if few is a large library, and PS NOW it depens a lot on good connection. People forget the price of games if we got just 50 games at least 5 euro or dolars a game you will pay 250 euro or dolars for those so more that the subscription. Also let's be onest if you got a big colection o games you will maybe not need this subscription, but if you don't or if you didn't got a ps 1, ps 2 or ps 3 then ps premium is a way to catch up. All in all i think that in time PS premium will dominate, but for starters will be extra.
@jrt87 cool good for you lmao, I on the other hand always sub for a year of plus and now so I want the one time payment for a year of premium so I can have all games. More games more options, more trophies more experiences. I'm not a ppl person but I really don't understand half of yall. Lol why wouldn't you want more options. I want my ratchet and resistance series back from the old days
@MB81 there are two types of upgrades available. Upgrading the remaining time on your sub or stacking a different tier to the end of your sub. So the only way to get one month upgraded now is to be on your last month already.
Because they let you stack a different tier at the end, I suspect they'll eventually let you upgrade in the middle, but that's not something Sony has announced will be possible.
@sammybarker. Hi. Do you know if the PS Plus version of Red Dead 2 also includes the online game? Great video by the way and it’s very Game Passy but in a good way. I like a nice clean interface and looking forward to PS Plus Extra ( my likely tier) landing in Europe soon. Thanks.
@get2sammyb please see my question above. Thanks.
This is a wait and see, but in its current form not worth it at all and terribly implemented. As with most things currently MS doing it better simply because they are making better decisions and not trying to squeeze ever dollar they can out of their fan base.
Someone help me out..I've already bought a year of ps+ from since February if I want ps extra I have to pay the monthly even though I've paid for a year already?
Thats the most pitiful 'collection' of classic games I've ever seen
It is a wait and see at this point. We don't know the full line-up yet and we may see patches released to improve emulation in time. I don't mind PAL versions so much - they are what I grew up playing afterall. We'll have to see what happens with Premium (and just what games they can get hold of to put on there). I think if they had launched with more popular PS1 titles, it would be fine - Metal Gear, Wipeout 2097, Gran Turismo, Silent Hill, Tony Hawks etc - Premium wont work if they don't get games of that calibre/popularity: it is essentially a fun nostalgia trip for gamers - and they need to tap into that. But lets see, early days yet. Trials could be good: if they were able to launch new games with that (including third party games - they would have a slight/slimmed down rival to 'day and date' games via gamepass?).
The value here is in PS Extra. Demon Souls, Returnal, Spiderman, GoT and Death Stranding alone - that would cost way over £200 (and that's pre-owned; new it would be closer to £300). And then there is Guardians of the Galaxy and all those Ubisoft games: Assassins Creed: Valhallah etc. Its brilliant value for £83. For PS5 owners, it is a no-brainer.
I have a year of psnow stacked, so I'll be giving Premium a good try. Honestly though, I'm probably better off just being really picky about the games I buy. I've only got so much time and drive for gaming. And the indies I'm really interested in rarely show up on things like psnow or plus so I end up having to buy those anyway.
@LP09 Yeah it feels like early Netflix. Where it's really impressive the first few years, but then it's more enjoyable to focus on just the best of what you want which often aren't on whatever subscriptions you have currently.
Now as an owner of the ps5 and Xbox series X . I can honestly say that neither one of these subscription services appeal to me . I know there's alot of excitement about game pass and it's doing great in sales as I'd imagine the ps service will as well . But let's be real here . We are generally paying for a service for games we have played in the past . And let's be honest the ps5 games the hardcore will already own most probably digital . Sony is basically trying to charge for emulation and games from the PS4 you already have via previous ps plus games . Its a great sales pitch from both companies but this service will get no where near game pass levels as a neutral not as a fan boy or pony.. for the loyalty of ps5 player I generally feel you guys should have exclusives from day one with your subscription. Xbox put there exclusives on so why don't Sony.
Tomba 2
Def Jam Fight for NY
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction
Those 3 games alone will make me subscribe to Premium
@Max_the_German That you actually counted them, seems like a real German move to me. ^^
@Milktastrophe i really hope, that they restore the PS Now catalogue to its fullest extent....
Nothing about subscription models has ever excited me. With PS+ and Gamepass, I can take it or leave it. With that being said, it appears that Sony is second place to Xbox when it comes to this model. Nothing here really captivates me in the same way that seeing the Outer Worlds day one on GP did when I first subscribed.
It's a pity to see this as well, since Sony had absolutely blitzed the last generation with one success story after another (no DRM, indie dev friendly ecosystem, InFamous, Driveclub, Bloodborne, Spiderman, God of War, Last of Us Part 2, etc). It seems they're now slowly sliding into silver medal territory.
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