You know, after that first teaser trailer a few months back, we weren't quite sold on the potential art style for Street Fighter 6, but the game's full reveal trailer has really changed out minds. Even if it's still a work in progress to some degree, the PS5 fighter is looking pretty darn good in these new screenshots, which showcase veteran combatants Ryu and Chun-Li, as well as relatively new brawler Luke, and his entirely new buddy Jamie.

Much like Street Fighter V, there's a fantastic use of colour here, but the backgrounds are a little less saturated this time around, which allows the characters and the action to really pop. We could have quite a spectacle on our hands with this one.
What do you think of Street Fighter 6 so far? Salute Ryu's commitment to the beard in the comments section below.
Comments 32
It looks so goooood! I’m loving this distinct visual identity and I can’t wait for it!!
Oh my God my Waifu is so hot.
I love Chun-Li’s new design.
They took her Alpha design and gave it a dignified and modern make over.
It screams confidence in both her beauty and her skill as a kung fu master.
It's difficult to say. It looked more like a Tekken game than a SF one. There seemed to be a great emphasis on some sort of parry or focus counter mechanic. The characters felt big and heavy and fireballs looked super risky and easy to punish. I'll need to see more.
But, personally, i do believe i am done with fighting games. I don't have the time to dedicate to get good at them.
This certainly looks good in graphic terms tough. The apparent commitment to single player content is a good sign too.
This looks incredible!
This game looks wild and I’m not even into fighters. I’ll be a n00b at it but it’s looking like a must buy at some point.
I still think 3rd Strike is the most fluid looking fighter out there (along with GG Strive) but this looks incredible for a 3D fighter.
@WaveBoy there’s noob friendly controls in this game
@CWill97 I'm also terrible at fighters too, but will eventually buy this when the inevitable Ultra/Super Edition is out and on sale for dirt cheap.
As much as I liked Street Fighter V there’s no doubt the game had some big issues especially at launch. I think Capcom learned it’s lesson. So far 6 looks great. And I don’t need a massive roster, but I hope we can at least get more than 16 characters at launch.
This looks absolutely gorgeous and fun as hell. I love how fluid and beautiful the animations are too. I’m not good at fighting games at all, but I can’t wait for this game.
It looks fantastic. I like it more every time I rewatch it(the trailer). Definitely have better feeling than I did when I first saw SFV.
I skipped 5 but i did like 4 alot. Will prob pick this up and build myself a fight stick for it. It did look mighty fine.
It looks outstanding. I frigging can't wait for it.
I'm not into fighters but this blew me away!Will be the first Streetfighter game I buy since the Megadrive..
Removed - spoilers
@SoulChimera wow the design on that roster is really on point!
I'm digging the graffiti-like VFX. Putting the street back in Street Fighter.
Love the art style. Looks like capcom are doing a great job with this.
I'm beyond excited! I think I've watched the trailer like 25 times! SFV was easily one of my favorite games from last generation and 6 is looking just as excellent if not more so. There is just something about Street Fighter that just clicks with me in a way other fighters don't. This will definitely be a day 1 for sure!
@SoulChimera goddamn , juri baby i thought she couldn’t look any better , now her toe polish is turquoise now? 😍
Apparently the single-player story allows you to traverse an open world in search of battles.
@nomither6 Juri is my favorite female character in the game and they make her look better and better each game(Also her moveset gets better and better whole keeping the original Spin Kicks). Thankfully it looks like she comes out when the game releases and not later on like with SFV.
Looks amazing.
Since this game is most likely releasing on Game Pass, I do wonder how PS will convince players to play the Ps version
@MacRider Why do you think this will launch on Game Pass?
I hope that running around part in the trailer has something to do with a single player mode with a bit of substance and isn't just a MP hub or something. I've never really gotten into Street Fighter but I've always been interested. I think a decent sp would go along way in getting me to try it out.
@Voltan Since it's now multiplat, there's a chance it could go on Gamepass.
@MacRider not every multiplat game goes to gamepass from day one but besides that you aren't taking Capcom-Sony relationship in mind, not only they have a good relationship when it comes to business but now that Sony owns EVO one if not the biggest exponent of SF to the world it's very unlikely that Capcom is going to release his game on gamepass anytime soon because that marketing goes beyond MS money
so there is no need convince anyone. Who is going to buy it for pc or ps or xbox is going to do it and who want's it for free is going to have to wait at leat a couple years.
@GymratAmarillo I guess you're right.
The lack of colors in the backgrounds comapred to the characters feels weird!
@GymratAmarillo Hardware wise Series X has less input lag comapred to PS5! Usually the version the most popular among the pro players is the one that is used for tournaments!
@NB-DanTE that's a valid point but right know (and probably in the future for small tournaments) the most popular version in tournaments is the ps4 version but pro players (at least those who are at the highest level) like Punk, Daigo, iDom, Tokido, etc use the pc version of the game because they also use the computer for streaming knowing that streaming is one of the main money sources for them and when it comes to go to the big tournaments punk and iDom use their ps4 controller and the rest are used to this lag imput. Besides that, what version do you think is going to be in one of the biggest tournaments in the world? (outside when Riout launches their game that is going to be on pc for sure) the ps5 at EVO because of the owner and as i said before not a lot of tournaments are going to be able to replace their whole console resources with new ones for next year a lot of them still charge $10 per person so i wouldn't discard the possibility of the ps4 versión being also very popular at tournaments. So i think people is going to buy the version they want if they have ps5, xbox or pc and when the time comes to go to a EVO they know it's going to be on ps5 and tournaments like combo breaker or even ceo are going to think twice before buying series x because there is still games like Guilty Gear that launch first on ps and pc and sometime later on xbox and most money for organizers comes from the "new game".
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