The new PS Plus service has a tab buried at the bottom of its PS5 home page dedicated to telling you all the games that will be leaving soon. It's called Last Chance to Play and is found just below the Ubisoft+ Classics list. Currently, it reveals two games will be leaving PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium soon: Shadow Warrior 3 on PS4 and streamable PS3 game Syberia.
Shadow Warrior 3 leaves PS Plus Extra on 5th July 2022, and Syberia can no longer be streamed through PS Plus Premium from 19th July 2022. Don't forget these titles will no longer be playable even if you redeem them on your account past the specified dates — they don't act like PS Plus Essential inclusions. Once they're gone from the service, they can't be played.
Other PS Plus Extra, PS Plus Premium listed expiry dates are:
- NBA 2K22 — 31st August 2022
- WRC 10 — 31st August 2022
- Red Dead Redemption — 17th October 2022
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare — 17th October 2022
Interestingly, Red Dead Redemption 2 also has an expiry date but it isn't listed in the Last Chance to Play section just yet. It is said to leave PS Plus Extra on 20th September 2022. As for why Shadow Warrior 3 is leaving so soon, this is likely due to the deal made when the game launched day one on PS Now back in March 2022.
We're documenting Upcoming Expiry Dates in our All PS Plus Games guide, so be sure to check that section out for more information.
Comments 75
Dang, I guess I should play SW3 then
please sony just add those dates to all the games in the service instead of just notifying us days before they leave.
stupid that most games don't have a date. not as much a problem for smaller games but imagine starting up a big open world game only to be notified that it will leave the service soon just days before it does.
Oh damn, I was waiting to subscribe until Stray came out but I guess I’ll do it to play Red Dead & Returnal for the first time
The Syberia expiration is new. The other known expirations are that weren't mentioned in the article are:
WRC10 - August 31
NBA 2K22 (PS5) - August 31
Red Dead Redemption 1 - October 17
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare - October 17
Well that was quick.
Game Pass bug 🤣 That's why I unsubscribed and won't be subscribing to PS Plus beyond essential. I hate being rushed when I play games.
Are they really pulling games this early? That is lame
@jdv95 I still don’t have the God of War platinum because I was about an hour away from getting it before it was pulled from PS Now. I guess I could go back and get it now but it’s not the point! That’s the only time I’ve had any issues with games leaving though, and it only took me that long because I binged the first 3 games beforehand.
Yeah these are the PS Now expiration dates.
Been playing SW3. It's fun, like a simplified Doom Eternal. But pretty repetitive and a bit annoying in places.
I think If you add Red Dead 2 to your library you will still have it even when it leaves.
@Snake_V5 You won't, games on the PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium tiers are no longer playable once they leave the service.
I platinumed SW3 last week and in all honesty if it wasn't on PS Now and now this I probably wouldn't have considered getting it as it's a bit glitchy and it is very linear and doesn't have much replay value beyond one or two playthroughs.
@Logonogo Project Cars 2, Project Cars 3, and Evil Genius 2 have already been removed. They didn't any expiration listed and this upcoming expirations tab didn't even exist on the time so they just vanished one day. Really every game should have it's expiration listed (even if it's 18 months and Sony expects to extend the contract), but adding this tab is at least a step in the right direction.
Wait, what? The new service has only just launched (in Europe at least) and there’s games already leaving?!? Mind you, I wouldn’t worry too much about missing out on SW3 as it’s hugely disappointing.
PS Plus' PS5, PS4 Restart Is Welcome and Smart: And Short Lived For Some Games 😂
@LiamCroft They work the same as the free monthly games. When you download the game it gets added to your games library, you even get sent an email that it has too. Like how if you added Persona 5 before it got removed you can still play it. As long as you stay subscribed to PS Plus you can always play it, they come under your subscription.
@Milktastrophe Thanks, I've added these to the article.
@Snake_V5 That doesn't matter, the PS Plus Extra and Premium games work differently. Once they leave the service, you can't play them anymore.
They're leaving the subscription that they launched a couple of days ago in my region? Of course. Makes sense.
Btw, how absolutely anaemic is that 3rd tier of PS+? It's like Sony and Nintendo are in a competition to offer the least value for money subscription tier in games. I subbed because it was only $15 to upgrade for the rest of my regular subscription. I'm glad I didn't blow any more than that. The second tier is decent value though.
@Snake_V5 as Liam says, this is incorrect, you will lose access to the Extra and Premium games.
PS Now games used to also get added to your library as if you'd bought them, but then they'd become locked when they left PS Now. This is how Gamepass works on Xbox too.
@Milktastrophe that is really disappointing to hear. Imagine you just signed up for the service because you wanted to play Evil Genius 2 and you immediately don't have access the next day. Not cool!
@nessisonett not everyone plays games at the same pace, a medium size game (30-40 hours) can easily take up to two months for me.
When I played TLoU 2 on PS Now I had to rush the last half and it really ruined my enjoyment of the game.
So yeah end dates might not be that helpful for you, but there sure are a lot of more casual gamers that would really benefit from them.
Leaving soon??? I’m sure the service has only just started
@Barryburton97 @LiamCroft This is unfortunate news, I also thought once added to library you could play them forever!
Shame that is a benefit only available to the monthly Essential games...
@Banksie They were a part of PS Now with these expiration dates before the migration. It kinda sucks for people who couldn't access PS Now when it was a thing (like myself) but I guess it makes sense that the deals didn't change.
@KidBoruto yes it would be better if they stayed, but that would incur a much larger subscription fee. An inherent compromise in the rental service.
@dBackLash I didn’t say that they weren’t helpful..?
What a load of ball gaming has becoming.
Bring back the old days.
You got a new generation console you got games made just for that generation, you played those games and just moved on.
All this backwards compatibility and service stuff has just taken resources away from making new games for a new generation and created distractions from giving us all new games for new a generation of consoles.
Let’s go back in time when it was done properly.
New console, new games.
@nessisonett then I might have misinterpreted the tone of your post.
Those that disagree with my comment above about new consoles new games made for the new consoles.
Take a look this generation, 2 years this November 2022 and not a single game on any of them that shouts new generation. Even R&C can be done on PS4, DF proved that in a way.
This generation so focused on old games, backwards compatibility, remasters and remakes and services.
Almost make our £450 new machines redundant with the power they have and what they can really achieve.
@gollumb82 Agree with you. I hate being pressed to play a game because there is an expiry date. I prefer to buy my games digitaly of physicaly and play when I feel like it.
It's been there since March. But that on playstation now. So this has nothing to do with the notifications of the new Plus. Is still an old ps now date
oh yes that's true now was not available in all countries. for those it sucks.
I guess I'll play Shadow Warrior soon, then. Apparently it's a very short game so might as well.
@Dezzy70 I really believe this stuff is coming as once the PS5 is easily available they will want to start driving sales of it. It's just going to take a bit of time for them to move on from having to support PS4. While they are doing that games will have to be written taking the older SDK into account.
I'm sure as soon as they can leave that behind and they can start targeting the PS5 SDK only then we will see something that really takes advantage of the hardware. That's when we might see these new IPs coming into play.
I know what you mean, but all this other old stuff etc I mentioned is making them drag a bit, especially 2 years this November.
By the way I mean all consoles the Xbox series lot as well and many third party developers doing remakes and remasters.
I remember going for the SNES to N64 with Mario 64 what a difference in generations and usage of the N64 power with a first game release on the day of the console. Same with Wave Racer.
@gollumb82 Same here. I hate being on a timer. I'll take waiting to own games from sales over Plus.
Two weeks notice ain't bad, though maybe I say that because SW3 is as short as it is. Would prefer something like a month's notice but gamepass doesn't do it either so I'm not hoping out for it.
Sorry EU, Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza Kiwami 2 have been removed. Hope that 1 day was long enough for you guys to finish both games.
@Dezzy70 Yeah the remasters / remakes thing I'm kind of torn on. Sometimes it's nice to replay these things in an updated package but they really have kicked into overdrive in that department with originality seemingly now taking the backseat to profits.
Development has become a lot more complex and expensive this last few generations and that's really playing out now with how safe a lot of developers / publishers are playing it. It's an expensive business though so I can understand to a certain extent why they do it after all Hollywood has been getting away with this sort of behaviour for years.
I'm only just hearing about this service launching and already games are being dropped from it. One of the reasons why I'll never be sold on the subscription / streaming models.
Cost I think is so much to do with it and I think the business at the minute also needs a quick and easier way to get some cash injection and remakes/remasters are a way of doing that.
Totally agree on the Xbox front.
Will give credit where it is due with AAA titles like Forza horizon 5 and probably Forza motor sport next year.
But outside of those two games I can’t see an Xbox studio getting close to say the AAA of HFW, which I’m playing right now and say last of us, god of war etc etc.
Their studios either don’t have the talent or are not managed correctly or told not to produce such outstanding quality AAA games, due to cost and putting them on game pass.
So everything that you pay the extra $60 for ultimately has a relatively short expiry date & will leave the service?
I assumed if you bought premium, that all the games in the library worked the same way the monthly games do where once you download them you effectively own them, and can play the at anytime as long as you're subscribed still.
Games like RDR2 aren't something you rush through, especially with the online component... You come back to it over the months/years
RD2 leaving in September! Dam. I started Death Stranding and was planning on RD2 next probably around September. Ill have to switch now and hopefully get it done in time
People complaining about games like Shadow Warrior 3 leaving already do you realize it's been a part of the service since the game launched on March 1st? That means it'll be on the service 5 months when it leaves in July, the same as most GP games. It's like you people want your cake and eat it too. Maybe subscription services aren't for you if you can't beat a 6 hour game in 5 months.
@LiamCroft even if you redeem them before the expired date you still loose them?
I would like Sony to nail a Mario Kart and a Mario odyssey type platform game.
Nintendo so rest on their laurels with those type of games and need a kick up the arse to produce more.
So competition from Sony and if AAA quality would give them a wake up call, especially if it stole from Nintendo market share.
@Dezzy70 i agree about sony making something to compete with mario to make nintendo more productive ; the last time nintendo was in the zone imo was with the gamecube - powerful console , solid controller , still had its gimmicks, multiple of their franchises had games , aside from it looking like a purple lunchbox it was the last and least kiddy , most formidable console they made .
@huyi Yes.
Would be cool if you guys could add the dates for other games maybe not all of them but at least "the big games" like RDR2 in this case because for people who use the ps4 browser it doesn't show them.
Edit: The dates doesn't show up on ps4 but you can see them in their horrible web store 😂 so yeah ... there is that.
@LiamCroft ok, well I can at least use the service to play games don't particularly want to buy and use the sales to get the other games I want instead, plus we have the monthly games anyways too
Will be interesting to see if Nintendo go the same with Switch 2, which I think would succeed as it’s a hand held hybrid unlike the Wii 2.
So they totally corner that market anyway.
Fun times a head as always.
Had a GameCube day one with Luigi Mansion, great console.
For me the Switch is great but since the great release games the first year, for me has lacked those big massive AAA Nintendo in house studios games.
No new real AAA platformers since Mario Odyssey apart from add on Bowser Fury.
That is bad after 5 years. Not like they are programme a top end console with massive graphical abilities. Also they have no separate hand held console to programme for now either.
Wait, it only released yesterday and they are already talking about taking stuff down. I was thinking about subscribing but not now.
Syberia was a real slog to play through, to the point that I just followed a walkthrough for nearly the entire thing. You won't be missing much if you skip it, honestly.
@ThatMusicFan yeah first game I played really nails it only on chapter 2 but humour all the extra details it has done very well.
Games leaving already less than a month after service launch. Doesn't seem like a good way to build trust in said service.
Since these deals all revolve around timed licensing, one can only assume first-party games have a much much smaller chance of leaving the service, right? Although they might still be subject to adjacent licensing like music and such.
Like others have said, this is ridiculously quick. Games are obviously going to come and go, but this is insanely fast given that the service just finished it's worldwide launch this week. Also, hopefully most first party exclusives actually stick around forever though.
Game disappearing without much notice has been a major problem with Game Pass for as long as I can remember. Hopefully Sony doesn't duplicate their mistakes in the long run.
Wait they pull games? The ***** so we pay them to play for a bit before they take away the game? Doesn't sound like a very good deal to me...
@Barryburton97 That's fair I suppose? Still disappointing either way though.
@gollumb82 You dont have 3 months to play rdr2? Which by the way was on gamepass too....
Since you're asking, I will oblige. Yes, it was on Game Pass and it disappeared as quick as it's about to from PS+. I have already played through RDR2 because I own it and it took me 2 months. That was before I took a second job to be able to live a decent life. Now imagine having a family, two jobs and other stuff to do besides gaming. I appreciate the fact that some people will find this gaming model to their liking, but in my case it's just not going to happen. I subscribed to Game Pass for about a year and I was constantly wondering what to play, started games and never finished them because I lost interest or decided to play something that was about to leave GP. As a result I was frustrated and quit this service. Now I'm playing through CP2077 for the third time at a leisurely pace and having a blast, still finiding new missions, stuff I missed previously. If you enjoy this type of service and have the time to spare- go for it. Mark my words, though. Many guys on here will be burnt out on PS+ within a year or two.
@LiamCroft What about PSOne and PSP Classics that we've actually purchased with money? 🤔
I guess I'm older than you. But I went from a pong machine to a Sega master system. Now that's a proper generation upgrade. The diminishing returns of generations certainly takes some of the excitement away from me. This generation having the least notable differences.
"Nintendo however, has been consistent with sometimes offering backwards compatibility since the Nintendo Wii and the handhelds."
Not sure consistent and sometime work in the same sentence when trying to make a point
You might be the same age as me.
Played pong my first ever gaming experience on a Grandstand console at my uncles, then later got a Atari 2600 my first tv console.
Of course there were Grand stand hand helds like space invaders before the Atari 2600.
It’s great having been there from the very beginning 😊
@gollumb82 You can literally beat it if you play a few hours a week. Stop being so overdramatic.
I guess you misunderstood me. I wasn't talking specifically about RDR2. It was about the idea of playing games on a timer when you have little time for gaming. And yes, to me sometimes even a few hours a week is a challenge. You don't need to agree with me and that's ok.
@gollumb82 Im not disagreeing with you i just found it a bit ridiculous that you think people who can actually complete games have all the time in the world to play games and do nothing else.
Do they do what Xbox does when they announce a game is leaving gamepass and place a discount on owning that game?
@gollumb82 if you actually wanted to play it that badly you would have actually bought it wouldn't you
Yeah, that's pretty much what I do. I buy games so I can play them at my own pace and keep them in my library (and why I dislike this type of service).
@Voltan Why bother.Average, mediocre game.
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