We've reached the last edition of this article where we'll refer to the monthly drop of PlayStation Plus games as, well, PS Plus games. PS Plus Essential rolls out across the USA and Europe later this month, and if you live in Asian territories or Japan, then you already have access to it along with PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium. The original service is at least going out with one quality PS4 title, then: God of War.
Alongside it is Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl and Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, all of which are available to download off the PS Store right now in Europe. The USA will join the fun later on in the day, with the titles sticking around until 4th July 2022. More information can be found in our All PS Plus Games guide.
When we polled Push Square users on the latest lineup over the weekend, just 11 per cent of you said you were at least somewhat happy with the offering. 46 per cent voted to say it's "crap". Perhaps those opinions will change after getting hands on time with the PS5, PS4 games for the month, but let us know once you have redeemed them in the comments below.
Comments 26
Please everyone redeem God of War so that Sony will stop offering it on every service they cook up.
Wonder if Naruto is fun for someone who didn't watch the show
I would but I already bought it years ago.
@ATaco that will just make Sony think they should offer it up again on other services in the future because it proves so popular to be given away.
Whilst I’ll claim the two games they offer me this month, I doubt I’ll ever download them. Too much that’s better still to play
GoW and Nick Brawl will be going onto the Pro's SSD - how long they remain there is anyone's guess...
everyone is salty that we didn't get Gran Turismo instead.
More disappointed that we were given a game we’ve already paid for multiple times. The PS Plus loot box mechanic is definitely value for money, don’t get me wrong, but the RNG can lead to disappointment when the right structure isn’t in place. Seemingly it isn’t. I was happy when I thought PS Now and Plus games would no longer be duplicated, and am confident that they will not be longer term but, right now, offering GoW to the more “hardcore” customers, that likely already have it from multiple services, is a bad move. It should have just been an extra bonus game if anything.
Terrible month...
I shall be downloading at least none of these titles,so we get no ps5 games this month
Already have GoW through Plus collection AND Now, so no need to download that. Will add Naruto but have zero interest in Anime or Japanese games in general. And will try Nick All Stars with the kids to see if they like it.
Meh, have had God of War for ages. Will add the other 2, at least they don't need to be downloaded.
To the library they go, never to be touched.
@sanderson72 Goddamit just play GoW already
God of War?
What's that?
Thanks for the reminder! I just added both Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl and Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker to my PS Library.
@ATaco I would have redeemed it, but like @Svark said I already own the game. Digitally and physically in my case...
Had a blast in early 2022 with Elden Ring whom most friends bought on Ps, but since then I’ve gone back to Xb … I’m really hoping that SCE showcases something exciting this summer! Or at least gives me a reason to dust of my PS5… :/ currently playing more games on Apple devices even (!)
Didn’t they already give God of War for free in the past?
So the only PS5 title is a cartoon brawler? Not exactly showcasing the power of the system is it? Nor is it a very balanced offering. Don’t like fighters? Guess you’re out of luck this month!
@WanderingBullet probably but then not everyone has a plus sub all the time.. what bothers me is this is on the ps plus collection so why would you need it on plus monthly games when you have access to it already
Absolutely disgraceful. How long has it been since we got anything worthwhile? God of War is an amazing game but surely anyone who is interested in a linear story action game has played it by now. Last month was Fifa 22 and while it is a relatively new game, its hardly any different from previous seasons.
Shocking choice, God of war given free with Ps5 already. Plus in PS now. The other two games are pretty indie. Can only surmise there leaving the real offerings for the start up of the new service come the end of the month
Apologies for the self-serving question - if I downloaded GoW via the free PS Plus Collection, available to PS5 owners, how do I re-download if via the month of June free games? I ask because my understanding is that the PS Plus Collection games are only "yours" while you subscribe to PS Plus but the monthly free games are yours forever. Am I overthinking this? Thanks in advance!
@Mikey856 I see... I seem to recall downloading it for free. Can't remember whether it was last year or the year before that, though.
God of War is still free in PS Plus ‘Essentials’! Why are Sony doubling down on it. It is not the big hitting AAA title they seem to think it is for a Plus Monthly release. Everybody who wants it, has it; and a lot of those picked it up for free already. Very poor month. As someone who doesn’t really play online, I’m thinking Plus might be over for me.
@Andywax until the new plus launches. Anyone who doesn’t go for at least ps plus extra is mad… mad as a Mexicans dog
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