PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium are available now in the USA, and one of the more unexpected additions to the vast lineup compared to what's on offer in Asia and Japan is PS1 classic Resident Evil: Director's Cut. Upgrading to PS Plus Premium will net you access to the survival horror title along with All PS Plus Games.
The PS Store description reveals the game has been "enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters" just like all the other PS1 titles included in the service. It's not yet known whether the title has Trophy support. A number of other Resident Evil games are included in the PS Plus Premium tier, like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, and the two Resident Evil: Revelations titles.
Is this the sort of game you've been hoping would be part of PS Plus Premium? Let us know in the comments below.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 68
While I much prefer the remake, and honestly the original game thanks to this one’s bizarre soundtrack, it’s undeniable that it’s a classic!
Brilliant but i would rather RE2 and RE3 were there instead considering REmake exists.
Doubt i'll play it, even if it releases in EU as well. If it gets trophies? Maybe. But its still nice to see some old heavy hitters.
Doesn't look like this one has trophies, it's okay though. All I want is trophies for RE2/RE3, willing to sell both my kidneys for that.
Now we're talking, fingers crossed for all 3 but this is definitely the sort of game I'm interested in
If this gets trophies good luck to anyone who goes for the platinum. Tank controls, no herb run and S rank? Haha.
@nessisonett yeah the remake whilst superior, changed the look and mood of the mansion so much that this version is still well worth playing
@Resi32 From what we've seen of Trophy-supported PS1 games, the Trophy lists are very straightforward and essentially only ask you to beat the game. This may well end up being just an 'uncommon' Platinum.
@Resi32 If It Has Save states That Could Ease Some Of The Pain Then Again Most Of The People Who Will Be Going For The Platinum If It Has One Will Know This Game Inside Out.
If they make this list easy then it damages the memory of the game. Back in 1997 it was a rite of passage to beat RE with no herbs. Though no redead back then thankfully.
@nessisonett This is the original director's cut version with the original (good) music!
I bought that game for PS3/PSP, (the director cut edition), and I was expecting a download option for free without upgrading my ps plus tier, bur there is'nt. Probably the title is not available to purchase separatly from the ps plus premium, and I assume very few retro titles will have that option available at start anyway.
I still have this on my PS1. Love it still to this day
@subject117 Fantastic! Although does that mean this then isn’t compatible with the analogue sticks?
No trophies but it's still a fun time if you never played the classic.
"Oh my cod!!!"
Will be fun to give this game a shot and see how far we’ve come.
Oh man, they didn't do RE2 and RE 3 classic 😓
@Snake_V5 Which is a massive kick in the teeth considering that RE got a faithful remake, and RE2 and 3 didn't.
Why do the Japanese companies hate their legacy titles?.
@gameiznotover You would sell your kidneys to play 20+ year old games on modern hardware? Such a low bar.
It's gone from premium being a must have to now being I'm not sold just yet. Yh Original can still be enjoyed on PS5 now but I can whip out the original PS1 console and the original RE1 at anytime. A tiny bit better graphics ain't gonna sell it to me when there's no trophy support for it and already owning all the originals. The dream was nice for a few hours while it lasted
@Richnj re2 most definitely got a faithful remake
@Richnj the Gamecube Resident Evil was a faithful remake? It's new areas, new boss, crimson heads / corpse disposal, CQC attacks etc don't count as being new!
Sony dropped the ball on the Classics so hard its pathetic. Theirs barely any PS1/PSP games and they added nothing more to the PS2 library. Unless you were converted to Premium automatically I wouldn't pay for this, Its not worth it.
@Dislecksier Yes. The core design of the gameplay, layout, and story remain intact. With some extras added. Compared to other remakes, it's very faithful.
@Resi32 I understand what you mean, but that's not what I mean.
Remake 2 is a reimagining. A faithful remake would be a product designed to deliver the same game, but in a much higher quality form. RE2 looks and plays very differently, and intentionally so, since many don't want the fix camera style of the older games.
I believe I got this on my PS3, on my US account too, so I should be able to download at no extra cost.
Time to test it out!
My introduction to Resi was in a run down trailer amidst a crazy biker community. A far cry from Spencer Mansion I am not going back there
@nessisonett Amazingly it does have Analogue stick support! The only things missing from the original as far as I can tell are rumble and horrible music.
@Richnj Maybe when this launches in the UK RE2 and RE3 will be there?
@Snake_V5 I hope so. Or hope they come later on.
But to stagger releases of legacy games, or not release them in the US, is a poor move.
I will play it if it means it drums up interest for the other games to get added. Would love to see Capcom release Dino Crisis and the Onimusha series on the service.
In my opinion, Resident Evil looks very old fashioned, even compared to its 32-bit sequels: RE 2 and 3.
What about games… I’ve been dreaming of getting the Twin Snakes on PlayStation. It was one of the most important reasons to think of buying GameCube back in the days.
Is this 60fps version?
I guess only minority will play those retro games. While I grew up with most of these games, I am already spoiled by modern games. I don’t even replay Mario 3/Donkey Kong- the most memorable games for me.
@Snake_V5 the original was only 30fps so this will no doubt be no different
@Resi32 why good luck? I could speed run this game as both Chris and Jill on Advanced. I wish we had trophies for it. I'd platinum it in 2.5 to 3 hours lol
@Pat84 I came looking for this exact comment. I purchased mine on PS3 back in the day, too, but it's trying to charge me now :/
@eltomo Did it work?
@Pat84 Thanks for the info, not good, I thought PS1 Classic games you owned were supposed to be downloadable.
@seezye I have also previously purchased RE:DC and a bunch of other PS1 Classics, PSP titles, and PS3 games on my account...and not a single one of them are available to me without upgrading my PS+ account.
Is this the same US Director's Cut with the still cut intro and the horrible new soundtrack or the "european" one. I think the dual shock version was the proper one for the US? I can't remember....xD
@GeneJacket is it possible we bought the DualShock version of Director's Cut... and that's why we can't claim it? I know I can confirm no charge for Jumping Flash and Wild Arms because I purchased them on PS3 years ago.
@seezye Possibly, though I don't remember Sony ever offering more than one version of RE:DC on the PS3, so whether it was the dualshock or non-dualshock version really shouldn't matter.
I also own Jumping Flash and it's not showing as available to me. Maybe the rollout isn't complete yet? I don't know, I guess we'll see.
@GeneJacket just did a quick search to see which version we bought on PS3. It's looking like we likely bought the Dual Shock version which means Sony and Capcom aren't obligated to give us the regular Director's Cut at no charge. That's a bummer. As far as Jumping Flash goes, try the PS app. I heard others have been claiming Wild Arms and JF through there.
@Resi32 The ability to rewind and save state make any challenges in games a cakewalk tbh. Well... almost any.
Take my £100 quid a year…. Quick.
I honestly can’t believe we are even singling out one ps1 game…. It shows how sparse the classic game list is….
It’s a poor poor show.
Only a portion of those games were going to be available independantly, and RE is not among them. I saw other titles I never purchased with a price tag in addition to premium mention, so the possibility to dowload them if you purchased them in the past could apply to a portion of those games which would evolves over time.
Having access to these games if you already owned them digitally was a lie. I won't be upgrading.
@Uncharted2007 did you buy this on PS3 ?
@Would_you_kindly Yep.
@Uncharted2007 that's s*** no doubt they'll say it's a different version to justify not letting people who own it download it Xbox is looking better & better to me
@larry161989 I tried speed running resident evil hd the other day for the trophies still took over 6 hours 🙈
@Would_you_kindly The original or Remake? I used to be able to speed run the original in 90 minutes. Remake I was able to beat in under 3 hours and later beat using only the knife. Fun times.
@Uncharted2007 the remake on the PS4 ive never finished the original because when I started playing resident evil the hd version was out & I assumed that it was the same game but better graphics , I can't do it 🙈 I really want to do it though & unlock the unlimited rocket launcher so I'm thinking of buying save wizard so I can modify my save files & cheat lol
Hard pass, personally I'm still waiting for a 2nd remake of RE1 that uses the modern RE engine.
clear this in under 3 hours and have the rocket launcher through the 2nd run. i can't remember the rocket launcher has infinit ammo?
@KidBoruto this game has cheesey lines and was cutting age at the time. i played this over and over again.
oh another game which has a lot of replay value
diehard trilogy.
shooter up, light gun and driving game.
im still waiting on them to sort the light gun games lol
have a good one 👍
This game takes me back to when I was a kid and despite me being an adult now I still can’t bring myself to play the game, it’s so scary it traumatised me as a kid. It’s safe to say I’ll be skipping this and look forward to RE4 Remake instead.
The upgrade system is very confusing. I own the Japanese PS3 versions of 'Jumping Flash', 'Intelligent Qube' and 'Ape Escape', but had to pay 100 yen to play each of them on the PS5...but 'Mr. Driller' (which I also have via Japan PSN) doesn't have an option to upgrade or buy - not does 'Tekken 2' or 'Resident Evil'.
So you can buy those three on a PS3 for 660 yen and pay another 100 to unlock, or get charged 1,100 yen on the PS5 storefront. Meanwhile, Oddworld is 550 yen on both?
@seezye turns out I downloaded it from the UK store. Wasn't able to do it.
@carlos82 the original is better
@Richnj umm re2 and 3 remake are awesome you just want a shot for shot scene and same old gameplay never gonna happen
@Zombiechris Never said anything of the sort.
I said, because the remakes are changed so much, playing them isn't a subtitute for playing the originals, so not making the originals available is a kick in the teeth to fans.
@Richnj they will be ok
@Richnj stop whining about re3 remake and move on
@Zombiechris That's a pretty big self own right there. I haven't responded to this in over a week, and you come back, unprompted, to tell me to move on?
IDK, maybe take your own advice?
@Richnj don't care if it was 50 years ago babe 😊
@Zombiechris I'm just gonna leave you to your unprompted RE3 remake hissy fits.
@Richnj I contains over buildings and crap also don't whine and complain over a 2 year old game
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