The native PS5 versions of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard are all available to download now on the PS Store, as announced during this evening's Capcom Showcase. They are all free PS4 to PS5 upgrades no matter whether you own them physically or digitally, weighing in at roughly 20GB each.
All three games have been boosted to a 4K resolution, frame rates have been increased, and they support the DualSense controller, ray tracing, and 3D Audio. Reports are coming in that the PS4 version of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard obtained through the PS Plus Collection does not qualify for the free PS5 upgrade.
We will be publishing our own PS5 reviews of all three games over the coming week or so. The updates mean Resident Evil Village is no longer the only native PS5 game available, giving Lady Dimitrescu some company. Resident Evil 4 will eventually join them on 24th March 2023, which was also part of the Capcom Showcase.
Comments 76
I cant see them yet. Boo
Was planning some more playthroughs of 2&3 Remakes for trophies anyway so can do it with the upgrades now. Probably 7 too.
CAPGOD 😍 that showcase was great they've really made my year truly one of the best Devs/publishers in the business
They have not uploaded yet lol
Yeah, can't see them yet either.
Just reinstalling Resi 2 now and will leave it running while I sleep.
Once done and its available, will I just be able to upgrade automatically, or will I need to get it from the store?
Time to try out the new dualsense features, I imagine they will be implemented similar to RE8 since it doesn't seem like they had much time
Not really available though and PS Store search is suddenly broken
As a newcomer to this series, all I can say is that Resident Evil games always deliver BUT I had planned on playing Village this summer so this leaves me in a bit of a quandary.
I much prefer third person but I've got a horror itch that needs to be scratched and perhaps I could save the DLCs when I replay it.
Choices, choices.
@Wiggo you’ll want to delete what you’re downloading now, select the upgrade from the store, and download the PS5 version
I already had RE3R installed so had a look. A compilation icon appears with a box for PS5 upgrade but when I select it the options then are 'play' and 'view PS5 version' but selecting the later just takes you to the game page. Guess not quite up yet.
Capcom is really firing on all cylinders these years. It might not be revolutionary, but it sure is solid. Can't personally wait for RE Village Gold and RE4 reimagination.
Somehow there is a “Biohazard Directors Cut” released today in the Japanese PSN store.
@Col_McCafferty Have you played RE7 yet? Because you really need to play that before Village as its a direct sequel.
The "resident evil" search is also broken at the moment...
@belmont It's all search, I tried other games too
@tatsumi That's the PS1 game, RE was called Biohazard in Japan
@Wiggo I'd imagine you have to make sure you are getting the ps5 version. I don't think a PS4 patch would make it become a native ps5 app
@WallyWest yes I have. I wasn't as blown away by it as many others but that could be in part because I played it after 2 & 3 remakes, plus the setting didn't feel Resident Evil to me. It was still a good game with many memorable moments, just lacked the polish of the remakes.
8 looks absolutely bonkers and 4 remake something truly epic. I think the latter will be a Day One purchase for me.
Uk store has updated. Downloading RE7 upgrade now
Just rebooted my PS5 and it's working now
Sold my PS4 copy of RE 7 a while back - will the version from the instant collection by eligible for the free upgrade path also? (know this isn't always the case)
It's working now but unfortunately looks like the PS+ Collection version is not upgradeable
@Voltan Gah that sucks balls.
Wow it sucks that the ps plus collection can’t get a free upgrade hope sony fix this
@Voltan Damn that’s a shame!
@Voltan I know. I was just wondering, because there was no mentioning about it coming to PS Plus Premium
Is the third person mode for REVIII for real? Or is just for the DLC?
Yet somehow they continue to forget re1 remake and don't do anything to upgrade it to 60 fps.
I wonder if my gold edition of re7 will finally let me play all the dlc again now?
Downloading them all now, pumped to them again.
@RedRiot193 Its not a RE Engine game that's why.
Oh 7 was Biohazard thought it was Village. Way better imo, that house was freekay…
@Col_McCafferty Yeah Village was my GOTY last year, incredible game and contains one of the scariest sections in the entire series in my opinion.
Even with the new ps plus launch its still no free upgrade for people who have the game through ps+ collection. Shame really was looking forward to playing re7 again.
Hi I downloaded the ps5 version of the game I can't pick high frame rate mode it block out why that
@Chrisduren61 You can only pick that if you disable ray tracing.
Excellent work from Capcom as usual these days, will replay all of them a bit later. Is incredible the turnaround Capcom has done since the PS3 era, they went from being one of the most anti-consumer to pro-consumer companies.
Happy to hear that not only are they free, but they're available today!
Now the long wait for Resident Evil 1 to be remade again a second time, but using the modern RE Engine.
These ps5 updates weren't mandatory it's capcom being nice & giving everyone that bought a copy of these games a free upgrade when they didn't have to can't complain that the ps plus versions don't get upgraded because you haven't actually bought them if you're playing them through ps plus
@Lup if you buy the dlc then you'll unlock the 3rd person mode for the main game
There's actually an update for the PS4 versions aswell wonder what that's about
Free updates. That's what I like to see. Charging $10 to upgrade continues to look more and more ridiculous when other companies offer it free.
Okay they aren't big updates , the patch notes say now playable in Arabic & tai & that some bugs have been fixed
Weirdly I can't access the upgrade for 7. And I'm pretty sure I bought the game as well as having the PS Plus Collection version. When I go to "select version" I get presented with both the standard and Gold editions. The PS Plus Collection only has that standard version, so I have purchased the game at some point. Hopefully that gets fixed. I'd rather not pay for the game again.
Edit: Just checked my transaction history and I did in fact buy RE7 Gold Edition on 15/06/2020.
Damn. I don't know if I would be interested in the DLC if it wasn't for that.
Haven't played the last two games because I don't like the first person view at all.
Thanks for the answer, man!
I hope Capcom releases physical copies of RE2, 3, & 7 for PS5 and Series X. I want these games on disc, like I have with the PS4 and Xbox One versions.
So far I only started RE 7 Gold edition (PS5) and noticed that not all of the the trophies transfered over with my save. I had the Platinum on the PS4 version, and now I'm a few trophies short of the Platinum for the PS5. Oh well, it gives me a reason to play the game again! The game runs so smooth with 120fps and VRR! Ray tracing looks great also!
I assume no PSVR with the PS5 version of RE7?
Anyone else having some weird controller issues with the PS5 version of RE7? Right stick for aiming and the camera is drifting. Don’t have issues with any other game but noticed it immediately with the RE7 upgrade.
On another note, downloaded a bunch of games off PS Plus Extra/Premium and, ironically, it’s this I’m playing tonight, lol.
@WallyWest I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't played it but that whole section was such a wild change from the gameplay prior that it totally caught me by surprise and it was nonstop dread the entire time.
Just a sick section of the game.
I loved RE8, it's a masterpiece.
It kind of annoyed me how hard they made Jack Baker right off the bat. I actually stopped playing out of frustration for almost a year no joke.
Then I picked it up again with my wife and used the internet to get through that section. After that it was smooth sailing.
@Would_you_kindly Yeah. There's a bug on RE7 where the sky box was broken on PS5, they fixed that on the PS4 version. It was a very glaring bug.
Do they have a new trophy list?
@Orpheus79V it let me upgrade mine
@twitchtvpat lucky you. But for me, I'm out in the cold. Hoping it will be fixed soon.
There's always an asterisk with plus games, this happened with FF7R and greedfall also. Pretty poor
I've yet to play the Claire path in RE2 and I haven't even touched RE3 yet, so this is pretty welcome news!
Any impact on PSVR?
@Shstrick Many thanks.
I deleted it and now have all 3 on queue.
@KayOL77 All 3 on the way via the free update without downloading the base ps4 version.
Many thanks.
@Jeremiah_Thor I believe not, I hope they snuck in a sneaky PSVR2 support though!
@G4n0nD0rf I'm hoping they have an update for PSVR2 support and are just holding off on releasing it
I love re7, thought village was great and then the end game ruined it by turning into call of duty ,also it was too short
@WallyWest Runs at 60 on pc and it's based on a gc port. That's the dumbest excuse I've heard from somebody who doesn't know what they're talking about.
@RedRiot193 Think before you type, Capcom want all their RE Engine games on current gen machines to go along side the RE4 Remake and Village so they're all on one Gen.
I will try RE2 again then. AMAZING game it is(PS1 Gen & PS4/now PS5 Gen versions) +I never played RE Code Veronica so hopefully that will be done again soon???(I doubt it tho)
@WallyWest No. THINK before you type. RE engine has literally NOTHING to do with my comment. RE1 remake came out years ago on ps4 and has NEVER been updated to 60 fps. Yet it runs at 60 on pc. There's zero excuse.
@RedRiot193 Maybe every single PS4 game should get a 60fps update to suit everyone.
@Wiggo Cool!
@WallyWest Not sure if sarcasm. If it is, I have no idea why you insist on brining up irrelavent things towards my comments.
If it isn't then I don't see why not? A company making a game 60 fps makes people want to go back to play their games, and it attracts new players. Mad max, shadow of mordor/war, re1 re, arkham series all still trapped at 30 fps.
It runs on 60fps on PC using modified GameCube code.
It could be done if Capcom wanted to.
Would be cost prohibitive.
Simply unlocking the framerate isn’t enough. A lot of games’ physics engines are tied to specific framerates and simply unlocking them would break the games.
Usually some amount of work is required to patch a game designed for a 30fps environment to run at 60. And work costs money.
Capcom is one of the exceptions who has been willing to go back and update their games properly for 60fps and take advantage of new Gen feature sets.
They’re being lazy with RE1 but I’m wondering how well the PS4 version actually sold.
The PS4 games that have best benefited from the PS5 were those that shipped with unlocked framerates, since by default they’ll almost always lock to 60. But games that targeted a specific framerate are a little more trouble to update.
@OrtadragoonX All the games I mentioned already run at 60 on pc with exception of the arkham remasters which ran at an unlocked framerate without the patch that locked them at 30. Day one release they all ran at 60fps.
Its really not that hard for the games I mentioned. And the tiny cost it would take to make it happen is outweighed by people who would be interested in them.
Glad I've held off on playing Resident Evil 2 until now so I can take advantage of the upgrade.
Looking forward to the inevitable Digital Foundry breakdown of these changes.
Upgrade on them is minimal to say the least
Not interested if it's not VR compatible. I'll play the PSVR version instead, thank you. As if someone who only experienced RE7 in VR can still enjoy the flat counterpart.. Ugh
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