The PS5 versions of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard will likely release next week as free PS4 to PS5 upgrades following the discovery they're all ready to go on the PSN backend. The Twitter profile PlayStation Game Size has tweeted out their file sizes, with Resident Evil 2 weighing in at 21.834GB and Resident Evil 3 taking up 20.480GB of space. The Resident Evil 7: Biohazard file size apparently couldn't be found.
It's likely the three PS5 versions will release next week because Capcom has announced it'll be hosting its own digital showcase on 13th June 2022. For roughly 35 minutes, the publisher will be "be diving deeper into details and news on previously announced titles". As such, the three games qualify for the event. So too does the previously confirmed Resident Evil Village DLC and Resident Evil: ReVerse. With the three PS5 versions already uploaded to the PSN backend, it's likely they'll be shown and then immediately released after the event on Monday.
Will you be returning to Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard with these PS5 versions? Decide which one you'll play first in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 50
Nice, I’m thinking about finally playing REMake and RE2Make.
I have an itch to play 2 and 3 again. I'll play them all in a row when the upgrades get here. I'm assuming the saves and unlockables will carry over.
Hope there's something in the update for us PS4 users I'd love some more content for re3 & maybe an optional first person mode for both 2 & 3
That would be awesome. I’ve had RE2 remake in my backlog since before I picked up my PS5, and purposely didn’t start it just in case a next-gen upgrade should materialise. As soon as the update does go live, RE2 will definitely be the next game I start. And as I no longer subscribe to PS Plus, I may well pick up RE7 Biohazard, too.
@Would_you_kindly I believe these updates are intended to bring them more in line with the PS5/Series X|S version of RE8. RT will be getting added as well as various upgrades to overall visual effects. I think 3D Audio is getting tweaked as well.
I don't think they are expected to have anything for previous gen; but time will tell.
Sweet, can't wait to play RE2RE again with the Dualsense features
@GamingFan4Lyf I figured there will probably be nothing added to the PS4 / Xbox one version just hoping for a nice surprise because I love resident evil lol
This is nice and it gives me more good reason to finally finish RE7 Biohazard and replay RE3 Remake. Curious to see how it runs. Hopefully Digital Foundry gives us the rundown of the next-gen ports.
I want raccoon city ransom!
Very excited to replay RE2R and RE7 as well as playing RE3R for the first time, can't wait to see how much better then look and play.
I'm really hoping they announce ReVerse is scrapped but because of that they will give out the REV DLC for free as the trade off, highly doubt it but i can dream.
@Would_you_kindly It is pretty crazy that Capcom has been able to resell the entire series again thanks to these Remakes. I guess it's fair to say that Resident Evil series has officially reboot itself since these Remakes are a lot more than a fresh coat of paint.
I wonder if 5 and 6 will get similar reboots.
RE Engine has been a godsend for Capcom, too: such impressive graphics with 60fps (and beyond) targets.
I'll get back into RE3 to grab the last 2 trophies for the Platinum when the update drops. I already have the Platinum for RE2 and RE7, but I'll probably play them again anyway to try the haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and 3D audio. I really hope Capcom adds Gyro support to the PS5 version for all 3 games, but I doubt it...
Yay! Have bought all 3 in sales but haven’t got round to any of them yet! My body is ready
@WaveBoy 4K+60 fps is not lame for most of us.
Will PS Now collection version of RE7 get the PS5 upgrade too?
@WaveBoy I mean 4k + 60fps is like the best of both worlds so I don't really see why to complain. 120fps ain't all that imo.
@The_Pixel_King You are lucky to enjoy it fresh. Great game, three is good but just not as complete.
Somewhat unrelated but I hope we get the original PS1 trilogy on Plus in the near future.
Yay! Now the only thing left is for them to remake RE1 using the modern RE Engine.
Yes I know there is a PS4 port of the Gamecube remake, but I don't care for it.
I highly enjoyed both remakes, so I'll gladly play 2 and 3 again. They were both great looking, so any improvements would be great, and the obvious 60 FPS boost.
Resident Evil 7 didn't click with me, but I'll stick to the free PS4 version (since obviously the PS5 version won't be free that way) if I ever give it a second chance. I already unlocked a few trophies anyways.
@WaveBoy Yeah that doesn't matter much to me really and especially when I notice motion blur very little most of the games I play at 60fps. Only reason I can see 120fps being used is if you have jumpy frame rate or playing a competitive pvp title.
Worth noting (and probarbly putting in the article) that 2 and 3 are on sale for £19.99 for both via a double pack in the Days of play sale at the moment. Tempted to get them myself even tho i dont so horror games and just know i will ***** myself playing them. I wonder if i mail Capcom they can put a patch in to turn Mr X in to fluffy dog and all the Zombies in to cute kitty's🤔
free upgrades for loyal customers who has them in their gaming library il pop my disc in and be treated to this update i hope.
You know, all things considered, these game files are really small. My hat goes off to Capcom for created such optimized games.
Nice since I am eager to play RE7 since received for free through PS5 PS Plus collection. Now I can have the PS5 version of RE7 to play before playing Village.
Well RE2 and RE7 were amongst the best games I played on PS4 and I'm very much looking forward to playing through them again along with RE3. I mean I have all of the numbered entries installed on my PS5 so it's fair to say I'm a fan of the series
@KidBoruto code Veronica & 0 aswell
Been holding off on RE7 on Playstation 5 for a while, so glad it is getting an upgrade. Will be diving into that one first.
I finished RE7 on PC and couldn't stomach the bad textures on the PS4 Pro version.
Looking forward to the PS5 versions. Put the Res 3 disc in the other day, and it shows the PS5 upgrade link. but it doesn't go anywhere.
I actually started RE7 in VR but never finished it, so good timing on the ps5 version, as I already own it makes sense! I doubt I'll rebuy the other two.
Lovely. 😊
Funnily enough, after Sonys SOP and its smashing Resi news, I'm just coming to the end of a playthrough of Village. I was going to jump into Resi 2 REmake (what a top drawer game) afterwards.
Think I'll hang fire now.
Cheers Capcom. 👍
Odd to see 7 in there isn’t it. That’s the absolute state of play
I literally just re-installed RE3 to play through it yesterday.. Guess I may as well wait then. Lol
I am yet to actually finish 2 and still have 3 to start, so I think I'll just wait and play through them both with the patch
@GamingFan4Lyf It would be interesting to see if it would even be possible to remake 5 and 6.
If they did, they would have to totally change the tone and gameplay loop. I liked RE5, but it was just a third person shooter at best. RE6 was the only RE I hated and couldn't bring myself to finish.
@The_Pixel_King wow your in for a treat, it’s a great horror game. Cozy up and play at night, just adds to the immersion of a fantastic game. Completed 3 times myself.
@GamingFan4Lyf I doubt it because those came out in PS3 not PS2 and ps0ne. They look good already.
I know I haven't had enough Coffee when I read this as "7 PS5 versions"
@jFug I guess we will have to see how much RE4 has changed for it's Remake to gauge where Capcom is going.
RE4 has pretty much been the template for all RE games to come after (until 7), so the only thing I can see changing is the overall story and level design.
RE4 was really good (especially the Gamecube version); but there were also some pretty silly moments in the game as well. I wonder if certain aspects will be given a more serious tone on the second go around.
I hope so!
I really hope so!
@Would_you_kindly @WaveBoy Remakes of RE0 and Code Veronica would also be nice, as long as we still get a newer RE1 remake.
@GamingFan4Lyf Agreed.
I would say that RE4 was able to toe the line between action and horror successfully, so it makes it a lot easier for Capcom to lean into the horror more with the remake.
RE5 on the other hand went full action, so it would be more difficult for them to remake the game (and introduce more horror) without it feeling like a totally, 100% different game.
I hope we have the option to not transfer trophies. I know it’s sad, but would be fun to start from scratch on ps5.
@SlySnake0407 they’ve been so consistent with bangers lately! We love to see it lol
@paulbuck1996 out of all the dlc for 7 I loved Bedroom, it’s so good! They are all good but that stood out
@Wallace80 I think of re3 as a companion to re2 rather than it’s own game. That made the cut content easier to swallow lol
@paulbuck1996 ah man what a palaver! At least they aren’t arguing the toss about it!
Thank you capcom ,it's gd to see company's that make next to nothing compared to Sonys money giving away free upgrades to Thier games ,hopefully Sony will follow suit
@NeThZOR sound like abit of a pc snob it looks great on PS4 pro
@WaveBoy I don't understand how 4K 60fps is lame at all. I don't really get the whole 120fps standard. I'm just happy with 4K resolution and 60fps.
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