Sony's latest State of Play livestream began with an absolute banger: the Resident Evil 4 remake is a thing and it's releasing for PS5 on 24th March 2023. There's also content in development for PSVR2.
In a PlayStation Blog post, Resident Evil 4 is described as a remake that aims "to make the game feel familiar to fans of the series, while also providing a fresh feeling to it. This is being done by reimagining the storyline of the game while keeping the essence of its direction, modernizing the graphics and updating the controls to a modern standard."

Comments 80
I was shocked how not updated the visuals looked. It looked like a ps3 game
I screamed at the top of my lungs. ☺️
@KundaliniRising333 It looked good on my LG CX.
Cool i can now experience this game all the way through without giving up because of abysmal controls that sucked even for 2005.
F*** capcom & Sony locking it to an expensive console 🖕🏻
Resi 4 is the best vr game I've played so interested in this
@Would_you_kindly It's a bad thing to not have a game be held back by an old console apparently.
I hope you can play the whole remake in VR. (I know that I can already play the original in VR on Quest) It'll be the closest thing to the legendary mOtIOn CoNtrOls on the Wii version of the original.
Great opening to a fantastic state of play
@Would_you_kindly Bless Capcom and Sony for making it next gen only.
It was just a matter of time when games would start coming to PS5 and skip PS4. I need to try harder to get a PS5.
This was underwhelming, nothing about it screams only possible on current gen hardware.
Sadly, i do not need this one. I hope a remake of code veronica happens.
I was not ready for this drop! Hyped as hell!
N.i.c.e. resident evil 4 remake and callisto protocal was the surprise of the show.i l💚ve horror games so its all gravy playas. Im still playing the original resident evil 4.cant wait for the remake.word up son
Fantastic news, really enjoyed both Resi 2 & 3 remakes so looking forward to this.
Really looking forward to playing this. Hope they remake the original RE next. I know it already had the GameCube remake but a more modern remake in the style of RE2/RE3 (and now RE4) would be great.
Meh, will probably buy but doesn't give me the same feeling the OG did, don't really like Leons voice either
@HotGoomba Has to be the whole game surely…the full game is already vr on quest.
Re4 is the only resident evil I’ve never actually played…would love a first run through in vr
@Nepp67 we'll see when the game comes out how 'next gen'' it is there's no doubt in my mind that the game could work on the ps4 just like resident evil 8 came to PS4 after being announced as ps5 only this Is just sh****g on the fans of resident evil that can't get a ps5.
@Would_you_kindly Save up then like all of us who own one did 👍 Keep the salt to yourself.
WOW why no PS4 version? I mean come on RE8 runs great on PS4... RE4 doesn't look more advanced than Village...
I don't know about anyone else, but once the music first hit I thought it was a Last of Us reveal. Possibly the rumoured remake or Factions. Only for a few notes mind.
Superb. Been waiting for the best Resident evil game remake for years.
Looks amazing and PS5 only too so no previous gen holding it back!
Happy days
Keep these amazing Resident Evil Remakes coming, Capcom. Code Veronica next, please. Now if we could just get a New/Remake of Silent Hill 1 & 2.
@DonJorginho It is not that you can simply go to a store and buy a PS5, even if you have the money...
Looking good. Nothing after 4 needs touching so just go back to Code Veronica and get on Dino Crisis remake please Capcom.
Need to see trailer in 1440p res, stream was crap
@Would_you_kindly It doesn't have anything to do with Sony. Xbix is getting the game as well. Must've been Capcom's decision.
@belmont They're easy to find if you have stock sites you keep notifications on for.
@DonJorginho I don't think such sites exist for my region. I can only find PS5s in 700 euro bundles with games I already have.
@belmont I'm sorry to hear that bro, hoping you find one ASAP and get to join in on the fun!
@Would_you_kindly Think I'll stick with the Callisto game for now.
However, if you don't want to spend the big bucks on a console you can't find, REm4ke (trademark pending) will be on the Series S.
Hmm... might be fun. I am wondering where Code Veronica is though. They completely skipped the one that was left really needing the Remake treatment.
@Uncharted2007 i'm super excited for this , but i really hope if this does well they'll do the same for code veronica. that game really does need a remake. i mean imagine it getting a remake treatment like 2,3 and now 4.
@Uncharted2007 Agreed, story wise its pretty much more RE4 then the actual RE4 is its just gameplay and visual wise its dated as hell. A RE2R style remake would have been perfect.
Other than the slight different character design of Ashley the game doesn't look any better than the HD remastered version. The environment does look more realistic but that's pretty much it.
Finally Resident Evil 4 will have a platinum. Ha
@belmont because its releasing in 2023 and the old consoles need to be left behind. Ps5 and series x are what is relevant now, not owners of old consoles who won't get the new one. They are easy to get if you actually make an effort to get one.
@Orpheus79V good
@Resi32 i agree , i’m tired of last gen discontinued consoles holding back the CURRENT GEN . ps4 has years and years of a library of games to play on it , it’s the ps5 time to shine with dedicated games of its own , it’s been 2 years now and the ps4 is almost 10 freaking years old
I cannot wait for resident evil 4 the original is my favourite game
@KundaliniRising333 i think you need to put in some glasses and if you have them you are clearly blind.
@nomither6 You are a little inconsistent you defended Sonic that looks worse then any crossplatform game released. And you are complaining about the old consoles holding back new games.
Same here thought it was the remake but was definitely not disappointed with what we got.
@belmont I understand you pain i just got one and i got it with two controllers and GT7 which i sold right away because i dont like the game. Its bloody difficult to get one if your not gleud to sites and that can be quite a hassle if you have shifts. Or even if people dont have the money when one comes around.
For the people who scream just safe up you can always get a broken car, washingmachine or other stuff that needs to be fixed.
And here in the Netherlands gas prices goes through the roof if you have a older house youre even more screwed i hear of higher bills up to €1000 extra a year.
@WaveBoy the PS4 pro didn't
HYPE! This was a great way to start off the State of Play imo. I'll definitely be buying it eventually, March 2023 can't get here soon enough.
Now if only we could get newer remakes of RE0 and RE1 using the modern RE Engine. Also Director's Cut versions of RE2 and RE3 that add back all of the missing content from the originals.
@KundaliniRising333 haaa? lol
@Would_you_kindly its time to move on mate...
@WaveBoy I agree on the jet engine bit it's bloody annoying how loud it gets
I was expecting it to look very different from the original, it in fact looks a lot like the original. I’ll give it a run through but I was hoping for Code Veronica remake. Maybe that one will be next.
@Flaming_Kaiser i didn’t complain about the look of this game at all , what are you taking about ? my gripe is the idea that people still want games on ps4 , it had nothing to do with re4
and the new sonic looks excellent , it’s the best looking sonic game since unleashed , and i hope they stick with it instead of using the same tired and bland cartoony look .
@Would_you_kindly just for a year, then it'll unlock then PC fans will be able to get it also via Epic Games more than likely. They did the same for a bunch of their exclusive titles recently.
It would be awesome if the merchant made a reference to The Duke in REV, just like The Duke makes a reference to the merchant. We’ll have to wait and see, stranger!
they really needed to remake code veronica first as that hasnt aged well where as resident evil 4 is still perfectly playable on ps4
Slightly surprised they didn't go for a cross gen release,but guess we'll wait & see as to how much it pushes the ps5 hardware. Never really had too bad a pause even back on the ps2.🤔
After RE 3's obvious rush job,I just hope all the OG game's content is in there...not much point of a modern remake if it comes at the expense of pretty visuals but let's butcher the content that also pushed the hardware back then & didn't paywall extras behind needless dlc!
Sadly Code Veronica X continues to be the forgotten child!
I hope the change the back end as I found it a bit tedious but from what we've seen this looks like it could be rather great
@KundaliniRising333 It looked nothing like a PS3 game though.
@Would_you_kindly Expensive how? Just get a second job
@WaveBoy Nobody asks Final Fantasy 16 to be on the PS4 but come on RE4 Remake can be released on the aging hardware. From the trailer it seems to use the same engine as Village that plays great on the PS4.
As for Code Veronica I am surprised to see such love for this game in the comments. I always thought that this game was not that great. Steve and the antagonist may be some of the worst characters on a mainstream game of this generation.
I really hope that they take advantage of the PS5's power, instead of announcing a stealth PS4 launch 3 months before release.
Love the original and tried to replay recently and got a few hours in but I did find the control scheme a slog and was putting me off the game. I’ll probably wait until the remake and try that but I’ll definitely be getting this as it’s a fantastic game.
@KundaliniRising333 you are lying through your teeth
I’ll say this - I’m sure this will be a quality remake along the lines of the recent RE2 & 3 remakes, but I don’t think it’s going to be as exciting as most are anticipating. The reason this game is so fondly remembered is because of what it did for putting the camera over the shoulder of the playable character and basically creating the third person shooters we know today, as well as focusing more on an action element than previous iterations of the RE games. But considering we’re all MORE than used to that perspective of play now and the story itself was a bit ……wonky……. I’m not at all expecting to be blown away by this. Plus, I’d even make the argument that RE5 was a much better game than RE4 to begin with, as it did everything RE4 did (or was trying to do) but did it better.
Removed - disrespecting others
I'm with you here. Some people like to say "it's not that hard/expensive to get a PS5" but it really depends of a lot of factors. Country, region within said country, stupid taxes and stuff of some of them.
In my country it's disgusting how expensive a PS5 is. You can buy it online from other country if you want, but they charge you a 65% of taxes.
I'm not getting a PS5 any time soon, so yeah, it makes me sad to see games exclusive to PS5. I'll keep playing with my PS4 for a few years more, maybe then the PS5 will be more accesible.
Can't say I'm extremely excited; I'm sure it will be ok and I will get it for my Steam Deck (if it can run it).
But what will the combat system be? Will it be "gun fu" (setting up enemies for melee finishers) like in the original? Or will it be "oh the horror" and "we can't have any karate stuff, because that's just to unserious for horror (and you know "oh the horror").
Don't get me wrong, I'll get the game regardless (I'm too huge an RE fan not to). But I'm a bit sceptical to what the gameplay will be like (not really a fan of being close to defenseless).
But we'll see I guess (not really a big fan of the whole remake concept either, but that's another discussion).
RE4 dint needed a remake, the Resident Evil that need remake is Code Veronica.
@Giancarlothomaz it doesn't need a remake? it was a gamecube game and is 17 years old. i mean based on the success of 2+3 and hopefully 4 , they'll follow up with a remake of code veronica.
@Lup I'm from the UK so it isn't that bad I have really bad anxiety & depression so I don't work atm I'm on ESA (employment support allowance) & don't get much money from that so don't really have any disposable income so yeah I won't be getting a ps5 anytime soon either
@Bentleyma I tried playing the PS4 version (GameCube remake port) and didn't care for it honestly. I decided to stop playing and wait for the inevitable modern remake using the current RE Engine.
My patience is vast and my backlog is endless, so I'm in no hurry honestly.
@WaveBoy I have played and beaten RE Village in PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, Series S, a mid-range PC and in the Steam Deck. Yes, it is crazy, but I love this game. Believe me that all experiences were great. Seriously Capcom did a great job at optimizing and scaling the game. I don't know why they don't do this to this one too. Seriously it is not Final Fantasy 16 or Spider-Man 2. If the Steam Deck can play RE4 Remake so can the aging platforms. Obviously the PS5 was the best experience but you could not go wrong with any of them. I have never tried a VR game.
As for RE4 I know that it is a popular game, but I did not like it that much. I never got why they ditched the horror elements to create another adventure-shooter that they were already a lot of them. I never really liked RE5 either. Way action focused and a bizarre final battle that would be more suitable to a Superman game or something. On the other hand I did not find RE6 that bad. With the Leon and Ada portion looked like they wanted to please older fans and it kind of works, however I never truly enjoyed Chris or Sherry. They follower the action and stealth norm of the day that I could not stand.
They seem to want to change the story of RE4 and make it more horror based. This could work in RE5 or even 6 if they play their cards right. As you said the same could happen with RE0. The could minimize Rebecca's involvement and come up with a better setting.
You summarized the bad aspects of Code Veronica pretty well but the way they altered aspects of the story in RE2 and 3 Remakes shows that they can make it work. CV in this style with a more serious Steve and a better villain could work.
I feel you, man. Hoping things get a little better in general, and you get a PS5 sooner or later.
I mean, there's not a lot of stuff yet anyways.
Don't tell me it's taking a full remake to add the motion controls back.😅
@WaveBoy "RE7 on a TV for example pales in Comparison to experiencing it in VR even with the low pixely visuals and semi down graded environments. The motion head aiming alone makes a world of a difference, aside from feeling like you’re actually IN the bakers house"
YMMV. RE7 in VR was the definitive proof that the tech was really not for me. I never felt like I was any more "in the house" than on the TV screen, all the convenience mostly boiled down to easier navigation of various drawers and such (as expected of what is essentially a headmounted right stick alternative) but was eventually outweighed by the imposed control limitations (the garage skirmish was a particular headache, no pun intended). I wasn't even motion sick, just very underwhelmed because if there's any "transformative experience" the likes of @getsammyb praise, I expected to find it in this kind of game. But true VR truly remains the property of fictional domains like .hack, SAO, Bofuri or the more recent (and less gaming-oriented but technically superior) example in Belle. Our world doesn't appear any closer to it than it is to widely affordable cloud gaming and whatnot.
@JudgeDredd yeah I stand by late ps3, OK maybe early ps4 lol. The point is despite the hype, I can't believe anyone looking at that trailer objectively thought that looked up to Ps5 exclusive level visuals.
I am almost positive Sony just pulled another deception in saying this is a PS5 exclusive game, just like they suggested with several games prior to the console launch.
I'll still play it because I've actually never played 4, but for a remake the visuals on display in that trailer are far worse than the RE2 remake.
@WaveBoy yeah it's horrible some days are better than others I use gaming as a way of escaping from reality
@PegasusActual93 the controls don’t take more than half an hour to get used to.
It was more tolerable on the wii because of aiming but yeah tank like controls by 2005 was just unacceptable
@KundaliniRising333 huh?
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