Do you want the good news or the bad news? Let’s start with the bad: so, as expected, a number of the PS1 games released as part of the new PS Plus Premium plan in Europe overnight are the inferior, 50Hz PAL versions. The good news is that Sony has heard your complaints and is actually doing something about it.
“We’re planning to roll out NTSC options for a majority of classic games offered on the PS Plus Premium and Deluxe plan in Asia, Europe, Middle East, India, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand regions,” a statement from the firm said. Obviously, Japan and North America are excluded because they already got the NTSC editions.
Now while it’s obviously fair to criticise Sony for launching like this to begin with, we have to give the company credit for pledging a solution. There’s no roadmap for when the NTSC options will become available, but ultimately we’re happy to hear the platform holder is not half-arsing this and appears to be committed to improvements. Good news!
If you’re wondering which PS1 games you can play as part of Sony’s new subscription push, refer to our All PS Plus Games guide through the link.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 43
Would be nice to get the promised Upgrade to Premium at all lol or an statement if there are issues. Still wants me to pay for the Upgrade even tho I had PS Now till next year...
Good, they should have gone with both options PAL games for those that want the extra languages and , NTSC for everyone else. By the way with the exception of Tekken 2 most other games like Resident Evil DC and Wild Arms are shown as free because I bought them ages ago. That is cool, I hope they keep doing it.
Glad to see Sony is making the right changes.
Question: will the saves of one version work on the other? Cause trying to get Plat on Syphon Filter and then the save not working with the 60hz version would be a bummer
This should have been a thing day one. I understand European continent is full of many major languages, however consumers should have had the choice day one.
@AFCC My first instinct is no. They don’t work on an original console. Although Sony could develop a workaround, given their lack of effort elsewhere then I doubt they will.
Still don’t think I care about them being PAL versions. They were good enough for me 25 years ago.
@IonMagi You can get the upgrade. It just won't be for free since everyone has to pay a one time fee (until your current subscription is over) to transfer everything from the original versions to the new tiers. They won't change that decision since it's out everywhere now.
@IonMagi Mine is slightly different. I had 'Plus' which runs out in march 2024, and 'Now' which runs out this October. I'm now upgraded to Premium, but it says the next payment of £99 is due in March 2025. Very strange lol.
They may have been doing some things wrong recently but it's good to see them actively listening, select fans voicing issues really does make a difference for everyone
@arkhamtheknight12 Eeh no? If you had an actice PS Now Sub you get the Upgrade to the Premium Tier for free. And my PS Now runs till May 2023. It even says that I have the Premium Plan till May 2023 but it still wants me to Upgrade and I cant access any of the Games in the Extra and Premium Tier
@IonMagi Press upgrade to see what you have to pay...my mate did it and all he had to do was pay just over £1
@KayOL77 I did and It opens a window but it only says "Upgrade your PS Plus tariff today!" And nothing more. Just blank white space
@IonMagi Have you tried the subscriptions part in the Settings?
@KayOL77 yep, says Im on the Premium Plan and the next payment would be
119,98€ on May 31st
Excellent news. Now il sub once they add a load more classics
@IonMagi That is bizarre. I'm sure this will be resolved. You going to contact them?
@IonMagi Sounds really patronising(though not intentional). Have you tried switching it off and on again? 😋
@IonMagi Also, did you have Plus and Now?
It’s been a long time, but I thought the PAL version while running at 50hz looked better because they have extra scan lines? The lower hz was due to the CRT having to display the extra lines? Memory a bit clouded after 35yrs. Don’t do drugs and raves kids.
@KayOL77 Yep, PS+ till December, Now till May 2023
This is great news.
Question for anyone in the US, I was able to download Resident Evil without a subscription as I had it on PS3 but some on Twitter are suggesting that's not the case elsewhere, is that the case?
@HeroYoshiko nothing to do with that, it was just to match the frequency on the power supply. You could technically have a higher resolution but few games were optimised to do so and just gave us borders instead. Many PAL TV's, certainly later models were capable of 60hz and the likes of the Dreamcast and Gamecube took advantage of that
@get2sammyb A key reason they would have gone with PAL versions is that most PAL versions come with EFIGS (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) this is a European Service so first and foremost that is most important. NTSC do not.
Having both is the better solution to keep everyone happy so I'm glad they said they will add these.
@HeroYoshiko or Definitely do both. Frequently. As safely as possible.
Personally I don't really notice the frame difference between PAL-50 and NTSC-60. What I did/do surprisingly notice, atleast for native discs is the PAL-576i VS NTSC-480i.
I'd personally go with PAL versions.
@themightyant Agreed!
A step in the right direction.👍
Still wonder how we'll get on with future releases. If they're open to more ntsc releases we might get some of the U.S. only jrpg releases.
Just wish there was somewhere PS owners could vote on some nominations or something as far as games go!
Great news but should have been there from the start. Nintendo does stuff like this all the time and it annoys me.
Thank god. Now all they need to do is put in the 300 classic titles that should be in the service. Whats on offer at launch is frankly embaressing, its like they have firgotten or are embarressed by their own rich history.
As an example they say they offer 'psp games'. Theres one listed, echochrome. There is another stealth psp game, search for super stardust and you will find it for download, but they've not added it into any list.
Such a shame, this could be an amazing service but it looks like its a piece of homework handed in by a 10yo - its only half finished and theres been minimal effort!
Maybe now its launched theyll fix it? Either way, good to hear we can choose ntsc roms in the future.
@Robocod That's a great idea. I loved it when Microsoft gave us the opportunity to vote for BC games. I think all of my votes (apart from Lollipop Chainsaw) made it to BC.
Nice to see some praise given to Sony for promising a fix - I was expecting another berating of them from Sammy! I agree, though, that they should have just gone with NTSC globally and that surely would've been less work!
@nessisonett I guess I'll plat it on 50hz then, can't be bothered to do it twice lol
@__jamiie Thought I recalled of something along those lines...it's a P.R. friendly way to get your customers excited about the classics program & feel part of it...sadly a concept that falls on deaf ears with the current management!
Ha, I'll reconsider once they're rolled out then. Until then, I'll steer clear. It's not just that they are 50Hz versions, but 50Hz versions forced into a 60Hz refresh rate, introducing frame time inconsistencies and visual judder which was never there on a true 50Hz display.
I hope they'll give us the option of the PAL versions over here in NA too.
@carlos82 some of the classics can be downloaded without a subscription if you bought them previously, but not all of them. Not sure if there's a list anywhere.
By the way, the original PS1 Wild Arms is free for everyone in some regions. I downloaded the PS5 version (you can choose) and I am playing now. Its awesome with improved resolution (really sharp in my opinion), excellent sound, no framerate issues (at least that I can see) and even trophies! Really worth our time.
Posted in another article:
Anyone know if you buy a PS1 game for PS4/5 if it gives you the rights to download it on PS3 ?
Now they just need to add some classics lol
That's great and all, but we nee more classics added!
@Titntin They're copying Nintendo's homework with the dripfeeding
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