The Last of Us 2 has sold 10 million copies on the PS4 alone. Naughty Dog confirmed the sales milestone alongside the announcement of The Last of Us: Part I. “We’re happy to share that The Last of Us 2 has sold through more than 10 million copies globally, as of this spring,” Naughty Dog’s Rochelle Snyder wrote on the PS Blog. “Knowing the support we have, our studio continues to see exciting, new avenues to introduce curious audiences and galvanize fans.”
It took the original The Last of Us about nine years to top 20 million copies, across both the original PS3 version and its PS4 remaster. Therefore, this milestone in two years is impressive. It also means that the series as a whole has now surpassed at least 30 million copies, with The Last of Us: Part I likely to add significantly to that number. A well-earned achievement, in our opinion!
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[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 46
In before...
"Well, actually, this is a really disappointing milestone."
10 million copies sold is objectively impressive. Most games struggle to sell a fraction of that.
I liked the gameplay & finished the game just didn't like the story. That owen guy, abbie just terrible characters & it was disappointing compared to the first one plus I liked LA at the end but its only like half hour of the game
First game was ok, but had no interest in a sequel regardless of the story.
Well earned indeed. I really enjoyed the game. Not as much as i love the first but this one was very well done too. Appreciated it more on the second play than I did for the first. On my first play there was plenty from the story I wasn't happy with.
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10 million copies sold in 2 years is great for a exclusive game.
This sort of statistic right here is why Sony will never put their exclusives on a subscription service day one.
It would have sold 20 Million if they hadn’t done Joel dirty haha
@Ralizah Which Was Why I Found That Statement That Jim Ryan Said a While Back About Being Frustrated That Their Games Only Being Able To Sell 20 Or 30 Million Dumb.
I'll never get those who put story above everything else in a video game, it's like listening to music only for the lyrics and dismissing the actual music which is just as incomprehensible to me.
I play games for the gameplay first and foremost, story would never sway my opinion on how good a game is otherwise Nintendo games would be considered garbage if we all used those standards to determine the quality of a game.
I'm 1 of those 10 million. For shame 😔
Excellent achievement for 2 years. Though considering this is arguably Sony’s flagship property, Elden Ring selling through 13 million units in about a month speaks volumes to why Sony aims to tap the PC market.
@truerbluer Yeah I mean you're PLAYING - not watching - a game and story is so important to you, like go watch a damn movie!
Loved it. Even better than the first one.
Wow only 10 million? How Naughty Dog has fallen. No longer Sony's golden child I see.
@Toypop Yeah i'm sure Sony are heartbroken that they didn't get 40 quid from you.
Great news for one heck of a game!
A fine example of how not to make a game.
I'm really surprised they didn't announce a native PS5 port for Part 2 alongside the Part 1 remake. It's gonna be odd when Part 1 has all the PS5 features such as fast loading, Dualsense, full 4K, while Part 2 is still just the PS4 Pro version running at 60fps in the same 1440p.
That tagline lol
This game was only ok for me. I love the first game that is an absolutely masterpiece; but, for this second game, the story and mainly, playing with Abby, after all she did, is disgusting. I finished the game but will never play again, hope I can erase this from my mind and remember only of the first game. I also think this TLOU II stole the game of the year from Ghost of Tsushima that is a masterpiece and an absolutely classic. that was unfair.
Considering all the hype and critical acclaim, plus the sequel to one of Sony's most successful games, for it to take 2 years to reach 10 million is a bit on the low side that you can't help but feel the backlash harmed it's long term sales.
I liked Part 2 until the twist at the end where Joel turned out to be Cuba Godding Jr.
In all seriousness. Not bad milestone to reach for a game that recieved such mixed reactions.
@PlayStationGamer3919 You're confusing sales with freebies.
I bought it on a sale, and really liked it. Story was pretty weak, but everything else was top notch. Well deserved imo.
I think the Last Of Us Part II is one of the greatest examples of narratively driven gameplay in the history of video games. It's not perfect; but it's damn near close. I know a lot of people hated the treatment of Joel, but narratively it worked perfectly for me. He was a morally grey person who was heavily implied to have done absolutely abysmal things in his past after the loss of his daughter. He was not a hero who was invincible, but a morally compromised man who made dark choices to survive and eventually slipped up. Karma got him, as was bound to happen to anyone living in that world. The story of him finding his humanity, again, in a surrogate daughter was over, and the game presented us with how Elly would respond to the repercussions of his decisions when he was faced with an impossible choice. It is these impossible choices, when each is morally grey, that breed further conflict, because someone is going to get hurt and want payback. It's tragic and inevitable for humans until we realize that further violence out of revenge alone only begets more violence. From Abby's perspective, Joel had what was coming to him. All understandable motives. And the split narrative, while perhaps done before, felt groundbreaking to me in this media form.
Fans who couldn't look past their bromance with someone as questionable as Joel really missed out on an exceptionally tailored interactive experience. We had grown to love Joel in the first game, but the second needed to break our heart so that we could really feel Elly's pain and be able to explore the repercussions that come with no-win scenarios and the cycle of vengeance that can be born of them. Some might say that's a tired theme to explore, but it has never been so well done in a video game I've ever played with such tight gameplay and acting. All of the transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny aimed at this game was absolutely shameful, and shouldn't reflect whatsoever on its quality. People who couldn't look past their own bigotry and couldn't accept that Joel absolutely got what was coming to him don't deserve this game anyway.
Yes, I 'liked' the way they weren't afraid to bring some of the 'shocks' to the story line, rather than usual cookie cutter, predictable stuff you see in most games an TV shows where tge outcomes are predictable almost right from the start. Bit like when I read the whole 'song of fire and ice' series after watching the 1st game of thrones season. Part of the appeal was the whole 'grey area' and the potential that anything could happen to the main characters.
Overall I enjoyed it, but the last 10-15 hours did drag on for me. I was enjoying it, but just wanted it to end and move onto something else.not that I disliked the characters or story, just seemed to drag on and on...
I'm not exactly part of the 'woke' crowd, more Conservative views on subjects involved, but it didn't really bother me tbh.
I bet money part 3 won't sell that much. Whatsmore I bet part 2 never reaches the 20 million copies sold of the first game.
@Oscarjpc wow, surprised the 1st game outsold it by that much tbh...
Yes, must admit, a 3rd game doesn't fill me with excitement. In fact almost a mild sense of dread, unless they revamp the gameplay. Sneaking around over and over i different locations for 40 hours just got tiresome for me.
Am happy that am not part of it.
After I reader all spoilers, a thing I never do I watched all cutscenes and the game is terrible in my opinion.
Part 1 will remain best game ever with the worst sequel.
I am screen writer and a tragic story teller, am very dark in story and sad ending, even that I could do better story then this ***** part 2.
Am not even ready want to play it for free.
@B80 yes, indeed. As a matter of fact TLOU1 had sold 20 million copies as of 2019, in these three years that must be at least half a million more. Maybe it's 21MM by now.
@jrt87 lol! @ actively cheer
It drag on for sure, should have been half the length it was and no one would have complained. In particular for 2nd half, was hoping it was the final chapter/scene most the time. Still thought it was a good game overall. Just went on waaaayyy too long.
You are missing out on one of the best game ever made.
But that is your choice, but sad you wont give it a chance.
@Neverwild it's never going to be better then part 1
The franchise is dead to me and I gives chances many games but not this one.
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@truerbluer that's the worst metaphor for something i've ever heard lol. story tells you what you're doing, why and how. it brings the game worlds to life with grounded characters etc that makes games feel real. it's arguable right behind gameplay in importance...not far behind. nintendo is appealing to a casual and younger crowd. different goals and a fleshed out story wouldn't fit.
No its not better than first one but still better than most games.
So if a game is not better than last if us you cant play it?
So guess you are done gaming then.
Love how the haters changed the goalposts for Part 2.
Haters: it will never sell 10m copies "go woke go broke."
Part 2 sells 10m copies
Haters: Part 3 wont sell because of part 2
@Thelegend159 I won’t get into the ‘haters’ debate but TLoU2 has possibly sold as many copies as Days Gone did (which was considered a ‘massive disappointment’ for Sony). Considering TLoU2 was the most anticipated sequel to one of Sony’s most cherished and critically acclaimed games ever… 10 million sales must be incredibly disappointing to them.
@Toypop It might have sold a million more but i doubt it. People forget 10M for a game is massive especially an exclusive.
@Neverwild many bad games are in my playlist and many bad reviews games I love them.
But this game I don't wanna play it as a protest against Neil script
I wanna buy the game to play as Joel and Ellie and not abby
Here I don't like the story , I don't like abby, I don't like the atmosphere, I don't like environment.
I am screen writer and an environment artist.
And soon I will become a movie and video games director so being these specialist,
I will explain to you why I hate this game.
Last of us 2 should be a normal adventure like 1 and at the end SURPRISED us appears Abby kills Joel.
Then it will say TO BE CONTINUED, Holly ***** wtf I wanna kill this #?$&:, I can't wait for last of us 3 to kill her and understand why she did this.
PART 3 is Ellie revenge Idea ANDDDD another objective not only REVENGE, LIKE rescue TOMMY or other stuff and we don't know anything about Abby, it's a mystery, then here we are playing last of us 2 but it's 3 and only with Ellie only.
That's all here you have a trilogy ready, sooooo then later there is a SPIN OFF like uncharted lost legacy and should be just 5 hours or 7 hours game play about ABBY origins and see why she killed Joel and here people can say I hate this spin off and I hate ABBY story.
So fans today is splitted and am one of them, am not interested in this game or this spin off game
Imagine three games playing as Joel and Ellie and Abby is the spin off.
Here you have 4 game my friends, that's how a story should be told and made, I gave you a tragic story too but different way to tell it.
Hope you understand my way as story teller and how i create an origins of some one as spin off and not as main game, because it's a risk and split the fans and stupid move
These numbers are good, but maybe a little lower than expected. Still, the game should be considered a financial success and I’m sure it made a profit. Compare the return on investment to something like Dreams or Gravity Rush 2 and you’ll know that Naughty Dog is still very safe. Factions 2 will be groundbreaking and build on this success. I’m more curious how the PS5 remake of the first game will sell.
I played TLoU part II a few months ago, after cautiously avoiding most spoilers. I would say that although I don’t put it quite on the esteemed level of the first game, it was a sensational gaming experience. Emotionally impactful, fun gameplay, gorgeous visuals, excellent voice acting, and themes that have me pondering its messages months later. What more could you ask for in a game?
I can understand the argument that people didn’t think the game lived up to the first, but the ridiculous amount of hate people have for it is baffling to me. It’s objectively one of the most well crafted games ever made. And I’m fine with people not liking the game, but call a spade a spade people and try to ensure it’s not your own prejudice that has clouded your vision here.
@Th3solution I agree
@Ryany get used to it
@BritneyfR_ee stop going crazy over a fictional character😊
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