Resellers are trying to flog The Last of Us: Part I’s out of stock Firefly Edition for up to $450 on eBay, as fans scramble to get their hands on the limited physical release. The collectible bundle, which is a PlayStation Direct exclusive in the US and is supposed to retail for $99.99, includes a steelbook case and four issues of The Last of Us: American Dreams comic book with alternative cover art.

You’ll also get early access to a bunch of in-game items courtesy of a digital code, including increased healing and crafting speed. Other immediate unlocks include a new Dither Punk graphics filter and a Spreedrun Mode. It’s worth noting that none of these features, including six weapons skins, are exclusive to the Firefly Edition, and can be unlocked through normal gameplay in the standard release.
The role of resellers, or scalpers as they’re more commonly known, has been put into sharp focus of late due to the PS5’s stock issues. One of Sony’s solutions was to start its own direct point of sale storefront, but it seems like even its exclusive collector’s editions aren’t exempt from the problem. Hopefully it makes more Firefly Editions available soon, rendering these eBay auctions irrelevant.
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[source ebay.com, via direct.playstation.com]
Comments 70
Nothing wrong with scalpers people have to do anything to make money bow thr cost of living is mental
Yeah, I would have passed at this at the original price, let alone that.
I see the scalpers are awake again. This is never going to stop is it? Whenever a sought out product arrives this will happen.
But remember guys, they're "trying to feed their families" by buying up loads of stuff with money they could have used to feed their families.
Are those people not aware that pretty soon everyone is going to be able to download the game for free on PC?
It’s not even a good limited edition at the original price, I expected statues of Joel and Ellie for that price
@Bismarck I mean, I guess the value comes from this being a limited edition. That said, I think Sony will make more available before launch, so you're an idiot if you buy this for $450 now.
Ah, the value of the words 'limited edition'. Maybe I should put some googly eyes on a rock and write a certificate of authenticity saying it's #1/1 available. I could put it on ebay and make an absolute fortune!
@get2sammyb 25 watchers though.. I might want to buy it before they do.
Scalpers prey on the fools of the world. Given the modern lapse of critical thinking and general intelligence, it's truly a scalper's paradise.
Available on PSDirect for less than an hour. What horseshit.
Hey guys, want to buy my limited edition copy of Haze for the low price of $1000? The case contains dust particles, captured in 2009, and aged for 13 years! One of a kind, order NOW! Order in the next 10 minutes and I'll include a free plaster mold of my middle finger.
The fact that the $450 doesn't include shipping just makes it so much more insulting. For that price, I'd expect free shipping and 200 $2 bills, cos that would at least be interesting.
Truly insulting in every way…
I'm sorry regardless of how you feel about the product itself those prices are downright insulting! I'm glad I'm not as into the collectable market anymore.
Capitalism at its finest.
And people say physical is cheaper than digital.
Supply and demand
@NEStalgia so tempting. Make it £2000 and throw in the piss poor reviews and I’m sold 😜
And moments later, Atari sent me an email about their limited edition sneaker collab. I wish I were joking.
How did we descend to this point of manufactured artificial scarcity as the norm? It's like over the past decade we've just jumped head first 200 years into a dystopia that seemed far off just a few years ago, in every way, across every category.
@Korgon I don't even think most of this stuff is "collectable." it's become something else. Most of it is artificially scarce disposable trash for suckers, sold as collectible, to make average products seem rare and highly sought after so every item can be sold like you have to impulse buy everything as soon as you see it if you think you might ever want it no matter the price. Why sell 20 million of something when you can sell 5 million at 10x the price and have 15 million desperate to buy one even if it's at 20x the price? These aren't real collectibles. Collectible would be something like numbered and signed by Neil Druckman and Troy Baker, only 200 copies. This isn't that.
@Luigia I'll digitally sign the entire metacritc screen dump and put it on the blockchain. But I'll have to ask $3000 for that.
You might be able to report them as it's probably against some eBay rule is it not?
let it gather dust, never buy of Scalpers.
That's a fair perspective. I remember when I used to buy these ultra collectors editions back in the day I bought the Uncharted 3 one. The Drake statue broke within a month or two 😄. I learned my lesson after that one.
$100 was pushing it for what you get, even though I would buy it because I love TLOU. They can keep it at those prices. A standard physical copy will be fine for me. I'm glad I was able to get TLOU Part 2 Ellie Edition for retail.
Is this limited? Thought this would be the standard collector's edition and whatnot
If Sony would have any balls they would release a lot more and not only in the US you *****. I have no i dea why they show so much disrespect towards the market that made them big.
@DTfeartheBEARD Same here i was lucky enough to frab one still have it. 😁👍
They were listed for $450 on eBay within hours of going on sale. This is sad but old news already. This is the norm now.
Remember folks, if you buy from a scalper you're part of the problem.
I guess that helps explain why they sold out so quickly.
@Ryany "Nothing wrong with scalpers people have to do anything to make money bow thr cost of living is mental"
People buying things they have no need or want for, only to sell it back to people who do have those needs and wants, is why the cost of living is in such dire straits.
@Ryany Are you serious i would say to go F yourself but i truly believe you are dumb enough to defend this. For me a scalpers are the scum of the earth.
Need to release this in the UK rather than just the US
It’s simple if people don’t buy them from scalpers then scalpers won’t bother or will be stuck with them.
So much interest over and very old game remastered and remastered etc.
Amazing game when I played it on the PS3, but I like new games.
@Flaming_Kaiser it's a nice collector's edition for sure. I was also lucky enough to get Ghost of Tsushima & God of War collector's editions as well 😁.
At $100, it was a stretch
$450? 🤣
A lot of these seem to have been removed because it's against eBay rules to sell a pre-order earlier than 30 days ahead. Good.
Report them if you see them.
They've certainly not been sold, you can check Sold items.
@DTfeartheBEARD I found the statue of God of War dissapointing maybe i had a bad one and i returned it i missed Ghost of Thushima the Sony shadow drops of CE and its sold out in seconds.
I remember when I bought the Joel edition on PS3.
@hoffa007 Those where quite nice and at a nice price i got the Ellie one.
@Flaming_Kaiser I agree I think I only paid £70 at launch in the Uk from Game was well worth the money.
According to websites’ opinion, no one wants to spend 70 on the remake. So how is this an article.. Its almost like they spread a fake narrative that fit their opinion, instead of actually reporting the news.
More fool anyone who actually pays that, there's nothing even worthwhile to justify its retail cost let alone that. I've even seen some offering the standard edition for over £100 and you'd have to be really stupid to give them that much
Nevermind the US only Firefly Edition that sold out whithin an hour and has scalper written all over it. You can't even pre-order the base game from some Amazon European regions, including the UK. What's the deal on that? PushSquare, you must know. I know that you're waiting...
Scalpers will be sitting on stacks of these. Now xenoblade 3 SE would be a hot item to scalp with a guaranteed high ROI.
It's a nasty duo really, the publishers keep the scalpers happy by making these items limited, the scalpers keep the publishers happy by buying all the stock out immediatly.
The item suddenly looks a lot more valuable and desirable to everyone than it would've done if they just met demand from the start.
Im pretty much done with collectors editions at this point tbh, they used to be a fun way to buy a game, but now they are just a moronic gold rush.
@get2sammyb You’re exactly right. People are just assuming that they’re not going to print more. Until they say they aren’t making them anymore, people are mental to spend that much.
I can't stand scalpers honestly, know one would know this edition exist apart from social media but it's too late because they are already making a quick buck out of it and it's sad really
@carlos82 hell, you can buy a ps5 for a similar price, it's just exploitive 🙄
@OMGitsLiamT I don't want it anyways, they can keep it, pft 😤 they can sell it to game for £15 after with all the trinkets lol
Winning the United States and Europe were key to Sony’s success with the PS1. They were able to get a big lead on Sega in the early days of both the Saturn and PS1 in both regions.
In the PS3 era Europe is what saved Sony, since the 360 controlled the US market that entire era.
But we were just as central to PlayStation history as Europe was in the early days. Europe and the US’s decision to abandon Sega and go to Sony is what made them big.
Tbf if I had a copy I'd be selling it too.
£450 is about half a tank of petrol by time its released.
@NEStalgia loving it and let’s make it $5k and I’ll throw in a HAZE NFT 😜
@get2sammyb I would have struck the last three words from your comment, but that's just me...and a bit harsh. I suppose SOMEBODY out there will dearly love this and the early unlocks it includes - but I expect in a year or two these disks will be $10, used, at GameStop.
I'd like a copy of the comic books as I only have the TPB but if this edition doesn't get a restock then it wasn't meant to be because it was barely worth $100 in the first place.
And this is why that edition was sold-out. Bots bought it.
I'm very hopeful people are not seeing this remaster/remake hybrid as something worth of full price.
This remake/remaster hybrid is not even worth the standard $70...I'll be waiting for it to hit $25 New in a few years.
@Quadalog buy it on sale 😂 the ps4 version does the job lol
@GADG3Tx87 I get it but the idiots who pay for this stuff at inflated prices are also to blame, there’s no excuse for it at all.
@GADG3Tx87 you said “remember guys, they're "trying to feed their families" by buying up loads of stuff with money they could have used to feed their families.” - Are you not good with math? The game costs $99, so they could spend that $99 on food OR read slowly….sell it for $450 & even after eBay fees etc that’s a profit of $300+! So, that buys 3 times the food #duh
@Quadalog I guess you miss the logic of “MOST people don’t want to spend $70” can be true even when SOME people will spend $450? Understand MOST & SOME are different. it’s like MOST people won’t spend $200,000+ on a sports car, YET some spend $500,000 on a super sports car. LOL 🤦♂️🫠🙃🤨
I know that. But when you buy multiple copies with the intent to inflate and no guarantee they will sell then that's a stupid idea when you could have been 'feeding your family' right now if times were desperate. That's my point.
The same when they used that excuse for some who literally bought thousands of PS5's to sell at inflated prices. My point is it's a BS excuse to scalp and scam but I guess that flew over your head because they're not really doing that if they have that kind of money to spend in the first place.
@JuggaloRazzam Truly poor people can't afford to have $100 sit in an investment opportunity for an undetermined amount of time.
This isn't about feeding families, it's about lining pockets.
@TheKurgan I totally agree with you these releases should be available with the big retailers. No US only, no store exclusive, no shadow drops its just sad. If you make them available in local stores you have less problems with scalpers.
@JuggaloRazzam articles like this are just free advertisement for these scalpers. I just don’t know why they report on this
@Richnj That’s not how it works. When you post a pre/order sale on eBay you pay NOTHING until AFTER the item sells. Example I pre-ordered 3 PS5’s (credit card isn’t charged until shipped) - I posted 2 on eBay. Sold them for enough profit to make the one I kept for myself “free”. I had ZERO money “sitting” anywhere. Had auction end day before pre-order finished. End of auction I simply changed ship to address to the winner (yup they paid shipping too). Don’t hate the player, hate the game 😎🖖
@GADG3Tx87 #capitalism - it’s called making money. Saw a story of a teen who became a millionaire re-selling (scalping). Start small re-I vest the profits. Don’t blame the scalpers blame the people overpaying. Ever since PS2 I would alway pre-order 3-5 consoles sell the extras for profit or at least making the one I kept “free”. I always chuckled - because if sold out I would just wait. This is the one time the rich can get fleeced. Because unless you’re wealthy why would you over pay 🙃🤣🫠🖖
@JuggaloRazzam I have enough hate, to hate both.
And I love how you are explaining how you are a middle man that prices the lower earners out of goods, but that's "good, actually".
You provide zero benefit to capitalism. You don't provide goods or services that aren't already there. You are taking advantage of the system to divert money and weaken the buying power of the lower earners, and are the prime example of everything wrong with the system.
So thanks for educating me.
@Richnj You’re welcome ☺️- Hey my dream is to live in a world where robots do all the work & everything is free or at least we get enough Money from UBI to live comfortably 🤷♂️ - But I work in the system we have. So in closing…. #waahhhh 🫠🖖
@JuggaloRazzam So your preferences are either get stuff for free off of others' work under capitalism, or get stuff free off of others' work under socialism?.
That is certainly a unique stance. As someone who is interested in politics, the value of work is normally consistent between both capitalists and socialists. Meaning, they all agree that everybody should work to benefit society.
So that really is something.
After this you may have the last word. I just finished my work at home job - so it’s PS5 time now. But, your statement is WRONG -> you said I wanted “get stuff free off of others' work under socialism?.” - Nope/False - re-read my comment I said “ my dream is to live in a world where robots do ALL the work”. Literally ALL work done by AI/ Robots. Robots would build robots, repair robots, do 100% of the labor. So I wouldn’t be living off of other’s work. We all would be in the Utopian world where robots do all work and humans just have fun 😎🤷♂️
PS - capitalists do NOT value work. As the hard working laborer will get paid 300x less the easy CEO job lol. Capitalism is all about the less work the more money. The supervisor makes money off of their team; the manager makes money off of people below them, too CEO’s become billionaires off of OTHER people’s work. nobody “earns” a billion. But anyway - cry about eBayers 😭🤣🫠😎🤷♂️🙃💦
Weird to come back to this thread and read a "I scalp but really I wanna smash the system" stance.
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