With the unforgettable Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance enjoying something of a renaissance of late, there’s probably a sizeable market for Wanted: Dead after all. The throwback character action game – created by Ninja Gaiden’s veteran director Hiroaki Matsui – looks plain weird in the way that some of the PS3’s best Japanese action games did. Think the likes of No More Heroes and Lollipop Chainsaw.
The game, due out later this year for PS5 and now PS4, promises a hybrid of melee combat and third-person shooting – a bit like long-lost Nintendo Wii U exclusive Devil’s Third. You’ll play as Lt. Hannah Stone, “a hardboiled Hong Kong cop” and will “plough through mercenaries, gang members and private military contractors in a spectacular cyberpunk adventure”. And yes, that is Stefanie Joosten!

Obviously the production values are all over the place, but we’d argue this adds to the title’s charm. “The fights are not going to be easy, steel your resolve and use everything around you as you battle through hordes of mercenaries, synthetics, and private security forces,” the press release reads. To be honest, we’re down – it looks daft!
[source youtube.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 23
Looks like fun i will probably buy it.
Looks pretty cool. May have to keep an eye out for.
I'm probably one of about 17 people in the world who bought and loved Devil's Third. This absolutely looks like a spiritual successor and I cannot wait.
Also, I want more Lollipop Chainsaw. ☹️
I really like the main character's attire, and her sword!
This looks class. I'm only commenting on this so I can remember what the game is called if I ever come to buy it (I probably wont).
@__jamiie I know the game was fun but the trophies where terrible and didnt make me come back for more. I liked the game but not enough to punish myself to get them.
I'm glad someone else saw the similarities to both Metal Gear Rising, and Lollipop Chainsaw. I really enjoyed both of those so this has me quite tempted.
All I read was Metal Gear Rising Revengance, the Wii U and Stefanie Joosten. I'm sold.
Well im sold. Looks like a better platinum game than theyve been putting out recently.
Side note: Suda51 should consider remasters: killer7, shadows of the damned, lollipop chainsaw. We need more of that kind of game
I did like Lollipop Chainsaw back on the 360. I wouldn’t mind a remaster or sequel.
Niiiiiice! The tone... Yeah, well, that's something you have to go with oftentimes, especially in these style of games. I really like that they mix melee combat with third-person-shooting. That should be done more often. I also appreciate the somewhat contemporary or at least seemingly not too far in the future urban setting and playing as a badass woman.
Don't care if the production value is not triple-A, as long as the game runs smoothly, plays well, has a deep combat system and a solid art-direction.
One of the best announcements this year, for me. I'm pretty excited.
This looks pretty sweet. I'll take it
I'm sold. I love these weird games. We need more.
@nookie_egg We really need to add a wishlist feature to the site!
@get2sammyb Yeah do it. And a sort by new in the comments please 😬
Trippin Balls 🤪
This looks right up my alley! I'm sold!
Seems stupid as hell, which means it's on my want list.
This reminds me of a launch Era ps3 game published by Sega that was a werid arcade style third person shooter where if I am remembering right had the crazy taxi mechanic where you had to go through the level as fast as you can before tge timer ran out but you would get more time based on your kills, you of course could get combos and stuff but yeah getting those same vibes from this .
Looks wild and fun
Looks pretty good
Had my eyes on this since the first trailer and man the team has come a long way. It looks so much better.
And with this game, samurai jack, Vengeance is mine, and the new valkyrie profile game, Soleil seems to be coming up. Platinum may have some competition
I've never played Devil's Third or Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance before, but this game looks really cool!
It's def on my watchlist, hoping the reviews are good.
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