Sony has updated the official PlayStation Store page for God of War Ragnarok (spotted by The Gamer), revealing a plot synopsis for the eagerly awaited sequel, giving us some tasty morsels to savour as we await the title's 9th November release date.
The synopsis for the title reads, in full:
Fimbulwinter is well underway. Kratos and Atreus must journey to each of the Nine Realms in search of answers as Asgardian forces prepare for a prophesied battle that will end the world. Along the way they will explore stunning, mythical landscapes, and face fearsome enemies in the form of Norse gods and monsters. The threat of Ragnarök grows ever closer. Kratos and Atreus must choose between their own safety and the safety of the realms.
While we knew that Kratos and Atreus' journey would see them visit all nine realms, and that the game will be "huge", the mention of Asgardian forces has intrigued us. Could this be a new enemy type, or is it referring to the gods in general? Is there such a thing as a rank-and-file resident of Asgard, the dwelling place of the gods?
We now know the game will begin during Fimbulwinter (although that could have been surmised from the tease at the end of the first game), and that means that there will be at least some portion of the game set before the apocalyptic events of Ragnarok begin.
In other God of War Ragnarok news, it looks like the PlayStation exclusive will get the standard suite of graphical and performance options, a cool new piece of artwork was revealed, and we heard a rumour that the release date was changed at the last minute.
What's your read on this God of War Ragnarok synopsis? Let your saga unfold in the comments section below.
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[source playstation.com, via thegamer.com]
Comments 19
They Must Be Saving Odin For The Game As He's The Only Big Character So Far That They Haven't Shown.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the first game only have 3 realms with extended gameplay, while the other just had smaller additional things like that gauntlet side mode or the final section? If all 9 realms have traditional gameplay sequences, then this game is going to be massive.
@Deoxyr1bose that was my one real gripe with the first of this iteration. I had no reason to visit a lot of the realms because they were optional and seemed like busy work, rather than contained in proper side story quests that other games give you.
It took me a while to realise some of the Valkyries were in other realms, and by then I couldn't be bothered and went home to get the nice surprise teaser for Ragnarok.
If you have a strong story running through the game then you need some pretty weighty side quests that add to it to make you deviate from that.
It will be interesting how they address travel in Ragnarok too, because 9 plus visits to the same bifrost gate room could be taxing. I imagine a great deal of travel will be cut scene based, chasing a god into a realm etc, as one of God of War's big strengths was those epic fights that merged with cut scenes.
My hype level is off the roof. Few more months to go. Ragnarok is coming
Hype levels are building nicely aren't they?
I was able to get the Jotnar edition the other day in the end. Will be tucking it away until Christmas though.
I cannot wait. Bloody loved the previous one, fun to play, great story and perfect performances by all the voice cast.
@Ravix in my opinion, the extra sections were even better than the main game. Very challenging and absolutely satisfying.
The game releases sooner in the UK. 11.09.22 11th September. Yay! 😜
My only slight concern was that Cory Barlog isn't at the helm. But then God of War has always changed directors - David Jaffe (1), Barlog (2), Stig Asmussen (3), Todd Papy (Ascension), Barlog (2018) and now Eric Williams (Ragnarok). I have faith in Sony Santa Monica and their process both in making a game and choosing the right leader. Can't wait for this.
Also excited to find out what Cory has been working on for the last 4 years.
@Deoxyr1bose The first had parts of 6 realms: Alfheim (Light & Dark Elves), Helheim (Hell), Jötunheim (The Mountain), Midgard (Hub area), Muspelheim (Fire and Brimstone/Surtr), Niflheim (Land of mist optional loot area & Ivaldi's workshop)
They've already announced you will have access to all 9 realms including Vanaheim, Svartalfheim, and Asgard which weren't in the first game and new areas of the 6 realms we did visit.
Already planing a week off work! Can't wait for the launch day 😬
N.i.c.e. this game will be a another masterpiece.cant wait.word up son
@naruball yes, I imagine they were, it's unfortunate just the way I play games (and I'm sure others do too) is I generally follow the path and explore a lot for side quests, but there was no real indication of quests or reasons to visit these places during regular play, and I was just enjoying the main game a tonne at the time, I did some exploring and side quests for the brothers, but they were all contained in Midgard, I believe.
Also, when it gets to the post game I'm usually already done with games. Things like the Witcher 3, KCD, RDR2 make me want to do pretty much everything before the final credits roll.
I still loved God of War, it was amazing. But to me it was a lot shorter than the 100-200 hours I can easily put into an RPG/open world playthrough.
Give me mainline story in all 9 realms, and I'll pretty much be guaranteed to explore everything, within reason. So I'm hyped for when I play this. The story, character development and the big fights and the semi open world traversal is why I loved the game, and they are bound to build on it in more areas, so that's perfect.
Going in blind on this one. Well, as blind as i can after completing the first one.
I'm anticipating people highly anticipating this and after playing, come on back here about how they prefer the first and this a letdown. After all the anticipation.
@Ravix I hear ya. As soon as I beat a game, I move on to the next one, but this is the very first game ever that I felt like I should keep playing after beating it and the experience was incredibly rewarding. Unlike most games, in GoW the endgame content feels like it's part of the main game. There is constant dialogue, story, etc. It feels a part of it, not something extra.
@naruball nice. I may go back and play it again before I buy Ragnarok. And as I only played GoW this year I don't mind waiting until post release, so there will be plenty of time for me to revisit it. Especially once I get that serious AAA game itch once more.
@Ravix sounds like a plan!
Story synopsis is cool! November 9th can't get here soon enough.
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