The PS5 version of Persona 5 Royal won't offer a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade for those who already own the game, it has been confirmed. A rather poorly translated page from the official Persona Channel FAQ says "we would appreciate it if you could purchase "Persona 5 The Royal" for PlayStation 5 when you play with PlayStation 5".
Just prior to that, it explains "there are no products for purchasers" of Persona 5 Royal on PS4. Essentially, there is no upgrade path; you'll need to buy the entire game over again. It means the latest edition has the same transfer process as the original Persona 5 to the enhanced Royal version, in that there simply isn't one. Although, Persona 5 Royal did package in a new semester, character, and other improvements.
Persona 5 Royal on PS5 will simply be a frame rate boost and a graphical refresh, although Atlus hasn't actually said what this new version contains. The DualSense controller will likely be supported in some way too when the PS5 version launches on 21st October 2022. Are you going to pay full price for Persona 5 Royal for the third time? Raise the funds in the comments below.
[source p-ch.jp]
Comments 88
Pretty sure it won't matter anyway because there are no worthwile improvements.
This PS5 version only interests me if there is a dedicated physical edition because I only have the vanilla PS4 copy of Persona 5.
Is there any reason at all to buy this? It was bad enough getting Royal without any upgrade path, this is insulting.
"we would appreciate it if you could purchase "Persona 5 The Royal" for PlayStation 5 when you play with PlayStation 5"
-Lol Atlus at their finest!
Anyway I LOVE P5 but I can't justify buying it a 3rd time. Not without new content or an upgrade path or anything. Maybe at some point down the road on discount.
Gonna pick this up on Switch. Been holding out on playin any version of this for years in the hope of having it portable.
Find JRPGs far more manageable that way.
It was to be expected for 2 reasons.
1.) it has all dlc packed in.
2.) it’s sega
Not that’s it’s ok, there’s plenty of games that gave the free upgrade despite the upgrade version having dlc packed in.
Was expecting this due to previous antics, but still a horrible decision. Sadly they know their fans are pretty evangelical and enough will buy again.
Regardless as @nessisonett said is there ANY reason to buy this? Besides presumably faster load times due to native app, and possibly 60fps. But it's not a fast paced game 30fps is fine for a title like this for most gamers.
Atlus: "Screw Playstation users, they have to pay for the game a third time"
Extremely scummy from Atlus / SEGA, especially since the original Royal had no upgrade path either.
Sadly, this is expected of these companies at this point, but people really should be heavily critical of this.
It'd be sad if all this is going to offer is a framerate boost and maybe include the DLCs but still, not enough to justify their reasoning of purchase the game again. At least offer a $10 upgrade to those who already owned the game instead of buying it again.
@nessisonett @themightyant
I guess trophies if you care about that sort of thing. Or if you really just gotta have 60 fps even though that won't make much difference anyway in a game like this. Not much there I know.
So, from Persona 5 to Royal an extra £50 and for this version an extra £50 or £70 maybe? At least £150 to play the same game every time it upgrades, SEGA is disgusting.
Unclear what it offers, but I am more likely to pick up the Steam/Deck or Switch version. Portable Persona is a feature I want most. That said, I love P5R so maybe? I haven’t bought all the DLC ($20) yet, so waiting to see what the new version offers…
No thank you.i already got persona 5 royal on ps4.it looks amazing on my ps4 pro.word up son
Someone get the rolled up newspaper, ATLUS crapped on the customer again.
Man that’s rubbish. I own a copy of Royal so there’s no way I’ll pick this up, I’ll just stick to the PS4 version I guess.
Everytime this sort of thing happens I think back to games like Metro Exodus and Gears 5 that gave us significant upgrades for absolutely free. That should be the standard.
Let me guess; This version will have all the DLC and stuff packed in, but they'll come up with a bunch of new cosmetic DLC that wont be included just like before?
@nessisonett it includes all of the bonus dlc released alongside Royal, which should have been included for free on the PS4 version. Literally no reason to buy this again. Its just Atlus being Atlus
SEGA logic is odd. Some games have free upgrades. Some don't.
Not a good look for them.
Atlus really hates PlayStation Users even if they made them big...
And people didn't get it when I kept calling them out for selling I mean BASIC OUTFITS that's available in EVERY RPG or open world game in existence for free. You grind and you can only buy weapons and potions but you gotta cough up real money for damn outfits... shameful and awful!
Ironically, Persona 5 has a bad guy during one section that revolves around greed.
I havent even played Royal, but Ill never play this title again no matter what they do to it, it was far too long and simply didn't respect my time.
I think my first playthrough was about 170 hours, but I swear I was only 'playing' for maybe 60 of them. I remember one evening I had about 2.5 hours free, switched the game on and got to play zero actual gameplay for the entire time.
Love the style, the music, the characters, the story and the gameplay, but the balance of these was wrong for me and ive have prefered to actually play more.
No thank you. I have already beaten the original and Royal multiple times over. And I plan to play it again, but on the Royal I already have. The day I play the PS5 version is the day it enters Plus Extra/Premium
No I'm not going to pay full price again for a frame rate boost that isn't that isn't needed for a turn based fighting game. This time Atlus can ***** off.
That upgrade is just as pointless as Ys VIII PS5 version.
Not surprising at all. Atlus are greedy AF.
@Titntin I get you. I felt the same way about The Witcher 3. I was able to complete the first 2, but 3 was such a mess in the gameplay department for me, I can't even get past White Orchard.
Well that saves 120 hours of my life...to inevitably being used to play p3 and p4 again presumably next year.
Been meaning to get this again after selling my ps4 copy with my ps4. Was holding out for the ps5 version but will just get the ps4 version from the store whilst its on sale. Not paying £70 for it. Its getting beyond a joke now
That’s terrible. I paid $50 for P5 and got the CE for Royal. Shameful. I paid enough already.
I was late to play Persona 5. I only played it when I got my PS5 on release day, because it's part of PS Plus. I loved it so much that I bought P5R physically for $30. I'll buy P5R again day 1 for Switch only if it has a physical release. Same for the PS5 version, but I'll wait on a price drop for that. If not, I'll just play it on Game Pass day 1 on my Series X. I'd much rather play Persona on Switch in handheld mode, but not if it's digital only...
I played the game, but didn't love it. Very repetitive, limited scope, and a few really annoying characters. I don't know that I would play a Persona 6 even should they make one. I just didn't feel like had close to the control over the characters and the action that I want or need to. More like an interactive story.
I'm genuinely not surprised by this given that Royal could have been a DLC, with the option to switch between the base game & Royal version, but it was a full priced rerelease
No surprise at all there, just typical Atlus.
This is a cash grab!
Geez, just don't buy it.
@Titntin I couldn't agree more. I enjoy this form of entertainment mainly for the gameplay. If I wanted to be passive, I'd be watching movies on Netflix.
The dungeon crawling in Persona is fun, but Atlus really screwed the pooch with characters prating on and on in never ending cutscenes.
Mainline SMT is my jam and Persona can take a hike.
I'm one of the few who doesn't understand the fuzz about this franchise, but JRPGs aren't my cup of tea anyways... I just think isn't this animated and drawn, do we need a PS5 version at all? Maybe for some better audio or enhanced controller rumble? If this is just a basic port then it's scummy indeed.
Gamepass to the rescue lol, already bought ps4 p5 royal steelcase in the release day but I'll play it on my series x on gamepass
Annoying when they are putting on gamepass where players couldnt give a ***** about a JRPG
I’ve already completed the game twice. Once with the original edition and then again with the Royal. Yes, it’s a superb game but the PS5 upgrade doesn’t sound like it’ll be a huge difference so I’ll be skipping it. Definitely worth buying if you’ve never played it but if I’ve got to pay then I won’t play!
What a fking joke Atlus, the upgrades aren't even worth it even if it comes bundle with the few dlc P5R had.
This is just greed at this point.
Before I grab my pitchfork, does anyone know how much it will cost yet?
How very Atlus. They're such a greedy company. Royal not letting original owners upgrade AND launching with more day-one DLC was bad enough...
People were calling the Last of us part 1 remake a cash grab. So what do we call this?
I'm not surprised since it's Atlus.
Chill out people. This isn't a cash grab because it's not a remake or a remaster, it's just releasing on some new consoles. Totally different situation than Last of Us Part 1.
Hahahaha! Yeah, no. Not a chance am I buying this a third time
I'm ngl, this gen with game pricing has been pissing me off more than I would like.
As critical as I am of Sony's current practices (and I am), and as disgusted as I am with current Sony imitating these practices (and I am), and as much as I love Atlus (and I do).....I blame Atlus for starting this disgusting trend of charging for a full new release of a game to issue a patch. I still have my original P5 Take your Heart edition in shrink wrap because Royal was announced before I started it. I had the sense to wait at least for an ok sale on that one. But doing that again for the same game, this time with seemingly nothing but that normal companies just patch in? Why is Japan now more American than America?
These are the same companies that now embrace PC. Why do PC customers not get fleeced and console customers are more and more seen as endless fonts of unlimited money to extort?
Game Pass it will be. They took my money twice. They're not doing it again. Honestly between this and Ys 8, and even TLOUpt1, it may put me over the edge to finally order a Steamdeck. Why are we still buying consoles if this is what it means to be a console owner?
You might as well buy it on pc or switch if they are pulling that stunt. Me personally I was going to buy it physically to begin with since I don't rely on upgrades, nor trust sony with any games on their network.
Buying it 1 more time on Steam for my SteamDeck. But later, on a Steam Sale. And only to move my Persona collection (now trapped between 3 consoles) over to PC like I did with FF.
I skipped all the other P5 releases. I played the original version on release day and that is about it.
sony should step in on this. why is this allowed? they're selling the same game with NO additional content and they're not even providing an upgrade path
this should not be allowed!!!!!
in fact, this must be the FIRST time something like this happens. i cant think of any other game that got re-released at full price without having any new content
What a Joke(r)
If there's ever a game that won't offer many tangible benefits from a PS5 upgrade, it's this one, so no big deal saying no to this cash grab.
And anyway, I flagged and dropped the game after about 70 odd hours and wasn't even in sight of the end. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of it and put Royal right up there with my favourite gameplay experiences of last gen. But it was just too much!
You can always just play the PS4 version 🤷♂️
Atlus already got me Triple Dipping on some of these persona games because of the fact that I have a switch and Xbox (In addition to a vita, ps3, and ps4) but I'll be damned if I pay for the ps4 to ps5 upcharge.
Not good. I'm sure this game has sold well and a lot of people already own it on PS4. And why announce this crap when the game is coming to other systems so soon? Could make the PS5 look bad compared to other systems.
I mean there will still be that one random case of a person that still hasn't played p5 and I don't see why this wouldn't include all the dlc like the other versions. But yea this mostly seems to be for "fans" on other platforms and they still wanted to give something to PS players even if that something is nothing lmao
In general the anniversarys been pretty underwhelming so far. Not that the others were any better but this one had a decent amount of game announcements but still feels meh. A port of another arc system works fighting game which I'm terrible at lol, the worst version of P3, and ports for platforms I care less about. At least we're finally getting 4G. Here's hoping P6 is that last announcement even if it'll likely not be an actual trailer with footage
I really wanted to replay P5R on PS5 with 60fps but I'm not paying full price for it on PlayStation again. Guess I'll wait for a sale on that and just get the Switch version
They should just put "Remake" in the name and PlayStation players would be perfectly fine with paying $70 for the package for a third time.
Oof. I'll stick to the Switch version then. I already played the PS4 version, and it's worth another $60 for a version that's on-the-go... but a full $70 for a framerate upgrade and haptic feedback? Someone at their marketing department is delusional.
Embarassing, why can’t Atlus be more like how Bethesda/IDSoftware were with DOOM Eternal’s next-gen upgrade last year, with the free patch/upgrade for the people who already own it? : (
@themightyant I consider myself a Persona "fan" - no, I won't be picking this up. It's a lazy, insulting cashgrab.
@helloim_anthony It was a cashgrab. So is this.
@Irae It's a "remaster" with unclear definition as to what's remastered other than an improved framerate. Like Ys VIII. But, why would Sony do anything about it? They're doing the exact same thing, albeit with a slightly more visible graphics retouch. And they're charging more.
@Tharsman They'd need to improve Morgana's facial expressions and make menu transitions flashier though to get unwavering fan praise for it though.
The fact this mentality is spreading to other companies is troubling. Of course I'm sure the real purpose to this is because they're selling it as "new" on NSW/XB and wanted to have parity on PS sales, but Squeenix already paved an acceptable route for that with WoFF where it was "new" on other platforms and the upgrades were a DLC for $30 for owners on PS. Then they abandoned that with DQXI:S Not the best, but at least it was something. Atlus having done this twice with this game on PS though is just something else...
Gaming no longer has fans and customers, it just has enablers.
@guntam Not evangelical enough /s
They really want us to pay full price THREE times? Yeah... No. Screw Ratlus.
@NEStalgia funny self fulfilling prophesy:
This goes out. Barely sells any units on PlayStation for obvious reasons.
Atlus turns around "hey... our last game sold a ton more on XBox and Switch than PlayStation.... maybe we should focus more on those platforms and leave PlayStation behind going forward"
This is not all me being paranoid or daydreaming, they did it with Disgaea 6, where they decided to keep it on Switch for a big chunk of time.
@Tharsman LOL, it sounds preposterous, but, honestly that's genuinely how Atlus seems to think, and could really see that happening.
""there are no products for purchasers"
This seems like an ironically honest statement about most of the video games industry today.
I've only played persona 5 vanilla for the ps3 lol. so I'm fine with buying the ps5 version after it drops in price but I feel bad for the people who are disappointed.
As someone who has beaten this twice already once in the original and again in Royal this is just stupid and I have no reason to play it again until maybe some years down the line when i can get it for like 15 bucks or less. 60 fps is nice but it doesn't mean much when you are a turn based rpg anyway. I also don't get why Persona 5 wasn't 60 fps on PS4 to begin with. It wasn't exactly pushing the hardware very much compared to other 60 fps games on the platform.
i'm glad this move is garnering a strong backlash and people are finally starting to pay attention. yes, many of us are fans of this game, but sometimes you need to put you foot down and tell the publisher enough is enough. atlus is most definitely exploiting its most loyal fan base and overvaluaing its IP beyond reason. this is something nintendo can get away with at times but atlus is not nintendo... don't support trashy behaviour or you will get what you deserve as a gamer.
@PJ5 I'll be honest, I kind of assumed that's who it's for. After all, who would buy exactly the same game twice?
Persona 5 & Persona 5 Royal are two of my favorite games of all time. But this isn’t justifiable for a $60 purchase. The DLC is a bunch of low quality costumes and way too overpowered personas. The DLC was way overpriced to begin with. Having no $10 to $20 upgrade path alienates fans who want to play it again. I get going full price on regular physical copies but at least offer an upgrade path. This was expected but still extremely disappointing. I hope Atlus listens to the backlash but they’ll just ignore it like the majority of the time.
Did my forum post get deleted? can't find it on the site anymore? I It was up before this article.
Also not mad as I already own PS4 version and will get the upgraded version on Gamepass.
Logically why would Atlus give something for free on PS if Xbox or Nintendo doesn't get that same thing for free? it's about parity.
@nessisonett The PS4 version of Royal was worth the upgrade. 30+ hours of content, new characters/areas. That was like a whole new game in itself.
This is sadly very typical of Atlus! The only way we will get them to stop charging full price, is if we consumers stand our ground and refuse to buy them!
Unfortunately I know alot of people that will still buy said games at full price...it isn't helping mates.
@Sam_ATLUS Yeah that will show Atlus. 🤪
@Darylb88 Because the game got sold two times already at full price this should have been €10 at the most.
@Porco This is Nintendo can get away sometimes? They do it all the time if you look at Zelda alone.
@Flaming_Kaiser I would say that P5 and P5R are different games having played both. They know PS players prob aren't going to buy this again and it's only fair the Xbox, PS5 and Switch editions have parity for new buyers
@Titntin I completely understand where yo are coming from. I absolutely love the game for the same reasons as yourself but I have to agree that the game is too long in my opinion. I am about 140 hours in and apparently excluding the additional palace included in the royal version of P5 I still have an additional palace to go after the one I am currently in (trying to avoid any potential spoilers for people). Maybe I have played the game a bit slow at times but the game does keep you to a schedule so you can't really wonder off the beaten track. Also the ratio of gameplay to cutscenes/character dialogue is too lopsided in my opinion. I love the story and characters please don't get me wrong but I crave more actual gameplay. I do really enjoy hanging out with the characters and your confidants but I am more used to jrpg's like Final Fantasy where there is a ton of story/side content but you also have plenty of action and battles to enjoy. That being said it is still a great game, I mean no one in their right mind plays a game for 140 hours without actually liking it haha!
@Gryzor I agree lol, sometimes I am like come on come just shut up already and let me move my character. Anyway I haven't actually played a SMT mainline game before, how do they differ from the Persona games? Do they have more gameplay and opportunity for battles? I really wanted to play SMT V but it isn't on PS5
@Rossesh Mainline SMT games are darker, oppressive even, involve more grinding, dungeon-crawling, combat and just more gameplay in general, than those overly chatty Persona highschool/social sim nuisances
Digital Devil Saga on PS2 is just as fantastic as the mainline games btw.
SMT is pulling no punches and will kick your ass, if you arrive to a boss fight unprepared, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
I'm guessing SMT V will likely be announced for PC/PS4/5 after the 1 year Switch exclusivity contract expires, so prolly around October.
@Gryzor Appreciate you answering my question on this. That sounds like my sorted jam 😊 One of my favourite games of all time is Dark Souls 3; I went through all the DLC and bosses and was so happy when I got to the end. I also enjoy Resident Evil and survival horror in general so I always like a challenge. Thanks for the recommendation regarding Digital Devil Saga and hopefully SMT V will be announced for PS4/PS5 this year as I would be so hyped to play it 👍
hope the PS5 version sell so badly, they'll rethink trying this again.. (upgrading 10.- would probably generate more money..., though it still should be free)
if P5R were free on Plus (not P5, but P5R), than I could somehow understand Atlus asking for a full price ..
... wonder if ultimately MS had some influence on this bad move, hope Sega gets bad PR with consequences from it..
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