Red Dead Online fans are coming together to host an in-game funeral for the forgotten — and seemingly abandoned — multiplayer mode of Red Dead Redemption 2. Next week, on 13th July 2022, those still playing are invited to "dress up in your best funeral attire, get your friends to join", and tag the @RedDeadRDC Twitter account as well as using the #RedDeadFuneral hashtag.
The date is significant because it marks exactly one year since Red Dead Online received its last significant content addition: Blood Money. Since then, the multiplayer mode has only gotten minor fixes, bonus rewards, and a bit of free gear. The fan-led campaign is just the latest in movements to try and alert Rockstar and the wider gaming community to how little support Red Dead Online has received — especially compared to GTA Online.
Less than two months ago, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick acknowledged fan criticism and stressed the online mode hadn't been abandoned, but any new content is up to Rockstar. All Zelnick could confirm is that the online servers would remain active. Despite more than 44 million copies sold, Red Dead Online just isn't getting the support its fans believe it deserves.
And so, on Wednesday next week, the saloons and wild west of Red Dead Online will resemble a funeral gathering. Are you getting your outfit sorted? Make sure to wear black in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via pcgamesn.com]
Comments 17
I'd love to but I promised Harriet I'd get her some water snake samples on that day.
i really want to be a part of this, as i'm one of those frustrated RDR2 fans myself, i haven't played the game for a couple of months now, i just hope i won't forget to show up to the funeral come next wednesday.
I don't care for Red Dead Online.
But what I would love is some RDR2 DLC... wouldn't mind paying for an extra province of content or two.
This headline made me laugh.
Red Dead Online is really good in my opinion, but it's obviously ripe for expansion and it's clear Rockstar's priorities are elsewhere. A shame.
While I've never really liked any of Rockstar's multiplayer efforts I have been part of multiplayer communities hungry for support. I tip my hat to these players!
Rockstar's online is crazy fun but I still prefer their single player. I've done 3 thorough playthoughs of RDR2 and still not tired of it. As for GTAV, no exaggeration, I've beat it like 10+ times probably.
Be nice to see a funeral for 30fps mode
It would be hilarious if some rockstar devs crashed the funeral. So obviously that wont happen. Just not as ripe for microtransactions as gta tho they could add a rocket horse XD
@Danloaded Even better if they pitched up as the undead. That would REALLY stick the knife in 😂
just more offline content more story campaign players than online.
The game is just too lethargic for me. He bumbles around like a pisshead
This is hilarious. I really think they could have made this a lot more successful with some more creative effort.
Good riddance I guess? 😏😏
Lol what a joke!
The single player was great but I just found the online really boring
So when was RDRO ever a high priority for R* ? I started in January 2019 and was shocked to not have a private lobby option like GTAO has.
Then R* needed a YEAR to fix camps and animals spawning problems that made the game near unplayable. However tricking into a private lobby provided normal spawning of animals and camps.
Overall I have had some fun and good times with RDRO so I bow my head and say goodbye.
I will admit I'm having a giggle to myself right now.
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