Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten is an upcoming JRPG set in the same universe as the Utawarerumono series, but one that tells an all-new story.
We got an extended look at gameplay in a new trailer, and this title is looking like something fans of the genre are going to want to keep on their radar.
We don't have a Western release date as yet, but Monochrome Mobius is launching in Japan on 8 September.
Monochrome Mobius serves as a kind of prequel to Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, featuring several playable characters from that game in their younger days, although both games tell entirely independent stories.

If you want a better idea of the narrative setup for Monochrome Morbius, check out the announcement trailer from earlier in the year:
What do you think of Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten? Are we living in a JRPG golden age? Level up in the comments section below.
Comments 14
Looks to be Steam only at this point, which is disappointing. The Utawarerumono games are an acquired taste for sure, but I’m hoping there’s enough interest for Aquaplus to get this on my Playstation.
Looks pretty cool, like the combat. Will keep an eye out for release
I have no idea what this is but it's a jrpg so count me in, I just hope it doesn't take years to get to us because I'm really starting to feel like the games feel dated when we finally do get to play them. I tried edge of eternity yesterday and that came out in 2018 in Japan but came out here Feb of this year and wow, it felt very dated playing it.
I need to get on with Ute because the only version I've played is Zan, and I own mask of truth and mas of deception
@Amnesiac The issue is that their former Publisher for Consoles (NISA) dropped them and the new one only releases Games on PC
I can't be the only one that read "Morbius" and got super excited!
The game looks good, I wish the game's combat more action oriented (with pause system for magic/ability) like tales of arise though.
Looks like my type of JRPG! Wonder why this is not being released on Consoles.........for now at least!
@AFCC It’s Morbin Time!
@AFCC this game is about to bring in alot of morbucks
So it’s not confirmed for PlayStation? That’s a shame, looks promising.
this looks really nice. Only things id like added, would be a battle camera angle from the side, so i can see their attacks better, and not akwardly stare at my partys backs the whole time.
Also maybe slighty longer/flashier attack animations too.
other than that looks awsome.
also can do without the pink hairless rabit creature. im tired of seeing annoying little companions in every frikin jrpg these days.
It’s Mobin time!
Unless they right the wrong of not releasing the PS version in the west, no we are not.
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