Here’s a fascinating video from Linus Tech Tips: a PS3 development kit pulled apart and showcased in all of its enormous glory. The giant 2ft behemoth was used by developers to create games for Sony’s last-last-gen console, and the clip even includes development build footage of titles like Life Is Strange, LittleBigPlanet, and, yes, Gears of War 3 – which you may recall was, at one point, temporarily in production for the platform.
The video also includes some footage of an early PS Vita development kit, which worked in conjunction with the PS3 one. Effectively, the PS3 devkit emulated the final PS Vita hardware, allowing teams to run and test their titles. Overall, it’s an illuminating 15-minute watch, although as the title of the video facetiously points out – it could yet be the target of a cease and desist.
Comments 26
Love watching stuff like this.
I never knew Gears 3 was in development for the PS3. I dont recall when Xbox purchased the series, but I thought they always had it locked down with publishing rights alone.
Oh well, it likely would have been inferior like most 3rd party games on the PS3. The Cell really screwed that console over. I did love my PS3 and it's excellent exclusives though.
I often wondered if 3rd party publishers/developers just didn't want to put the time and money into making their games equal across the board or if the Cell was that notoriously difficult to develop games on.
I've got a PS1 dev kit, the blue Net Yaroze one. Wonder what it's worth. Not as much as the green one but still worth a few quid.
@Kang81 its been greatly refuted over the years but it is true.
Halo was also once being shopped for a port to PlayStation, which is another story most don’t know.
@Kang81 It doesn't seem like it was probably ever going to come out, but this development build is real and obviously it could have happened as Epic owned the franchise at the time.
@Jacko11 Wasn't Halo first in development for Macintosh computers or something? I feel like it was originally planned as an RTS or something as well... But I could be wrong on that!
@get2sammyb It was indeed an RTS. That dream would eventually come true with the Wars games.
There was also a planned DS game too.
@get2sammyb exactly what @Orpheus79V said.
Crazy how things change. So many stories to be told in this industry
i saw the ps5 one really gone are the days of offline installs always wanting to call home lol
i love Anthony's videos really in-depth and educational.
I spent years working with the PS3 dev kits. I was one of a few people that helped get them set up at Vivendi as not many people there knew anything about Linux.
I also spent a lot of time with PSP dev kits but not Vita!
@glassmusic I've seen PS2 Dev kits a long time ago at Sony hq London that was a cool moment
Give it back to Sony so they can work out how to give ps3 digital downloads.
Oh I've been closer. Can't say more than that! Lmao
@glassmusic That's awesome!
@huyi Oh cool! What did they look like?
Hmm, far later than I expected.
@BeerIsAwesome Don't for forget how Take-Two was ordinally supposed to publish Halo before Micrsooft swooped in and bought bungie but Take two was able to keep Myth and Oni as a part of that deal.
@BeerIsAwesome Yeah. Microsoft isn't too crazy about forcing ownership of IP unlike Sony. There so may great IP that Microsoft have given up ownership on like Mass Effect.
thats a big boy mate... damnn
@glassmusic Same, the PS3 dev kits were the last ones I worked with. I left just before the Vita ones would’ve been rolled out.
@SoulChimera Oh cool, where did you work?
@Kang81 Think it might’ve been Tim Sweeney himself that confirmed though the footage/code is real, it was never intended as a full Gears of War release. At the time with the 360 sales outstripping PS3's slow start,most 3rd party games led development on XB 360 with PS3 getting so-so ports.
In the case of Gears of War,the Unreal Engine had been optimised for XB 360,& Epic simply used Gears of War as a technical demo to get the engine running on ps3 apparently.
Obviously these days with Sony's "strategic" minor shares in Epic they've made sure the Unreal engine is running the likes of Fortnite etc.,a lot more smoothly on current gens.
@get2sammyb It was! Of all the games I did QA for at Vivendi, the PS3 port of F.E.A.R. was my favorite. Unfortunately I got stuck doing non-English playthroughs, so while I’ve played the story through literally hundreds of times, I’ve never once done it in a language I understood. 😹😹😹
@glassmusic at that PS3 time it was Swordfish which was also Vivendi for a short time. 50 Cent was my last. Haha.
That makes sense.
@glassmusic they had the word DEV instead of PS2 on the top of the console and had pc parts coming out from it, that the best I can remember about it
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