When will the new PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium games be announced? This is a question that we've been asked loads of times since the new tiers launched, so we wanted to try and make an educated guess.
As we all know by this point, the monthly PS Plus Essential titles are officially announced the Wednesday before the first Tuesday of a new month. That first Tuesday is when the games are actually made available on the PlayStation Store. So, for example, July 2022's PS Plus Essential games were announced on Wednesday 29th June. They were made available to download on Tuesday 5th July.
Now then, with that well established pattern in mind, what do we know about the PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium games? Sony has already confirmed that new titles for both of the new tiers will be added monthly, just like with PS Plus Essential. However, Extra and Premium's games will be announced at a different time, "in the middle of the month", according to Sony.
Okay, so what constitutes as "the middle of the month"? Well, let's look at the facts: anticipated PS5 and PS4 indie title Stray will be added to PS Plus Extra on the day of its release — that's the 19th July, which just so happens to be a Tuesday.
It's assumed that new Extra and Premium games will arrive on the third Tuesday of each month, which would mean that the accompanying announcement needs to happen very soon. It's entirely possible that confirmation will drop on the Wednesday prior — that's the 13th July.
It's currently unknown how big these updates will be, by the way. We can't really see Sony adding new games in bulk, but if it wants to keep subscribers invested in the new PS Plus tiers, it can't afford skimp on the goods. In any case, we should soon have a much better idea of how it all works. In the meantime, feel free to give our massive All PS Plus Games guide a look if you want much more information on the service.
What are you hoping for from PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium? Keep dreaming in the comments section below.
Comments 25
Let's see how Sony manages this new suscriptions tiers. It will be interesting to see whey they focus (PS1 games? New AA/AAA PS4/PS5 titles? Indies?).
If they add 2 new games (PS4 or PS5) to the extra tier and 1 new game (classic PS1, 2 or psp) to the premium tier every month, I think that could work. That's roughly 6 games a month if we include the essential tier
It should also be noted that both Shadow Warrior 3 and Siberia leave on the 19th. So we know when a game(Stray) is coming and the other games are leaving. A good infographic announcing the new games as well as what's leaving would be really smart on their end.
I expect at least 3-4 games across extra and premium as that's what Now was getting at a minimum.
Also, I know people want them, but I don't think they'll ever add another PS3 game.
@soracloud28 Shadow warrior 3 left yesterday
Just want to genuinely check. Did they say they will actually announce all games they are adding to the game catalogue mid month?
Stray got announced a long time ago, because it's noteworthy. Any other day one or bigger titles will probably get announced way before the mid month release.
Other games... will they be mentioned at all? Or just get released, and mentioned on PS Store/PS Extra page on consoles.
Hopefully we get a new release like Stray every month, doesn't have to be a hyped title, just a good new release when it makes sense. I know in September, Metal: Hellsing and Soulstice come out in the middle of the month, so there's options. Add a PS4 game and a couple classic games and I'd be happy.
@Barryburton97 oh that's weird! I was just playing it this morning!!!
@Ravix Sony's official blog post on the subject did indeed say it would be a mid-month update for Extra and Premium. Beyond that, the details haven't been confirmed, but it's widely believed that it'll follow the same kind of structure as the monthly Essential update — or even the old PS Now update, which was a similar kind of thing.
@mittensknox depends on the games. If they’re to compete with gamepass (which is what the aim surely is) then they need to do some big third party deals at some point.
I’m really interested to see how long it takes first party games going to extra though going forward…
@ShogunRok yes, so mid month update of games being added, not necessarily any announcements beyond the ones they want to hype though? I remember the term refresh being used a lot, so eventually it will be some bigger titles leaving and some arriving.
Did they ever announce Now additions and things that are leaving beforehand? Or did they just appear/disappear in the Now page when the update went live?
@Ravix If I remember right, they used to confirm additions and removals in a monthly blog post for PS Now.
@Bleachedsmiles I would guess we may see first party games appear somewhere between 6 months and 2 years from release (depending on the game). God of War Ragnarok feels like a 2 year wait to me. There will be exceptions of course like Last of Us Multiplayer could easily be day 1 because it's a games as a service model
With first party I think for now it will be one year after release. I think that’ll get moved to 6 months within a few years with an option to purchase the game at launch with a discounted price.
By the time PS6 launches, I think they’ll be doing day and date.
@RavenWolfe81 Rollerdrome feels like the perfect game to add to the Extra tier on Day 1
@ShogunRok ah, blog post... Yeah, I don't expect many announcements for random catalogue refreshes. I'll just use push square or check my Extra page at random times then I think 😅
Downloading Stray on the 19th will be a good time to see if anything is has updated on the service.
They used to announce the games for Now on the day they were added. However, they often didn’t even announce all of them, just the main few, others we just had to find ourselves, lol.
@soracloud28 SW3 is already gone. SW2 is still playable through Premium, but SW3 can only be purchased.
I'm really hoping Speed Freaks gets added sometime with trophy support.
But how do we find out when certain games will leave the program? With my limited game time if a game like AC Valhalla is leaving soon I rather buy it.
I’m currently on Essential, but all I need to hear is that RESISTANCE: Fall Of Man or Retribution is coming to Premium WITH TROPHY SUPPORT and I’m making the change immediately. I know it’s a massive long shot hoping for trophies on either of those, but I can dream, can’t I?? LOL
Lol what a joke!!
Did you just literally explain to people what the Wednesday before the first Tuesday of the month is ???
And you didn't go as war as saying that is 6 days before the release?
July 13th isn't too long of a wait, let's hope that's the real announcement date!
Come onnnn Enslaved (in the UK)
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