Update 2: USA Today's original report has been updated. The publication now says GLHF, a Swedish games media company, cited "unnamed and unvetted sources", and the initial claim that Amazon would announce its purchase of EA has been removed completely. Effectively, the rumour has been reduced to nothing.
Given this update and CNBC's comments refuting the rumour, we think it's safe to say this has turned out to be a big old dud. As you were!
Update 1: Following the arrival of the below report, we've now got word to the contrary. According to CNBC and its sources, Amazon is in fact not set to acquire EA. Here's the report from CNBC itself, which has also been watching EA's stock as the rumour broke out:
So we're sort of back to square one. We'll have to wait and see what happens later today, but it's now not looking much more likely than on any other day. Again, we'll give you the latest as we learn more.
Original Story: According to a new report, Amazon will soon announce its intention to acquire Electronic Arts.
EA is an enormous publisher behind big gaming properties such as Battlefield, Need for Speed, Apex Legends, and myriad sports titles such as FIFA and Madden. Reports from earlier in the year sparked talk of the company looking to sell to a larger entity, such as Apple, Disney, or Amazon. If this scoop is accurate, it seems the latter is on the cusp of publicly confirming its offer.
The rumour comes from USA Today, reporting on word from GLHF sources. According to the report, Amazon may announce this news later today, in a matter of hours.
If true, the timing is interesting; just a few weeks ago, EA made a pretty clear statement it plans to remain independent, with CEO Andy Wilson saying the publisher is in an "incredible position". It's also worth noting EA itself made a fairly big acquisition of its own, buying up racing game specialist Codemasters. This all follows an industry-wide push for acquisition and mergers, too. Microsoft has put down billions of dollars for ZeniMax Media and Activision Blizzard, Sony recently completed its deal to buy Bungie, and Embracer Group continues to scoop up as many studios and IP as it can.
All that being said, this is just a rumour for now — it could still turn out to be false.
We will update you as soon as more details come to light.
[source ftw.usatoday.com]
Comments 76
Yikes. Fitting how they are both despicable companies.
Wow it is definitely one of those gaming years.
Crazy times. For us, as PlayStation fans, I guess Amazon is arguably a better destination than some of the potential alternatives.
All that said, I'm yet to be convinced any of this is good for the industry in the slightest. And I include Sony in that if they go for a publisher. (I think the smaller purchases like Housemarque and Bluepoint are generally fine, and probably a positive.)
Also makes you realise that if Activision and now EA fall, that's basically the biggest two publishers gone. Ubisoft will be next and it basically means everyone is on the table, including the "smaller" publishers like SEGA and Square Enix.
The industry will be unrecognisable in five years.
Well, better them than one of the platform holders. Unless they intend to have their own cloud service and/or run exclusive agreements with a platform holder.
Out of interest, why the hate towards amazon?
They will fill it full of Alexa controlled games and I will.hate it , I've already and to disconnect Alexa thanx to my parrot
It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world!
On a positive note: the pre-load for The Last of Us: Part 1 is live 😎
On a negative note: nope. I don't like EA, don't play their games (except Mass Effect and Dead Space), don't really care. Game Pass might lose some appeal due to disappearance of Fifa, but that's just about it. Playstation won't be affected.
Sony needs to acquire Square Enix
Trash meets Trash
@Deljo tax dodgers, treat their workers like sh*t. Are the main two reasons I think.
@Gloamin I'd rather buy another console than support Amazon.
@dasd2 I would have agreed six months ago but Square are worthless without Tomb Raider.
@Deljo They're know for absolutely horrible working conditions which literally caused workers' death in their warehouses (in the US at least, it's probably not as bad in Europe due to the existence of actual labor laws)
Lol. Ridiculous. The gaming landscape is already unrecognisable. I guess all we can do is sit back and watch the fallout. Dread to think how much this will cost. Just wondering how much more it will be than the 1 billion dollars Amazon allegedly spent on the lord of the rings tv show.
Sony, hurry up and get Square, all the Konami IPs and Capcom, so I can call it a day and don't need to worry about all that ***** any longer. (hyperbolical)
I feel this is more about investment in e-sports related franchises. It’s a massively growing industry with tons of earning potential.
@godofwarj5 it's so they can get Alexa controlled games
Also interested in the price if true. My guess is this will be more than Activision, but we'll see.
Alexa.....lets play EA Sports FC .
Imagine if they made all EA games exclusive to Luna?
@dschons Then titles from those respective publishers will be exclusive to just Sony. Not a good look. Some things should stay multiplat like Sega, Capcom, etc.
Disney, Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta. Everything will be under one of those umbrellas in a decade at most. Hate to see it :/
@Rafie They don't necessarily have to. I guess we will see less exclusivity than ever before this gen. How this industry is changing is not a good look above all else imo.
I wasn't sure how EA could be worse. Now I know
@BeerIsAwesome Doubtful lol, Alexa Game Control is exclusive to Xbox Consoles atm. And I doubt they would have this Partnership if they hated each other
@dasd2 they need to buy Capcom too before someone else does.
@thefourfoldroot1 😅 they already have their own cloud service, Amazon Luna. Here’s hoping that goes the way of the dodo and the next Mass Effect isn’t exclusive to a streaming service. More likely IMO is that everything goes to Luna, but Twitch becomes the real Amazon platform to compete with Sony and Microsoft.
@Rob_230 I saw an advert for the lord of the rings show last night (not sure if you have seen it) but it genuinely looked sh*te, not great seeming as the GoT prequel seems to have been well received. Trailers aren't everything I know but it just looked rubbish IMO.
I am guessing they pay about 20 Billion given the interest from the likes of Apple!?!?
Alexa Game Control is a technology that supports PC and console devices
Well, and there was I genuinely sitting firmly on the “EA couldn’t get worse if they tried” bandwagon.
Then I read this article.
I once worked for Amazon, the fact I’ll pay more before using them says all there is to say about the company really. So good luck to EA, you’re made for one another.
Better Amazon than Tencent or the Saudi Public Investment Fund.
There's also a rumour that Geoff Keighley is in the final stages of his acquisition of Hideo Kojima.
@dasd2 Absolutley not.
Gamepass subscription prices guaranteed to increase next year once this is confirmed.
@thejoesenone I agree
None of this effects me in the slightest. PES was always the better footy game where it matters on the green stuff. Being English never cared for Madden. NFS meh. Mass Effect not its biggest fan. It's not like they have any plans to make Titanfall 3 any time soon
Of course, it could just be what it says, a rumour lol
Completely forgot about Luna, it never gets mentioned any more, lol.
Doubt anything changes. Everything will remain on all platforms. Can afford to go exclusive on anything with their sports games. I wonder when someone will buy one of the big 3? Microsoft is very unlikely due to it being the wealthiest,but who knows what's going to happen. I don't think anyone would have expected Activision to be purchased if you asked them last year
@gollumb82 that's one thing I hate about buying a physical game no preload goddammit
@Martsmall Only available on PC and Xbox atm tho
Yeah @SinfulDestroyer is right. CNBC just reported this is not happening. Nothing to see here folks!
I'm just glad it's not Microsoft. Atleast I can still play Dragon Age and Mass Effect on PlayStation.
Phil is nothing but a liar behind a smile. Always saying he's not taking games away from people while keeping them off two big platforms to force you into his 'ecosystem'.
If he wanted to, they could still make money with charging people on other platforms full price. But most people never see through his rubbish because he is "smiling nice guy Phil".
As long as Mass Effect 5 comes to PS5, I don't care.
@get2sammyb CNBC is stating otherwise...
Update: According to Bloomberg Terminal, Amazon is not expected to make a bid for EA, citing CNBC sources
Thank god, looks like it’s not happening.
Yeah, the modern gaming industry needs to crash.
Edit: Didn't read all the comments before commenting. Hope the updates I'm seeing are true and this is nothing. Still a concerning sign of the times.
What a rollercoaster!
@IonMagi I see you a lot trying to sell the benefits of Xbox.
Here, allow me to help seeing as I own both.
I just bought a key for Witch Queen Destiny 2 DLC, it’s a Turkish key and activated it on my UK Xbox account within seconds.
It cost me £6. Not the £19.99 sale price it is currently.
It’s also £19.99 on PlayStation right now, yet there’s no easy way for many people to locate and purchase these questionable keys online.
You know, like how we all know many don’t actually pay for Game Pass, they pay for a key off a infamous Saudi website and enter it instead for say £1 a month etc.
Now, just there I’ve just advertised Xbox better than I’ve seen you ever do.
Voice assistance doesn’t sell consoles en masse. There’s nothing to boast about having your data tracked even further by the worlds largest shopping company that wants to model your behaviour profile.
However, tell people having an Xbox saves them a f-ton of money, that will get you further.
But then one thing my Turkish keys won’t get me, Sony exclusives.
Well, unless I get the Steam key from a Turkish seller when they inevitably come to PC etc. but that’s a whole different story.
Anyway, enjoy your console/s of choice and try not to work too hard on selling for a company that ain’t paying your energy and grocery bill. They won’t attend your funeral, so don’t waste the years you have defending them like a relative.
Gaming might be dead, and my conspiracy brain is going to blame services like game pass. People wanted Netflix for gaming, ignoring how Netflix for TV has turned out. Welp....here we go.
Knee jerk reaction done.
Amazon purchasing them makes a lot of sense, they already have a well established subscription services and own some interesting ip's, plus have a new gaming service which they could combine with amazon prime, acquiring EA with the popular sports franchises they do plus juggernauts like mass effect and dragon age would make amazon prime a must have.
The battle of the subscription services is going to intensify, and thsi would also mean no more EA access for playstation and xbox.
@dschons we can only hope sony gets square enix, but only if they allow square to keep releasing the jrpgs they want to make
@Deljo Laundry list of reasons.
@SinfulDestroyer Rumors are fake though... until verified.
@Gloamin Microsoft are going to make pretty much every franchise multiplatform. Amazon would tie everything to Luna.
Alexa ........Cancel that last request.
I am pretty sure going forward EA won’t be behind the FIFA property. At the end of the day companies don’t make games, people do.
@Cutmastavictory Netflix for TV turned out way better than traditional cable. Not only are shows much better than the pre-Netflix era they're also much easier to consume. I guess you're right, game subscriptions are the way forward.
Fake news then.
@Milktastrophe there was a time when Netflix was in fact simply amazing. But I'm speaking in present tense. And the state of tv streaming is abysmal. I see game streaming going down the same path. In theory sounds great, but in practice won't turn out great. But I'm purely speculating.
Thank goodness by the time I looked this was disputed...Amazon owning EA would be nuts.
@Cutmastavictory I think you are right. This will hurt smaller developers and stimey innovation…..
Seems very strange an acquisition this big would leak... These sort of things are usually worked on by only the highest level employees on both sides and typically aren't known about until they're done deals.
I really wouldn't be surprised if EA are the next one's to be bought...something's obviously going on over there where the share holders have itchy feet.
That's why posting any rumours is bad journalism.
On the one hand I'd rather EA stayed independent but on the other in a buyer's market better Amazon then Microsoft.
@naruball I tend to agree. But I'm not a journalist, just a nobody.
So a non story that outlets have managed to get 2 stories out of, lol. Maybe fact-check next time. Bad journalism.
Too bad. I wanted to see the Super Devil in action.
Good thing this turned out to be fake news. I don't support anything Amazon (Amazon, prime, twitch... etc). If Amazon bought EA, I wouldn't be able to buy Jedi: Survivor.
@dasd2 You really want to pay $70+tax for Final Fantasy? If Sony acquired Square Enix, all your Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games will get those Sony price.
With news reporting now consisting of everyone rushing to be the first to report the latest unsupported rumour, its prehaps no surprise that everyone is learning a different take on what 'truth' is.
To be fair, there were confirmations of ea looking for a suitor recently, even if they did their best to deny it more recently, so a deal with Amazon wouldnt have been totally unheralded.
I have a history with E. A. and therefore have learnt to be very wary of them. Whilst it would be nice to think a decent new management group could make them a better creative force in the industry, in reality, anyone rich enough to buy them will be only interested in financial gain rather than long term health of the industry. Its probably "better the devil we know"..
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