PlayStation Productions has a Days Gone film in the works with Outlander actor Sam Heughan lined up to play Deacon St. John, a new report from Deadline claims. The article says Sheldon Turner is adapting the game for the big screen, an Oscar-nominated scribe with credits on The Longest Yard and X-Men: First Class.
The script will be "a love ballad to motorcycle movies; the bike being Deacon’s sole form of transportation, his horse in this would-be, modern-day western". If true — which it probably is coming from a reputable source like Deadline — then the Days Gone movie will join Ghost of Tsushima and Gran Turismo films as well as The Last of Us, Twisted Metal, God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo TV shows as upcoming projects from PlayStation Productions.
It's an especially interesting choice from Sony considering the company decided not to green-light a sequel to the 2019 original game. Instead, Sony Bend is making a new IP after its pitch was rejected. For more information on All PlayStation Productions Movies and TV Shows, click the link. How do you react to this news? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source deadline.com]
Comments 63
If this goes through and does okay sales wise I bet we’ll see another Days Gone game at some point. Maybe the original pitch for the sequel was garbage and a better pitch might do the trick later down the line.
I really loved this game… wasn’t expecting to after all the hate at release but it clicked for me for sure. I’d watch a film based on this, though I’d kinda like them to cast Sam Witwer if I’m honest.
Wow look, a new zombie movie! That’s such a new and interesting idea!
@nessisonett To be fair, how many zombie movies have come out with a fairly sizeable budget? Last one I can think of is World War Z.
Bro this is weird. I’m not one of those who’s ultra mad at Sony for not making Days Gone 2, but why would they expand this IP into film if they don’t have any more plans with it? Wild
@Shstrick - I think we'll see a Days Gone 2 regardless, just because a sequel wasn't immediately greenlighted, doesn't mean a sequel will never happen. After 6 years working on Days Gone, creating a new IP is probably exactly what Sony Bend needs, that way they can come up with new fresh ideas while garnering more experience that they then can apply to a Days Gone Sequel.
I did not expect to read this today.
@colonelkilgore I loved Sam Witwer’s performance in Day’s Gone, it was one of the best parts of the game for me (and Day’s Gone is my game of the generation for PS4). However, having seen Sam Heughan in SAS: Red Notice (or SAS: Rise of the Black Swan if you’re American) I think he could be a very good Deacon, so if it couldn’t be Sam Witwer (I assume becuase he’s not a big enough name and to differentiate the project) I’m glad it’s him.
@Pikki - THANK YOU! Someone who understands that there are those out there like us that actually enjoy zombie-centric games and media.
(Though I think Days Gone should be a TV Show, instead of a Movie, but regardless more Days Gone is always welcome)
Removed - inappropriate
Will we get a remake before the movie launches? Definitive way to play it, for all the new fans and what not.
I joke, I joke.
I'm a fan of zombies, all the old Romero movies... But even I feel it's a tired genre at the minute.
I don't get why Sony would greenlight a zombie movie especially with a Last of Us tv show happening around the same time.
Sony's logic makes no sense. Game got okay reviews. Don't want to make a sequel. BUT want to spend millions on a movie instead? Not like we have a ton of movies that does the EXACT same thing as the game does.
Hopefully if this is true, than maybe we can get a sequel. Still kills me that part 2 didn't get greenlit.
@colonelkilgore yeah…. Like he’s an actor… he’s been in things why not just have him do it?
Great, I know a guy who would play a great Deacon...
Also why cast a different Deacon when Sam Witwer is right there!
God I hate this.
Well this is going to be an awkward subject at the Bend office...
As for the movie I don't know if this is one I'd see. I liked Days Gone but more for the gameplay than the story. Although I will say I was intrigued by the ending indicating where the sequel could have gone.
Still a strange choice considering the drama surrounding the game it's based off of.
A good time for Sony to maybe reconsider a sequel.
If Days Gone gets a movie and no sequel to the game, maybe there's hope The Order 1886 could get a series/movie too
100% down. Loved Days Gone a lot despite media reception. Hope we get to see that Concrete Genie bike skin in the movie.
I played DG on a whim when it popped up on PS Plus... absolutely loved it. Probably my favorite PS4 game in terms of sheer enjoyment. They nailed the light survival aspects, the feel of riding the bike, the sense of tangible danger when you're exploring and never know when you'll stumble onto a horde. Even the narrative was surprisingly well done, up there with the best open worlds of the PS4 generation.
All that to say, it seems insane they'd make a movie for DG after canceling the sequel, but I certainly hope this reignites interest in the IP. It's too good to let it go to waste.
So they hated the sales but will make a movie? Also if true please keep the character and lines as is. Dont change it to fit the woke critic wants
I haven't played this game yet its been in my backlog for years now lol. I dont know if this game really deserves a movie but sounds like we're going to get it anyway.
But, but... I thought Days Gone flopped? Sony being Sony again. For the record, I loved Days Gone and was pissed when they cancelled the sequel.
Gonna be weird if the movie gets a sequel before the actual game, scratches head. Very fun platinum and 110% deserves a sequel
How do they cancel the sequel and make a movie? How stupid is Sony? Holy heck...this is baffling lol
Why not just use Sam Witwer? The character is him in both voice and design.
I bet anything this means Days Gone 2 is definitely in development. I feel like the main reason the sequel didn't get greenlit is because TLOU is incredibly similar presentation wise and to some extent gameplay wise and you don't really need two "zombie" series. With TLOU on the back burner for the meantime I could see Days Gone returning.
I loved Days gone, great story, brilliant world and taking on a horde was one of the best,tense and most challenging bits of gaming I've played in years.
Though review scores were low I think it's a lot more liked than people think. Some sources say it sold 8-9 million so a movie might do quite well. Hopefully they do it justice.
Wasn’t Days Gone a “Daryl from the walking dead” simulator anyway? I loved the game, but it’s already derived from film. I’d rather have a sequel to the game.
So the cancelled sequel got turned into a movie kind of like how instead of campaign DLC the story in between Halo games are covered by books?
I loved A Plague Tale but that game sold a little more than a million copies and got a sequel. How does Days Gone not get a sequel when it sold around 7-8 million copies? Days Gone has been done dirty. Then there’s TLoU Remake getting the green light when it didn’t need remaking. Who is making all these poor decisions? lol
oh geez no. this will not be good ,i love the moodiness and grittiness of the game. some games dont translate well to movies or tv. now are non gamers gona say last of us and days gone is like walking dead. i stopped watching that show when rick left and a few of my friends stopped at the farm house lol this will be pure dribble as a movie. sequel please!
@uptownsoul lol i bet the people in charge has not played the game. just thought oh lets make a movie out of this add this and that its not gona be as we know it.
deacon (sam witwer) he was brilliant in smallville. highly recommend that tv show
Hopefully we get a day gone 2 after Sony bend new ip release.
@4kgk2 thank you 👍 geez i thought i was alone with that opinion 😂
Would love a Days Gone sequel, never understood the negativity towards it.
Can you really cancel a sequel that was never greenlit to begin with?
Well.... This has given me hope for a Gravity Rush anime series.
And a Knack rom-com.
I'd watch a Days Gone movie, sign me up!
I did not expect to like Days Gone as much as I thought I would. Thought it started okay, nothing out of this world and then by the end, I unexpectedly started to miss it. That and a yearning to start saving up for a motorcycle 🤣
I am excited for this but like everyone else dumbfounded as to why not just use Sam Witwer?
Getting a bit tired of all the movies and TV TV TV announcements from PlayStation. Its straight out the Don Mattrick xbox one playbook
Sony didnt have anything with Days Gone 2 not being made.
Pitch didnt reach them and was stopped at top people at Bend studio.
They could have made a new pitch but instead it will be a new ip.
I don't recall this game getting much negative feedback like some of you are saying?
Guess a 7/10 is still considered unplayable?
While the sequel did get cancel... Which isnt surprising due to it "Meh" launch. The PC release was probably the best thing to help the franchise. It made a lot people go "Oh, this game wasn't actually meh.", but it took 2 years.
@uptownsoul exactly id watch it then hes deacon! just like nolan north is nathan drake lol. ever watch grimm her was in that to , hes a good actor
grimm should come back to our tv screens to lol
@Dudditz09 I know you're being sarcastic, but I think there were framerate upgrades for PS5
It baffles me they will spend 100m on a film but not 100m on a sequel
@Dudeman1 if by "on the back burner" you mean a much spoken about remake of the first game, its port to pc, a seperate standalone multilayer coming, and a rv series to coincide with it all then yeah.
Days gone 2 should have been made instead of tlou remake imo. Much more deserving and Sony will be making money from the tv show anyway.
prediction: they're going to retcon the story to make it so Sarah really did cheat on deacon with the black guy
I’m happy for any love this game gets, one of my fav gaming experiences to date.
@Jacko11 You know what they pitched? Maybe it was godawfull and they said no way we are waiting a other 6 years with a even bigger budget.
@eltomo It was by far the least polished firstparty game with a lukewarm response from the audience. It took 6 years and was a nightmare to develop so i can understand why they didnt jump on it.
@Flaming_Kaiser I hope you don’t believe that cause its nonsense.
Hearing Jeff Ross speak about it on multiple podcasts, it seems clear that it just wasn’t a Ghost or TLOU level game and Sony’s new direction would allow for a sequel.
Days Gone is dead.
the devs arnt happy with the choice of actor lol
im sure he will do fine. no harm to him
but we want sam witwer as deacon!
wait... so the days gone concept was worthy of movie but not a game sequel like the producers were hoping for? this is too strange. sony threw this IP under the bus and now suddenly decided to bring it back for some medicore movie?
OK, jim.
@Jacko11 Then Sony probably saw the game as to mediocre i can understand that the release was really dissapointing.
Such a good game. Definitely deserving of a sequel.
@eltomo majority of the fans loved it. Majority of the so called games media didn't. But it was clear from most of their reviews that they didn't play much of it.
Let's go! Class game, hopefully, this will be decent and will help the push for a sequel
Why waste the money and the resources making a movie, when they could have made a direct sequel to the game. The first game was absolutely fantastic with 9 millions units sold. It deserves a sequel as much as HZD did!
If you think about it, the real reason they're doing this probably has more to do with the success of the Uncharted movie adaptation than anything else. It made a pile of money, and they've got some movie-ready IP ready to go. If it's a success, it helps drive enthusiasm for the sequel. Synergy makes for an easy pitch. (Given the development process, however, I'd be surprised if this makes it to production anyway.)
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