Well, that happened quietly and quickly: filming on Twisted Metal’s television adaptation is complete. We’ve known about the show for some time, but shooting has been much more low-profile than The Last of Us – and is already over. For those who missed the news, Captain America’s Antony Mackie will star as John Doe in the “action comedy”, where he’s tasked with delivering a mysterious package in an apocalyptic wasteland. Samoa Joe will feature as Sweet Tooth, with Will Arnett providing the voice.
Script writer Michael Jonathan Smith eulogised on Twitter: “The cast and crew of Twisted Metal was something special. Even with lightning delays, extreme heat, and cars that wouldn’t do as they were told, everyone worked as hard as they could to make sure Twisted Metal kicked as much as possible.”
He continued: “The last day of shooting felt like the last day of camp, with lots of laughs, a few tears, and ice cream being handed out the back of Sweet Tooth’s truck. We all cannot wait for you to see this insane thing we spent our summer shooting. Now, to post [production]!”
Peacock has secured rights to Twisted Metal, with PlayStation Productions very much playing the streaming field right now. As previously mentioned, it also has The Last of Us coming to HBO Max, while Horizon Zero Dawn is making its way to Netflix. To top it off, Amazon Prime is believed be in negotiations for a God of War series, and there’s also talk of a Gravity Rush television show, with both Gran Turismo and Ghost of Tsushima coming to the big screen as well.
Hopefully we get our first look at Twisted Metal soon – it’s bound to be a wild ride!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 42
Probably the tv/film project associated with Sony first party PlayStation games that I have the least amount of faith in tbh 🙁
Does anyone know why are the IPs distributed between 4 streaming providers? Like if I am interested in all of them, I would need to pay a hefty amount( or 🏴☠️) even if I buy a 1 month sub.
I don't think Twisted Metal will make for good TV. I expected it'll be less fun to watch than a movie in a possible similar vein... Jason Statham's Death Race.
Time will tell.
@Cideco I would guess because Sony's just selling them to the highest bidder. It's not great for consumers, but makes sense on Sony's side because they're basically playing all the competing services off each other.
@Cideco They don't care about you. They care about your money... and all those streaming services want a piece of the pie.
I'm hoping this is good..really need a brand new twisted metal or vigilante 8 game..
Can I just have that Gravity Rush show instead?
Anyway, it’s still strange to me that Twisted Metal is getting a show. I mean, didn’t it peak in popularity 25 years ago? There hasn’t even been a game in series for 10 years.
@somnambulance There's a new one in development, though.
Not really interested in this, I remember playing the ps3 game and I just didn't like it, the game that killed of the dev eat sleep play
Why is it when movies or shows, try to adapt a game, they always seem to throw in their own character. A very generic one, at that. From what I can remember, alice from the resident evil movies, cole in mortal kombat, "john doe" in twisted metal, now. Is it really so hard to adhere to the source material? Considering the rich backstories and characters, already, do we really need to focus on "john doe"?
At first glance, I read that as 'Car crash imminent.'
@PhhhCough John Doe was RoadKill in twisted metal black.
@AllenSnyder face, red..
I still feel the show would benefit from an ensemble style anthology.
Id bet there is a tie in game set to release with the show. You cant just make a show about a video game from generations ago without a new game being made to experience. Same with last of us remake and the show. Anytime there has been a show about a game, the game was recently released.
Do a show on PO’ED. Walk around with a frying pan
I wonder if the creator of the game, David Jaffe had any type of involvement to keep it as close to the games as possible? I’m hoping this show turns out decent
@Yaycandy There are very strong rumours Firesprite Games is making a new Twisted Metal game for PS5. (And probably PC.)
@get2sammyb To be fair it is all rumours at the moment though. The only upcoming PS 1st party games we know from official sources are TLoU Part 1, GoW Ragnarok, Horizon Call of the Mountain, TLoU Factions 2, Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine.
@Grumblevolcano Those and Factions II.
I get why they are spreading the shows to different providers but Peacock? I don't know a single person who has Peacock.
@get2sammyb Honestly, Twisted Metal is one of those few franchises I feel like it would work best in the free to play, live service model. Curious what that’ll end up being like. Twisted Metal reminds me so much of a nostalgic time when PlayStation was for mature audiences, Nintendo was for the kids, and no one quite knew who Sega was for anymore.
Genesis does what NintenDont is burned into my mind. Was on tons of commercials in usa
@PhhhCough John doe has been around since the original game. He's multiple characters and pretty central to the franchise plot.
Have never played a twisted metal game before and thought at first sight that it didn't sound like a good idea, but reading the premise and having Mackie and Arnett involved has me interested. If it's a serialized Mad Max/Death Race I could really enjoy it.
Being in Europe we luckily get most things spread across Netflix/Amazon/Disney so I hope it goes for peacock stuff as well.
i want a game , not a tv show . it’s been over 10 years man wtf
@SinfulDestroyer i think it’ll suck , it’s too raunchy for todays climate . they probably made the show all bright looking too
@somnambulance free to play just means that game will feel half assed so if they ever make the game it should be full price . it was a AAA at one point in time
Why aren't we getting a new game of the series? Why a TV series??? I would love to see how the movie/series of the brand will turn out in the end, but it really sucks that instead of getting a new game for the series we get a TV series or a movie. The same is also happening with the Gravity Rush series of games.
Please be as entertaining as the rejected cutscenes from Twisted Metal 1.
@PegasusActual93 if you're in the US, everybody that has Comcast for their Internet has Peacock.
I just hope Sony announce a PlayStation showcase this week we need to see the future of ps5 soon.
@DeepSpace5D Yeah, added that and Horizon Call of the Mountain to the list. Honestly get the feeling the next PS event will be GoW Ragnarok, PSVR2 and PC focused on the 1st party front.
@Grumblevolcano Sony got to show spider man 2 and some unannounced games. I personally think one of FireSprite games and Guerrilla Games Multiplayer game might get shown at Sony next event.
Let me rephrase that, I don't know a single person who uses Peacock.
@nomither6 @Yaycandy Genesis was huge in the states, but Saturn was not. Almost all the Genesis kids hopped over to PlayStation in my area.
And free to play can be a complete experience. If it’s primarily an online multiplayer game, that’s a way to do it. F2P multiplayer, P2P campaign. That’s what I’d do for Twisted Metal. I mean, gotta remember things like Warzone are a complete experience. Whether you like it or not, F2P can be a polished experience, even if there’s a lot of junk in the genre
Yea thats what i did. I was there lol. Had genesis since usa release. Got the 32x christmas of 94. When ps1 came out i got it shortly after release. Never turned back to sega. I loved sonic but hearing of no sonic game on Saturn, I decided not to get one. It was sad seeing it just become nothing. My local toysrus had a huge sweet tooth head on the floor in the game aisle. Twisted Metal was huge and i had them all up to the ps3 release. Never played the ps3 one. I think Black and 3 are my favorite, mostly 3 because of the soundtrack.
Never got the Dreamcast, i wanted it but a friend had it so i played all the great games without owning it. Saved up for ps2 and got the gt3 bundle. I hope Sega comes back around one day. Something needs to save console gaming imo. Nintendo is the only one still using the standard ways. Sucks paying out for games. But you know they are mostly great. About nintendo and playstation exclusives are the only games worth full price anymore
Watch peacock on virgin!
@Grumblevolcano Most likely Ragnarok and PSVR 2, yeah. But I don’t see too many PC announcements at a showcase event, perhaps one or two if any. I know Returnal has been rumored for a while to be getting a PC port so we’ll see.
I can see Spiderman 2 making an appearance as well.
@Yaycandy I was a Nintendo fan myself. N64 was the first console I ever saved up to buy. Being a child, I had to not spend any money for about two years. Jeez, and to think that I’ve complained about the cost of things in 2022! Anyway, I was always very curious about the Saturn and later Dreamcast as I knew of no one that had either one. PlayStation, however, much like the Genesis, was exotic to me and exciting because my mom wouldn’t let me get one. And yet I had every Mortal Kombat title. Lol. I had borrowed the PS1 a couple times and oddly enough got to experience more games from the console through PC ports. Seems sort of sacrilegious that I played Tony Hawk, Twisted Metal, and Final Fantasy 7 on PC, but that’s reality. I did switch to PS2 the next generation though and entered the “I actually need all the consoles” phase in the generation after that. I definitely agree that Nintendo and Sony exclusives are about the only quality games these days as well. Capcom, Sega, and Square save third parties for me, largely. Wish I could say Rockstar does as well.
Am definitely curious how Twisted Metal could prove current in the modern landscape of gaming. I never played the PS3 game either. The older games seem like antiques of a bygone era. I’m curious how Sony could avoid making Twisted Metal feel similar to… Destruction All Stars. That’s my fear with a new game.
@somnambulance you know warzone wasn’t always free , right ?
@nomither6 Warzone was always free. Played it day 1 and couldn’t believe it was free. Blackout (the Warzone predecessor) wasn’t free, but Warzone was more complete at launch.
Happy to hear filming is complete, looking forward to watching on Peacock sometime in 2023.
Please lord don't let amazon get their grubby hands on God Of War...
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