God of War Ragnarok's 9th November release date is fast approaching, and the excitement is palpable amongst the PlayStation faithful. Kratos' next adventure is getting the Game Informer cover treatment in September (with the digital edition live now), and we know new gameplay footage is coming. Today we learned some tasty tidbits about the game's revamped combat system.
Specifically, a small change to the function of the Triangle button will allow for more combat options. Lead combat designers Mihir Sheth and Denny Yeh outline the changes in a new Game Informer feature, as well as the philosophy behind the decisions. Sheth explains:
“In the last game, if you pressed Triangle, you recalled the axe, but if you already had the axe, nothing happened. If you had the Blades of Chaos and you pressed Triangle, you just went back to the axe. We looked at that concept and wondered, ‘What if you could do something a little bit different with that button – a whole new suite of moves.’”
Now, each weapon will have what is called Weapon Signature Moves, allowing Kratos to fuse them with ice or fire elemental power, respectively. For the Leviathan Axe, this is called Frost Awaken, and for the Blades of Chaos, Whiplash.
In addition, we learned that shields would function differently this time around, with each leaning into a particular playstyle. The Dauntless Shield, for example, will benefit high-skill players, as parrying at the last moment will cause it to glow red, and allow them to unleash a punishing smash attack, stunning enemies and launching them into the air.
The Stonewall Shield, meanwhile, is designed for players that prefer a tankier style of play. You will not be able to parry, instead absorbing incoming damage, which can be built up and released as a shockwave, blasting opponents off their feet. The trade-off is that it becomes more unstable as it takes damage, opening Kratos up to block-breaking attacks.
There will be other shields for players to find on their journey through The Nine Realms, and we can't wait to try them all out for ourselves. What do you think of these enhancements to Ragnarok's battle system? Gird yourself for war in the comments section below.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 27
One of the few games I'll ever buy day 1.
They're right about the triangle button. It felt a bit awkward to me the way it worked, so I'm glad they decided to improve what it does.
I'm so hyped for this game! Cannot wait for November.
More I see that ... axe, more I see Assassin's Creed Valhalla... and more I see that "norse" just don't fit both these sagas.
Sounds good to me. Can't wait to play this.
@djlard I think God of War carries it off better
Awesome, bring it on!!
@djlard AC Valhalla with the Iron-Man outfit definetly not, but Daddy Kratos adventures in the north are very immersive and well crafted.
Cool looking forward too it.
@djlard Norse God of War came out a whole 2 years before Valhalla did, so your comment doesn't really make sense. I also don't understand your point about them not fitting, the amount of work that both sets of devs have done on the mythology, isn't deserving of that.
My main gripe with the first, was that there was a slew of combat moves that you'd barely have time to use or pull off, except in some of the harder challenges (one particular stage, approaching a valkyrie gave a few opportunities), so I'd feel like I was always somehow seeing/ using the same moves. I'd hope for some greater enemy variety and the chance for some slightly tougher foes that will let you really go to town on them with the combos!
One of my main issues with 2018 was the lack of weapon variety but adding different shield types is a step in the right direction. Hopefully we get new weapon types too like hammers, spears, etcetera.
@Korgon If I were a betting man, I could put a lot on Kratos acquiring a certain thunder-powered hammer
Hopefully. It seems too good an opportunity to pass up. 😁
My number one game for 2022. I'm so looking forward to this
@Korgon @Voltan got the feeling that this game will have a sh*t ton of weapons
Yeah. I felt so much confidence un horizon, elden ring and god of war that I bought then before the reviews
A day 1 purchase if I ever saw one. GoW 2018 was incredible.
Really liking the changes they've made to the triangle button and the shield mechanics. I platinumed GoW 2018 on Hard mode (that Sigrun fight took me 4 days!) and expect to like this one as much as the previous GoW. Here's to hoping!
I thought the combat was fine in God of War, I just hope they will have some more enemy variety this time.
Its not really my genre but I'll definitely play this eventually for the sheer production value of it.
Sounds like a lot of QoL changes. I like it!
My next PS5 full-price buy game.
Day 1 purchase for me, no-brainer!
@J2theEzzo Dude, that last trial in Muspelheim where you have to kill something like 70 enemies in a short period of time is certainly one of the greatest moments of my decades long gaming life. Combat has never felt so good.
This will likely be the only full price game I buy this year other than Forbidden West (which I've played through 3 times already, but since that I've mostly been enjoying the backlog I got from PS+ Extra) and if it's even half as good as the last one it'll be worth every penny.
@freddquadros I would be saying this, but A Plague Tale: Requiem is releasing in October and I must have it ASAP!
Also tempted to pre-order Gotham Knights as well, I'm a big DC Comics and Batfamily fan.
@Art_Vandelay that was the part I was trying to subtly suggest, and indeed, was the real highlight of the game for me, also! I'm not saying I didn't like the game or combat, just that I wanted a few more scenarios against seemingly overwhelming odds and scores of enemies at once to feel like a real badass.
I'll just have to boot it up again for new game + and stick it on hard difficulty for a 2nd run before the sequel!
@J2theEzzo You're right. Ragnarok will give us that. Fingers crossed.
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