This is an incredible result for free-to-play platform fighter MultiVersus: it topped the July 2022 NPD software charts for the United States, beating games like Elden Ring and Xenoblade Chronicles 3. The release’s success was driven by Founder’s Packs, which included additional content and provided fans with early access to the emerging hit. That’s seriously impressive.
PS5 is also on the up, as Sony gradually begins to improve the system’s ongoing stock situation. The console enjoyed double-digit growth compared to last year, and generated the most revenue of any format for the aforementioned month in the USA. It was, however, outsold by the Nintendo Switch in terms of raw units.
It should be noted that MLB The Show 22 continues to be one of the best-selling games of the year, and is comfortably becoming one of Sony’s biggest hits in the US specifically. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Gran Turismo 7 continue to sell strongly as well, likely driven by better hardware availability. The industry as a whole is on a downward trend, however, with overall spend in the sector slipping 9 per cent year-over-year.
NPD Software Top 20: July 2022
- MultiVersus
- Elden Ring
- LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3*
- Call of Duty: Vanguard
- MLB The Show 22^
- Mario Kart 8*
- Digimon Survive
- Minecraft
- F1 22
- Kirby and the Forgotten Land*
- Super Smash Bros Ultimate*
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons*
- Overwatch
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus*
- Nintendo Switch Sports*
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
- Far Cry 6
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
- Monster Hunter Rise
NPD PS5, PS4 Software: July 2022
- Elden Ring
- MLB The Show 22
- MultiVersus
- Call of Duty: Vanguard
- Minecraft
- Horizon: Forbidden West
- F1 22
- Gran Turismo 7
- LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
* Digital sales not included
^ Xbox and Nintendo Switch digital sales not included
[source twitter.com]
Comments 30
I contributed as I finally bought a PS5. Not too many hours on it so far but…
Had a smile on my face almost the entire time playing Astro’s Playroom. Loved it. Then made the mistake of moving on to Sackboy… whoops.
@K1LLEGAL What's wrong with sackboy? I want to play some co-op games..
@uptownsoul Now the situation in Taiwan is calm, but if there is an attack, the whole world will look different. Maybe Series S could be shifted from 7 nm to 10 nm with acceptable higher manufacturing costs, but for PS5 and Series X?
It's fantastic to see XC3 getting 4th just on physical copies in 3 days. That game is easily my GotY.
@zebric21 it's pretty good. don't worry, you'll most definitely enjoy it
Ugh, sad to see Far Cry 6 on there still. Unfortunately I contributed to that total at launch and man what a waste of money. Taking away the skill system and making skills only on clothing you randomly get throughout the game is one of the worst game play changes I've ever seen implemented in a modern game.
@Royalblues The controller is bad?! 🤔
@zebric21 it’s fine it just feels so slow after Astro’s Playroom. Also it starts out extremely simple. I was playing by myself though - any game can be fun in co-op so don’t let me stop you. Just the shift of going from one innovative fast-paced platformer straight into another more slower one with a static camera etc probably dampened the experience a bit. I will give it more time for sure.
He's a xbox chill and an play complainer.
Let him enjoy renting mediocre games.
@K1LLEGAL Its a little slow to get going, but its pretty captivating once your into it. Worth giving sackboy a bit of time. I've had a lot of fun with it in 3 player couch co op mode, but its later levels have enough interesting design elements to be a decent one player challange too. It grows on you...
@Royalblues comment of the week right there 👍
@uptownsoul wish you had that same energy for sony then , since the PS5 is honestly mediocre as hell . i think we can all agree the PS4 gen ( aside from the ps5 shortages) had a better beginning than the ps5 all-around , forget about xbox . how’s the ps5 comparing to the ps4 around this time……
@Rafie i mean , i don’t think it’s surprising if some people prefer the DS4 or , don’t like the ps5 controller . The dualsense ain’t really good for shooters & fighters ; but if youre mainly the single player type i’m sure it is good with the gimmicks it has . it’s a casual controller , imo .
not to mention the bad stick drift & less battery life
@uptownsoul opinions can be biased .
@nomither6 about the ps4 having a better beginning, I strongly disagree.
The ps5 had way more and better games at launch and was fully backwards compatible with the previous gen, the first year and half with the ps5 has had better releases than the first year of half with the ps4 also.
@nomither6 I don't think anyone would agree with that nonsense statement.
In what way did the PS4 have a better beginning than the PS5, because it certainly didn't in terms of the games that were on offer. What was available in the first 6 months of the PS4 that comes anywhere close to Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Returnal and Ratchet & Clank?
What was available in the first two years even, other than Bloodborne, that is in any way comparable to all of those titles, plus Horizon Forbidden West, Gran Turismo, and GOW Ragnarok?
Calling the PS5 mediocre is laughable, not only is it superior to it's predecessor in every way when it comes to hardware and functionality, but it's first party releases have been vastly superior as well, all during a global pandemic.
Perhaps you're confusing it with another plastic box that two years since launch has released a garbage Halo, another Forza, nothing in all of 2022, and doesn't have anything of worth coming out in the next 6 months either?
@UltimateOtaku91 kinda not fair to hold backwards compatibility against the ps4 when even the ps5 can’t even play PS3 games . they haven’t done BC better than the ps3 to date , some PS4 games even crash on PS5 at times & a gamestop employee supposedly told me that you cant use a ps4 controller to play ps4 games on ps5 , when i tried to get a DS4 to use on ps5 . idk how true that is but , they were adamant with their mindset when i tried refuting it so ..
and how many of those PS5 releases are cross-platform because , they aren’t legitimate next-gen/ps5 games if you can play it on older hardware ; and how does the ps5 compare to the ps4 2 years into its lifespan around this same time now ?
@Intr1n5ic you can miss me with the Xbox talk , thought i made that pretty obvious that i’m not concerned with Xbox in this particular topic , or console fights at all unless we’re joking , but i know console wars can get serious so i’m disclaiming it again right now .
some of those releases you listed are on ps4 & started on ps4 - the ps4 renovated GoW for the better ( not in my opinion though) and basically made a new IP from it with the newest game releasing on ps4 , horizon started on ps4 and the newest is on ps4 as well , miles morales is a DLC expansion to spider-man that the ps4 also started & it’s on ps4 as well - the ps5 benefits tremendously from the PS4 and still relies on its foundation instead of being a true next gen experience .
it most definitely is a step back in features & functionality ; if we leave games out of this and just talk about the features of the system - uh , yeah , it’s severely lacking with steps back from the PS4 and missing features & it’s services like the new ps plus and backwards compatibility is not as competent as it could’ve been . it’s mediocre , & in 2022 standards and expectations should be higher .
Edit : and the DualSense sucks . flimsy analog sticks that go bad easily and pretty quickly that it can be considered criminal , and the battery is not better than the DS4s ; its overpriced and flimsy .
@nomither6 I know the backwards compatibility isn't great but still, ps5 users had hundreds of games available straight away becuase of that, also ps5 users got the PlayStation plus collection and astro playroom straight away as well, I remember getting my ps4 at launch and all I had was knack and Killzone for about three months, and playstation plus wasn't great back then either.
For console exclusive games the ps4 had two in its launch year being knack and Killzone shadow fall, in its second year it got infamous second son, TLOU remastered, drive club, Bloodbourne and little big planet 3.
In comparison on ps5 at launch we got Demon souls remake, Destruction all stars, Godfall, Bugsnax, astro playroom, and spiderman remastered. And cross gen sackboy big adventure.
On the ps5 since launch we also got ps5 only Returnal, Ratchet and clank, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Ghost of Tsushima Directors cut, Death Stranding directors cut and the uncharted collection. And for cross gen new games we got Gran turismo 7 and Horizon West.
With TLOU remake and God of war Ragnarok to come this year as well.
I think the ps5 has started better than the ps4 but the amount of cross gen games both first and third party has held this gen back unfortunately
@nomither6 So Elden Ring is absolutely terrible because it's cross platform with last gen right? It's such a weak game that's been held back by the Ps4. And Deathloop is the most amazing game ever made since it's only next gen? There's no "holding back" anymore. It's not the PS1 days when games were incredibly limited by memory, storage, CPU, GPU, etc. Now the only thing that limits developers is money and time spent on the project since you can easily scale graphical fidelity back and forward as you need.
@uptownsoul Please never stop trolling the other site. There's so many cringey trolls here that have to mention GP as if they get paid every time they say the word so we need to even things out.
@nomither6 No one said anything about whether he likes it or not. My issue with that was that he said the controller was bad. It isn't.
@Royalblues Wrong about the fighters. I'm an avid fighting gamer for well over 30 years. The PS5 controller is definitely good for them. I don't play a lot of shooters, but the ones I do play...it seemed good to me. I have a PS5, Series X, and a Switch.
I hear ya about your opinions. I just don't agree that the controller is bad though. It's not at all. It's just not your preference. I respect that.
@Dudeman1 what are you even talking about , i never said anything about games being bad because they’re cross-platform . don’t assume things about me without asking , just to fit your idea of a response that basically has nothing to do with what i’m initially talking about
@Rafie i never said you did . i chimed in with suggestions of maybe why someone would say the dualsense is a bad controller .
we all got opinions , and the dualsense got problems
@nomither6 You literally told Otaku that those weren't "legitimate" Ps5 games because they're cross platform and implying they're not as good as Ps5 only games because they can be played on Ps4. To be fair Otaku also mentions the same thing. Either way you're wrong about first party games in the first two years too. You really must not remember the first two years of the Ps4 because it was widely considered that Xbox One had a better first two years.
@Dudeman1 “ and how many of those PS5 releases are cross-platform because , they aren’t legitimate next-gen/ps5 games ”
is literally what i said , im done with you .
@nomither6 I expected a ridiculous response, it's seemingly a lot easier than admitting you're wrong.
Who cares what platform an IP started on, what does that have to do with anything? Your point was that the PS4 had a better all around start to it's life cycle, and then insinuated it was still in a better position 2 years in to it as well, and both are unequivocally false. That's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact.
And what is "A true next gen experience" exactly? because trying to discredit PS5 games that also get released on the PS4 is not something I'm interested in wasting my time talking about. It's one of the stupidest topics of conversation that's arisen this generation and is often perpetuated by ignorant individuals who, at the very least, completely ignore all of the benefits that come with how the game performs on a far superior system. Is playing them at 30fps, in a lower resolution, with much longer load times, all while the system is howling like a jet engine a comparable experience to you?
As for functionality, the PS5 being completely silent, basically eradicating load times, and integrating both the store and it's subscription services in to the dashboard, rather than the slow and clunky external interface you had to load in to on the PS4, are all big steps forward, but i'm guessing you're one of those people who thinks no themes and folders negates all of that.
@Intr1n5ic how is it a stupid topic ? it’s better than Xbox vs Playstation since both systems share like 90-something % of the same games & exclusives don’t even account for the majority and probably even half of either consoles revenue because , at the end of the day , both are mostly relegated to a fifa , fortnite , and call of duty machines . it’s only the small , die-hard & niche minority like on this site that actually keeps tabs on things like this .
“ perpetuated by ignorant individuals who, at the very least, completely ignore all of the benefits that come with how the game performs on a far superior system.”
That has nothing to do with whether a game is “next-gen” or not . you have people emulating 5th generation games on PC at better resolution and frames & the xbox for example plays older 360 games at a better performance , so again - that has nothing to do with the game , it’s the hardware itself . the games were still initially developed for older hardware and are just ported and updated . GTAV is another prime example , it’s still a 7th gen game , because the engine , physics , graphics , etc account for it all looking and playing like one & the limitations of its foundation still remain. just because it’s in clearer picture at a better frame means jack.
MKX was originally made as a cross-gen game and if you got a good eye or sense , it’s pretty noticeable , whereas the jump to MK11 is massive and puts into perspective what a real next gen game is . Same with Call of Duty Ghosts & now look at Modern Warfare 2019 - big difference . it’s not ignorant at all . arkham knight is another one , do you really think a ps3 could run arkham knight ??
@nomither6 Are we moving on from the point you made about the PS4 having a much better all around start then?
Now you're ruling out graphical fidelity and performance as metrics of what's "next gen".
What's your new point, games that come out at the end of a generation better utilise the hardware compared to those that come out at the start? No s**t sherlock. Are you complaining because you're not playing 2026 games in 2022, because those are the comparisons you're making.
We're still in the window where a previous generation continues to be supported and receive the majority of first party releases, as we should be, and that will probably be the case until early 2024. The PS4 still has an enormous userbase of individuals and there will be a substantial amount of them who've been unable to upgrade to the PS5 because of unforeseen circumstances crippling production. This has been a unique transition from one system to the next because of everything that's happened in the last couple of years. In light of that, I personally think what we saw even in the first 6 months of the PS5's launch was extremely impressive with regard to exclusivity and next gen only games, certainly better than the generation before it.
@Intr1n5ic “ What's your new point, games that come out at the end of a generation better utilise the hardware compared to those that come out at the start?”
Arkham knight didn’t come out at the end of the generation , & going back to the ps3 era - COD 4 , Gears of War , GTA4 , etc i can keep going , didn’t come out at the end of their generation and yet we’re all very next gen games ; none of them being cross-gen undeniably had something to do with it is my point .
i’m done
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