Ember Lab’s awesome debut effort Kena: Bridge of Spirits is getting a chunky anniversary update, which will include New Game+ and much more on PS5 and PS4. The patch – due out on 27th September – will bundle in brand new outfits, all unlocked through a game mode named Spirit Guide Trials. These will challenge “players’ skills with a variety of replayable challenges across three different categories: Obstacle Courses, Wave Defenses, and Boss Reflects”.
In addition, new Charmstones will allow you to further tailor the gameplay to your personal playstyle: “These unique collectibles each provide different adjustments to Kena’s stats and abilities.” Meanwhile, the New Game+ mode will not only allow you to bring forward all of your unlocks, but will also adjust the gameplay experience to keep the adventure fresh. To round out the update, there’ll be improvements to Photo Mode and an extra exclusive outfit for Deluxe Edition owners. And yes, there’ll be more hats!
It sounds like this is going to freshen up an already outstanding game, which we awarded a 7/10 in our original review. “The wonderful visuals and music leave a strong impression, while the gameplay is simple but enjoyable,” we wrote. “This is a solid action platformer with lots of personality, and a strong debut from Ember Lab.”
[source ign.com]
Comments 48
Very nice!
I never finished this, but I've been thinking about going back to it lately.
Perfect timing.
Great news! I started it on PS5 but felt bad that I didn't get far and kinda forgot about it. This is good reason to jump back in and start over!
I was hoping they would be full steam ahead on a larger scale sequel by now. Still a nice excuse to go back and slap some logs about.
This was a really pleasant surprise, and I thoroughly enjoyed the game. I’m not sure if I’ll jump back in, but the Spirit Guide Trials sounds enticing. I just wish the Master difficulty wasn’t so brutal so I could get the platinum! 😄
Any trophies being added for the New Game+ and the Spirit Guide Trials?
@Bri-Die There's no mention of it in the report, but you'd like to assume so.
I can’t overstate how excited I am for this. Kena was easily my 2nd favorite game of 2021 and my favorite singleplayer game of that year. Beyond that, this looks like one of the most hefty free post launch updates I’ve seen in a while. New Game +, Kena Cosmetics, new skills, a new equipment system that doesn’t seem overbearing like certain games yet still seems like it could make a difference, and brand new trials. This is like, something Nintendo would sell for a $60 port.
If you haven’t already please try this out. I can’t be more thankful that it’s coming to Steam so PC players adverse to the EGS will now have it on their radar. Hopefully it’ll come to PS+ in the future.
Nice. Was the first PS5 game I bought but never gave much attention to. Gonna be hard to put down Cult of the Lamb.
I liked Kena but the gameplay loop started to get really stale towards the end. Sadly I had to really push through to finish it.
New Game+ should make the Master Difficulty run a lot easier. I gave up on going for the Platinum because of it, it's quite challenging!
@Deoxyr1bose Yeah, Kena was at the very top of my list of favorite games of 2021. It’s such a beautiful and well-made game, I was left scratching my head at some of the stingy review scores it received. Happy to see that its getting an update.
I like the game enough but only played maybe a couple hours so far.
Need to get back to it but I'm not one who needs to fully complete all the things so this update doesn't do anything for me.
Definitely exciting news. Been meaning to replay Kena sometime this year, and this looks like a great excuse to do just that.
Maybe you’ll be able to use the ng+ for the Master Difficulty trophy 🤞
Definitely love this game. It's a bit short, and the combat is a weak point, it gets kind of repetitive and old after a while, but the game world and platforming itself was just fantastic. Glad to see it's getting more content. I don't care about costumes or obstacle courses/boss reflect type content, but NG+ sounds like it has a bit of content changeup in it to make it newer which could be worth another playthrough.
@colonelkilgore That's what I thought too
@helbertpina me too. I gave it a shot but gave up after getting stuck at an impossible fight. I figured the final boss would be too frustrating anyway and quit. Might give it another go now because the game was really good. Just too hard on Master dif.
Been holding out for this to become a PS plus game.
Good lord the Rot are just so damn adorable! I loved Kena back when I played it. Classic PS2 platformer vibes in the best way with some surprisingly deep, fun, challenging combat. I might need to hop back in for this update. Anyone know if I can use New Game + to try master mode for the trophy or do I got to start fresh?
Interested to see how this effects trophies since they’ve patched the exploit. Plan to play it at some point.
No new trophies please, will mess up my completion rate
FINALLY!!! Getting plat for this game is pain in the butt due to the fact that you have to play master mode from a fresh new game. Hopefully we can change the difficulty when starting new game plus.
Can't wait I absolutely love this game a nice excuse to boot it up again ^__^
Sony should buy ember lab.make it happen.word up son
Hopefully with New Game+ we’ll be able to earn the trophy for the hardest difficulty. Last trophy I need for the platinum
Can't wait, love this game
Awesome to see such belated updates, I'm not sure for me though that it's enough to want to play through the story again.
Still, a great first outing by Ember, and I genuinely wish there were more of these 3d platformers that incorporated combat that's more challenging than 3d platformers of old.
@playstation1995 I agree sir. They would be a great fit.
@invictus4000 Yeah I don't know what happened. I was enjoying playing the game and then just forgot about it.
@colonelkilgore i already started the master playthrough so im a little annoyed now XD
@AstraeaV 27 Sept is still over a month away
WHAT!?!?! I just started playing this and I'm about half way through. Perfect timing!
It was a sweet game but I never did finish it. Some of those bosses were rocco.
Awesome news. I love this game and i'm still pretty disgusted it only got a 7...easily a 9 for me...
Liked the game but not one id go back through with these added features. A sequel would be more thsn welcome tho.
Nice news, I enjoyed the game a lot.
@Rafie. No doubt playa.word up son
Interested in playing but the fall season is packed now playing Yakuza, Souls Hackers 2, Last of Us, Diofield, Valkyrie just to name a few in the next month
Will you be able to do master mode in new game plus?
I'm waiting for a psextra to try it out
Highly enjoyed this last year. A free update like this is always appreciated, even if I will probably not take advantage of it as I never do New Game+. I know some people love that in most games, so I'm happy for them at least. I will download the update regardless as I still have it installed.
@Richi-388 @ROBLIVION @Leon_93 @Korgon @GagaOooLaLa @colonelkilgore @helbertpina @Th3solution Fingers crossed we are able to start a New Game+ on Master Spirit Guide difficulty, I don't see why they wouldn't allow it.
My only issue is I already beat the game on normal and overwrote it with a new Master Spirit Guide playthrough, got pretty far before I was stuck on an annoying boss tight.
@Danloaded Same problem here! I'd have to replay the entire game again on Easy/Normal first before I can unlock New Game+.
Think I'll wait and see if they add any future story content/DLC first (those Spirit Guide challenges don't count).
Yeah Master mode sounds pretty brutal. I think I'd be a bit more confident if I at least had the skills already unlocked to start but I might still give it a try here soon even if I got to start fresh.
@KidBoruto yeah I found the combat a bit unbalanced and clunky. It wasn’t bad but even on normal difficulty it wasnt great so I didn’t want to spoil the game by playing on Master. Hopefully with NG+ and carrying over progress and weapons it will be a better experience
Was and is an excellent video game.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits looks astonishing. Is on par with Pixar graphics and then some. Kena: Bridge of Spirits is easy to get in and hard to master. I am currently playing it now.
@KidBoruto luckily i made a manual save after doing the collectables on normal so i should be ok XD
@Richi-388 @Korgon It'll be awhile before I attempt the NG+ since I'll have to start a brand new easy/normal playthrough all over again, but will eventually try it out...
@Danloaded Sadly I don't think I remembered to make a separate save file, so I'm kinda screwed lol.
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