Update: We wrote in our original article on PS Plus Premium (and PS Plus Deluxe) that it’s possible Sony may have some surprises in store for its highest membership tier, but the catalogue of All PS Plus Games for PS Plus Extra has refreshed today – and there are no additional games for those podding out for PS Plus Premium. That means there are zero extra PS3, PSP, PS2, or PS1 games.
As we mentioned below, Sony may see the value in PS Plus Premium as cloud streaming, but it’s clear from the comments and our own observations that many members are subscribed for the classic games. For the refreshed service to not offer any additional perks in only its second month is extremely poor. No one would accept this if PS Plus Essential effectively took a month off, which is what has happened here.
Original Article: PS Plus Premium subscribers are understandably baffled by August 2022’s update, which doesn’t appear to include any additional benefits for members of the top-tier. While we’d argue this is another strong month from a PS Plus Extra perspective – the middle tier is clearly establishing itself as good value for money – those podding out the most cash are getting no apparent advantages this month.
Now, while we don’t think it’s likely, we still should entertain the possibility that Sony is staggering its PS Plus Premium announcements. For example, last month it added PSP puzzler Echoshift to the selection, with no prior communication of that fact. We know that Ridge Racer 2 has been added to the PS Store, and Resistance Retribution has been rated for release.
But even in the unlikely instance these titles are added to the service on 16th August, it’s clear that consumers expected the classic games catalogue to expand quicker. Sony may argue that PS Plus Premium primarily exists as a means to offer cloud streaming, but judging by our own observations it seems many have subscribed on the promise of retro releases. And that’s not to speak of PS Plus Deluxe.
It’s possible that the platform holder is delaying content while it rectifies the NTSC and PAL issues it’s promised to overcome, but if that’s the case, a bit of communication with consumers wouldn’t go amiss. To be honest, the entire concept of PS Plus Premium seems confused: by the manufacturer’s logic, Yakuza Kiwami and Trials of Mana – two remakes – should be locked to the highest tier service like various other re-releases and remasters already available in the so-called Classics Catalogue, but both will be included with PS Plus Extra from 16th August.
While we’re willing to give the company the benefit of the doubt until it’s found its footing with its new subscription plan, we assumed it would be quietly stockpiling content prior to launch to make the first few months as attractive as possible. That no longer looks to be the case – concerningly, Nintendo’s own highly criticised Switch Online option is doing a better job when it comes to offering a consistent flow of classic content.
Hopefully this is just a blip, and Sony is able to add value to its highest tier over time – otherwise we can see members settling for PS Plus Extra and calling it a day. Still, if you’d like to see everything currently available for PS Plus Premium, you can find a full list in our All PS Plus Games guide.
[source pushsquare.com]
Comments 94
"Sony may argue that PS Plus Premium primarily exists as a means to offer cloud streaming, but judging by our own observations it seems many have subscribed on the promise of retro titles."
I think this is the key point. If Sony really believes Premium subs are coming from people who want to stream games, they're out of touch.
Hopefully we get more classic games sooner rather than later, because Premium's got some serious PS2 Classics program vibes, and we all know how that turned out.
Like Sammy says, I only went Premium for the classics. I have no interest in streaming.
I'm all for Premium, but I was just thinking earlier today that I might drop to Extra on my next payment and just buy the classic games that I want when they release them.
I have most of the ones I want already from the PS3 days, so they'll just be in my library already whenever they release on the new Plus.
At the same time I really don't mind waiting for Premium to expand and I don't need it to do so every month. Extra is getting Metro Exodus this month. That will keep me busy.
For the quality of its content, Extra is really looking like a serious sub service. If Sony could get some established service based titles on there, the likes of FF XIV and Destiny, plus their own future service titles, they wouldn't need to worry as much about where titles like CoD go.
I automatically got the highest tier because I was subscribed to both Plus and Now, but if continues like that I'll definitely renew just as extra. Less expensive and basically the same games.
Who cares about cloud gaming. The premium subscribers like myself subscribed in the hopes of getting classic games back of which we have had few of quality added to the service to this point and ps is a rollover from ps now
I do wonder at Sonys marketing. I mean, just stagger the release of Premium until you have a stockpile of games. Same situation for them, less bad press.
@ShogunRok Presumably they'll look at the metrics and see that a relatively small number of people are streaming their games. At least that's what we assume. Maybe they'll change tack after that.
Would love to see them just merge Premium and Extra. That service would be amazing.
It’s bizarre how crap Premium is. I got it from my Now subscription but I probably won’t bother renewing given how little they care about it.
Got to agree that cloud gaming is niche and not a high priority for gamers, its the classic games that people are subscribing to the premium tier for, and so far it has been poor.
Id reccomend the Extra tier as its way better value
There are a ton of great PS3 games while PS2 and PS2 are lacking some its only less than 2 months in and I paid less than $60 for Premium for the year since already had PS+
I'm on Extra as I have no interest in cloud gaming, also I have most of the classics anyway. At the moment I think Extra is over delivering and Premium is under delivering.
They want people to stop caring about ports of retro classics so they don't have to keep working on them to try and make it work 😅 and they are doing a damn fine job of it I must say.
The fact premium means really awful looking games has always seemed baffling to me.
Pretty sure Premium will focus on getting those big game demos coming through in the next few years, and then it will feel a bit more premium. Or maybe focus on a few quality remakes of classics, that would be nice. Maybe include The Last of Us remake wink wink Max Payne etc
If PS Premium was a footy team, it would have Fred and McTominay in midfield and Rashford up front.
When Sony will just be open about it and explain for instance that emulating the games proves a little trickier than expected and the games will be added eventually, it's totally fine by me. People seem a bit impatient, although Sony should open up. Let's not forget it's only € 1,70 a month more than PS Plus Extra.
I don’t know about you guys, but I like streaming games on the service, honestly. Pick up and go with games can be sort of nice. Don’t need to download RDR2, for instance, if I just want to do a casual session with the game randomly. I have an Xbox Series S strictly for streaming games too. As long as you’ve got solid internet, streaming is pretty nice. I mean, I still download titles and purchase more games than the average person, but the cloud streaming thing is wonderful for those casual sessions with random games when you don’t want to clear up precious hard drive space. That said, Sony needs to do better with the classic catalog because I know my taste for this is uncommon amongst both casuals and the hardcore gamers.
At the moment (3 months in) Premium makes no fiscal sense. Streaming is nice but everything I've streamed so far I thought to my self - man, I wish I could just download this...
There’s no doubt Extra has been fantastic so far, but Premium has been an incredible let down. For only the second month of this new service I think it’s something they should honestly be embarrassed about. Especially since they’ve removed games like Sky Cooper and Silent Hill that were already on PSNow, to likely give Ps+ Premium a couple “big” future announcements. Without monthly additions of classic PS1-PS3 games I’m leaning towards dropping it in favor of just Extra for now since they’re already showing us there’s not much of reason to be continually signed up.
I had a feeling Premium would get off to a slow start but to have nothing for a month? Yikes. Hopefully they pick up the pace for people paying for that. Get MGS1, Resistance Retribution, Killzone 1, Killzone Liberation, Sly Cooper trilogy, etcetera.
Who cares about the services. It's about the unique games.
The second tier is okay, the third is a joke.
Extra is great and i'm happy to keep subbing to that along with Gamepass alongside it but Premium is just a waste of money right now, if you could download the PS3 games it would be different but as it is there's zero reason for me to sub.
Didn’t they say prior to launch of the new Plus that there would be months with multiple updates? Maybe there’s another an the way?
Just give me The Getaway and Getaway Black Monday with trophies Sony. Thats all I ask
They could have at least added the Mario Kart DLC like the Switch got.
The Premium tier is just as confused as Kiryu's forever angry face.
Should've released with much much more classics than it did they actually advertised it as having hundreds of classics but what it actually was , was most of the streamable PS3 games that were already on ps now aswell the ps2 games that have been available for purchase in the store for years & were also part of ps now & then a few miserable ps1 / psp ROMs
Cloud streaming is a poor excuse since we don't even have as many games to stream as we did back when it was branded PS Now. As it is now premium has been a pretty terrible value for money and almost a step back to what we used to have. Extra is killing it though.
So you are all just gonna completely ignore the fact Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5 remasters are on premium, that's a bargain if you ask me. Paid 50 new for all three of those in a boxset on release day. Or is I missing the point somewhere. Not defending premium by the way
@TaMpA_bLaCk it's only less than 2 months into their new tier system but ps now has been around for almost a decade & they've had PS2 games available to buy on the store for years but only bothered with a few titles
Couldn’t live with the poor streaming performance. Even the chance of hiccups is something that takes me out of a game constantly. Would much rather just delete a game if needed, not like it takes long to re-download. Or just prepare and do it overnight if a person has poor internet.
That’s not this month though is it?
Also a bit poor them putting 0,1,2,6 on extra, but if people get into them they need to upgrade to premium (which you need to do for your whole subscription) in order to get the full story.
Sony, just give me Castlevania: Lament of Innocence as a PS2 Classic!
@Danloaded Man, those were great games! I miss them.
@thefourfoldroot1 oh OK so that was the point I was missing, thought it was for this month. On the Yakuza345 situation well Playstation has to include something on premium or else what is the point of premium existing as an option if everything is going straight to Extra only and can't they just upgrade to premium if they wanted it. Y0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2 and Y6 cost me a total of a little over £200 on release days. Yakuza 5 only released in Japan in 2012 and then the rest of the world three years later in 2015 but digital only for PS3. Yakuza 5 physically took till 2020 to arrive outside of Japan
Cancelled mine last month.
Only get time to play one game at a time will resub when there’s a game on there I want to play then cancel again once I’m done.
A lot of doom mongering also the new subscription has only been available for 2 months.
Well i must admit i'm a lot more impressed with extra than i thought i would be..it cost me less than £15 to upgrade for the remainder of my current sub and its just kept on giving..not seeing any reason to not continue with extra and i'm sure as hell not seeing a reason to upgrade to premium..
Sadly, the playable demos seem to be the best feature of the premium tier.
My upgrade to premium cost me $5.88/yr and I am not sure it was worth it.......
I just want to play Metal Gear Solid on the PS5.
Oh, I’m not arguing the value of Yakuza. It’s my favourite series of all time. Even have all the plats, including for Judgment, Lost Judgment, and FotNS.
Just saying that getting people hooked through, 0,1, and 2, then making them upgrade to play the rest is not great. You can’t just upgrade a month after all. If I was in that situation I’d have to upgrade 3 years worth!
Sony needs to come up with at least one new classic title added per month to the premium tier, and it should be given the full premium treatment, including added trophy support.
I doubt most who tried Premium are doing it for the streaming or the limited amount of demos. It was the nostalgia to play beloved classics that got people to try the highest tier.
If Sony can’t recognize that, I doubt the Premium tier will retain many subscribers in the long run.
The argument that streaming provides the reason behind a premium tier is so nonsensical. If they'd get a proper PS3 emulator running, then perhaps 1-5% would actually use cloud streaming, which might even represent current numbers.
The only way to justify that logic is to provide proper android and iOS apps and improved streaming quality for portable streaming.
@thefourfoldroot1 we don't make these decisions unfortunately. I had 2 months remaining on my 3 month plus sub when the new tiers arrived to UK. So what I've done is changed my essential 3 month plus sub to 12 months essential which starts on the 23rd August and also on that date is when I'll upgrade to premium for 12 months. There's a lot of options for premium going forward, not only just streaming PS3 and PS1 classics, there's PSP, PS2, potential free dlc for premium and potential day one indies or potential day one double AA for premium. Yes extra got day one Stray but some day ones might only be available on premium in the future I dunno. Although I'll admit premium doesn't look great at the moment especially when you look at RE1 no trophies which is annoying when some do and some don't. In 4 to 10 months down the road though premium could be a much more sexier sub?
I don’t think anything other than classics and streaming, plus the demo thing I guess, would be with plus. Otherwise they’ll start eating into the Extra tier. May as well just combine them into one service if they do that - at which point all Extra owners will get upgraded to premium and you’ll look a little silly, lol
@thefourfoldroot1 the fact is we don't know what's in the pipeline for premium for the remainder of this year and going into 2023 and its barely a few months old right now as it is so I'm not one to come out jump the gun to early and roast it just yet lol
@thefourfoldroot1 there's also things like when new dlc arrives (for let's say HFW for example) it could be half price on premium
This whole service seems to be a reluctant compromise rather than a fully supported product.
@Daveuppercut isn't every single service somehow a compromise anyway. You know things like xbox having trillions in the bank to compromise all their day ones on their service. There's always a compromise for every business running a service for subs. All these services don't know what will be a hit and what won't for attracting more subs. There's always a compromise
I see Trials of Mana in the thumbnail and I just had to comment how awesome it is.
@Shepherd_Tallon Exactly, I had premium for the classics too and there not putting another effort into it.
Could. Yes. Very well could. Could, could, could…lots of things could be; lots of things should be…I’m not going to make any unsupported presumptions though.
I'm on Premium until March because I had both PS+ and PS Now, but come April, there's no way I'll be staying on Premium, I'll definitely be dropping to Extra..
@thefourfoldroot1 iknowyh I'm just pointing out some possibilities for premium cause I'd like it to succeed. Trophies ain't for everyone but it be really weird for me installing a game on a modern console on premium without any trophy support especially now when we've had trophies for 99.999% of every game released on a Playstation for the last 15 years. That's my only real complaint about premium so far is trophy support, some do some don't which doesn't feel premium much
Complete joke! Even the Extra tier tbf. They have to put out DAY ONE releases like Microsoft does all months...no I'm not talking about God of War...I'm talking about indies like Stray! Gamepass has a ton of day one indies, some good some great! And if Sony doesn't do that this service, with the lack of classic games, is a joke
Yes, to be honest, I wouldn’t play a game that didn’t have a trophy campaign. Simply because it makes a game better and there are so many games I’m yet to play that has this activity.
Upgraded to Premium on the promise of classic games, particularly from the PSP which has one of the most underrated libraries of any system ever. I'm willing to give it time to grow but Sony's putrid communication is what ticks me off. Just let people know wtf is going on, it really isn't that difficult.
Yeah like premium just ain't worth it tbh, downgraded to extra just yesterday.
@AFCC we all know gamepass is better, but it's also $80 more per year (I think) than extra, so it's relative. For a guy like me who only games for maybe 40 minutes a day, whether a game gets to PS+ this year or next year is irrelevant. Also I'd prefer quality first party titles a year or 3 later over quick ones.
Sony are clearly on the Nintendo model of utter disappointment when it comes to that 3rd tier. Thankfully they're a little closer to the MS model when it comes to the middle tier. Not as good as Game Pass but decent value for money. Tbf to them they have the leg up on MS with the low tier monthly games. I think they pioneered that model too, didn't they?
@ApostateMage and Ten Haag as manager.
Sony should just have a basic and a premium tier. They are making things hard for themselves.
If I had paid £99 for it, yeah, I'd be quite disappointed if this carries on.
Luckily through discounted codes I spent equivalent of £84.
I wouldn't start to be worried, they've only skipped 1 month.
Playstation is embarassing lol this is unacceptable to be honest
Unless they are delaying these games to add trophies (doubt it) its pathetic this is happening already in the second month.
PS+ Deluxe has to be the worse deal in gaming
I wonder whether the vast majority of Premium subscribers are Plus and Now subscribers who were automatically shoved into the highest tier. In that case the neglect they're showing here might be explained - not justified, mind you - but explained to some extent. But I can't imagine any scenario in which this sort of bad press is worth whatever scheming (or lack thereof) is going on behind the scenes. I get the general sense that Sony's marketing team are in disarray and quite poorly managed.
I don't know what everyone's annoyed about, the clue's in the name. As in, "retro games are at a premium"
@MetalGear_Yoshi actually it's even worse with Sony compared to Nintendo now. With the Switch Expansion Pack you're basically guranteed to have at least 1 N64 game and 3-4 Mega Drive/SNES games per month added to the service, sometimes even more, they kept to this schedule for more than half a year at this point.
Right now PS Plus Premium basically has no scheduling or a lot of interest from Sony if they can just skip a month so willy-nilly.
The article we all needed.
Remember that this comes off the back of the news that Sony are paying devs to keep their games off of Game Pass.
Like I said, Sony are spending money to make both Game Pass and PS Plus worse.
It boggles the mind that Sony is spending money to keep games off of Game Pass instead of spending money to put more games onto PS Plus.
@KidBoruto that means they have skipped 50% of months. Can we skip paying and still expect access?
It was obvious this would happen though as Sony refuse to commit to what you actually get for the service.
Sony's masterplan of doing away with streaming and retro games, like they did with accolades, is working. Fill them, or not, with poor selections. Then say "no one plays them".
Not no one. I accept it. Got premium on discount anyway. Tried Syphon Filter among classic offerings, noted the controls did not age well. So yes I have 0 interest in classic games and this doesn't bother me at all
Premium is one of those products that you want to have the ability to like, but it just doesn't happen. A beterer tier of Plus for not much more money sounds like such a good idea, but in reality it has little additional on it, it offers streaming but not for current gen games, inexplicably, making Stadia actually come out ahead even if it's dead, and the only real feature it offers is the ability to pay money to play free demos on a timer.
Extra is a great value as-is, but Premium is kind of insulting that they pretend it's meaningful with a straight face. "The parrot isn't dead, it's just resting."
@naruball hey at least it wasnt another the last of us remake whatever it is article..ps+premium is the new tlou remake..
I'll only excuse the slow trickle of ps classics of they're working on including trophies in EVERY future release. Otherwise this is way too slow and streaming ps3 games isn't worth the price alone.
Massive disappointment. I'll give Sony a pass for now because the service is new. But the premium tier better start becoming worth a damn by October. Inexcusable that MS does a better job with its back catalog of Xbox games than Sony does with its catalog given the legacy PlayStation has. Don't want to hear the lame excuses either.
Just give them some time and relax… It’s € 1,70 (…) a month more than Extra and Extra is overwhelming so far. What is everyone complaining about? If I had to pay another € 1,70 a month I’d happily do so.
@MinerWilly *Ten Hag. Great manager by the way, he brought us to the semifinals of the CL.
@Northern_munkey give 'em time. They'll be plenty soon. Same topic with a slightly different title.
@ShogunRok Sony is delusional. I can't stream a game trailer through my PS5 without it stuttering and losing picture. No problem with any of my streaming services, just Sony.
Also, haven't been able to stream a single game. Apparently I don't have fast enough internet. Works with everything else though.
Ridiculous that the most expensive service got nothing new. Total madness.
My psn premium account expires in November, I won't renew it unless there are some drastic changes.
I dont subscribe, but recently realised I could download PS1 Resident Evil as I owned it on PS3, which was good.
@Ambassador_Kong One thing that you need to take into account is that latency is the most important factor when streaming. Even if you have high latency, you'll be able to stream fine your Netflix shows as the device has the ability to buffer the data to make for any drops or make for it, and it will only take a little bit long to start streaming
For gaming it is entirely different - high latency makes it pretty much unusable, from input lag, artifacts, etc. Gaming streaming is much more picky than on demand video.
The most frustrating aspect for one of the big seling features the Deluxe/Premium,(Deluxe Territory here),tier "classic games library" promise has been the zero communication/promotion of it.
Given the lack of in-house published titles, there doesn't feel like there's a large PS team assigned to converting titles,nor chasing up 3rd party content.
There's zero interaction of "Remember these? What ones would you like to see of these ones?"
They have resources for a full priced TLOU2 remake,but didn't have time to polish up the Jak & Daxter titles from its original ps4 classics release?🤔
There hasn't been any additional ps2 titles added since the discontinued ps2 classics on ps4 releases,just a rehashed Jak that was already available. No Ratchet,no God of War,nevermind the 3rd parties.
And ps1 candidates (like those on the legacy ps3 store),have sadly been few & far between.
Not to mention the muted response to a choice of PAL/NTSC versions & not much said since.
It just sadly feels like it was thrown together at the last minute without actually adding the development resources to work on producing the quality emulation results & output matching the "Deluxe/Premium" price tag.😑
@Casco i figured that, but I can't even stream a game trailer from Sony, so I'm not sure why they think they can manage game streaming.
@Darude84 yeah but now he has a team of prima donnas...good luck to him as he is going to need it..
@JaaackTommyyy ps+ extra is far from the bare minimum. As for Premium, it's below the bare minimum.
Pretty sure it’s all been setup to fail anyways
It is an amazing remake.
I played the crap out of it on my Switch.
Even with the wonky resolution of that version, the base game is so good that it overcomes the issues. It’s a hell of a lot of fun.
folks want everything all at once or else.....then when there's nothing left to add they complain about why they didn't spread it out.
What's PS+ Deluxe, ik the other 3 but this is the only place I've heard deluxe
Whats the point of premium really?
@ShogunRok 100% agree and the cloud streaming Tbf isn’t that great not like we get a dedicated app where you can play on your mobile or tablet without the ps being on I’ll be downgrading for now still Sony ups their game Xbox games pass is till a superior service
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