Marvel's Spider-Man is a goldmine for Sony; the character is immensely popular across basically all media, appealing to a wide audience, and Insomniac Games put together a truly brilliant open world adventure the superhero deserves. It's just a win all around; no one's unhappy about Marvel's Spider-Man. There's just one thing that some fans can't accept, and it's this: the game is, really, for babies.
Obviously we're just joking — it's for toddlers and small children too — but to drive the point home, we have video proof that Peter Parker's PlayStation outing can be played by even the smallest of infants. Twitch streamer Goldy has evidence of his son, who's less than two years old, kicking butt in the Manhattan streets:
Can't really argue with that, can you? Undeniable proof that Spidey is for kids. Easy peasy.
In all seriousness, it's actually pretty impressive, and we couldn't help but share it. Insomniac likes the video just as much as we do, sharing it on its socials too:
Are you as skilled as this baby at playing Marvel's Spider-Man? Are you willing to admit that you aren't? Let's hear the truth in the comments section below.
Comments 22
Makes sense now why it's selling so well on PC.
That’s genuinely impressive. I was really quite young when I started playing but not that young!
This baby will be platting Elden Ring and Sekiro in a few years
N.i.c.e.I was 4 years old when i started playing video games on my atari.haha.good times.word up son
Better than most of the streamers on Twitch
That baby needs more practice… 🤪
Future speed-runner in progress.
Not at the table Carlos.
Better than the Polygon guy who played Doom 2016.
Dunking on the PC Master Race. Savage 😆
Baby presses punch button a few times
"OmG hE's a pRO!!"
Do you understand what joking around is?
They are the radical vegans of gaming.
Y'all just make articles just to make them at this point. One of the dumbest ones I've read to date.
Could probably get past the Cuphead tutorial
Unlike that one guy.
@Milktastrophe so you admit that PC gamers are actually child prodigies ahead of their times?
@Beerheadgamer82 That baby's gonna grow up to be an epic gamer one day.
at least someone is having fun catching pigeons...meh
This guy is full of S**t! He gave his kid a controller to keep him quiet whilst he plays the game! I did this with my brother! He then records his kid as if he is playing it. False news. Full of crap. Nice try pal
I know I'm a bad dad (I'll get that out there now!), but when my son was 4 in 2006 he just wouldn't sleep at night, and so I would sit and play Gears of War at well past midnight, and he would sit quietly alongside me and watch, until he fell asleep and I could put him back to bed. Just to be clear, we used to put him to bed at the normal times, but he would literally scream the house down, and keep the other children awake, and so bringing him downstairs was a last resort.
By the age of 5, he was playing Gears of War 2 horde with me. When he reached the age of 9 or 10, he would join myself and my friends when we played horde in Gears of War 3, and he would constantly outplay all of us. He would play as a sniper and pop heads all day long. He was simply ridiculous!
Now, at the age of 19, he is one of the most laidback people you could hope to meet. He still games, but only occasionally, and video games certainly haven't had the negative effect on him that the mainstream media would so often have you believe...
I'm trying to get my 3 year old girl to play some Mario Kart. Even though automatic turns (keeps you on the road at all times) is on, she's horrible at it. I let her play about 15 minutes every week for the last year and it still hasn't clicked. (I would let her play more, but she loses interest.)
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