Update: Sony had “no involvement” with Death Stranding’s release on PC Game Pass, despite the platform holder owning the intellectual property and funding the development of the title. “Matters relating to the PC release of Death Stranding are managed by Kojima Productions and 505 Games,” a spokesperson told us. “SIE has no involvement in this promotion.”
It raises the question: how has the Japanese giant managed to negotiate a licensing deal where it has zero control over where its product is ultimately distributed? Obviously, we’ve seen a similar situation unfold with MLB The Show.
It’s perhaps worth pointing out that the PC Game Pass version of the release will be based on the original Death Stranding campaign, and not its expanded Director’s Cut. The latter was also published by 505 Games on storefronts such as Steam, so it’s possible a different licensing arrangement may have been drawn up for that particular version of the game.
Original Story: We knew it was happening, but here’s the official announcement – complete with a blog post on Xbox.com, just to rub it in. Death Stranding – a game fully funded and owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment, and running on first-party studio Guerrilla Games’ engine – is coming to PC Game Pass from 23rd August, 2022. It’ll even include Xbox Achievements! So much for the platform holder paying to keep games off the subscription, eh?
The press release almost reads apologetic, and includes an explanation of why the title is coming to Microsoft’s service: “[The release will] provide players with greater access to Hideo Kojima’s genre-defying title, in which they’ll reconnect a fractured America, one step at a time,” the marketing materials explain. “Death Stranding tells a ground-breaking story of perseverance through an emotional adventure that those in the Microsoft community can now experience for the first time.”
It should be underlined that 505 Games is the publisher of Death Stranding on the PC, and therefore will have initiated this deal. However, it remains utterly baffling to us that Sony has signed contracts where it has so little control over its own products it’s seemingly unable to prevent situations like this from occurring. The same thing has happened with MLB The Show twice now – a game which is wholly developed by a PlayStation Studios developer.
Nevertheless, Death Stranding is a phenomenal adventure, so we sincerely hope people enjoy it. And seeing as the title is already included with All PS Plus Games, this is less of a slap in the face than Sony’s prior Game Pass releases, where it asked PlayStation players to pod out full-price while allowing Microsoft gamers to enjoy at no extra cost.
Comments 133
Sony must have some of the worst negotiators on the planet. How they continue to get embarrassed like this is beyond me...
@SinfulDestroyer not really, god of war and Spider-Man are among the most sold games on ps4 and yet they still made their way to PC.
Didn’t Death Stranding underperform? Wonder if this is a way to recoup costs/make a lot more money.
@SinfulDestroyer i couldn’t help but laugh when i read “ complete with a blog post on Xbox.com, just to rub it in “ 😂 i’m grabbing my popcorn for this one , lol !!
bro this is like porting a Mario game to a PlayStation console
My dream, one day all games on one console on day of release from whatever owned studios 😊
Just imagine turning that console on
One minute playing Mario Odyssey the next GOWR the next Forza Motor sport, all on day of release.
That has surly got to be gamers heaven.
It kind of makes me chuckle - At this rate there's going to be more new first-party PlayStation games on Game Pass than new first-party XBOX games.
PlayStation is dead
Meh, goes both ways, we have had Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo, both xbox owned games, plus we also had Physconauts 2 and minecraft games
@Vivisapprentice A very valid point. Good shout.
@Mhoney it was left stranded
@Vivisapprentice All deals/announcements made before any acquisitions took place, though.
Ah yes, big deal, Sony is clearly doomed again. Guess I might want to avoid twitter today 🙄
I wonder how much Sony gets for this appearing on GP?
This is awesome another big L for the fanboys and another W for the people who just wanna save a bit of cash on their games, but PC game pass app sucks so it's a nope for me😂
@JudgeDredd Literally said this in our Slack chat the other day and the others seemed to disagree. But the similarities are striking to me!
Sony is just about money and money nowadays. No interest in making good products and the consumer. It's a shame but I wouldn't be surprised if going forward the quality of their exvlusives declines because of forced live service crap.
First they are afraid of Call of Duty becoming exclusive, then they give away MLB, Death Stranding, all games on PC...at this point Microsoft should just buy Playstation...
@Futureshark will they get anything? 505 games is the publisher on PC so Sony might not see much - other than possibly a licensing fee for the use of the decima engine per 'copy sold'
Sony probably signed a deal with 505 allowing them after 12 months of being on steam to put it where they want to
@get2sammyb Is it that big a deal though?
The game has already released twice on PlayStation and once on PC.
If I wasn't bored at work I wouldn't know anything about this.
@get2sammyb how so? Sony will be getting paid massively for this. Its a win. All your articles are negative. When there is no need to be.
"Hideo Kojima’s genre-defying title, in which they’ll reconnect a fractured America, one step at a time"
If only connecting the fractured console fanboys were so easy.
@SinfulDestroyer you can say that again, my man took personal offence. Imagine still living with that pov
Playstation funded Kojima Death Stranding and couple years later ends up on GamePass
Xbox funded Kojima next new project whatever its gonna be called and in a couple years will never come to PS plus
You know I've never understood the recent backlash of PS paying to keep games off GamePass when everytime Xbox do a deal for a game to be on GamePass day one automatically means it can not go onto PS plus for a very long time. It has the exact same outcome. Hypocrisy at its most finest
Wake me up when a PS5 exclusive makes it to PC within 2 years - we get the same outrage with every PC port of a PS4 game, and people prophesising day one PC releases of first party games.
Not that I'd be against it personally, but I don't think monetising the previous generation's games to people who haven't bought the console when given almost it's entire lifespan in which to do so speaks to that as a strategy.
Wasn’t this the “boring Amazon simulator” when launched exclusively on PlayStation? Kinda funny seeing Xbox/MS fanboys hyping the game up now. Death Stranding still isn’t my cup o' tea though.
I'm still confused how this is so shocking. 505 published it on PC so they have the final say. Plus it's been on PC for a while now. This is just a different delivery method for PC players to play it. Plus if we are concerned Sony was asleep at the negotiating table (not sure why anyone would care about this anyway but) keep in mind the game was not available on GP for years since launch. That was probably part of the deal with 505.
Think of it like Playstation's strategy for bringing PS games to PC. You squeeze money from potential buyers on console and then a few years later put it out on PC to squeeze more money from potential buyers. This is just a 3rd step in the same process.
Honestly I wouldn't be shocked if GOW and Spider-Man showed up on the GP service at some point either down the road. It's just business folks, that's all it is.
Why is this a shock? MLB The Show has already had 2 games launch on Gamepass day one?
@Korgon Because it's Sony's product. Hypothetically, if I was licensing out my product, I'd still want to have a final say on what happens with it.
Personally I think it's insane, but y'all welcome to disagree.
Now it can send some PC gamers to sleep too. This game was so boring.
It’s coming to pcpass big whoop de do. Sony’s other pc ports will probably show up on pcgamepasspc, ***** Sammy probably already has those angst articles already written up.
@Dezzy70 I will happen eventually. The only hardware made by Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo will be controllers designed for their games. You'll be able to subscribe to PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo to stream/download and purchase games digitally. I also think companies like Sega, Capcom and maybe Konami will lock their content behind their own streaming services too.
The whole wave of acquisitions this gen seems to suggest that the major players are trying to snap up as many IP as they can afford so they can justify a yearly subscription in the future.
But it's not a director's cut
@get2sammyb It is insane! Surely there could have been something in the contract with 505 to prevent this. Sony selected them as the PC publisher so clearly Sony was calling the shots. Something has clearly slipped through the cracks.
Whats next? Horizon? Uncharted? Spider-Man? Ridiculous...
Right and I think they had their say when they negotiated with 505 to be the publisher. There was probably a part of the agreement that said "You can't put this on Game Pass PC for a few years until after launch." It's basically the same concept as their console to PC strategy (at least for the time being anyway).
good! more people should play the game, was an exclusive for 3 years and the conversation has moved on. the console wars stuff is tiring
Isn't the news rather that the mighty ms which owns half of the publishers still needs playstation games to make their service attractive
@Vivisapprentice people seem so caught up in console war crap that they forget this is a good thing for the consumer. More people getting to play the game is a good thing for us, the customer. Why would a person be mad that more people are getting to play a game? I don't get it.
@Fenbops lol, your comment made my day!
@__jamiie I know subs aren’t a popular thing with many. But I like this. I don’t want to stick with just one box, but I have a full time job and a house. Im busy. I get to game MAYBE, 3 to 4 hours a week.
Being able avoid $1,000 bucks plus, just to enjoy games is nice. I’d rather spend it elsewhere. So for me being able to just sub here and there is awesome, and worth it. If I toss down 10 bucks a month and get, say, 20 hours of enjoyment out of it, the. It’s worth it. I don’t want to OWN every damn thing out there. I have a small physical collection, and I don’t see a point in adding more. I don’t want to pay 50+ bucks, for something I might touch twice.
So yeah man, anything that makes it easy for ME? I’m all for.
@Greifchen why is it ridiculous? You would prefer people don't get to play these games? How does that benefit you or anyone? More games on all platforms is a good thing for the customer. More ways to play.
@get2sammyb "And seeing as the title is already included with All PS Plus Games"
Isn't DS only included with "Extra", not "Essential", so it isn't included with ALL PS+ games, only the more expensive tier. Unless they added it to The Game Collection on PS5 but I have that and don't think they did. I would count it as "all" for TGC even though it still wouldn't be all b/c PS4 games can't play it even though they pay for PS+ b/c Sony is just bad at this.
Pfff, why bother. This game has been gathering dust in bargain bins since six months after release. If PC players can get some joy out of this then let them have it.
It has some unique and fun gameplay, but story wise, leaving Kojima unlimited creative freedom has only brought self indulgent, lengthy and unengaging stories. The core idea has potential, but he should hire a script editor.
@rjejr Click the link and it tells you everything you need to know.
I’m confused about why pushsquare thinks Sony should have stopped this from occurring. This is a PC game. It’s nothing to do with Xbox.
The game, and the Director's Cut, are already on PC so this isn't that surprising in my eyes.
I know the games were console exclusive to Sony's consoles but like Sammy says in the article, 505 ported it to PC so they very easily could've had a hand in this.
I usually agree with you Sammy, but this is one time where we definitely split. I don't really see this as that big of a deal, and I don't think this is at all comparable to a case like MLB The Show being available day one on Game Pass. I'm sure the finer details of how this became possible were negotiated long before Game Pass became the juggernaut it is now and way before Sony's huge desire to port more stuff to PC. I just don't see the big deal in a near three year old second party console exclusive that they never had PC rights to going to PC Game Pass. If anything, this is another unintentional ad for the really weird and cool stuff that PlayStation can sometimes offer on their side of the pond.
More people get an opportunity to try out a game, how blasphemous!! Going to boycott Sony and throw away my PS5's!!!!
Its really not that big of a deal.
@redd214 @RBMango I don't think I ever said it was a big deal, did I?
@thefourfoldroot1 It's posted on Xbox.com and the Xbox YouTube channel.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Yeah but, as you say, it’s PC game pass.
Can sony please add games to premium? Also stop doing work with 505 games
Great game for Gamepass, but it sucks that its only the base game and not the Director’s Cut. That’s the definitive version to play.
@get2sammyb My comment wasn't directed at you but I guess it touched a nerve lol. Keep up the good work champ!
This is exactly what I said in the other thread 505 is the publisher and has control of the PC port. Either way people are overreacting like it's coming to Xbox. It's already on PC for Christ's sake. Also they're not even getting the superior Directors Cut version.
@get2sammyb Not those exact words, but the tone of the article and some comments come off as a little alarmist when you say things like "it remains utterly baffling to us that Sony has signed contracts where it has so little control over its own products it’s seemingly unable to prevent situations like this from occurring" and "Sony must have some of the worst negotiators on the planet. How they continue to get embarrassed like this is beyond me..." I think calling this situation "embarrassing" is a little much.
I can't believe I'm going to defend Sony here, but I've always assumed that a major thing Kojima had in his contract is that he wanted this game to be on PC, and 2015 era PlayStation just didn't have the finesse nor desire to spend the resources to port it. Fair enough to 2015 PlayStation, because they were a totally different culture compared to the PlayStation we have now. The MLB The Show situations are embarrassing, no doubt. But Death Stranding going to PC Game Pass seemed inevitable to me.
@Beerheadgamer82 I think u'll find games that are on GP can go on ps plus ...bugsnax for example is on GP now and ps plus, so no automaticlly can't go on ps plus /extra etc
@uptownsoul This 100%. Was PC GP even a thing when Sony signed their deal? If so they wouldn't have had a chance to put in a stipulation in the contract.
@Milt its not even close to that. Now if it was Ratchet & Clank, then the comparison would be closer. The first thing you think about when someone says Nintendo is Mario. No-one is thinking of Death Stranding when you mention Playstation.
@uptownsoul I'm sure it'll come to the cloud so anyone with decent internet and a screen should be able to
@AFCC TBF, MLB was not their decision. If they didn't go multiplat they'd loose the license.
@get2sammyb Why is this embarrassing? I'm sure they had to bend a little to get Kojima on board. Plus, this isn't a treasured IP. And MLB isn't on Game pass to my knowledge. It was MLB's wishes to have it cross platform and I think that's a good thing. Once God of War releases, people will forget all about all this.
This would be even funnier if Death Stranding was not available in PS Plus Extra/Premium...
...but it's funny nonetheless
A whole lotta overreacting to this
"The press release almost reads apologetic"
Really? Come on now.
I mean. They got one of the worse first party games, and that's better than just a car sim for a next gen offering.
They should just register PlayStation as a charity with the way things are going.
@SinfulDestroyer I only have PC game pass and it's not on there.
Why? because the game comes out on PC? There are a lot of Playstation exclusives coming out on PC, so why not this one? And let's face it, I don't think this game would sell many numbers on PC. So via gamepass is a nice bridge to still play the game if you want to. And I'm guessing Microsoft has donated some money to Sony to get this done. Sony is really not a stupid company, on the contrary...And be honest, you know that with such texts you provoke spicy discussions and so article clicks = money.
@uptownsoul In Sammy's defense, he was talking about how the contract itself was full of so many holes it permitted 505 to do this, not that they had immediate control over the game. We're talking about the same Sony that tried to make an in-the-contract end-run to grab the future rights to Mario right under Hiroshi "Totally Not a Yakuza, Honest!" Yamauchi's nose. Contracts with holes is not a thing they're known for....
OTOH, @get2sammyb cover image is pure troll bait and you know it.
@Richnj If Kojima built a game that was all a subversive plot about console wars, I would no longer think he was an overrated ego machine.
@Orpheus79V Seriously people are acting like the game isn't already out on PC.
Sony will be taking a large percentage cut of all DS sales on the GamePass platform.
505 will have needed the blessing of Sony to have done this.
I give no F's about it being on GamePass as it's a truly wonderful experience and it should be played by more.
@Royalblues I'm a huge fan of the earlier metal gear games and also zone of Enders, but these games were made under certain budgetary and creative limitations. Blank checks never made anything good, both in games and movies. It's important for people to remember that making a big game is a group effort and are not made by a single auteur geniuses. This is different with indie games of course, like braid for example.
I do still hold some respect for Kojima and the talented team he leads, but I have no patience for people like David Cage and Peter Molyneux.
@Dezzy70 I can do that as I got all 3 machines - but would really love to just own one of them that can play them all.
The best perspective on here...lol...
@mvhess 23rd it comes out
Edit : sorry I thought u meant death stranding
Maybe this is why sony bought nixxes, etc. So they wouldnt have to rely on outside devs/pubs for pc releases. Bad contract negotiators? Maybe. Not much you can do against a billion dollar juggernaut like the MLB, with whom sony is enjoying a very successful partnership with. But 505 games? I dont know how or when or where sony lost the rights for a pc release, but there it is.
@get2sammyb lol. Nobody ever in the history of making a big deal of something actually starts by saying 'Hey I'm making a big deal of this'. That's just the view of the people who have been present to someone having their panties in a twist who's then got their soapbox out for a good old rant and rave about nothing of any real importance. So yes it very much does come across as you making a big deal of it.
Maybe just start a new Friday feature and call it Sammy's Soapbox. You can unload your perceived injustices in the Sony universe and get it off your chest in tone for a relaxing weekend. Everyone else can unwind from the week with a good old fashioned laugh.
Honestly, who cares? There's a bunch of Microsoft games on PS+ Extra. If you're against Death Stranding on game pass then you need to be against Fallout, Doom, Prey, etc being on Extra too.
Me to but just one machine would be so less expensive and a lot more tidy and under one UI eco system.
@uptownsoul Yeah but my point, and I assume Sammy's, is the Sony contact with 505 ought to have been tight and future proof... They didn't need to know about gp to exclude it by name, you'd think the contract wouldn't have open ends. Especially a Sony contact. These guys trap idols.
This newly ran Sony is some kind if pathetic. Ever since Shawn Layden stepped down they have tripped and stumble at every turn.
I'm sure Sony benefits from it to some degree too. Otherwise why not just publish it themselves ?
well at some point this whole exclusive game must stop. The best way is to bring games even 1 year later to all platforms. Keep it exclusive for 1 year to your console and then release it everywhere, that's the best model for maximum profit for the companies. Who wouldn't wanna play GOW on xbox or Horizon 5 on playstation? Hope we live enough to see this one day.
@uptownsoul The nature of drafting legal contracts is to make it so it covers ANY future, known or not. That's kind of the point
@Ken_Kaniff Nah, Andy House, Layden probably wouldn't have been involved in this kind of thing. That said this contract probably did come from the House/Layden era, so it may be their error after all.
@uptownsoul No doubt there's a lot of absurd loopholes in a lot of contracts. But they're all embarrassing and often inexplicable.
I'm happy for the PC gamers that will finally get to play this thru their Game Pass subscriptions!
@Octane they just want more money without paying more for the exclusivity then?
Keep in mind, of course, that ol' Jimbo has been saying lately that he's taking PlayStation "multiplatform." After all, Bungie isn't going to be making PS exclusive games despite their Sony ownership. So the idea of having PS games on rival services isn't too farfetched at this point. All the while, of course, Sony tells us that Gamepass isn't sustainable and we existing PS users are stuck paying full price for MLB: The Show, among what could be other things...
So maybe this wasn't so much a case of Sony negotiating a bad deal as it was Sony being more blatant in their waning interest towards the existing PS userbase.
@Vivisapprentice thanks for seeing the things differently 🌹
The problem is not that gamepass is getting this and MLB the Show... The problem is that.PS+ does not offer any Microsoft first party games or any AAA games at launch at all
@PhhhCough I think they just gave 505 the rights since this was before they decided they wanted to make PC versions themselves. Back in 2015 they had no interest in that and only agreed for Kojima's sake.
@DualWielding Well... it kind of does. Bethesda is a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft, and you can play Bethesda games on PS Plus. Soon Activision will be the same.
Updated with more information.
It's not on xbox.....
Its on ps+ extra......
Its been on PC for two years....
Its not the directors cut.....
People need to chill, it's not a big deal as people are making out, if you are a console gamer then you still need a playstation to play this game and the incentive is playstation still has the better version via the directors cut
@get2sammyb Getting worried about you Sammy. Hey, did you notice the spider....
@Bleachedsmiles the spider was also in the original poster art, but there's a few on twitter acting like it's new and means spiderman is next lol
@UltimateOtaku91 some people just want to watch the world burn
Removed - inappropriate language
@UltimateOtaku91 This. Sammy and other people who just want to jump on the negative Sony train making this out to be much more than what it really is.
Also @get2sammyb Sony signed a deal with Kojima for the game in 2015. Gamepass wasn't even a thing then so how could Sony put in a stipulation to keep it off a service that never existed? 505 paid whatever they did to be the PC publisher so they had the rights to the PC version and can do what they want. If anything Sony must be pissed at 505 Games and I wouldn't be surprised if they never partner with another publisher on a game like this again which is actually a good thing.
@get2sammyb how do you know that Kojima Productions didn’t have the negotiating power when signing the deal with Sony? For example, They would be allowed to choose the publisher for PC? This is great for Kojima Productions going forward.
If Sony wanted to publish it on PC and care about nick picking about which PC players have access wouldn’t they have negotiated that too? They weren’t there with their own capabilities, and to be frank - neither was XBox on PC.
Seems like you aren’t taking your own hindsight into consideration, the deal between them was what - several years ago?
If you are a true fan of the game and it’s team, this is great news. If you care more about how console privilege makes you feel - then you get hyperbolic over it, forgetting about the timeline and logical circumstances.
Who cares if a two year old game comes out for a different platform. Besides its the only way Xboxers can play a good game.
I would go farther and put it on Xbox gamepass, the days of bragging about exclusives is coming to an end anyway so let's move along 🤷
'Old pc game comes to pc service shocker'.
It's pretty pathetic anyone cares? If it were on xbox or it were a day 1 release, then theres something to talk about. This story though, and the reactions to it, are frankly laughable, and make me wander if theres any sanity left in the world..
So let me get this straight:
That it?
@WadeIsInsane well, Sony isn't the publisher, so that argument is invalid.
@gaston Nope 😘
@get2sammyb At least it's better than mlb the shows on xbox series gamepass on launch day 😂
@Dezzy70 but money!
@NeThZOR PlayStation is literally propping up Gamepass.
@Juanalf yup and it’ll be a good day when it ends
"Meh, goes both ways, we have had Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo, both xbox owned games, plus we also had Physconauts 2"
This argument doesn't really make any sense as Microsoft had nothing to do with these deals, they didn't own any of them studios at the time when the deals went through. Microsoft had no say in the matter.
If you take out all the rubbish games on Gamepass you will just end up with Death Stranding & MLB The Show as to two games worth playing then + I just get the feeling that Jim Ryan is obsessed with bringing PlayStation Exclusives to PC to :-/ Exclusives should be Exclusives ALWAYS :-/ Oh well.
Looks like any involvement they had was only for the PS version.
"So much for the platform holder paying to keep games off the subscription, eh?"
"It raises the question: how has the Japanese giant managed to negotiate a licensing deal where it has zero control over where its product is ultimately distributed?"
I'm loving the flip flopping between "Sony isn't blocking game pass games" and "why didn't Sony make sure they could block this game going to Game Pass".
im happy this is happening more people will play it ,there will be more interest.
were all gamers i love getting the chance of playing good playstation games on pc now xbox wow.
exclusives should be timed. lot of peeps out there prefer a pc , lot of peeps prefer a console vice versa games should be played dont matter on what.
happy gaming guys
@get2sammyb This was before their big PC push, so more like a massive oversight, I think. And MLB the Show was pretty much out of their hands
The original game came out in 2019 and was exclusive to the PS4 at the time. I'm pretty sure no one at Sony is losing sleep over this coming to Game Pass on PC, especially since Sony has likely gotten all of the money they can out of it. Also, as mentioned in the update part of the article, the PC Game Pass version isn't the updated Director's Cut, so it's not the definitive edition of the game.
Feels strange that Sony didn't want to ultimately have the rights to publish Death Stranding on PC especially considering how much more they're pushing towards putting their games on PC now.
Wow if this keeps up, I will never have to buy a Playstation ever again.
But Death Stranding is not a First party playstation game......
@Vivisapprentice you do know deathloop and the other game were in the making before Microsoft bought the company and said they would honor the deals PlayStation made before the acquisition.
Come on people use your brains....
@Futureshark might not get much or anything
@Milktastrophe not the same... All the games you mentioned were multiplatform or already planned for a PlayStation release before Microsoft bought the companies..... Also Microsoft stated any deals Sony made with the companies before the buyout they will honor
@PupTwilight so what you're saying is it is the same then. Death Stranding is already multiplatform. Fallout 76 was added to PS Now after Microsoft's purchase of Bethesda was finalized, and the deals for anything added before then would've been renewed after the acquisition since PS Now/Extra are not for the rest of time (the standard being 18 months).
@get2sammyb I mean the game is old, and apparently didn't meet expectations. This is about a whole lot of nothing tbh. It's not even the director's cut and it's still porting to a "PC" platform.
Like who cares? Heavy Rain, Detroit, MLB, there's other stuff published by Sony that appears on other platforms. It's almost like you want console warring to be a forever thing? Shouldn't we be for platforms becoming more agnostic?
If it's already on Steam, being on PC Game Pass isn't a very big deal. When it's on console Game Pass that will be more interesting.
Also: it's absolutely hilarious (and tragic...) that there are people who think a game coming to more platforms is a negative thing. I'll leave it at that. Sincerely, someone who owns a PS5, an XSX, a Switch and a PC.
The two most recent games mentioned there were already signed for release before the studios were bought. Wasn’t Minecraft also already on Sony consoles before MS bought Mojang?
MLB and Death Stranding are completely different cases.. A bit baffling to be honest. Feels sloppy of Sony. But good for all gamers ofc!
Sony needs to protect it's identity or it'll become a console exclusive for casuals.
Push Square will rename to Push WASD.
What an absolute kick to the nuts lol. I'm glad I've got a PC and PS5 but having the latter is becoming more and more unnecessary imo
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